URLSegment . "/$action"; } /** * Returns link/current, depending on whether you're on the current page. * This is useful for css styling of menus. * @return string Either 'link' or 'current'. */ public function LinkOrCurrent() { return $this->isCurrent() ? "current" : "link"; } /** * Returns link/section, depending on whether you're on the current section. * This is useful for css styling of menus. * @return string Either 'link' or 'section'. */ public function LinkOrSection() { return $this->isSection() ? "section" : "link"; } /** * Returns link/current/section, depending if you're not in the current section, * you're on the current page, or you're in the current section * but not on the current page. * @return string Either 'link', 'current' or 'section'. */ public function LinkingMode() { $this->prepareCurrentAndSection(); if($this->ID == self::$currentPageID) { return "current"; } else if(in_array($this->ID, self::$currentSectionIDs)) { return "section"; } else { return "link"; } } /** * Get the URL segment for this page, eg 'home' * @return string The URL segment */ public function ElementName() { return $this->URLSegment; } /** * Check if this page is in the given current section. * @param string $sectionName Name of the section to check. * @return boolean True if we are in the given section. */ public function InSection($sectionName) { $page = Director::currentPage(); while($page) { if($sectionName == $page->URLSegment) return true; $page = $page->Parent; } return false; } /** * Returns comments on this page. This will only show comments that * have been marked as spam if "?showspam=1" is appended to the URL. * @return DataObjectSet Comments on this page. */ public function Comments() { $spamfilter = isset($_GET['showspam']) ? '' : 'AND IsSpam=0'; $unmoderatedfilter = Permission::check('ADMIN') ? '' : 'AND NeedsModeration = 0'; $comments = DataObject::get("PageComment", "ParentID = '" . Convert::raw2sql($this->ID) . "' $spamfilter $unmoderatedfilter", "Created DESC"); return $comments ? $comments : new DataObjectSet(); } /** * Create a duplicate of this node. Doesn't affect joined data - create a custom overloading of this * if you need such behaviour. * @return SiteTree The duplicated object. */ public function duplicate() { $page = parent::duplicate(); $page->CheckedPublicationDifferences = $page->AddedToStage = true; return $page; } /** * Duplicates each child of this node recursively and returns the duplicate node. * @return SiteTree The duplicated object. */ public function duplicateWithChildren() { $clone = $this->duplicate(); $children = $this->AllChildren(); if($children) { foreach($children as $child) { $childClone = method_exists( $child, 'duplicateWithChildren' ) ? $child->duplicateWithChildren() : $child->duplicate(); $childClone->ParentID = $clone->ID; $childClone->write(); } } return $clone; } /** * Duplicate this node and its children as a child of the node with the given id * @param int $id ID of the new node's new parent */ public function duplicateAsChild( $id ) { $newSiteTree = $this->duplicate(); $newSiteTree->ParentID = $id; $newSiteTree->write(); } /** * An array of this pages URL segment and it's parents. * This is generated by prepareCurrentAndSection for use by * isCurrent() and isSection() * @var array */ protected static $currentSectionIDs; /** * The current page ID. * This is generated by prepareCurrentAndSection for use by * isCurrent() and isSection() * @var int */ protected static $currentPageID; /** * This function is used for isCurrent() and isSection() to prepare * the cached answers. */ protected function prepareCurrentAndSection() { if(!self::$currentPageID) { self::$currentPageID = Director::currentPage() ? Director::currentPage()->ID : null; if(!isset(self::$currentPageID)) { self::$currentPageID = -1; $nextID = isset(Director::currentPage()->Parent->ID) ? Director::currentPage()->Parent->ID : null; } else { $nextID = SiteTree::$currentPageID; } $table = (Versioned::current_stage() == "Live") ? "SiteTree_Live" : "SiteTree"; SiteTree::$currentSectionIDs = array(); while($nextID) { self::$currentSectionIDs[] = $nextID; $nextID = DB::query("SELECT ParentID FROM SiteTree WHERE ID = $nextID")->value(); } } } /** * Check if this is the currently viewed page. * @return boolean True if this is the current page. */ public function isCurrent() { $this->prepareCurrentAndSection(); return $this->ID == SiteTree::$currentPageID; } /** * Check if the currently viewed page is in this section. * @return boolean True if the currently viewed page is in this section. */ public function isSection() { $this->prepareCurrentAndSection(); return in_array($this->ID, self::$currentSectionIDs); } /** * Return a breadcrumb trail to this page. * @param int $maxDepth The maximum depth to traverse. * @param boolean $unlinked Do not make page names links * @param string $stopAtPageType ClassName of a page to stop the upwards traversal. * @return string The breadcrumb trail. */ public function Breadcrumbs($maxDepth = 20, $unlinked = false, $stopAtPageType = false) { $page = $this; $parts = array(); $i = 0; while(($page && (sizeof($parts) < $maxDepth)) || ($stopAtPageType && $page->ClassName != $stopAtPageType)) { if($page->ShowInMenus || ($page->ID == $this->ID)) { if($page->URLSegment == 'home') { $hasHome = true; } $parts[] = (($page->ID == $this->ID) || $unlinked) ? Convert::raw2xml($page->Title) : ("Link() . "\">" . Convert::raw2xml($page->Title) . ""); } $page = $page->Parent; } return implode(" » ", array_reverse($parts)); } /** * Get the parent of this page. * @return SiteTree Parent of this page. */ public function getParent() { if($this->getField("ParentID")) return DataObject::get_one("SiteTree", "`SiteTree`.ID = " . $this->getField("ParentID")); } /** * Make this page a child of another page. * @param SiteTree|int $item Either the parent object, or the parent id */ public function setParent($item) { if(is_object($item)) { $this->setField("ParentID", $item->ID); } else { $this->setField("ParentID", $item); } } /** * Return a string of the form "parent - page" or "grandparent - parent - page". * @param int $level The maximum amount of levels to traverse. * @param string $seperator Seperating string * @return string The resulting string */ function NestedTitle($level = 2, $separator = " - ") { $item = $this; while($item && $level > 0) { $parts[] = $item->Title; $item = $item->Parent; $level--; } return implode($separator, array_reverse($parts)); } /** * Returns true if the member is allowed to do the given action. * * @param string $perm The permission to be checked, such as 'View'. * @param Member $member The member whose permissions need checking. * Defaults to the currently logged in user. * * @return boolean True if the the member is allowed to do the given * action. * * @todo Check we get a endless recursion if we use parent::can() */ function can($perm, $member = null) { if(!isset($member)) { $member = Member::currentUser(); } // Users with ADMIN permission can always do this if($member && Permission::check('ADMIN')) { return true; } switch(strtolower($perm)) { case 'edit': if($this->Editors == 'LoggedInUsers' && $member) return true; if($member && $this->Editors == 'OnlyTheseUsers' && $member->isInGroup($this->EditorsGroup)) return true; break; case 'view': case 'view_page': if($this->Viewers == 'Anyone') return true; if($member && $this->Viewers == 'LoggedInUsers') return true; if($member && $this->Viewers == 'OnlyTheseUsers' && $member->isInGroup($this->ViewersGroup)) return true; break; } return false; } /** * This function should return true if the current user can add children * to this page. * * It can be overloaded to customise the security model for an * application. * * @return boolean True if the current user can add children. */ public function canAddChildren() { return $this->canEdit() && $this->stat('allowed_children') != 'none'; } /** * This function should return true if the current user can delete this page. * It can be overloaded to customise the security model for an application. * @return boolean True if the current user can delete this page. */ public function canDelete() { return $this->stat('can_create') != false; } /** * This function should return true if the current user can create new pages of this class. * It can be overloaded to customise the security model for an application. * @return boolean True if the current user can create pages on this class. */ public function canCreate() { return $this->stat('can_create') != false || Director::isDev(); } /** * This function should return true if the current user can edit this page. * It can be overloaded to customise the security model for an application. * @return boolean True if the current user can edit this page. */ public function canEdit() { return $this->can('Edit'); } /** * This function should return true if the current user can publish this page. * It can be overloaded to customise the security model for an application. * @return boolean True if the current user can publish this page. */ public function canPublish() { return $this->canEdit(); } /** * Collate selected descendants of this page. * $condition will be evaluated on each descendant, and if it is succeeds, that item will be added * to the $collator array. * @param string $condition The PHP condition to be evaluated. The page will be called $item * @param array $collator An array, passed by reference, to collect all of the matching descendants. */ public function collateDescendants($condition, &$collator) { if($children = $this->Children()) { foreach($children as $item) { if(eval("return $condition;")) $collator[] = $item; $item->collateDescendants($condition, $collator); } return true; } } /** * Return the title, description and keywords metatags. * @param boolean|string $includeTitle Show default -tag, set to false for custom templating * @return string The XHTML metatags */ public function MetaTags($includeTitle = true) { $tags = ""; if($includeTitle === true || $includeTitle == 'true') { $tags .= "<title>" . Convert::raw2xml($this->MetaTitle ? $this->MetaTitle : $this->Title) . "\n"; } $tags .= "\n"; $charset = ContentNegotiator::get_encoding(); $tags .= "\n"; if($this->MetaKeywords) { $tags .= "MetaKeywords) . "\" />\n"; } if($this->MetaDescription) { $tags .= "MetaDescription) . "\" />\n"; } return $tags; } /** * Returns the object that contains the content that a user would associate with this page. * Ordinarily, this is just the page itself, but for example on RedirectorPages or VirtualPages * ContentSource() will return the page that is linked to. * @return SiteTree The content source. */ public function ContentSource() { return $this; } function requireDefaultRecords() { parent::requireDefaultRecords(); if($this->class == 'SiteTree') { if(!DataObject::get_one("SiteTree", "URLSegment = 'home'")) { $homepage = new Page(); $homepage->Title = "Home"; $homepage->Content = "

Welcome to SilverStripe! This is the default homepage. You can edit this page by opening the CMS.

"; $homepage->URLSegment = "home"; $homepage->Status = "Published"; $homepage->write(); $homepage->publish("Stage", "Live"); $homepage->flushCache(); if(!Database::$supressOutput) { echo "
  • Home page created
  • "; } } if(DB::query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM SiteTree")->value() == 1) { $aboutus = new Page(); $aboutus->Title = "About Us"; $aboutus->Content = "

    You can fill this page out with your own content, or delete it and create your own pages.

    "; $aboutus->URLSegment = "about-us"; $aboutus->Status = "Published"; $aboutus->write(); $aboutus->publish("Stage", "Live"); if(!Database::$supressOutput) { echo "
  • About Us created
  • "; } $contactus = new Page(); $contactus->Title = "Contact Us"; $contactus->Content = "

    You can fill this page out with your own content, or delete it and create your own pages.

    "; $contactus->URLSegment = "contact-us"; $contactus->Status = "Published"; $contactus->write(); $contactus->publish("Stage", "Live"); $contactus->flushCache(); } } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// protected function onBeforeWrite() { if(!$this->Sort && $this->ParentID) { $this->Sort = DB::query("SELECT MAX(Sort) + 1 FROM SiteTree WHERE ParentID = $this->ParentID")->value(); } // Auto-set URLSegment if((!$this->URLSegment || $this->URLSegment == 'new-page') && $this->Title) { $this->URLSegment = $this->generateURLSegment($this->Title); // Keep it clean } else if(isset($this->changed['URLSegment']) && $this->changed['URLSegment']) { $segment = ereg_replace('[^A-Za-z0-9]+','-',$this->URLSegment); $segment = ereg_replace('-+','-',$segment); if(!$segment) { $segment = "page-$this->ID"; } $this->URLSegment = $segment; } // Ensure URLSegment is unique $idFilter = $this->ID ? " AND `SiteTree`.ID <> '$this->ID'" : ''; $count = 1; while(DataObject::get_one("SiteTree", "URLSegment = '$this->URLSegment' $idFilter")) { $count++; $this->URLSegment = ereg_replace('-[0-9]+$','', $this->URLSegment) . "-$count"; } // If the URLSegment has been changed, rewrite links if(isset($this->changed['URLSegment']) && $this->changed['URLSegment']) { if($this->hasMethod('BackLinkTracking')) { $links = $this->BackLinkTracking(); if($links) { foreach($links as $link) { $link->rewriteLink($this->original['URLSegment'] . '/', $this->URLSegment . '/'); $link->write(); } } } } parent::onBeforeWrite(); } /** * Generate a URL segment based on the title provided. * @param string $title Page title. * @return string Generated url segment */ function generateURLSegment($title){ $t = strtolower($title); $t = str_replace('&','-and-',$t); $t = str_replace('&','-and-',$t); $t = ereg_replace('[^A-Za-z0-9]+','-',$t); $t = ereg_replace('-+','-',$t); if(!$t) { $t = "page-$this->ID"; } return $t; } function makelinksunique() { $badURLs = "'" . implode("', '", DB::query("SELECT URLSegment, count(*) FROM SiteTree GROUP BY URLSegment HAVING count(*) > 1")->column()) . "'"; $pages = DataObject::get("SiteTree", "URLSegment IN ($badURLs)"); foreach($pages as $page) { echo "
  • $page->Title: "; $urlSegment = $page->URLSegment; $page->write(); if($urlSegment != $page->URLSegment) echo " changed $urlSegment -> $page->URLSegment"; else echo " $urlSegment is already unique"; die(); } } function makelinksuniquequick() { $badURLs = "'" . implode("', '", DB::query("SELECT URLSegment, count(*) FROM SiteTree GROUP BY URLSegment HAVING count(*) > 1")->column()) . "'"; $pages = DB::query("SELECT *, SiteTree.ID FROM SiteTree LEFT JOIN Page ON Page.ID = SiteTree.ID WHERE URLSegment IN ($badURLs)"); foreach($pages as $page) { echo "
  • $page[Title]: "; $urlSegment = $page['URLSegment']; $newURLSegment = $urlSegment . '-' . $page['ID']; DB::query("UPDATE SiteTree SET URLSegment = '$newURLSegment' WHERE ID = $page[ID]"); if($urlSegment != $newURLSegment) echo " changed $urlSegment -> $newURLSegment"; else echo " $urlSegment is already unique"; } echo "

    done"; } /** * Replace a URL in html content with a new URL. * @param string $old The old URL * @param string $new The new URL */ function rewriteLink($old, $new) { $fields = $this->getCMSFields(null)->dataFields(); foreach($fields as $field) { if(is_a($field, 'HtmlEditorField')) { $fieldName = $field->Name(); $field->setValue($this->$fieldName); $field->rewriteLink($old, $new); $field->saveInto($this); } } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// /** * Holds callback functions to be called when getCMSFields() is called * * @var array */ static $cms_additions = array(); /** * Allows modules to extend the cms editing form for all pages in the site * * @param mixed $function the name of your function, either as a string, * or in the form array('class','function) */ static function ExtendCMS($function) { self::$cms_additions[] = $function; } /** * Returns a FieldSet with which to create the CMS editing form. * You can override this in your child classes to add extra fields - first * get the parent fields using parent::getCMSFields(), then use addFieldToTab() * on the FieldSet. * @return FieldSet The fields to be displayed in the CMS. */ function getCMSFields() { require_once("forms/Form.php"); Requirements::javascript("cms/javascript/SitetreeAccess.js"); // Backlink report if($this->hasMethod('BackLinkTracking')) { $links = $this->BackLinkTracking(); if($links->exists()) { foreach($links as $link) { $backlinks[] = "

  • ID\">" . $link->Breadcrumbs(null,true). "
  • "; } $backlinks = "
    The following pages link to this page:
    "; } } if(!isset($backlinks)) { $backlinks = "

    This page hasn't been linked to from any pages.

    "; } // Status / message // Create a status message for multiple parents if($this->ID && is_numeric($this->ID)) { $linkedPages = DataObject::get("VirtualPage", "CopyContentFromID = $this->ID"); } if(isset($linkedPages)) { foreach($linkedPages as $linkedPage) { $parentPage = $linkedPage->Parent; $parentPageTitle = $parentPage->Title; if($parentPage->ID) { $parentPageLinks[] = "ID\">{$parentPage->Title}"; } else { $parentPageLinks[] = "ID\">Site Content (Top Level)"; } } $lastParent = array_pop($parentPageLinks); $parentList = "'$lastParent'"; if(count( $parentPageLinks ) > 0) { $parentList = "'" . implode("', '", $parentPageLinks) . "' and " . $parentList; } $statusMessage[] = "This content also appears on the virtual pages in the $parentList sections."; } if($this->HasBrokenLink || $this->HasBrokenFile) { $statusMessage[] = "This page has broken links."; } $message = "STATUS: $this->Status
    "; if(isset($statusMessage)) { $message .= "NOTE: " . implode("
    ", $statusMessage); } // Lay out the fields $fields = new FieldSet( new TabSet("Root", new TabSet("Content", new Tab("Main", new TextField("Title", "Page name"), /*new UniqueTextField("Title", "Title", "SiteTree", "Another page is using that name. Page names should be unique.", "Page Name" ),*/ new TextField("MenuTitle", "Navigation label"), new HtmlEditorField("Content","Content") ), new Tab("Meta-data", new FieldGroup("URL", new LabelField("http://www.yoursite.com/"), //new TextField("URLSegment",""), new UniqueRestrictedTextField("URLSegment", "URLSegment", "SiteTree", "Another page is using that URL. URL must be unique for each page", "[^A-Za-z0-9-]+", "-", "URLs can only be made up of letters, digits and hyphens.", "" ), new LabelField("/") ), new HeaderField("Search Engine Meta-tags"), new TextField("MetaTitle", "Title"), new TextareaField("MetaDescription", "Description"), new TextareaField("MetaKeywords", "Keywords") ) ), new Tab("Behaviour", new DropdownField("ClassName", "Page type", $this->getClassDropdown()), new CheckboxField("ShowInMenus", "Show in menus?"), new CheckboxField("ShowInSearch", "Show in search?"), /*, new TreeMultiselectField("MultipleParents", "Page appears within", "SiteTree")*/ new CheckboxField("ProvideComments", "Allow comments on this page?"), new LiteralField("", "

    Use this page as the 'home page' for the following domains: (separate multiple domains with commas)

    "), new TextField("HomepageForDomain", "Domain(s)") ), new TabSet("Reports", new Tab("BackLinks", new LiteralField("Backlinks", $backlinks) ) ), new Tab("Access", new HeaderField("Who can display this?", 2), new OptionsetField("Viewers", "", array("Anyone" => "Anyone", "LoggedInUsers" => "Logged-in users", "OnlyTheseUsers" => "Only these people (choose from list)")), new DropdownField("ViewersGroup", "Group", Group::map()), new HeaderField("Who can edit this?", 2), new OptionsetField("Editors", "", array("LoggedInUsers" => "Logged-in users", "OnlyTheseUsers" => "Only these people (choose from list)")), new DropdownField("EditorsGroup", "Group", Group::map()) ) ), new NamedLabelField("Status", $message, "pageStatusMessage", true) ); foreach(self::$cms_additions as $extension) { $fields = call_user_func($extension,$fields); } $this->extend('updateCMSFields', $fields); return $fields; } /** * Get the actions available in the CMS for this page - eg Save, Publish. * @return DataObjectSet The available actions for this page. */ function getCMSActions() { $actions = array(); if($this->isPublished() && $this->canPublish()) { $actions[] = FormAction::create('unpublish', 'Unpublish')->describe("Remove this page from the published site"); } if($this->stagesDiffer('Stage','Live')) { if($this->isPublished() && $this->canEdit()) { $actions[] = FormAction::create('rollback', 'Cancel draft changes')->describe("Delete your draft and revert to the currently published page"); } } if($this->canPublish()) $actions[] = new FormAction('publish', 'Save & Publish'); return new DataObjectSet($actions); } /** * Check if this page is new - that is, if it has yet to have been written * to the database. * @return boolean True if this page is new. */ function isNew() { /** * This check was a problem for a self-hosted site, and may indicate a bug in the interpreter on their server, or a bug here * Changing the condition from empty( $this->ID ) to !$this->ID && !$this->record['ID'] fixed this. */ if(empty($this->ID)) return true; if(is_numeric($this->ID)) return false; return stripos($this->ID, 'new') === 0; } /** * Check if this page has been published. * @return boolean True if this page has been published. */ function isPublished() { if($this->isNew()) return false; return DB::query("SELECT ID FROM `SiteTree_Live` WHERE ID = $this->ID")->value() ? true : false; } /** * Look for ghost parents */ function MultipleParents() { $parents = new GhostPage_ComponentSet($this->Parent); $parents->setOwner($this); $ghostPages = DataObject::get("GhostPage", "LinkedPageID = '$this->ID'"); if($ghostPages) foreach($ghostPages as $ghostPage) { // Ignore root ghost-pages if($p = $ghostPage->getParent()) $parents->push($p); } return $parents; } /** * Get the class dropdown used in the CMS to change the class of a page. * This returns the list of options in the drop as a Map from class name * to text in dropdown. * @return array */ function getClassDropdown() { $classes = ClassInfo::getValidSubClasses('SiteTree'); array_shift($classes); foreach($classes as $class) { $instance = singleton($class); if((($instance instanceof HiddenClass) || !$instance->canCreate()) && ($class != $this->class)) continue; $addAction = $instance->uninherited('add_action', true); if(!$addAction) $addAction = "a $class"; $result[$class] = ($class == $this->class) ? "Currently $addAction" : "Change to $addAction"; } return $result; } /** * Returns an array of the class names of classes that are allowed * to be children of this class. * @return array */ function allowedChildren() { $candidates = $this->stat('allowed_children'); if($candidates && $candidates != "none" && $candidates != "SiteTree_root") { foreach($candidates as $candidate) { if(substr($candidate,0,1) == '*') { $allowedChildren[] = substr($candidate,1); } else { $subclasses = ClassInfo::subclassesFor($candidate); foreach($subclasses as $subclass) { if($subclass != "SiteTree_root") $allowedChildren[] = $subclass; } } } return $allowedChildren; } } /** * Returns the class name of the default class for children * of this page. * @return string */ function defaultChild() { $default = $this->stat('default_child'); $allowed = $this->allowedChildren(); if($allowed) { if(!$default || !in_array($default, $allowed)) $default = reset($allowed); return $default; } } /** * Returns the class name of the default class for the parent * of this page. * @return string */ function defaultParent() { return $this->stat('default_parent'); } /** * Function to clean up the currently loaded page after a reorganise has been called. * It should return a piece of JavaScript to be executed on the client side, to clean * up the results of the reorganise. */ function cmsCleanup_parentChanged() { } /** * Get the title for use in menus for this page. If the MenuTitle * field is set it returns that, else it returns the Title field. * @return string */ function getMenuTitle(){ if($value = $this->getField("MenuTitle")) { return $value; } else { return $this->getField("Title"); } } /** * Set the menu title for this page. * @param string $value */ function setMenuTitle($value) { if($value == $this->getField("Title")) { $this->setField("MenuTitle", null); } else { $this->setField("MenuTitle", $value); } } /** * TitleWithStatus will return the title in an , or tag * depending on its publication status. * @return string */ function TreeTitle() { // If somthing if(!$this->CheckedPublicationDifferences && $this->ID) { $stageVersion = DB::query("SELECT Version FROM SiteTree WHERE ID = $this->ID")->value(); $liveVersion = DB::query("SELECT Version FROM SiteTree_Live WHERE ID = $this->ID")->value(); if($stageVersion && !$liveVersion) $this->AddedToStage = true; else if(!$stageVersion && $liveVersion) $this->DeletedFromStage = true; else if($stageVersion != $liveVersion) $this->ModifiedOnStage = true; } $tag = ($this->DeletedFromStage ? "del title=\"Removed from stage site\"" : ($this->AddedToStage ? "ins title=\"Added to stage site\"" : ($this->ModifiedOnStage ? "span title=\"Modified on stage site\" class=\"modified\"" : ""))); if($tag) { return "<$tag>" . $this->Title . ""; } else { return $this->Title; } } /** * Return the CSS classes to apply to this node in the CMS tree * @param Controller $controller The controller object that the tree appears on * @return string */ function CMSTreeClasses($controller) { $classes = $this->class; if($this->HasBrokenFile || $this->HasBrokenLink) $classes .= " BrokenLink"; if(!$this->canAddChildren()) $classes .= " nochildren"; if(!$this->canDelete()) $classes .= " nodelete"; if($controller->isCurrentPage($this)) $classes .= " current"; $classes .= $this->markingClasses(); return $classes; } /** * Indicates what kind of children this page type can have. * This can be an array of allowed child classes, or the string "none" - indicating that * this page type can't have children. * If a classname is prefixed by "*", such as "*Page", then only that class is allowed - no * subclasses. Otherwise, the class and all its subclasses are allowed. * @var array */ static $allowed_children = array("SiteTree"); /** * The default child class for this page. * @var string */ static $default_child = "Page"; /** * The default parent class for this page. * @var string */ static $default_parent = null; /** * Controls whether a page can be in the root of the site tree. * @var bool */ static $can_be_root = true; /** * List of permission codes a user can have to allow a user to create a page * of this type. * @var array */ static $need_permission = null; /** * If you extend a class, and don't want to be able to select the old class * in the cms, set this to the old class name. Eg, if you extended Product to * make ImprovedProduct, then you would set $hide_ancestor to Product. * @var string */ static $hide_ancestor = null; static $db = array( "URLSegment" => "Varchar(255)", "Title" => "Varchar(255)", "MenuTitle" => "Varchar(100)", "Content" => "HTMLText", "MetaTitle" => "Varchar(255)", "MetaDescription" => "Varchar(255)", "MetaKeywords" => "Varchar(255)", "ShowInMenus" => "Boolean", "ShowInSearch" => "Boolean", "HomepageForDomain" => "Varchar(100)", "ProvideComments" => "Boolean", "Sort" => "Int", "LegacyURL" => "Varchar(255)", "HasBrokenFile" => "Boolean", "HasBrokenLink" => "Boolean", "Status" => "Varchar", "ReportClass" => "Varchar", "Viewers" => "Enum('Anyone, LoggedInUsers, OnlyTheseUsers', 'Anyone')", "Editors" => "Enum('LoggedInUsers, OnlyTheseUsers', 'LoggedInUsers')", "ViewersGroup" => "Int", "EditorsGroup" => "Int" ); static $indexes = array( "SearchFields" => "fulltext (Title, MenuTitle, Content, MetaTitle, MetaDescription, MetaKeywords)", "TitleSearchFields" => "fulltext (Title)" ); static $has_many = array( "Comments" => "PageComment" ); static $many_many = array( "LinkTracking" => "SiteTree", "ImageTracking" => "File" ); static $belongs_many_many = array( "BackLinkTracking" => "SiteTree" ); static $many_many_extraFields = array( "LinkTracking" => array("FieldName" => "Varchar"), "ImageTracking" => array("FieldName" => "Varchar") ); static $casting = array( "Breadcrumbs" => "HTMLText", "LastEdited" => "Datetime", "Created" => "Datetime", ); static $defaults = array( "ShowInMenus" => 1, "ShowInSearch" => 1, "Status" => "New page", "CanCreateChildren" => array(10), "Viewers" => "Anyone", "Editors" => "LoggedInUsers" ); static $has_one = array( "Parent" => "SiteTree" ); static $versioning = array( "Stage", "Live" ); static $default_sort = "Sort"; /** * The text shown in the create page dropdown. If * this is not set, default to "Create a ClassName". * @var string */ static $add_action = null; /** * If this is false, the class cannot be created in the CMS. * @var boolean */ static $can_create = true; /** * Icon to use in the CMS * This should be the base filename. The suffixes -file.gif, -openfolder.gif and -closedfolder.gif will * be appended to the base name that you provide there. * If you prefer, you can pass an array: array("jsparty/tree/images/page", $option). $option can be either * "file" or "folder" to force the icon to always be a file or folder, regardless of whether the page has * children or not * @var string|array */ static $icon = array("jsparty/tree/images/page", "file"); static $extensions = array( "Hierarchy", "Versioned('Stage', 'Live')", ); } ?>