assertEquals(Session::get('Test'), 'Test'); } public function testClearElement() { Session::set('Test', 'Test'); Session::clear('Test'); $this->assertEquals(Session::get('Test'), ''); } public function testClearAllElements() { Session::set('Test', 'Test'); Session::set('Test-1', 'Test-1'); Session::clear_all(); // should session get return null? The array key should probably be // unset from the data array $this->assertEquals(Session::get('Test'), ''); $this->assertEquals(Session::get('Test-1'), ''); } public function testGetAllElements() { Session::clear_all(); // Remove all session that might've been set by the test harness Session::set('Test', 'Test'); Session::set('Test-2', 'Test-2'); $session = Session::get_all(); unset($session['HTTP_USER_AGENT']); $this->assertEquals($session, array('Test' => 'Test', 'Test-2' => 'Test-2')); } public function testSettingExistingDoesntClear() { $s = Injector::inst()->create('Session', array('something' => array('does' => 'exist'))); $s->inst_set('something.does', 'exist'); $result = $s->inst_changedData(); unset($result['HTTP_USER_AGENT']); $this->assertEquals(array(), $result); } /** * Check that changedData isn't populated with junk when clearing non-existent entries. */ public function testClearElementThatDoesntExist() { $s = Injector::inst()->create('Session', array('something' => array('does' => 'exist'))); $s->inst_clear('something.doesnt.exist'); $result = $s->inst_changedData(); unset($result['HTTP_USER_AGENT']); $this->assertEquals(array(), $result); $s->inst_set('something-else', 'val'); $s->inst_clear('something-new'); $result = $s->inst_changedData(); unset($result['HTTP_USER_AGENT']); $this->assertEquals(array('something-else' => 'val'), $result); } /** * Check that changedData is populated with clearing data. */ public function testClearElementThatDoesExist() { $s = Injector::inst()->create('Session', array('something' => array('does' => 'exist'))); $s->inst_clear('something.does'); $result = $s->inst_changedData(); unset($result['HTTP_USER_AGENT']); $this->assertEquals(array('something' => array('does' => null)), $result); } public function testNonStandardPath(){ Config::inst()->update('Session', 'store_path', (realpath(dirname($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']) . '/../session'))); Session::start(); $this->assertEquals(Config::inst()->get('Session', 'store_path'), ''); } public function testUserAgentLockout() { // Set a user agent $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] = 'Test Agent'; // Generate our session /** @var Session $s */ $s = Injector::inst()->create('Session', array()); $s->inst_set('val', 123); $s->inst_finalize(); $data = $s->inst_getAll(); // Change our UA $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] = 'Fake Agent'; // Verify the new session reset our values (passed by constructor) /** @var Session $s2 */ $s2 = Injector::inst()->create('Session', $data); $this->assertNotEquals($s2->inst_get('val'), 123); // Verify a started session resets our values (initiated by $_SESSION object) /** @var Session $s3 */ $s3 = Injector::inst()->create('Session', array()); foreach ($data as $key => $value) { $s3->inst_set($key, $value); } $s3->inst_start(); $this->assertNotEquals($s3->inst_get('val'), 123); } }