array('Versioned'), "VersionedTest_WithIndexes" => array('Versioned'), ); public function testUniqueIndexes() { $tableExpectations = array( 'VersionedTest_WithIndexes' => array('value' => true, 'message' => 'Unique indexes are unique in main table'), 'VersionedTest_WithIndexes_versions' => array('value' => false, 'message' => 'Unique indexes are no longer unique in _versions table'), 'VersionedTest_WithIndexes_Live' => array('value' => false, 'message' => 'Unique indexes are no longer unique in _Live table'), ); // Test each table's performance foreach ($tableExpectations as $tableName => $expectation) { $indexes = DB::get_schema()->indexList($tableName); // Check for presence of all unique indexes $indexColumns = array_map(function($index) { return $index['value']; }, $indexes); sort($indexColumns); $expectedColumns = array('"UniqA"', '"UniqS"'); $this->assertEquals( array_values($expectedColumns), array_values(array_intersect($indexColumns, $expectedColumns)), "$tableName has both indexes"); // Check unique -> non-unique conversion foreach ($indexes as $indexKey => $indexSpec) { if (in_array($indexSpec['value'], $expectedColumns)) { $isUnique = $indexSpec['type'] === 'unique'; $this->assertEquals($isUnique, $expectation['value'], $expectation['message']); } } } } public function testDeletingOrphanedVersions() { $obj = new VersionedTest_Subclass(); $obj->ExtraField = 'Foo'; // ensure that child version table gets written $obj->write(); $obj->publish('Stage', 'Live'); $obj->ExtraField = 'Bar'; // ensure that child version table gets written $obj->write(); $obj->publish('Stage', 'Live'); $versions = DB::query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM \"VersionedTest_Subclass_versions\"" . " WHERE \"RecordID\" = '$obj->ID'")->value(); $this->assertGreaterThan(0, $versions, 'At least 1 version exists in the history of the page'); // Force orphaning of all versions created earlier, only on parent record. // The child versiones table should still have the correct relationship DB::query("DELETE FROM \"VersionedTest_DataObject_versions\" WHERE \"RecordID\" = $obj->ID"); // insert a record with no primary key (ID) DB::query("INSERT INTO \"VersionedTest_DataObject_versions\" (\"RecordID\") VALUES ($obj->ID)"); // run the script which should clean that up $obj->augmentDatabase(); $versions = DB::query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM \"VersionedTest_Subclass_versions\"" . " WHERE \"RecordID\" = '$obj->ID'")->value(); $this->assertEquals(0, $versions, 'Orphaned versions on child tables are removed'); // test that it doesn't delete records that we need $obj->write(); $obj->publish('Stage', 'Live'); $count = DB::query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM \"VersionedTest_Subclass_versions\"" . " WHERE \"RecordID\" = '$obj->ID'")->value(); $obj->augmentDatabase(); $count2 = DB::query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM \"VersionedTest_Subclass_versions\"" . " WHERE \"RecordID\" = '$obj->ID'")->value(); $this->assertEquals($count, $count2); } public function testForceChangeUpdatesVersion() { $obj = new VersionedTest_DataObject(); $obj->Name = "test"; $obj->write(); $oldVersion = $obj->Version; $obj->forceChange(); $obj->write(); $this->assertTrue( ($obj->Version > $oldVersion), "A object Version is increased when just calling forceChange() without any other changes" ); } /** * Test Versioned::get_including_deleted() */ public function testGetIncludingDeleted() { // Get all ids of pages $allPageIDs = DataObject::get( 'VersionedTest_DataObject', "\"ParentID\" = 0", "\"VersionedTest_DataObject\".\"ID\" ASC" )->column('ID'); // Modify a page, ensuring that the Version ID and Record ID will differ, // and then subsequently delete it $targetPage = $this->objFromFixture('VersionedTest_DataObject', 'page3'); $targetPage->Content = 'To be deleted'; $targetPage->write(); $targetPage->delete(); // Get all items, ignoring deleted $remainingPages = DataObject::get("VersionedTest_DataObject", "\"ParentID\" = 0", "\"VersionedTest_DataObject\".\"ID\" ASC"); // Check that page 3 has gone $this->assertNotNull($remainingPages); $this->assertEquals(array("Page 1", "Page 2"), $remainingPages->column('Title')); // Get all including deleted $allPages = Versioned::get_including_deleted("VersionedTest_DataObject", "\"ParentID\" = 0", "\"VersionedTest_DataObject\".\"ID\" ASC"); // Check that page 3 is still there $this->assertEquals(array("Page 1", "Page 2", "Page 3"), $allPages->column('Title')); // Check that the returned pages have the correct IDs $this->assertEquals($allPageIDs, $allPages->column('ID')); // Check that this still works if we switch to reading the other stage Versioned::reading_stage("Live"); $allPages = Versioned::get_including_deleted("VersionedTest_DataObject", "\"ParentID\" = 0", "\"VersionedTest_DataObject\".\"ID\" ASC"); $this->assertEquals(array("Page 1", "Page 2", "Page 3"), $allPages->column('Title')); // Check that the returned pages still have the correct IDs $this->assertEquals($allPageIDs, $allPages->column('ID')); } public function testVersionedFieldsAdded() { $obj = new VersionedTest_DataObject(); // Check that the Version column is added as a full-fledged column $this->assertInstanceOf('Int', $obj->dbObject('Version')); $obj2 = new VersionedTest_Subclass(); // Check that the Version column is added as a full-fledged column $this->assertInstanceOf('Int', $obj2->dbObject('Version')); } public function testVersionedFieldsNotInCMS() { $obj = new VersionedTest_DataObject(); // the version field in cms causes issues with Versioned::augmentWrite() $this->assertNull($obj->getCMSFields()->dataFieldByName('Version')); } public function testPublishCreateNewVersion() { $page1 = $this->objFromFixture('VersionedTest_DataObject', 'page1'); $page1->Content = 'orig'; $page1->write(); $oldVersion = $page1->Version; $page1->publish('Stage', 'Live', false); $this->assertEquals($oldVersion, $page1->Version, 'publish() with $createNewVersion=FALSE'); $page1->Content = 'changed'; $page1->write(); $oldVersion = $page1->Version; $page1->publish('Stage', 'Live', true); $this->assertTrue($oldVersion < $page1->Version, 'publish() with $createNewVersion=TRUE'); } public function testRollbackTo() { $page1 = $this->objFromFixture('VersionedTest_DataObject', 'page1'); $page1->Content = 'orig'; $page1->write(); $page1->publish('Stage', 'Live'); $origVersion = $page1->Version; $page1->Content = 'changed'; $page1->write(); $page1->publish('Stage', 'Live'); $changedVersion = $page1->Version; $page1->doRollbackTo($origVersion); $page1 = Versioned::get_one_by_stage('VersionedTest_DataObject', 'Stage', sprintf('"VersionedTest_DataObject"."ID" = %d', $page1->ID)); $this->assertTrue($page1->Version > $changedVersion, 'Create a new higher version number'); $this->assertEquals('orig', $page1->Content, 'Copies the content from the old version'); } public function testDeleteFromStage() { $page1 = $this->objFromFixture('VersionedTest_DataObject', 'page1'); $pageID = $page1->ID; $page1->Content = 'orig'; $page1->write(); $page1->publish('Stage', 'Live'); $this->assertEquals(1, DB::query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "VersionedTest_DataObject" WHERE "ID" = '.$pageID)->value()); $this->assertEquals(1, DB::query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "VersionedTest_DataObject_Live" WHERE "ID" = '.$pageID)->value()); $page1->deleteFromStage('Live'); // Confirm that deleteFromStage() doesn't manipulate the original record $this->assertEquals($pageID, $page1->ID); $this->assertEquals(1, DB::query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "VersionedTest_DataObject" WHERE "ID" = '.$pageID)->value()); $this->assertEquals(0, DB::query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "VersionedTest_DataObject_Live" WHERE "ID" = '.$pageID)->value()); $page1->delete(); $this->assertEquals(0, $page1->ID); $this->assertEquals(0, DB::query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "VersionedTest_DataObject" WHERE "ID" = '.$pageID)->value()); $this->assertEquals(0, DB::query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "VersionedTest_DataObject_Live" WHERE "ID" = '.$pageID)->value()); } public function testWritingNewToStage() { $origStage = Versioned::current_stage(); Versioned::reading_stage("Stage"); $page = new VersionedTest_DataObject(); $page->Title = "testWritingNewToStage"; $page->URLSegment = "testWritingNewToStage"; $page->write(); $live = Versioned::get_by_stage('VersionedTest_DataObject', 'Live', array( '"VersionedTest_DataObject_Live"."ID"' => $page->ID )); $this->assertEquals(0, $live->count()); $stage = Versioned::get_by_stage('VersionedTest_DataObject', 'Stage',array( '"VersionedTest_DataObject"."ID"' => $page->ID )); $this->assertEquals(1, $stage->count()); $this->assertEquals($stage->First()->Title, 'testWritingNewToStage'); Versioned::reading_stage($origStage); } /** * This tests for the situation described in the ticket #5596. * Writing new Page to live first creates a row in VersionedTest_DataObject table (to get the new ID), * then "changes it's mind" in Versioned and writes VersionedTest_DataObject_Live. It does not remove * the VersionedTest_DataObject record though. */ public function testWritingNewToLive() { $origStage = Versioned::current_stage(); Versioned::reading_stage("Live"); $page = new VersionedTest_DataObject(); $page->Title = "testWritingNewToLive"; $page->URLSegment = "testWritingNewToLive"; $page->write(); $live = Versioned::get_by_stage('VersionedTest_DataObject', 'Live',array( '"VersionedTest_DataObject_Live"."ID"' => $page->ID )); $this->assertEquals(1, $live->count()); $this->assertEquals($live->First()->Title, 'testWritingNewToLive'); $stage = Versioned::get_by_stage('VersionedTest_DataObject', 'Stage',array( '"VersionedTest_DataObject"."ID"' => $page->ID )); $this->assertEquals(0, $stage->count()); Versioned::reading_stage($origStage); } /** * Tests DataObject::hasOwnTableDatabaseField */ public function testHasOwnTableDatabaseFieldWithVersioned() { $noversion = new DataObject(); $versioned = new VersionedTest_DataObject(); $versionedSub = new VersionedTest_Subclass(); $versionField = new VersionedTest_UnversionedWithField(); $this->assertFalse( (bool) $noversion->hasOwnTableDatabaseField('Version'), 'Plain models have no version field.' ); $this->assertEquals( 'Int', $versioned->hasOwnTableDatabaseField('Version'), 'The versioned ext adds an Int version field.' ); $this->assertEquals( 'Int', $versionedSub->hasOwnTableDatabaseField('Version'), 'Sub-classes of a versioned model have a Version field.' ); $this->assertEquals( 'Varchar', $versionField->hasOwnTableDatabaseField('Version'), 'Models w/o Versioned can have their own Version field.' ); } /** * Test that SQLSelect::queriedTables() applies the version-suffixes properly. */ public function testQueriedTables() { Versioned::reading_stage('Live'); $this->assertEquals(array( 'VersionedTest_DataObject_Live', 'VersionedTest_Subclass_Live', ), DataObject::get('VersionedTest_Subclass')->dataQuery()->query()->queriedTables()); } public function testGetVersionWhenClassnameChanged() { $obj = new VersionedTest_DataObject; $obj->Name = "test"; $obj->write(); $obj->Name = "test2"; $obj->ClassName = "VersionedTest_Subclass"; $obj->write(); $subclassVersion = $obj->Version; $obj->Name = "test3"; $obj->ClassName = "VersionedTest_DataObject"; $obj->write(); // We should be able to pass the subclass and still get the correct class back $obj2 = Versioned::get_version("VersionedTest_Subclass", $obj->ID, $subclassVersion); $this->assertInstanceOf("VersionedTest_Subclass", $obj2); $this->assertEquals("test2", $obj2->Name); $obj3 = Versioned::get_latest_version("VersionedTest_Subclass", $obj->ID); $this->assertEquals("test3", $obj3->Name); $this->assertInstanceOf("VersionedTest_DataObject", $obj3); } public function testArchiveVersion() { // In 2005 this file was created SS_Datetime::set_mock_now('2005-01-01 00:00:00'); $testPage = new VersionedTest_Subclass(); $testPage->Title = 'Archived page'; $testPage->Content = 'This is the content from 2005'; $testPage->ExtraField = '2005'; $testPage->write(); // In 2007 we updated it SS_Datetime::set_mock_now('2007-01-01 00:00:00'); $testPage->Content = "It's 2007 already!"; $testPage->ExtraField = '2007'; $testPage->write(); // In 2009 we updated it again SS_Datetime::set_mock_now('2009-01-01 00:00:00'); $testPage->Content = "I'm enjoying 2009"; $testPage->ExtraField = '2009'; $testPage->write(); // End mock, back to the present day:) SS_Datetime::clear_mock_now(); // Test 1 - 2006 Content singleton('VersionedTest_Subclass')->flushCache(true); Versioned::set_reading_mode('Archive.2006-01-01 00:00:00'); $testPage2006 = DataObject::get('VersionedTest_Subclass')->filter(array('Title' => 'Archived page'))->first(); $this->assertInstanceOf("VersionedTest_Subclass", $testPage2006); $this->assertEquals("2005", $testPage2006->ExtraField); $this->assertEquals("This is the content from 2005", $testPage2006->Content); // Test 2 - 2008 Content singleton('VersionedTest_Subclass')->flushCache(true); Versioned::set_reading_mode('Archive.2008-01-01 00:00:00'); $testPage2008 = DataObject::get('VersionedTest_Subclass')->filter(array('Title' => 'Archived page'))->first(); $this->assertInstanceOf("VersionedTest_Subclass", $testPage2008); $this->assertEquals("2007", $testPage2008->ExtraField); $this->assertEquals("It's 2007 already!", $testPage2008->Content); // Test 3 - Today singleton('VersionedTest_Subclass')->flushCache(true); Versioned::set_reading_mode('Stage.Stage'); $testPageCurrent = DataObject::get('VersionedTest_Subclass')->filter(array('Title' => 'Archived page')) ->first(); $this->assertInstanceOf("VersionedTest_Subclass", $testPageCurrent); $this->assertEquals("2009", $testPageCurrent->ExtraField); $this->assertEquals("I'm enjoying 2009", $testPageCurrent->Content); } public function testAllVersions() { // In 2005 this file was created SS_Datetime::set_mock_now('2005-01-01 00:00:00'); $testPage = new VersionedTest_Subclass(); $testPage->Title = 'Archived page'; $testPage->Content = 'This is the content from 2005'; $testPage->ExtraField = '2005'; $testPage->write(); // In 2007 we updated it SS_Datetime::set_mock_now('2007-01-01 00:00:00'); $testPage->Content = "It's 2007 already!"; $testPage->ExtraField = '2007'; $testPage->write(); // Check both versions are returned $versions = Versioned::get_all_versions('VersionedTest_Subclass', $testPage->ID); $content = array(); $extraFields = array(); foreach($versions as $version) { $content[] = $version->Content; $extraFields[] = $version->ExtraField; } $this->assertEquals($versions->Count(), 2, 'All versions returned'); $this->assertEquals($content, array('This is the content from 2005', "It's 2007 already!"), 'Version fields returned'); $this->assertEquals($extraFields, array('2005', '2007'), 'Version fields returned'); // In 2009 we updated it again SS_Datetime::set_mock_now('2009-01-01 00:00:00'); $testPage->Content = "I'm enjoying 2009"; $testPage->ExtraField = '2009'; $testPage->write(); // End mock, back to the present day:) SS_Datetime::clear_mock_now(); $versions = Versioned::get_all_versions('VersionedTest_Subclass', $testPage->ID); $content = array(); $extraFields = array(); foreach($versions as $version) { $content[] = $version->Content; $extraFields[] = $version->ExtraField; } $this->assertEquals($versions->Count(), 3, 'Additional all versions returned'); $this->assertEquals($content, array('This is the content from 2005', "It's 2007 already!", "I'm enjoying 2009"), 'Additional version fields returned'); $this->assertEquals($extraFields, array('2005', '2007', '2009'), 'Additional version fields returned'); } public function testArchiveRelatedDataWithoutVersioned() { SS_Datetime::set_mock_now('2009-01-01 00:00:00'); $relatedData = new VersionedTest_RelatedWithoutVersion(); $relatedData->Name = 'Related Data'; $relatedDataId = $relatedData->write(); $testData = new VersionedTest_DataObject(); $testData->Title = 'Test'; $testData->Content = 'Before Content'; $testData->Related()->add($relatedData); $id = $testData->write(); SS_Datetime::set_mock_now('2010-01-01 00:00:00'); $testData->Content = 'After Content'; $testData->write(); Versioned::reading_archived_date('2009-01-01 19:00:00'); $fetchedData = VersionedTest_DataObject::get()->byId($id); $this->assertEquals('Before Content', $fetchedData->Content, 'We see the correct content of the older version'); $relatedData = VersionedTest_RelatedWithoutVersion::get()->byId($relatedDataId); $this->assertEquals( 1, $relatedData->Related()->count(), 'We have a relation, with no version table, querying it still works' ); } public function testVersionedWithSingleStage() { $tables = DB::table_list(); $this->assertContains( 'versionedtest_singlestage', array_keys($tables), 'Contains base table' ); $this->assertContains( 'versionedtest_singlestage_versions', array_keys($tables), 'Contains versions table' ); $this->assertNotContains( 'versionedtest_singlestage_live', array_keys($tables), 'Does not contain separate table with _Live suffix' ); $this->assertNotContains( 'versionedtest_singlestage_stage', array_keys($tables), 'Does not contain separate table with _Stage suffix' ); Versioned::reading_stage("Stage"); $obj = new VersionedTest_SingleStage(array('Name' => 'MyObj')); $obj->write(); $this->assertNotNull( VersionedTest_SingleStage::get()->byID($obj->ID), 'Writes to and reads from default stage if its set explicitly' ); Versioned::reading_stage("Live"); $obj = new VersionedTest_SingleStage(array('Name' => 'MyObj')); $obj->write(); $this->assertNotNull( VersionedTest_SingleStage::get()->byID($obj->ID), 'Writes to and reads from default stage even if a non-matching stage is set' ); } /** * Test that publishing processes respects lazy loaded fields */ public function testLazyLoadFields() { $originalMode = Versioned::get_reading_mode(); // Generate staging record and retrieve it from stage in live mode Versioned::reading_stage('Stage'); $obj = new VersionedTest_Subclass(); $obj->Name = 'bob'; $obj->ExtraField = 'Field Value'; $obj->write(); $objID = $obj->ID; $filter = sprintf('"VersionedTest_DataObject"."ID" = \'%d\'', Convert::raw2sql($objID)); Versioned::reading_stage('Live'); // Check fields are unloaded prior to access $objLazy = Versioned::get_one_by_stage('VersionedTest_DataObject', 'Stage', $filter, false); $lazyFields = $objLazy->getQueriedDatabaseFields(); $this->assertTrue(isset($lazyFields['ExtraField_Lazy'])); $this->assertEquals('VersionedTest_Subclass', $lazyFields['ExtraField_Lazy']); // Check lazy loading works when viewing a Stage object in Live mode $this->assertEquals('Field Value', $objLazy->ExtraField); // Test that writeToStage respects lazy loaded fields $objLazy = Versioned::get_one_by_stage('VersionedTest_DataObject', 'Stage', $filter, false); $objLazy->writeToStage('Live'); $objLive = Versioned::get_one_by_stage('VersionedTest_DataObject', 'Live', $filter, false); $liveLazyFields = $objLive->getQueriedDatabaseFields(); // Check fields are unloaded prior to access $this->assertTrue(isset($liveLazyFields['ExtraField_Lazy'])); $this->assertEquals('VersionedTest_Subclass', $liveLazyFields['ExtraField_Lazy']); // Check that live record has original value $this->assertEquals('Field Value', $objLive->ExtraField); Versioned::set_reading_mode($originalMode); } /** * Tests that reading mode persists between requests */ public function testReadingPersistent() { $session = new Session(array()); // Set to stage Director::test('/?stage=Stage', null, $session); $this->assertEquals( 'Stage.Stage', $session->inst_get('readingMode'), 'Check querystring changes reading mode to Stage' ); Director::test('/', null, $session); $this->assertEquals( 'Stage.Stage', $session->inst_get('readingMode'), 'Check that subsequent requests in the same session remain in Stage mode' ); // Test live persists Director::test('/?stage=Live', null, $session); $this->assertEquals( 'Stage.Live', $session->inst_get('readingMode'), 'Check querystring changes reading mode to Live' ); Director::test('/', null, $session); $this->assertEquals( 'Stage.Live', $session->inst_get('readingMode'), 'Check that subsequent requests in the same session remain in Live mode' ); // Test that session doesn't redundantly store the default stage if it doesn't need to $session2 = new Session(array()); Director::test('/', null, $session2); $this->assertEmpty($session2->inst_changedData()); Director::test('/?stage=Live', null, $session2); $this->assertEmpty($session2->inst_changedData()); // Test choose_site_stage Session::set('readingMode', 'Stage.Stage'); Versioned::choose_site_stage(); $this->assertEquals('Stage.Stage', Versioned::get_reading_mode()); Session::set('readingMode', 'Archive.2014-01-01'); Versioned::choose_site_stage(); $this->assertEquals('Archive.2014-01-01', Versioned::get_reading_mode()); Session::clear('readingMode'); Versioned::choose_site_stage(); $this->assertEquals('Stage.Live', Versioned::get_reading_mode()); } } /** * @package framework * @subpackage tests */ class VersionedTest_DataObject extends DataObject implements TestOnly { private static $db = array( "Name" => "Varchar", 'Title' => 'Varchar', 'Content' => 'HTMLText' ); private static $extensions = array( "Versioned('Stage', 'Live')" ); private static $has_one = array( 'Parent' => 'VersionedTest_DataObject' ); private static $many_many = array( 'Related' => 'VersionedTest_RelatedWithoutVersion' ); } class VersionedTest_WithIndexes extends DataObject implements TestOnly { private static $db = array( 'UniqA' => 'Int', 'UniqS' => 'Int', ); private static $extensions = array( "Versioned('Stage', 'Live')" ); private static $indexes = array( 'UniqS_idx' => 'unique ("UniqS")', 'UniqA_idx' => array('type' => 'unique', 'name' => 'UniqA_idx', 'value' => '"UniqA"',), ); } /** * @package framework * @subpackage tests */ class VersionedTest_RelatedWithoutVersion extends DataObject implements TestOnly { private static $db = array( 'Name' => 'Varchar' ); private static $belongs_many_many = array( 'Related' => 'VersionedTest_DataObject' ); } /** * @package framework * @subpackage tests */ class VersionedTest_Subclass extends VersionedTest_DataObject implements TestOnly { private static $db = array( "ExtraField" => "Varchar", ); private static $extensions = array( "Versioned('Stage', 'Live')" ); } /** * @package framework * @subpackage tests */ class VersionedTest_UnversionedWithField extends DataObject implements TestOnly { private static $db = array('Version' => 'Varchar(255)'); } class VersionedTest_SingleStage extends DataObject implements TestOnly { private static $db = array( 'Name' => 'Varchar' ); private static $extensions = array( 'Versioned("Stage")' ); }