title: Unit and Integration Testing summary: Test models, database logic and your object methods. # Unit and Integration Testing A Unit Test is an automated piece of code that invokes a unit of work in the application and then checks the behavior to ensure that it works as it should. A simple example would be to test the result of a PHP method. **mysite/code/Page.php** :::php assertEquals(2, Page::MyMethod()); } }
Tests for your application should be stored in the `mysite/tests` directory. Test cases for add-ons should be stored in the `(modulename)/tests` directory. Test case classes should end with `Test` (e.g PageTest) and test methods must start with `test` (e.g testMyMethod).
A SilverStripe unit test is created by extending one of two classes, [api:SapphireTest] or [api:FunctionalTest]. [api:SapphireTest] is used to test your model logic (such as a `DataObject`), and [api:FunctionalTest] is used when you want to test a `Controller`, `Form` or anything that requires a web page.
`FunctionalTest` is a subclass of `SapphireTest` so will inherit all of the behaviors. By subclassing `FunctionalTest` you gain the ability to load and test web pages on the site. `SapphireTest` in turn, extends `PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase`. For more information on `PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase` see the [PHPUnit](http://www.phpunit.de) documentation. It provides a lot of fundamental concepts that we build on in this documentation.
## Running Tests ### PHPUnit Binary The `phpunit` binary should be used from the root directory of your website. :::bash phpunit # Runs all tests phpunit framework/tests/ # Run all tests of a specific module phpunit framework/tests/filesystem # Run specific tests within a specific module phpunit framework/tests/filesystem/FolderTest.php # Run a specific test phpunit framework/tests '' flush=all # Run tests with optional `$_GET` parameters (you need an empty second argument)
The manifest is not flushed when running tests. Add `flush=all` to the test command to do this (see above example.)
If phpunit is not installed globally on your machine, you may need to replace the above usage of `phpunit` with the full path (e.g `vendor/bin/phpunit framework/tests`)
All command-line arguments are documented on [phpunit.de](http://www.phpunit.de/manual/current/en/textui.html).
### Via a Web Browser Executing tests from the command line is recommended, since it most closely reflects test runs in any automated testing environments. If for some reason you don't have access to the command line, you can also run tests through the browser. http://yoursite.com/dev/tests ### Via the CLI The [sake](../cli) executable that comes with SilverStripe can trigger a customised [api:TestRunner] class that handles the PHPUnit configuration and output formatting. While the custom test runner a handy tool, it's also more limited than using `phpunit` directly, particularly around formatting test output. :::bash sake dev/tests/all # Run all tests sake dev/tests/module/framework,cms # Run all tests of a specific module (comma-separated) sake dev/tests/FolderTest,OtherTest # Run specific tests (comma-separated) sake dev/tests/all "flush=all&foo=bar" # Run tests with optional `$_GET` parameters sake dev/tests/all SkipTests=MySkippedTest # Skip some tests ## Making Tests Run Fast A major impedement to testing is that by default tests are extremely slow to run. There are two things that can be done to speed them up: ### Disable xDebug Unless executing a coverage report there is no need to have xDebug enabled. :::bash # Disable xdebug sudo php5dismod xdebug # Run tests phpunit framework/tests/ # Enable xdebug sudo php5enmod xdebug ### Use SQLite In Memory SQLIte can be configured to run in memory as opposed to disk and this makes testing an order of magnitude faster. To effect this change add the following to mysite/_config.php - this enables an optional flag to switch between MySQL and SQLite. Note also that the package silverstripe/sqlite3 will need installed, version will vary depending on which version of SilverStripe is being tested. :::php if(Director::isDev()) { if(isset($_GET['db']) && ($db = $_GET['db'])) { global $databaseConfig; if($db == 'sqlite3') { $databaseConfig['type'] = 'SQLite3Database'; $databaseConfig['path'] = ':memory:'; } } } To use SQLite append '' db=sqlite3 after the phpunit command. :::bash phpunit framework/tests '' db=sqlite3 ### Speed Comparison Testing against a medium sized module with 93 tests: * SQLite - 16.15s * MySQL - 314s This means using SQLite will run tests over 20 times faster. ## Test Databases and Fixtures SilverStripe tests create their own database when the test starts. New `ss_tmp` databases are created using the same connection details you provide for the main website. The new `ss_tmp` database does not copy what is currently in your application database. To provide seed data use a [Fixture](fixtures) file.
As the test runner will create new databases for the tests to run, the database user should have the appropriate permissions to create new databases on your server.
The test database is rebuilt every time one of the test methods is run. Over time, you may have several hundred test databases on your machine. To get rid of them is a call to `http://yoursite.com/dev/tests/cleanupdb`
## Custom PHPUnit Configuration The `phpunit` executable can be configured by command line arguments or through an XML file. SilverStripe comes with a default `phpunit.xml.dist` that you can use as a starting point. Copy the file into `phpunit.xml` and customise to your needs. **phpunit.xml** :::xml mysite/tests cms/tests framework/tests sanitychecks
This configuration file doesn't apply for running tests through the "sake" wrapper
### setUp() and tearDown() In addition to loading data through a [Fixture File](fixtures), a test case may require some additional setup work to be run before each test method. For this, use the PHPUnit `setUp` and `tearDown` methods. These are run at the start and end of each test. :::php "Page $i")); $page->write(); $page->publish('Stage', 'Live'); } // set custom configuration for the test. Config::inst()->update('Foo', 'bar', 'Hello!'); } public function testMyMethod() { // .. } public function testMySecondMethod() { // .. } } `tearDownOnce` and `setUpOnce` can be used to run code just once for the file rather than before and after each individual test case. :::php update('ClassName', 'var_name', 'var_value'); } function testFeatureDoesAsExpected() { //this will be reset to 'var_value' at the end of this test function Config::inst()->update('ClassName', 'var_name', 'new_var_value'); } function testAnotherFeatureDoesAsExpected() { Config::inst()->get('ClassName', 'var_name'); // this will be 'var_value' } ## Generating a Coverage Report PHPUnit can generate a code coverage report ([docs](http://www.phpunit.de/manual/current/en/code-coverage-analysis.html)) by executing the following commands. :::bash phpunit --coverage-html assets/coverage-report # Generate coverage report for the whole project phpunit --coverage-html assets/coverage-report mysite/tests/ # Generate coverage report for the "mysite" module
These commands will output a report to the `assets/coverage-report/` folder. To view the report, open the `index.html` file within a web browser.
Typically, only your own custom PHP code in your project should be regarded when producing these reports. To exclude some `thirdparty/` directories add the following to the `phpunit.xml` configuration file. :::xml framework/dev/ framework/thirdparty/ cms/thirdparty/ mysite/thirdparty/ ## Related Documentation * [How to Write a SapphireTest](how_tos/write_a_sapphiretest) * [How to Write a FunctionalTest](how_tos/write_a_functionaltest) * [Fixtures](fixtures) ## API Documentation * [api:TestRunner] * [api:SapphireTest] * [api:FunctionalTest]