getChildField('Country'); } /** * @return NumericField */ public function getAreaField() { return $this->getChildField('Area'); } /** * @return NumericField */ public function getNumberField() { return $this->getChildField('Number'); } /** * @return NumericField */ public function getExtensionField() { /** @skipUpgrade */ return $this->getChildField('Extension'); } protected function getChildField($name) { $endsWith = "[{$name}]"; foreach ($this->getChildren() as $child) { /** @var Formfield $child */ if (substr($child->getName(), 0 - strlen($endsWith)) === $endsWith) { return $child; } } return null; } public function __construct( $name, $title = null, $value = '', $extension = null, $areaCode = null, $countryCode = null ) { $this->areaCode = $areaCode; $this->ext = $extension; $this->countryCode = $countryCode; // Build fields $fields = new FieldList(); if ($this->countryCode !== null) { $countryField = NumericField::create($name.'[Country]', false, $countryCode, 4) ->addExtraClass('phonenumber-field__country'); $fields->push($countryField); } if ($this->areaCode !== null) { $areaField = NumericField::create($name.'[Area]', false, $areaCode, 4) ->addExtraClass('phonenumber-field__area'); $fields->push($areaField); } $numberField = NumericField::create($name.'[Number]', false, null, 10) ->addExtraClass('phonenumber-field__number'); $fields->push($numberField); if ($this->ext !== null) { $extensionField = NumericField::create($name.'[Extension]', false, $extension, 6) ->addExtraClass('phonenumber-field__extension'); $fields->push($extensionField); } parent::__construct($title, $fields); $this->setName($name); if (isset($value)) { $this->setValue($value); } } public function setName($name) { parent::setName($name); foreach ($this->getChildren() as $child) { /** @var FormField $child */ $thisName = $child->getName(); $thisName = preg_replace('/^.*(\[\\w+\\])$/', $name . '\\1', $thisName); $child->setName($thisName); } } public function hasData() { return true; } /** * @param array $properties * @return string */ public function Field($properties = array()) { foreach ($this->getChildren() as $field) { /** @var FormField $field */ $field->setDisabled($this->isDisabled()); $field->setReadonly($this->IsReadonly()); $field->setForm($this->getForm()); } return parent::Field($properties); } public function setValue($value) { $this->value = self::joinPhoneNumber($value); $parts = $this->parseValue(); if ($countryField = $this->getCountryField()) { $countryField->setValue($parts['Country']); } if ($areaField = $this->getAreaField()) { $areaField->setValue($parts['Area']); } $this->getNumberField()->setValue($parts['Number']); if ($extensionField = $this->getExtensionField()) { /** @skipUpgrade */ $extensionField->setValue($parts['Extension']); } return $this; } /** * Join phone number into a string * * @param array|string $value Input * @return string */ public static function joinPhoneNumber($value) { if (is_array($value)) { $completeNumber = ''; if (!empty($value['Country'])) { $completeNumber .= '+' . $value['Country']; } if (!empty($value['Area'])) { $completeNumber .= '(' . $value['Area'] . ')'; } $completeNumber .= $value['Number']; /** @skipUpgrade */ if (!empty($value['Extension'])) { $completeNumber .= '#' . $value['Extension']; } return $completeNumber; } else { return $value; } } /** * Returns array with parsed phone format * * @return array Array with Country, Area, Number, and Extension keys (in order) */ protected function parseValue() { if (is_array($this->value)) { return $this->value; } // Parse value in form "+ countrycode (areacode) phone # extension" $valid = preg_match( '/^(?:(?:\+(?\d+))?\s*\((?\d+)\))?\s*(?[0-9A-Za-z]*)\s*(?:[#]\s*(?\d+))?$/', $this->value, $parts ); if (!$valid) { $parts = []; } /** @skipUpgrade */ return array( 'Country' => isset($parts['Country']) ? $parts['Country'] : '', 'Area' => isset($parts['Area']) ? $parts['Area'] : '', 'Number' => isset($parts['Number']) ? $parts['Number'] : '', 'Extension' => isset($parts['Extension']) ? $parts['Extension'] : '', ); } public function saveInto(DataObjectInterface $record) { $completeNumber = static::joinPhoneNumber($this->parseValue()); $record->setCastedField($this->getName(), $completeNumber); } /** * Validate this field * * @todo Very basic validation at the moment * * @param Validator $validator * @return bool */ public function validate($validator) { $valid = preg_match( '/^[0-9\+\-\(\)\s\#]*$/', $this->joinPhoneNumber($this->value) ); if (!$valid) { $validator->validationError( $this->name, _t('PhoneNumberField.VALIDATION', "Please enter a valid phone number"), "validation" ); return false; } return true; } public function performReadonlyTransformation() { // Just setReadonly without casting to NumericField_Readonly $clone = clone $this; $clone->setReadonly(true); return $clone; } public function performDisabledTransformation() { // Just setDisabled without casting to NumericField_Disabled $clone = clone $this; $clone->setDisabled(true); return $clone; } }