inst_getAll(); $this->data = $data; } /** * Provide an array of rules specifing timeouts for IPv4 address ranges or * individual IPv4 addresses. The key is an IP address or range and the value is the time * until the session expires in seconds. For example: * * Session::set_timeout_ips(array( * '' => 36000 * )); * * Any user connecting from (localhost) will have their session expired after 10 hours. * * Session::set_timeout is used to set the timeout value for any users whose address is not in the given IP range. * * @param array $session_ips Array of IPv4 rules. */ public static function set_timeout_ips($session_ips) { if(!is_array($session_ips)) { user_error("Session::set_timeout_ips expects an array as its argument", E_USER_NOTICE); self::$session_ips = array(); } else { self::$session_ips = $session_ips; } } /** * @deprecated 2.5 Use Session::add_to_array($name, $val) instead */ public static function addToArray($name, $val) { user_error('Session::addToArray() is deprecated. Please use Session::add_to_array() instead.', E_USER_NOTICE); return Session::add_to_array($name, $val); } /** * Add a value to a specific key in the session array */ public static function add_to_array($name, $val) { return Controller::curr()->getSession()->inst_addToArray($name, $val); } /** * Set a key/value pair in the session * * @param string $name Key * @param string $val Value */ public static function set($name, $val) { return Controller::curr()->getSession()->inst_set($name, $val); } /** * Return a specific value by session key * * @param string $name Key to lookup */ public static function get($name) { return Controller::curr()->getSession()->inst_get($name); } /** * Return all the values in session * * @return Array */ public static function get_all() { return Controller::curr()->getSession()->inst_getAll(); } /** * @deprecated 2.5 Use Session::get_all() */ public static function getAll() { user_error('Session::getAll() is deprecated. Please use Session::get_all() instead.', E_USER_NOTICE); return Session::get_all(); } /** * Clear a given session key, value pair. * * @param string $name Key to lookup */ public static function clear($name) { return Controller::curr()->getSession()->inst_clear($name); } /** * Clear all the values */ public static function clear_all() { return Controller::curr()->getSession()->inst_clearAll(); } /** * @deprecated 2.5 Use Session::clear_all() */ public static function clearAll() { user_error('Session::clearAll() is deprecated. Please use Session::clear_all() instead.', E_USER_NOTICE); return Session::clear_all(); } /** * Save all the values in our session to $_SESSION */ public static function save() { return Controller::curr()->getSession()->inst_save(); } public function inst_set($name, $val) { // Quicker execution path for "."-free names if(strpos($name,'.') === false) { $this->data[$name] = $val; $this->changedData[$name] = $val; } else { $names = explode('.', $name); // We still want to do this even if we have strict path checking for legacy code $var = &$this->data; $diffVar = &$this->changedData; foreach($names as $n) { $var = &$var[$n]; $diffVar = &$diffVar[$n]; } $var = $val; $diffVar = $val; } } public function inst_addToArray($name, $val) { $names = explode('.', $name); // We still want to do this even if we have strict path checking for legacy code $var = &$this->data; $diffVar = &$this->changedData; foreach($names as $n) { $var = &$var[$n]; $diffVar = &$diffVar[$n]; } $var[] = $val; $diffVar[sizeof($var)-1] = $val; } public function inst_get($name) { // Quicker execution path for "."-free names if(strpos($name,'.') === false) { if(isset($this->data[$name])) return $this->data[$name]; } else { $names = explode('.', $name); if(!isset($this->data)) { return null; } $var = $this->data; foreach($names as $n) { if(!isset($var[$n])) { return null; } $var = $var[$n]; } return $var; } } public function inst_clear($name) { $names = explode('.', $name); // We still want to do this even if we have strict path checking for legacy code $var = &$this->data; $diffVar = &$this->changedData; foreach($names as $n) { $var = &$var[$n]; $diffVar = &$diffVar[$n]; } $var = null; $diffVar = null; } public function inst_clearAll() { if($this->data && is_array($this->data)) { foreach(array_keys($this->data) as $key) { $this->inst_clear($key); } } } public function inst_getAll() { return $this->data; } /** * Save data to session * Only save the changes, so that anyone manipulating $_SESSION directly doesn't get burned. */ public function inst_save() { $this->recursivelyApply($this->changedData, $_SESSION); } /** * Recursively apply the changes represented in $data to $dest. * Used to update $_SESSION */ protected function recursivelyApply($data, &$dest) { foreach($data as $k => $v) { if(is_array($v)) { if(!isset($dest[$k])) $dest[$k] = array(); $this->recursivelyApply($v, $dest[$k]); } else { $dest[$k] = $v; } } } /** * Sets the appropriate form message in session, with type. This will be shown once, * for the form specified. * * @param formname the form name you wish to use ( usually $form->FormName() ) * @param messsage the message you wish to add to it * @param type the type of message */ public static function setFormMessage($formname,$message,$type){ Session::set("FormInfo.$formname.message", $message); Session::set("FormInfo.$formname.type", $type); } /** * Initialize session. * * @param string $sid Start the session with a specific ID */ public static function start($sid = null) { self::load_config(); if(!session_id() && !headers_sent()) { session_set_cookie_params(self::$timeout, Director::baseURL()); // @ is to supress win32 warnings/notices when session wasn't cleaned up properly // There's nothing we can do about this, because it's an operating system function! if($sid) session_id($sid); @session_start(); } } /** * Destroy the active session. * * @param bool $removeCookie If set to TRUE, removes the user's cookie, FALSE does not remove */ public static function destroy($removeCookie = true) { if(session_id()) { if($removeCookie) { setcookie(session_name(), ''); unset($_COOKIE[session_name()]); } session_destroy(); } } /** * Use the Session::$session_ips array to set timeouts based on IP address or IP address * range. * * Note: The use of _sessions.php is deprecated. */ public static function load_config() { foreach(self::$session_ips as $sessionIP => $timeout) { if(preg_match('/^([0-9.]+)\s?-\s?([0-9.]+)$/', $sessionIP, $ips)) { if(isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])) { $startIP = ip2long($ips[1]); $endIP = ip2long($ips[2]); $clientIP = ip2long($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']); $minIP = min($startIP, $endIP); $maxIP = max($startIP, $endIP); if($minIP <= $clientIP && $clientIP <= $maxIP) { return self::set_timeout($timeout); } } } // TODO - Net masks or something } } /** * Set the timeout of a Session value * * @param int $timeout Time until a session expires in seconds. Defaults to expire when browser is closed. */ public static function set_timeout($timeout) { self::$timeout = intval($timeout); } public static function get_timeout() { return self::$timeout; } }