 *  Base include file for SimpleTest.
 *  @package    SimpleTest
 *  @subpackage WebTester
 *  @version    $Id: form.php 1672 2008-03-02 04:47:34Z edwardzyang $
 * include SimpleTest files
require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/tag.php');
require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/encoding.php');
require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/selector.php');

 *    Form tag class to hold widget values.
 *    @package SimpleTest
 *    @subpackage WebTester
class SimpleForm {
    var $_method;
    var $_action;
    var $_encoding;
    var $_default_target;
    var $_id;
    var $_buttons;
    var $_images;
    var $_widgets;
    var $_radios;
    var $_checkboxes;
     *    Starts with no held controls/widgets.
     *    @param SimpleTag $tag        Form tag to read.
     *    @param SimplePage $page      Holding page.
    function __construct($tag, &$page) {
        $this->_method = $tag->getAttribute('method');
        $this->_action = $this->_createAction($tag->getAttribute('action'), $page);
        $this->_encoding = $this->_setEncodingClass($tag);
        $this->_default_target = false;
        $this->_id = $tag->getAttribute('id');
        $this->_buttons = array();
        $this->_images = array();
        $this->_widgets = array();
        $this->_radios = array();
        $this->_checkboxes = array();
     *    Creates the request packet to be sent by the form.
     *    @param SimpleTag $tag        Form tag to read.
     *    @return string               Packet class.
     *    @access private
    function _setEncodingClass($tag) {
        if (strtolower($tag->getAttribute('method')) == 'post') {
            if (strtolower($tag->getAttribute('enctype')) == 'multipart/form-data') {
                return 'SimpleMultipartEncoding';
            return 'SimplePostEncoding';
        return 'SimpleGetEncoding';
     *    Sets the frame target within a frameset.
     *    @param string $frame        Name of frame.
     *    @access public
    function setDefaultTarget($frame) {
        $this->_default_target = $frame;
     *    Accessor for method of form submission.
     *    @return string           Either get or post.
     *    @access public
    function getMethod() {
        return ($this->_method ? strtolower($this->_method) : 'get');
     *    Combined action attribute with current location
     *    to get an absolute form target.
     *    @param string $action    Action attribute from form tag.
     *    @param SimpleUrl $base   Page location.
     *    @return SimpleUrl        Absolute form target.
    function _createAction($action, &$page) {
        if (($action === '') || ($action === false)) {
            return $page->expandUrl($page->getUrl());
        return $page->expandUrl(new SimpleUrl($action));;
     *    Absolute URL of the target.
     *    @return SimpleUrl           URL target.
     *    @access public
    function getAction() {
        $url = $this->_action;
        if ($this->_default_target && ! $url->getTarget()) {
        return $url;
     *    Creates the encoding for the current values in the
     *    form.
     *    @return SimpleFormEncoding    Request to submit.
     *    @access private
    function _encode() {
        $class = $this->_encoding;
        $encoding = new $class();
        for ($i = 0, $count = count($this->_widgets); $i < $count; $i++) {
            $this->_widgets[$i]->write($encoding, 0, 0);
        return $encoding;
     *    ID field of form for unique identification.
     *    @return string           Unique tag ID.
     *    @access public
    function getId() {
        return $this->_id;
     *    Adds a tag contents to the form.
     *    @param SimpleWidget $tag        Input tag to add.
     *    @access public
    function addWidget(&$tag) {
        if (strtolower($tag->getAttribute('type')) == 'submit') {
            $this->_buttons[] = &$tag;
        } elseif (strtolower($tag->getAttribute('type')) == 'image') {
            $this->_images[] = &$tag;
        } elseif ($tag->getName()) {
     *    Sets the widget into the form, grouping radio
     *    buttons if any.
     *    @param SimpleWidget $tag   Incoming form control.
     *    @access private
    function _setWidget(&$tag) {
        if (strtolower($tag->getAttribute('type')) == 'radio') {
        } elseif (strtolower($tag->getAttribute('type')) == 'checkbox') {
        } else {
            $this->_widgets[] = &$tag;
     *    Adds a radio button, building a group if necessary.
     *    @param SimpleRadioButtonTag $tag   Incoming form control.
     *    @access private
    function _addRadioButton(&$tag) {
        if (! isset($this->_radios[$tag->getName()])) {
            $this->_widgets[] = new SimpleRadioGroup();
            $this->_radios[$tag->getName()] = count($this->_widgets) - 1;
     *    Adds a checkbox, making it a group on a repeated name.
     *    @param SimpleCheckboxTag $tag   Incoming form control.
     *    @access private
    function _addCheckbox(&$tag) {
        if (! isset($this->_checkboxes[$tag->getName()])) {
            $this->_widgets[] = &$tag;
            $this->_checkboxes[$tag->getName()] = count($this->_widgets) - 1;
        } else {
            $index = $this->_checkboxes[$tag->getName()];
            if (! SimpleTestCompatibility::isA($this->_widgets[$index], 'SimpleCheckboxGroup')) {
                $previous = &$this->_widgets[$index];
                $this->_widgets[$index] = new SimpleCheckboxGroup();
     *    Extracts current value from form.
     *    @param SimpleSelector $selector   Criteria to apply.
     *    @return string/array              Value(s) as string or null
     *                                      if not set.
     *    @access public
    function getValue($selector) {
        for ($i = 0, $count = count($this->_widgets); $i < $count; $i++) {
            if ($selector->isMatch($this->_widgets[$i])) {
                return $this->_widgets[$i]->getValue();
        foreach ($this->_buttons as $button) {
            if ($selector->isMatch($button)) {
                return $button->getValue();
        return null;
     *    Sets a widget value within the form.
     *    @param SimpleSelector $selector   Criteria to apply.
     *    @param string $value              Value to input into the widget.
     *    @return boolean                   True if value is legal, false
     *                                      otherwise. If the field is not
     *                                      present, nothing will be set.
     *    @access public
    function setField($selector, $value, $position=false) {
        $success = false;
        $_position = 0;
        for ($i = 0, $count = count($this->_widgets); $i < $count; $i++) {
            if ($selector->isMatch($this->_widgets[$i])) {
                if ($position === false or $_position === (int)$position) {
                    if ($this->_widgets[$i]->setValue($value)) {
                        $success = true;
        return $success;
     *    Used by the page object to set widgets labels to
     *    external label tags.
     *    @param SimpleSelector $selector   Criteria to apply.
     *    @access public
    function attachLabelBySelector($selector, $label) {
        for ($i = 0, $count = count($this->_widgets); $i < $count; $i++) {
            if ($selector->isMatch($this->_widgets[$i])) {
                if (method_exists($this->_widgets[$i], 'setLabel')) {
     *    Test to see if a form has a submit button.
     *    @param SimpleSelector $selector   Criteria to apply.
     *    @return boolean                   True if present.
     *    @access public
    function hasSubmit($selector) {
        foreach ($this->_buttons as $button) {
            if ($selector->isMatch($button)) {
                return true;
        return false;
     *    Test to see if a form has an image control.
     *    @param SimpleSelector $selector   Criteria to apply.
     *    @return boolean                   True if present.
     *    @access public
    function hasImage($selector) {
        foreach ($this->_images as $image) {
            if ($selector->isMatch($image)) {
                return true;
        return false;
     *    Gets the submit values for a selected button.
     *    @param SimpleSelector $selector   Criteria to apply.
     *    @param hash $additional           Additional data for the form.
     *    @return SimpleEncoding            Submitted values or false
     *                                      if there is no such button
     *                                      in the form.
     *    @access public
    function submitButton($selector, $additional = false) {
        $additional = $additional ? $additional : array();
        foreach ($this->_buttons as $button) {
            if ($selector->isMatch($button)) {
                $encoding = $this->_encode();
                $button->write($encoding, 0, 0);
                if ($additional) {
                return $encoding;           
        return false;
     *    Gets the submit values for an image.
     *    @param SimpleSelector $selector   Criteria to apply.
     *    @param integer $x                 X-coordinate of click.
     *    @param integer $y                 Y-coordinate of click.
     *    @param hash $additional           Additional data for the form.
     *    @return SimpleEncoding            Submitted values or false
     *                                      if there is no such button in the
     *                                      form.
     *    @access public
    function submitImage($selector, $x, $y, $additional = false) {
        $additional = $additional ? $additional : array();
        foreach ($this->_images as $image) {
            if ($selector->isMatch($image)) {
                $encoding = $this->_encode();
                $image->write($encoding, $x, $y);
                if ($additional) {
                return $encoding;           
        return false;
     *    Simply submits the form without the submit button
     *    value. Used when there is only one button or it
     *    is unimportant.
     *    @return hash           Submitted values.
     *    @access public
    function submit() {
        return $this->_encode();