en: SilverStripe\AssetAdmin\Forms\UploadField: Dimensions: Dimensions EDIT: Edit EDITINFO: 'Edit this file' REMOVE: Remove SilverStripe\Control\ChangePasswordEmail_ss: CHANGEPASSWORDFOREMAIL: 'The password for account with email address {email} has been changed. If you didn\''t change your password please change your password using the link below' CHANGEPASSWORDTEXT1: 'You changed your password for' CHANGEPASSWORDTEXT3: 'Change password' HELLO: Hi SilverStripe\Control\Email\ForgotPasswordEmail_ss: HELLO: Hi TEXT1: 'Here is your' TEXT2: 'password reset link' TEXT3: for SilverStripe\Control\Middleware\ConfirmationMiddleware\GetParameter: CONFIRMATION_NAME: '"{key}" GET parameter' SilverStripe\Control\Middleware\ConfirmationMiddleware\Url: CONFIRMATION_DESCRIPTION: 'The URL is: "{url}"' CONFIRMATION_NAME: 'URL is protected' SilverStripe\Control\Middleware\ConfirmationMiddleware\UrlPathStartswith: CONFIRMATION_DESCRIPTION: 'The complete URL is: "{url}"' CONFIRMATION_NAME: 'URL begins with "{path}"' SilverStripe\Control\RequestProcessor: INVALID_REQUEST: 'Invalid request' REQUEST_ABORTED: 'Request aborted' SilverStripe\Dev\DevBuildController: CAN_DEV_BUILD_DESCRIPTION: 'Can execute /dev/build' CAN_DEV_BUILD_HELP: 'Can execute the build command (/dev/build).' SilverStripe\Dev\DevConfigController: CAN_DEV_CONFIG_DESCRIPTION: 'Can view /dev/config' CAN_DEV_CONFIG_HELP: 'Can view all application configuration (/dev/config).' SilverStripe\Dev\DevConfirmationController: INFO_DESCRIPTION: 'Confirm potentially dangerous operation' INFO_TITLE: 'Security Confirmation' SilverStripe\Dev\DevelopmentAdmin: ALL_DEV_ADMIN_DESCRIPTION: 'Can view and execute all /dev endpoints' ALL_DEV_ADMIN_HELP: 'Can view and execute all /dev endpoints' PERMISSIONS_CATEGORY: 'Dev permissions' SilverStripe\Dev\TaskRunner: BUILDTASK_CAN_RUN_DESCRIPTION: 'Can view and execute all /dev/tasks' BUILDTASK_CAN_RUN_HELP: 'Can view and execute all Build Tasks (/dev/tasks). This may still be overriden by individual task view permissions' SilverStripe\Forms\CheckboxField: NOANSWER: 'No' YESANSWER: 'Yes' SilverStripe\Forms\CheckboxSetField_ss: NOOPTIONSAVAILABLE: 'No options available' SilverStripe\Forms\ConfirmedPasswordField: ATLEAST: 'Passwords must be at least {min} characters long.' BETWEEN: 'Passwords must be {min} to {max} characters long.' CURRENT_PASSWORD_ERROR: 'The current password you have entered is not correct.' CURRENT_PASSWORD_MISSING: 'You must enter your current password.' LOGGED_IN_ERROR: 'You must be logged in to change your password.' MAXIMUM: 'Passwords must be at most {max} characters long.' RANDOM_IF_EMPTY: 'If this is left blank then a random password will be automatically generated.' SHOWONCLICKTITLE: 'Change Password' SilverStripe\Forms\DateField: NOTSET: 'not set' TODAY: today VALIDDATEFORMAT2: 'Please enter a valid date format ({format})' VALIDDATEMAXDATE: 'Your date has to be older or matching the maximum allowed date ({date})' VALIDDATEMINDATE: 'Your date has to be newer or matching the minimum allowed date ({date})' SilverStripe\Forms\DatetimeField: VALIDDATEMAXDATETIME: 'Your date has to be older or matching the maximum allowed date and time ({datetime})' VALIDDATETIMEFORMAT: 'Please enter a valid date and time format ({format})' VALIDDATETIMEMINDATE: 'Your date has to be newer or matching the minimum allowed date and time ({datetime})' SilverStripe\Forms\DropdownField: CHOOSE: (Choose) SEARCH_OR_CHOOSE_MODEL: '(Search or choose {name})' SOURCE_VALIDATION: 'Please select a value within the list provided. {value} is not a valid option' SilverStripe\Forms\EmailField: VALIDATION: 'Please enter an email address' SilverStripe\Forms\FileUploadReceiver: FIELDNOTSET: 'File information not found' SilverStripe\Forms\Form: BAD_METHOD: 'This form requires a {method} submission' CSRF_EXPIRED_MESSAGE: 'Your session has expired. Please re-submit the form.' CSRF_FAILED_MESSAGE: 'There seems to have been a technical problem. Please click the back button, refresh your browser, and try again.' FIELDISREQUIRED: '{name} is required' VALIDATIONPASSWORDSDONTMATCH: "Passwords don't match" VALIDATIONPASSWORDSNOTEMPTY: "Passwords can't be empty" VALIDATIONSTRONGPASSWORD: 'Passwords must have at least one digit and one alphanumeric character' VALIDATOR: Validator VALIDCURRENCY: 'Please enter a valid currency' SilverStripe\Forms\FormField: EXAMPLE: 'e.g. {format}' NONE: none SilverStripe\Forms\FormScaffolder: TABMAIN: Main SilverStripe\Forms\GridField\GridField: Add: 'Add {name}' CSVEXPORT: 'Export to CSV' CSVIMPORT: 'Import CSV' Filter: Filter FilterBy: 'Filter by ' Find: Find LinkExisting: 'Link Existing' NewRecord: 'New {type}' NoItemsFound: 'No items found' OpenFilter: 'Open search and filter' PRINTEDAT: 'Printed at' PRINTEDBY: 'Printed by' PlaceHolder: 'Find {type}' PlaceHolderWithLabels: 'Find {type} by {name}' Print: Print RelationSearch: 'Relation search' ResetFilter: Reset SilverStripe\Forms\GridField\GridFieldDeleteAction: Delete: Delete DeletePermissionsFailure: 'No delete permissions' EditPermissionsFailure: 'No permission to unlink record' UnlinkRelation: Unlink SilverStripe\Forms\GridField\GridFieldDetailForm: CancelBtn: Cancel Create: Create Delete: Delete DeletePermissionsFailure: 'No delete permissions' Deleted: 'Deleted {type} "{name}"' Save: Save Saved: 'Saved {name} {link}' SilverStripe\Forms\GridField\GridFieldDetailForm_ItemRequest: EditPermissionsFailure: 'It seems you don''t have the necessary permissions to edit "{ObjectTitle}"' NEW: 'Add new record' NEXT: 'Go to next record' PREVIOUS: 'Go to previous record' SAVEDUP: 'Saved successfully.' SAVETOASTMESSAGE: 'Saved {type} "{title}" successfully.' ViewPermissionsFailure: 'It seems you don''t have the necessary permissions to view "{ObjectTitle}"' SilverStripe\Forms\GridField\GridFieldEditButton: EDIT: Edit SilverStripe\Forms\GridField\GridFieldFilterHeader: Search: 'Search "{name}"' SearchFormFaliure: 'No search form could be generated' SilverStripe\Forms\GridField\GridFieldGroupDeleteAction: UnlinkSelfFailure: 'Cannot remove yourself from this group, you will lose admin rights' SilverStripe\Forms\GridField\GridFieldPaginator: OF: of Page: Page View: View SilverStripe\Forms\GridField\GridFieldViewButton: VIEW: View SilverStripe\Forms\HTMLEditor\TinyMCEConfig: BEST_FIT: 'Best fit' ORIGINAL: Original PIXEL_WIDTH: '{width} pixels' SilverStripe\Forms\MoneyField: FIELDLABELAMOUNT: Amount FIELDLABELCURRENCY: Currency INVALID_CURRENCY: 'Currency {currency} is not in the list of allowed currencies' SilverStripe\Forms\MultiSelectField: SOURCE_VALIDATION: 'Please select values within the list provided. Invalid option(s) {value} given' SilverStripe\Forms\NullableField: IsNullLabel: 'Is Null' SilverStripe\Forms\NumericField: VALIDATION: '''{value}'' is not a number, only numbers can be accepted for this field' SilverStripe\Forms\SearchableDropdownTrait: SELECT: Select... SELECT_OR_TYPE_TO_SEARCH: 'Select or type to search...' TYPE_TO_SEARCH: 'Type to search...' SilverStripe\Forms\TextField: VALIDATEMAXLENGTH: 'The value for {name} must not exceed {maxLength} characters in length' SilverStripe\Forms\TimeField: VALIDATEFORMAT: 'Please enter a valid time format ({format})' SilverStripe\Forms\UrlField: INVALID: 'Please enter a valid URL' SilverStripe\ORM\DataObject: GENERALSEARCH: 'General Search' PLURALNAME: 'Data Objects' PLURALS: one: 'A Data Object' other: '{count} Data Objects' SINGULARNAME: 'Data Object' many_many_FileTracking: 'File tracking' many_many_LinkTracking: 'Link tracking' SilverStripe\ORM\FieldType\DBBoolean: ANY: Any NOANSWER: 'No' YESANSWER: 'Yes' SilverStripe\ORM\FieldType\DBDate: DAYS_SHORT_PLURALS: one: '{count} day' other: '{count} days' HOURS_SHORT_PLURALS: one: '{count} hour' other: '{count} hours' LessThanMinuteAgo: 'less than a minute' MINUTES_SHORT_PLURALS: one: '{count} min' other: '{count} mins' MONTHS_SHORT_PLURALS: one: '{count} month' other: '{count} months' SECONDS_SHORT_PLURALS: one: '{count} sec' other: '{count} secs' TIMEDIFFAGO: '{difference} ago' TIMEDIFFIN: 'in {difference}' YEARS_SHORT_PLURALS: one: '{count} year' other: '{count} years' SilverStripe\ORM\FieldType\DBEnum: ANY: Any SilverStripe\ORM\FieldType\DBForeignKey: DROPDOWN_THRESHOLD_FALLBACK_MESSAGE: 'Too many related objects; fallback field in use' SilverStripe\ORM\FieldType\DBString: ELLIPSIS: … SilverStripe\ORM\Hierarchy: LIMITED_TITLE: 'Too many children ({count})' SilverStripe\ORM\Hierarchy\Hierarchy: InfiniteLoopNotAllowed: 'Infinite loop found within the "{type}" hierarchy. Please change the parent to resolve this' LIMITED_TITLE: 'Too many children ({count})' SilverStripe\ORM\ValidationException: DEFAULT_ERROR: 'Validation error' SilverStripe\Security\BasicAuth: ENTERINFO: 'Please enter a username and password.' ERRORNOTADMIN: 'That user is not an administrator.' ERRORNOTREC: "That username / password isn't recognised" SilverStripe\Security\CMSMemberLoginForm: PASSWORDEXPIRED: '

Your password has expired. Please choose a new one.

' SilverStripe\Security\CMSSecurity: INVALIDUSER: '

Invalid user. Please re-authenticate here to continue.


Your session has timed out due to inactivity

' LOGIN_TITLE: 'Return to where you left off by logging back in' SUCCESS: Success SUCCESSCONTENT: '

Login success. If you are not automatically redirected click here

' SUCCESS_TITLE: 'Login successful' SilverStripe\Security\Confirmation\Form: CONFIRM: 'Run the action' EMPTY_TITLE: 'Nothing to confirm' REFUSE: Cancel SilverStripe\Security\Confirmation\Handler: FORM_TITLE: 'Confirm potentially dangerous action' SilverStripe\Security\DefaultAdminService: DefaultAdminFirstname: 'Default Admin' SilverStripe\Security\Group: AddRole: 'Add a role for this group' Code: 'Group Code' DefaultGroupTitleAdministrators: Administrators DefaultGroupTitleContentAuthors: 'Content Authors' Description: Description GROUPNAME: 'Group name' GroupReminder: "If you choose a parent group, this group will take all it's roles" HierarchyPermsError: 'Can''t assign parent group "{group}" with privileged permissions (requires ADMIN access)' Locked: 'Locked?' MEMBERS: Members NEWGROUP: 'New Group' NoRoles: 'No roles found' PERMISSIONS: Permissions PLURALNAME: Groups PLURALS: one: 'A Group' other: '{count} Groups' Parent: 'Parent Group' ROLES: Roles ROLESDESCRIPTION: 'Roles are predefined sets of permissions, and can be assigned to groups.
They are inherited from parent groups if required.' RolesAddEditLink: 'Manage roles' SINGULARNAME: Group Sort: 'Sort Order' ValidationIdentifierAlreadyExists: 'A Group ({group}) already exists with the same {identifier}' db_AccessAllSubsites: 'Access all subsites' db_Code: Code db_DN: DN db_Description: Description db_GUID: GUID db_HtmlEditorConfig: 'Html editor config' db_LastSynced: 'Last synced' db_Locked: Locked db_Sort: Sort db_Title: Title has_many_Groups: Groups has_many_LDAPGroupMappings: 'LDAP group mappings' has_many_Permissions: Permissions has_one_Parent: Parent many_many_Members: Members many_many_Roles: Roles many_many_SiteTreeContentReview: 'Site tree content review' many_many_Subsites: Subsites SilverStripe\Security\InheritedPermissionsExtension: db_CanEditType: 'Can edit type' db_CanViewType: 'Can view type' many_many_EditorGroups: 'Editor groups' many_many_EditorMembers: 'Editor members' many_many_ViewerGroups: 'Viewer groups' many_many_ViewerMembers: 'Viewer members' SilverStripe\Security\LoginAttempt: Email: 'Email Address' EmailHashed: 'Email Address (hashed)' IP: 'IP Address' PLURALNAME: 'Login Attempts' PLURALS: one: 'A Login Attempt' other: '{count} Login Attempts' SINGULARNAME: 'Login Attempt' Status: Status db_EmailHashed: 'Email hashed' db_IP: IP db_Status: Status has_one_Member: Member SilverStripe\Security\Member: ADDGROUP: 'Add group' BUTTONCHANGEPASSWORD: 'Change Password' BUTTONLOGIN: 'Log in' BUTTONLOGINOTHER: 'Log in as someone else' BUTTONLOGOUT: 'Log out' BUTTONLOSTPASSWORD: "I've lost my password" CONFIRMNEWPASSWORD: 'Confirm New Password' CONFIRMPASSWORD: 'Confirm Password' CURRENT_PASSWORD: 'Current Password' EDIT_PASSWORD: 'New Password' EMAIL: Email EMAIL_FAILED: 'There was an error when trying to email you a password reset link.' EMPTYNEWPASSWORD: 'The new password can''t be empty, please try again' ENTEREMAIL: 'Please enter an email address to get a password reset link.' ERRORLOCKEDOUT2: 'Your account has been temporarily disabled because of too many failed attempts at logging in. Please try again in {count} minutes.' ERRORNEWPASSWORD: 'You have entered your new password differently, try again' ERRORPASSWORDNOTMATCH: 'Your current password does not match, please try again' ERRORWRONGCRED: "The provided details don't seem to be correct. Please try again." FIRSTNAME: 'First Name' INTERFACELANG: 'Interface Language' KEEP_ME_SIGNED_IN: 'Keep me signed in for {count} days' KEEP_ME_SIGNED_IN_TOOLTIP: 'You will remain authenticated on this device for {count} days. Only use this feature if you trust the device you are using.' LOGGEDINAS: "You're logged in as {name}." NEWPASSWORD: 'New Password' PASSWORD: Password PASSWORDEXPIRED: 'Your password has expired. Please choose a new one.' PLURALNAME: Members PLURALS: one: 'A Member' other: '{count} Members' RequiresPasswordChangeOnNextLogin: 'Requires password change on next log in' SINGULARNAME: Member SUBJECTPASSWORDCHANGED: 'Your password has been changed' SUBJECTPASSWORDRESET: 'Your password reset link' SURNAME: Surname VALIDATIONADMINLOSTACCESS: 'Cannot remove all admin groups from your profile' VALIDATIONMEMBEREXISTS: 'A member already exists with the same {identifier}' ValidationIdentifierFailed: "Can't overwrite existing member #{id} with identical identifier ({name} = {value}))" WELCOMEBACK: 'Welcome back, {firstname}' YOUROLDPASSWORD: 'Your old password' belongs_many_many_BlogPosts: 'Blog posts' belongs_many_many_Groups: Groups db_AccountResetExpired: 'Account reset expired' db_AccountResetHash: 'Account reset hash' db_AutoLoginExpired: 'Auto login expired' db_AutoLoginHash: 'Auto login hash' db_BlogProfileSummary: 'Blog profile summary' db_DefaultRegisteredMethodID: 'Default registered method ID' db_Email: Email db_FailedLoginCount: 'Failed login count' db_FirstName: 'First name' db_GUID: GUID db_HasSkippedMFARegistration: 'Has skippedMFA registration' db_IsExpired: 'Is expired' db_LastSynced: 'Last synced' db_Locale: 'Interface Locale' db_LockedOutUntil: 'Locked out until' db_Password: Password db_PasswordEncryption: 'Password encryption' db_PasswordExpiry: 'Password Expiry Date' db_Salt: Salt db_Surname: Surname db_TempIDExpired: 'TempID expired' db_TempIDHash: 'TempID hash' db_URLSegment: 'URL segment' db_Username: Username has_many_LoggedPasswords: 'Logged passwords' has_many_LoginSessions: 'Login sessions' has_many_RegisteredMFAMethods: 'RegisteredMFA methods' has_many_RememberLoginHashes: 'Remember login hashes' has_one_AFile: 'A file' has_one_AImage: 'A image' has_one_BlogProfileImage: 'Blog profile image' has_one_FavouritePage: 'Favourite page' many_many_SiteTreeContentReview: 'Site tree content review' SilverStripe\Security\MemberAuthenticator\CMSMemberLoginForm: AUTHENTICATORNAME: 'CMS Member Login Form' BUTTONFORGOTPASSWORD: 'Forgot password' BUTTONLOGIN: 'Let me back in' BUTTONLOGOUT: 'Log out' SilverStripe\Security\MemberAuthenticator\MemberAuthenticator: ERRORWRONGCRED: "The provided details don't seem to be correct. Please try again." NoPassword: 'There is no password on this member.' SilverStripe\Security\MemberAuthenticator\MemberLoginForm: AUTHENTICATORNAME: 'E-mail & Password' SilverStripe\Security\MemberPassword: PLURALNAME: 'Member Passwords' PLURALS: one: 'A Member Password' other: '{count} Member Passwords' SINGULARNAME: 'Member Password' db_Password: Password db_PasswordEncryption: 'Password encryption' db_Salt: Salt has_one_Member: Member SilverStripe\Security\PasswordValidator: LOWCHARSTRENGTH: 'Please increase password strength by adding some of the following characters: {chars}' PREVPASSWORD: "You've already used that password in the past, please choose a new password" TOOSHORT: 'Password is too short, it must be {minimum} or more characters long' SilverStripe\Security\Permission: AdminGroup: Administrator CMS_ACCESS_CATEGORY: 'CMS Access' CONTENT_CATEGORY: 'Content permissions' FULLADMINRIGHTS: 'Full administrative rights' FULLADMINRIGHTS_HELP: 'Implies and overrules all other assigned permissions.' PERMISSIONS_CATEGORY: 'Roles and access permissions' PLURALNAME: Permissions PLURALS: one: 'A Permission' other: '{count} Permissions' SINGULARNAME: Permission UserPermissionsIntro: 'Assigning groups to this user will adjust the permissions they have. See the groups section for details of permissions on individual groups.' db_Arg: Arg db_Code: Code db_Type: Type has_one_Group: Group SilverStripe\Security\PermissionCheckboxSetField: AssignedTo: 'assigned to "{title}"' FromGroup: 'inherited from group "{title}"' FromRole: 'inherited from role "{title}"' FromRoleOnGroup: 'inherited from role "{roletitle}" on group "{grouptitle}"' SilverStripe\Security\PermissionRole: OnlyAdminCanApply: 'Only admin can apply' PLURALNAME: Roles PLURALS: one: 'A Role' other: '{count} Roles' SINGULARNAME: Role Title: Title belongs_many_many_Groups: Groups db_OnlyAdminCanApply: 'Only admin can apply' db_Title: Title has_many_Codes: Codes SilverStripe\Security\PermissionRoleCode: PLURALNAME: 'Permission Role Codes' PLURALS: one: 'A Permission Role Code' other: '{count} Permission Role Codes' PermsError: 'Can''t assign code "{code}" with privileged permissions (requires ADMIN access)' SINGULARNAME: 'Permission Role Code' db_Code: Code has_one_Role: Role SilverStripe\Security\RememberLoginHash: PLURALNAME: 'Login Hashes' PLURALS: one: 'A Login Hash' other: '{count} Login Hashes' SINGULARNAME: 'Login Hash' db_DeviceID: 'Device ID' db_ExpiryDate: 'Expiry date' db_Hash: Hash has_one_LoginSession: 'Login session' has_one_Member: Member SilverStripe\Security\Security: ALREADYLOGGEDIN: "You don't have access to this page. If you have another account that can access that page, you can log in again below." BUTTONSEND: 'Send me the password reset link' CHANGEPASSWORDBELOW: 'You can change your password below.' CHANGEPASSWORDHEADER: 'Change your password' CONFIRMLOGOUT: 'Please click the button below to confirm that you wish to log out.' ENTERNEWPASSWORD: 'Please enter a new password.' ERRORPASSWORDPERMISSION: 'You must be logged in in order to change your password!' LOGIN: 'Log in' LOGOUT: 'Log out' LOSTPASSWORDHEADER: 'Lost Password' NOTEPAGESECURED: 'That page is secured. Enter your credentials below and we will send you right along.' NOTERESETLINKINVALID: '

The password reset link is invalid or expired.

You can request a new one here or change your password after you log in.

' NOTERESETPASSWORD: 'Enter your e-mail address and we will send you a link with which you can reset your password' PASSWORDRESETSENTHEADER: 'Password reset link sent' PASSWORDRESETSENTTEXT: 'Thank you. A reset link has been sent, provided an account exists for this email address.' SilverStripe\View\Shortcodes\EmbedShortcodeProvider: INVALID_URL: 'There was a problem loading the media.'