'index', '$TaskName' => 'runTask' ]; private static $allowed_actions = [ 'index', 'runTask', ]; /** * @var array */ private static $css = [ 'silverstripe/framework:client/styles/task-runner.css', ]; protected function init() { parent::init(); $allowAllCLI = DevelopmentAdmin::config()->get('allow_all_cli'); $canAccess = ( Director::isDev() // We need to ensure that DevelopmentAdminTest can simulate permission failures when running // "dev/tasks" from CLI. || (Director::is_cli() && $allowAllCLI) || Permission::check("ADMIN") ); if (!$canAccess) { Security::permissionFailure($this); } } public function index() { $baseUrl = Director::absoluteBaseURL(); $tasks = $this->getTasks(); if (Director::is_cli()) { // CLI mode $output = 'SILVERSTRIPE DEVELOPMENT TOOLS: Tasks' . PHP_EOL . '--------------------------' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL; foreach ($tasks as $task) { $output .= sprintf(' * %s: sake dev/tasks/%s%s', $task['title'], $task['segment'], PHP_EOL); } return $output; } $list = ArrayList::create(); foreach ($tasks as $task) { $list->push(ArrayData::create([ 'TaskLink' => $baseUrl . 'dev/tasks/' . $task['segment'], 'Title' => $task['title'], 'Description' => $task['description'], ])); } $renderer = DebugView::create(); $header = $renderer->renderHeader(); $header = $this->addCssToHeader($header); $data = [ 'Tasks' => $list, 'Header' => $header, 'Footer' => $renderer->renderFooter(), 'Info' => $renderer->renderInfo('SilverStripe Development Tools: Tasks', $baseUrl), ]; return ViewableData::create()->renderWith(static::class, $data); } /** * Runs a BuildTask * @param HTTPRequest $request */ public function runTask($request) { $name = $request->param('TaskName'); $tasks = $this->getTasks(); $title = function ($content) { printf(Director::is_cli() ? "%s\n\n" : '
', $content); }; foreach ($tasks as $task) { if ($task['segment'] == $name) { /** @var BuildTask $inst */ $inst = Injector::inst()->create($task['class']); $title(sprintf('Running Task %s', $inst->getTitle())); if (!$inst->isEnabled()) { $message('The task is disabled'); return; } $inst->run($request); return; } } $message(sprintf('The build task "%s" could not be found', Convert::raw2xml($name))); } /** * @return array Array of associative arrays for each task (Keys: 'class', 'title', 'description') */ protected function getTasks() { $availableTasks = []; $taskClasses = ClassInfo::subclassesFor(BuildTask::class); // remove the base class array_shift($taskClasses); foreach ($taskClasses as $class) { if (!$this->taskEnabled($class)) { continue; } $singleton = BuildTask::singleton($class); $description = $singleton->getDescription(); $description = trim($description ?? ''); $desc = (Director::is_cli()) ? Convert::html2raw($description) : $description; $availableTasks[] = [ 'class' => $class, 'title' => $singleton->getTitle(), 'segment' => $singleton->config()->segment ?: str_replace('\\', '-', $class ?? ''), 'description' => $desc, ]; } return $availableTasks; } /** * @param string $class * @return boolean */ protected function taskEnabled($class) { $reflectionClass = new ReflectionClass($class); if ($reflectionClass->isAbstract()) { return false; } elseif (!singleton($class)->isEnabled()) { return false; } return true; } /** * Inject task runner CSS into the heaader * @param string $header * @return string */ protected function addCssToHeader($header) { $css = (array) $this->config()->get('css'); if (!$css) { return $header; } foreach ($css as $include) { $path = ModuleResourceLoader::singleton()->resolveURL($include); // inject CSS into the heaader $element = sprintf('', $path); $header = str_replace('', $element . '', $header ?? ''); } return $header; } }