require_once 'TestRunner.php';
if(hasPhpUnit()) {
require_once 'PHPUnit/Framework.php';

 * Test case class for the Sapphire framework.
 * Sapphire unit testing is based on PHPUnit, but provides a number of hooks into our data model that make it easier to work with.
 * @package sapphire
 * @subpackage testing
class SapphireTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
	 * Path to fixture data for this test run.
	 * @var string
	static $fixture_file = null;
	protected $originalMailer;
	protected $originalMemberPasswordValidator;
	protected $originalRequirements;
	protected $originalIsRunningTest;
	protected $mailer;
	protected static $is_running_test = false;
	public static function is_running_test() {
		return self::$is_running_test;
	 * @var YamlFixture
	protected $fixture; 
	function setUp() {
		// Mark test as being run
		$this->originalIsRunningTest = self::$is_running_test;
		self::$is_running_test = true;
		// Remove password validation
		$this->originalMemberPasswordValidator = Member::password_validator();
		$this->originalRequirements = Requirements::backend();

		$className = get_class($this);
		$fixtureFile = eval("return {$className}::\$fixture_file;");
		// Set up fixture
		if($fixtureFile) {
			if(substr(DB::getConn()->currentDatabase(),0,5) != 'tmpdb') {
				//echo "Re-creating temp database... ";
				//echo "done.\n";

			// This code is a bit misplaced; we want some way of the whole session being reinitialised...


			$dbadmin = new DatabaseAdmin();
			// We have to disable validation while we import the fixtures, as the order in
			// which they are imported doesnt guarantee valid relations until after the
			// import is complete.
			$validationenabled = DataObject::get_validation_enabled();
			$this->fixture = new YamlFixture($fixtureFile);
		// Set up email
		$this->originalMailer = Email::mailer();
		$this->mailer = new TestMailer();
	 * Array of
	protected $fixtureDictionary;
	 * Get the ID of an object from the fixture.
	 * @param $className The data class, as specified in your fixture file.  Parent classes won't work
	 * @param $identifier The identifier string, as provided in your fixture file
	protected function idFromFixture($className, $identifier) {
		if($this->fixture) return $this->fixture->idFromFixture($className, $identifier);
		else user_error("You've called \$this->objFromFixture() but you haven't specified static \$fixture_file.\n" . 
			"Ensure that static \"\$fixture_file = 'module/tests/fixturefile.yml';\" is specified in your " .get_class($this). " class.", E_USER_WARNING);
	 * Return all of the IDs in the fixture of a particular class name.
	 * @return A map of fixture-identifier => object-id
	protected function allFixtureIDs($className) {
		if($this->fixture) return $this->fixture->allFixtureIDs($className);
		else user_error("You've called \$this->objFromFixture() but you haven't specified static \$fixture_file.\n" . 
			"Ensure that static \"\$fixture_file = 'module/tests/fixturefile.yml';\" is specified in your " .get_class($this). " class.", E_USER_WARNING);

	 * Get an object from the fixture.
	 * @param $className The data class, as specified in your fixture file.  Parent classes won't work
	 * @param $identifier The identifier string, as provided in your fixture file
	protected function objFromFixture($className, $identifier) {
		if($this->fixture) return $this->fixture->objFromFixture($className, $identifier);
		else user_error("You've called \$this->objFromFixture() but you haven't specified static \$fixture_file.\n" . 
			"Ensure that static \"\$fixture_file = 'module/tests/fixturefile.yml';\" is specified in your " .get_class($this). " class.", E_USER_WARNING);
	 * Load a YAML fixture file into the database.
	 * Once loaded, you can use idFromFixture() and objFromFixture() to get items from the fixture
	 * @param $fixtureFile The location of the .yml fixture file, relative to the site base dir
	function loadFixture($fixtureFile) {
		$parser = new Spyc();
		$fixtureContent = $parser->load(Director::baseFolder().'/'.$fixtureFile);
		$this->fixture = new YamlFixture($fixtureFile);
	function tearDown() {
		// Restore email configuration
		$this->originalMailer = null;
		$this->mailer = null;

		// Restore password validation
		// Restore requirements

		// Mark test as no longer being run - we use originalIsRunningTest to allow for nested SapphireTest calls
		self::$is_running_test = $this->originalIsRunningTest;
		$this->originalIsRunningTest = null;
	 * Clear the log of emails sent
	function clearEmails() {
		return $this->mailer->clearEmails();

	 * Search for an email that was sent.
	 * All of the parameters can either be a string, or, if they start with "/", a PREG-compatible regular expression.
	 * @param $to
	 * @param $from
	 * @param $subject
	 * @param $content
	 * @return An array containing the keys: 'type','to','from','subject','content', 'plainContent','attachedFiles','customHeaders','htmlContent',inlineImages'
	function findEmail($to, $from = null, $subject = null, $content = null) {
		return $this->mailer->findEmail($to, $from, $subject, $content);
	 * Assert that the matching email was sent since the last call to clearEmails()
	 * All of the parameters can either be a string, or, if they start with "/", a PREG-compatible regular expression.
	 * @param $to
	 * @param $from
	 * @param $subject
	 * @param $content
	 * @return An array containing the keys: 'type','to','from','subject','content', 'plainContent','attachedFiles','customHeaders','htmlContent',inlineImages'
	function assertEmailSent($to, $from = null, $subject = null, $content = null) {
		// To do - this needs to be turned into a "real" PHPUnit ass
		if(!$this->findEmail($to, $from, $subject, $content)) {
			$infoParts = "";
			$withParts = array();
			if($to) $infoParts .= " to '$to'";
			if($from) $infoParts .= " from '$from'";
			if($subject) $withParts[] = "subject '$subject'";
			if($content) $withParts[] = "content '$content'";
			if($withParts) $infoParts .= " with " . implode(" and ", $withParts);
			throw new PHPUnit_Framework_AssertionFailedError(
                "Failed asserting that an email was sent$infoParts."
	 * Returns true if we are currently using a temporary database
	static function using_temp_db() {
		$dbConn = DB::getConn();
		return $dbConn && (substr($dbConn->currentDatabase(),0,5) == 'tmpdb');
	static function kill_temp_db() {
		// Delete our temporary database
		if(self::using_temp_db()) {
			$dbConn = DB::getConn();
			$dbName = $dbConn->currentDatabase();
			if($dbName && DB::query("SHOW DATABASES LIKE '$dbName'")->value()) {
				// echo "Deleted temp database " . $dbConn->currentDatabase() . "\n";
	static function create_temp_db() {
		// Create a temporary database
		$dbConn = DB::getConn();
		$dbname = 'tmpdb' . rand(1000000,9999999);
		while(!$dbname || $dbConn->databaseExists($dbname)) {
			$dbname = 'tmpdb' . rand(1000000,9999999);

		$dbadmin = new DatabaseAdmin();
		$dbadmin->doBuild(true, false, true);
		return $dbname;
