(function($) { $.entwine('ss', function($){ // setup jquery.entwine $.entwine.warningLevel = $.entwine.WARN_LEVEL_BESTPRACTISE; /** * Vertically collapsible panel. Generic enough to work with CMS menu as well as various "filter" panels. * * A panel consists of the following parts: * - Container div: The outer element, with class ".cms-panel" * - Header (optional) * - Content * - Expand and collapse toggle anchors (optional) * * Sample HTML: *
*/ $('.cms-panel').entwine({ WidthExpanded: null, WidthCollapsed: null, onmatch: function() { if(!this.find('.cms-panel-content').length) throw new Exception('Content panel for ".cms-panel" not found'); // Create default controls unless they already exist if(!this.find('.toggle-expand').length) this.append('»'); if(!this.find('.toggle-collapse').length) this.append('«'); // Set panel width same as the content panel it contains. Assumes the panel has overflow: hidden. this.setWidthExpanded(this.find('.cms-panel-content').innerWidth()); // Assumes the collasped width is indicated by the toggle, or by an optional collapsed view var collapsedContent = this.find('.cms-panel-content-collapsed'); this.setWidthCollapsed(collapsedContent.length ? collapsedContent.innerWidth() : this.find('.toggle-expand').innerWidth()); this.togglePanel(!jQuery(this).hasClass('collapsed')); this._super(); }, onclick: function(e) { // By default, the whole collapsed area serves as a trigger if(this.data('expandOnClick') && jQuery(this).hasClass('collapsed')) { e.preventDefault(); this.expandPanel(); } }, toggleFlyoutState: function(bool) { if (bool) { //expand //show the flyout $('.collapsed').find('li').show(); //hide all the flyout-indicator $('.cms-menu-list').find('.child-flyout-indicator').hide(); } else { //collapse //hide the flyout only if it is not the current section $('.collapsed-flyout').find('li').each(function() { //if (!$(this).hasClass('current')) $(this).hide(); }); //show all the flyout-indicators var par = $('.cms-menu-list ul.collapsed-flyout').parent(); if (par.children('.child-flyout-indicator').length == 0) par.append('').fadeIn(); par.children('.child-flyout-indicator').fadeIn(); } }, togglePanel: function(bool) { // if((!bool && this.hasClass('collapsed')) || (bool && !this.hasClass('collapsed'))) return; //apply or unapply the flyout formatting $('.cms-menu-list').children('li').each(function(){ if (bool) { //expand $(this).children('ul').each(function() { $(this).removeClass('collapsed-flyout'); if ($(this).data('collapse')) { $(this).removeData('collapse'); $(this).addClass('collapse'); } }); } else { //collapse $(this).children('ul').each(function() { $(this).addClass('collapsed-flyout'); $(this).hasClass('collapse'); $(this).removeClass('collapse'); $(this).data('collapse', true); }); } }); this.toggleFlyoutState(bool); this.toggleClass('collapsed', !bool); var newWidth = bool ? this.getWidthExpanded() : this.getWidthCollapsed(); this.trigger('beforetoggle'); this.width(newWidth); // the content panel width always stays in "expanded state" to avoid floating elements this.find('.toggle-collapse')[bool ? 'show' : 'hide'](); this.find('.toggle-expand')[bool ? 'hide' : 'show'](); // If an alternative collapsed view exists, toggle it as well var collapsedContent = this.find('.cms-panel-content-collapsed'); if(collapsedContent.length) { this.find('.cms-panel-content')[bool ? 'show' : 'hide'](); this.find('.cms-panel-content-collapsed')[bool ? 'hide' : 'show'](); } this.trigger('toggle'); }, expandPanel: function() { this.togglePanel(true); }, collapsePanel: function() { this.togglePanel(false); } }); /** Toggle the flyout panel to appear/disappear when mouse over */ $('.cms-menu-list li').entwine({ toggleFlyout: function(bool) { fly = $(this); if (fly.children('ul').first().hasClass('collapsed-flyout')) { if (bool) { //expand fly.children('ul').find('li').fadeIn('fast'); } else { //collapse fly.children('ul').find('li').hide(); } } } }); //slight delay to prevent flyout closing from "sloppy mouse movement" $('.cms-menu-list li').hoverIntent(function(){$(this).toggleFlyout(true);},function(){$(this).toggleFlyout(false);}); $('.cms-panel *').entwine({ getPanel: function() { return this.parents('.cms-panel:first'); } }); $('.cms-panel .toggle-expand').entwine({ onclick: function(e) { e.preventDefault(); this.getPanel().expandPanel(); } }); $('.cms-panel .toggle-collapse').entwine({ onclick: function(e) { this.getPanel().collapsePanel(); return false; } }); }); }(jQuery));