@import "compass/css3";

// TODO we need a seperated file for styles that are used in both cms and front end (such as buttons)
@import "../admin/scss/themes/default.scss";
@import "../admin/scss/_mixins";

.ss-uploadfield {

	.clear {
		clear: both;

	.ss-insert-media &{



	.middleColumn {
		// TODO .middleColumn styling should probably be theme specific (eg cms ui will look different than blackcandy)
		// so we should move this style into the cms and black candy files
		width: 526px;
		padding: 0;
		background: #fff;
		border: 1px solid lighten($color-medium-separator, 20%);
		@include border-radius(4px);
		@include background-image(linear-gradient(#efefef, #fff 10%, #fff 90%, #efefef));
	.ss-uploadfield-item {
		margin: 0;
		padding: 15px;
		overflow: auto;

		.ss-uploadfield-item-preview {
			height: 60px;
			line-height: 60px;
			width: 80px;
			text-align: center;
			font-weight: bold;
			float: left;
			overflow: hidden;
			&.ss-uploadfield-dropzone {
				@include box-shadow(lighten($color-medium-separator, 10%) 0 0 3px 3px inset);
				border: 2px dashed $color-medium-separator;
				background: $color-light-separator;
				display: none;
		.ss-uploadfield-item-info {
			margin: 0 0 0 100px;
			.ss-uploadfield-item-name {
				display: block;
				line-height: 13px;
				height: 26px;
				margin: 0;
				text-align: left;			
				b {
					font-weight: bold; 
					padding: 0 5px 0 0;
				.name {
					font-size: $font-base-size - 1;
					color: lighten($color-text, 25%);
					width:290px; //Ensures the title doesn't interfer with the status message
					@include hide-text-overflow;
				.ss-uploadfield-item-status {
					float: right;
					padding: 0 0 0 5px;
					width:100px; //Allocates the status message enough room to be useful. Will wrap if it is longer
					&.ui-state-error-text {
						color: $color-button-destructive;
						font-weight: bold;
					&.ui-state-warning-text {
						color: darken($color-warning, 10%);
					&.ui-state-success-text {
						color: $color-button-constructive;
	.ss-ui-button {
		display: block;
		float: left;
		margin: 0 10px 0 0;
		&.ss-uploadfield-fromcomputer {
			position: relative;
			overflow: hidden;
	.ss-uploadfield-files {
		margin: 0;
		padding: 0;
		overflow: auto;
		position: relative;
		.ss-uploadfield-item.ui-state-error {
			border: 0;
			border-bottom: 1px solid lighten($color-medium-separator, 20%);
			background: none;
			color: $color-text;
			&:last-child {
				border-bottom: 0;
		.ss-uploadfield-item-actions {
			height: 28px;
			margin: 6px 0 0;
			position: relative;
		.ss-uploadfield-item-progress {
			position: absolute;
			left: 0;
			right: 42px;
			width: auto;
			margin: 11px 0 0;
			height: 15px;
			div {
				@include border-radius(25px);
				height: 13px;
				padding: 0;
				margin: 0;
				overflow: hidden;
		.ss-uploadfield-item-progressbar {
			border: 1px solid $color-medium-separator;
			background-color: #92a6b3;
			@include background-image(linear-gradient(top, #92a6b3 0%,#90aab8 11%,#96b1bf 22%,#9eb4c1 33%,#a7bac7 44%,#c1d5dc 100%));
		.ss-uploadfield-item-progressbarvalue {
			border: 0;
			width: 0%;
			background: #60b3dd url(../images/progressbar_blue.gif) repeat-x left center;
		.ss-uploadfield-item-start {
			position: absolute;
			top: 10px;
			right: 0;
			button {
				display: block;
				overflow: hidden;
				text-indent: -9999px;
				padding: 0;
				margin: 0;
				border: 0;
				width: 16px;
				height: 16px;
				cursor: pointer;
				@include single-box-shadow(none);
				background: none;
				position: relative;
				// background: sprite($sprites16, cross-circle) no-repeat;
				span {
					position: absolute;
					left: 0;
					top: 0;
					margin: 0;
					&.ui-button-text {
						display: none;
		.ss-uploadfield-item-start {
			right: 20px;
			button {
				// background: sprite($sprites16, navigation) no-repeat;
		.ss-uploadfield-item-editform {
			/* don't use display none, for it will break jQuery('iframe').contents().height() */
			height: 0;
			overflow: hidden;
			clear: both;
			iframe {
				margin-top: $grid-y;
				padding-top: $grid-y;
				border-top: 1px solid $color-light-separator;
				width: 100%;

	.ss-uploadfield-addfile {
		&.borderTop {
			border-top: 1px solid lighten($color-medium-separator, 20%);

.ss-upload {
	.clear {
		clear: both;
	.ss-uploadfield-fromcomputer {
		input {
			/* since we can't really style the file input, we use this hack to make it as big as the button and hide it */
			position: absolute;
			top: 0;
			right: 0;
			margin: 0;
			border: solid #000;
			border-width: 0 0 100px 200px;
			opacity: 0;
			filter: alpha(opacity=0);
			-o-transform: translate(250px, -50px) scale(1);
			-moz-transform: translate(-300px, 0) scale(4);
			direction: ltr;
			cursor: pointer;