transform(new MyTransformation()); */ class FormTransformation { use Configurable; use Injectable; use Extensible; public function __construct() { } public function transform(FormField $field) { // Look for a performXXTransformation() method on the field itself. // performReadonlyTransformation() is a pretty commonly applied method. // Otherwise, look for a transformXXXField() method on this object. // This is more commonly done in custom transformations // We iterate through each array simultaneously, looking at [0] of both, then [1] of both. // This provides a more natural failover scheme. $transNames = array_reverse(array_map( function ($name) { return ClassInfo::shortName($name); }, array_values(ClassInfo::ancestry($this) ?? []) )); $fieldClasses = array_reverse(array_map( function ($name) { return ClassInfo::shortName($name); }, array_values(ClassInfo::ancestry($field) ?? []) )); $len = max(sizeof($transNames ?? []), sizeof($fieldClasses ?? [])); for ($i=0; $i<$len; $i++) { // This is lets fieldClasses be longer than transNames if (!empty($transNames[$i])) { $funcName = 'perform' . $transNames[$i]; if ($field->hasMethod($funcName)) { //echo "
  • $field->class used $funcName"; return $field->$funcName($this); } } // And this one does the reverse. if (!empty($fieldClasses[$i])) { $funcName = 'transform' . $fieldClasses[$i]; if ($this->hasMethod($funcName)) { //echo "
  • $field->class used $funcName"; return $this->$funcName($field); } } } $class = static::class; $fieldClass = get_class($field); throw new BadMethodCallException("FormTransformation:: Can't perform '{$class}' on '{$fieldClass}'"); } }