Jasmine Adapter for [JsTestDriver][jstd] ======================================== Author ------ * Olmo Maldonado (me@ibolmo.com) * Misko Hevery (misko@hevery.com) * Christoph Pojer (christoph.pojer@gmail.com) Requirements ------------ - [JsTestDriver (JSTD)][jstd] - [Jasmine][jasmine] Usage ----- Create, or update, a `jstestdriver.conf` file (see [wiki page][jstd-conf] for more info). Update your `jstestdriver.conf` by prepending the jasmine library and the adapter's source files. For example: load: - "../jasmine/lib/jasmine-0.10.0.js" - "../JasmineAdapter/src/*" - "your_source_files.js" - "your_test_files.js" Copy `server.sh` and `test.sh` (included) to your working directory, for convenience. # copy cp /path/to/jasmine-jstestdriver-adapter/*.sh ./ First: run `server.sh` and supply `-p`, for port, and `-j`, path to `jstestdriver.jar` or follow the convention defined in the `.sh` scripts (see Caveats below). Open up [http://localhost:9876/capture](http://localhost:9876/capture) (update for your port) in any browser. Finally: run `test.sh` to test all tests (specs) included with the `jstestdriver.conf`. Optionally pass a `-j` and `-t` arguments to `test.sh` to set the path to `jstestdriver.jar` and any test you'd only like to run, respectively. Directory Layout ---------------- - src: The adapter source code. Intent is to match interface with interface. - src-test: The test files that verifies that the adapter works as intended. Caveats ------- ### jsTestDriver.conf and *.sh files The files located in this repo assume that the parent folder has the jasmine source and a jstestdriver compiled available. Update the paths, or pass arguments (as explained above), to reflect your own layout if you'd like to test the adapter. [jstd]: http://code.google.com/p/js-test-driver [jstd-conf]: http://code.google.com/p/js-test-driver/wiki/ConfigurationFile [jasmine]: http://github.com/pivotal/jasmine