describe( 'Entwine', function() { beforeEach(function() { $('body').append('
') }); afterEach(function() { $('#dom_test').remove() }); describe( 'Namespaces', function() { beforeEach(function() { $.entwine.synchronous_mode(); $.entwine.clear_all_rules() $('#dom_test').html('
') }); it( 'namespaced functions work (single definition mode)', function() { $('#a').entwine('bar', function($){return{ bar: function(){return 'a';} }}) expect($('#a').entwine('bar').bar()).toEqual( 'a'); }); it( 'namespaced functions work (block definition mode)', function() { $.entwine('zap', function($){ $('#a').entwine({ bar: function(){return 'a';} }) }); expect($('#a').entwine('zap').bar()).toEqual( 'a'); }); it( 'double-namespaced functions work (block definition mode)', function() { $.entwine('zap', function($){ $.entwine('pow', function($){ $('#a').entwine({ bar: function(){return 'a';} }) }) }) expect($('#a').entwine('zap.pow').bar()).toEqual( 'a'); }) it( 'revert to base namespacing work (block definition mode)', function() { $.entwine('zap', function($){ $.entwine('.pow', function($){ $('#a').entwine({ bar: function(){return 'a';} }) }) }) expect($('#a').entwine('pow').bar()).toEqual( 'a'); }); it( 'internal to namespace, will look up functions in namespace before in base', function() { var res = [] $('#a').entwine({ foo: function(){res.push(1);}, bar: function(){res.push(2);;} }) $('#a').entwine('bar', function($){return{ foo: function(){res.push(3);}, bar: function(){res.push(4); $(this).foo();} }}) $('#dom_test div').bar(); expect(res).toEqual( [2, 1]); $('#dom_test div').entwine('bar').bar(); expect(res).toEqual( [2, 1, 4, 3]); }); it( 'internal to namespace, will look up functions in namespace before in base, even in closure', function() { var res = [] $('#a').entwine({ foo: function(){res.push(1);}, bar: function(){res.push(2);;} }) $('#a').entwine('bar', function($){return{ foo: function(){res.push(3);}, bar: function(){res.push(4); $('#a').each(function(){ $(this).foo(); })} }}) $('#dom_test div').bar(); expect(res).toEqual( [2, 1]); $('#dom_test div').entwine('bar').bar(); expect(res).toEqual( [2, 1, 4, 3]); }); it( 'internal to namespace, will look up functions in namespace before in base, even in onmatch', function() { var res = [] $('#a').entwine({ foo: function(){res.push(1);}, bar: function(){res.push(2);;} }) $('#a').entwine('bar', function($){return{ foo: function(){res.push(3);} }}) $('#a.d').entwine('bar', function($){return{ onmatch: function(){res.push(4);;} }}) $('#dom_test div').bar(); expect(res).toEqual( [2, 1]); $('#a').addClass('d'); expect(res).toEqual( [2, 1, 4, 3]); }); it( 'internal to namespace, will look up functions in base when not present in namespace', function() { var res = [] $('#a').entwine({ foo: function(){res.push(1);} }) $('#a').entwine('bar', function($){return{ bar: function(){res.push(2);;} }}) $('#dom_test div').entwine('bar').bar(); expect(res).toEqual( [2, 1]); }); it( 'internal to namespace, will not look up functions in base if present in namespace, even when not applicable to selector', function() { var res = [] $('#a').entwine('bar', function($){return{ foo: function(){;} }}) $('#a').entwine({ bar: function(){res.push(1);} }) $('span').entwine('bar', function($){return{ bar: function(){res.push(2);} }}) $('#a').entwine('bar').foo() expect(res).toEqual( []); }); it( 'internal to namespace, can be directed to base namespace', function() { var res = [] $('#a').entwine({ foo: function(){res.push(1);}, bar: function(){res.push(2);;} }) $('#a').entwine('bar', function($){return{ foo: function(){res.push(3);}, bar: function(){res.push(4);; this.entwine('.').foo();} }}) $('#dom_test div').bar(); expect(res).toEqual( [2, 1]); $('#dom_test div').entwine('bar').bar(); expect(res).toEqual( [2, 1, 4, 3, 1]); }); it( 'internal to namespace, will look up functions in namespace called the same as a regular jQuery base function', function() { var res = [] $('#a').entwine('bar', function($){return{ load: function(){res.push(1);}, bar: function(){res.push(2); this.load();} }}) $('#dom_test div').entwine('bar').bar(); expect(res).toEqual( [2, 1]); }); it( 'internal to namespace, can be directed to regular jQuery base function', function() { var res = [] $.fn.testy = function(){ res.push(1); } $('#a').entwine('bar', function($){return{ testy: function(){res.push(3);}, bar: function(){res.push(2); this.entwine('.').testy();} }}) $('#dom_test div').entwine('bar').bar(); expect(res).toEqual( [2, 1]); }); it( 'internal to namespace, can be directed to sub namespace', function() { var res = [] $.entwine('zap', function($){ $('#a').entwine({ foo: function(){ res.push(1); this.entwine('pow').bar(); } }) $.entwine('pow', function($){ $('#a').entwine({ bar: function(){ res.push(2); } }) }) }) $('#dom_test div').entwine('zap').foo(); expect(res).toEqual( [1, 2]); }); it( 'internal to namespace, can be directed to unrelated namespace', function() { var res = [] $.entwine('zap', function($){ $('#a').entwine({ foo: function(){ res.push(1); this.entwine('.pow').bar(); } }) $.entwine('pow', function($){ $('#a').entwine({ bar: function(){ res.push(2); } }) }) }) $.entwine('pow', function($){ $('#a').entwine({ bar: function(){ res.push(3); } }) }) $('#dom_test div').entwine('zap').foo(); expect(res).toEqual( [1, 3]); }); it( 'a function passed out of a namespace will remember its namespace', function() { var res = [] var func = function(func) {$('#a, #b')); } $('#a, #b').entwine('bar', function($){return{ zap: function(){res.push($(this).attr('id'));}, bar: function(){res.push(2); func(this.zap);} }}) $('#dom_test #a').entwine('bar').bar(); expect(res).toEqual( [2, 'b', 'a']); }); it( 'using block functions', function() { var res = [] $('#a').entwine({ foo: function(){res.push(1);} }) $('#a').entwine('bar', function($){return{ foo: function(){res.push(3);} }}) $('#dom_test div').foo(); expect(res).toEqual( [1]); $('#dom_test div').entwine('bar', function($){ $(this).foo(); }) expect(res).toEqual( [1, 3]); }); }); });