/* jQuery.Entwine - Copyright 2009-2011 Hamish Friedlander and SilverStripe. Version . */ /* vendor/jquery.selector/jquery.class.js */ /** * Very basic Class utility. Based on base and jquery.class. * * Class definition: var Foo = Base.extend({ init: function(){ Constructor }; method_name: function(){ Method } }); * * Inheritance: var Bar = Foo.extend({ method_name: function(){ this._super(); } }); * * new-less Constructor: new Foo(arg) <-same as-> Foo(arg) */ var Base; (function(){ var marker = {}, fnTest = /xyz/.test(function(){var xyz;}) ? /\b_super\b/ : /.*/; // The base Class implementation (does nothing) Base = function(){}; Base.addMethod = function(name, func) { var parent = this._super && this._super.prototype; if (parent && fnTest.test(func)) { this.prototype[name] = function(){ var tmp = this._super; this._super = parent[name]; try { var ret = func.apply(this, arguments); } finally { this._super = tmp; } return ret; }; } else this.prototype[name] = func; }; Base.addMethods = function(props) { for (var name in props) { if (typeof props[name] == 'function') this.addMethod(name, props[name]); else this.prototype[name] = props[name]; } }; Base.subclassOf = function(parentkls) { var kls = this; while (kls) { if (kls === parentkls) return true; kls = kls._super; } }; // Create a new Class that inherits from this class Base.extend = function(props) { // The dummy class constructor var Kls = function() { if (arguments[0] === marker) return; if (this instanceof Kls) { if (this.init) this.init.apply(this, arguments); } else { var ret = new Kls(marker); if (ret.init) ret.init.apply(ret, arguments); return ret; } }; // Add the common class variables and methods Kls.constructor = Kls; Kls.extend = Base.extend; Kls.addMethod = Base.addMethod; Kls.addMethods = Base.addMethods; Kls.subclassOf = Base.subclassOf; Kls._super = this; // Attach the parent object to the inheritance chain Kls.prototype = new this(marker); Kls.prototype.constructor = Kls; // Copy the properties over onto the new prototype Kls.addMethods(props); return Kls; }; })();; /* vendor/jquery.selector/jquery.selector.js */ (function($){ var tokens = { UNICODE: /\\[0-9a-f]{1,6}(?:\r\n|[ \n\r\t\f])?/, ESCAPE: /(?:UNICODE)|\\[^\n\r\f0-9a-f]/, NONASCII: /[^\x00-\x7F]/, NMSTART: /[_a-z]|(?:NONASCII)|(?:ESCAPE)/, NMCHAR: /[_a-z0-9-]|(?:NONASCII)|(?:ESCAPE)/, IDENT: /-?(?:NMSTART)(?:NMCHAR)*/, NL: /\n|\r\n|\r|\f/, STRING: /(?:STRING1)|(?:STRING2)|(?:STRINGBARE)/, STRING1: /"(?:(?:ESCAPE)|\\(?:NL)|[^\n\r\f\"])*"/, STRING2: /'(?:(?:ESCAPE)|\\(?:NL)|[^\n\r\f\'])*'/, STRINGBARE: /(?:(?:ESCAPE)|\\(?:NL)|[^\n\r\f\]])*/, FUNCTION: /(?:IDENT)\(\)/, INTEGER: /[0-9]+/, WITHN: /([-+])?(INTEGER)?(n)\s*(?:([-+])\s*(INTEGER))?/, WITHOUTN: /([-+])?(INTEGER)/ }; var rx = { not: /:not\(/, not_end: /\)/, tag: /((?:IDENT)|\*)/, id: /#(IDENT)/, cls: /\.(IDENT)/, attr: /\[\s*(IDENT)\s*(?:([^=]?=)\s*(STRING)\s*)?\]/, pseudo_el: /(?::(first-line|first-letter|before|after))|(?:::((?:FUNCTION)|(?:IDENT)))/, pseudo_cls_nth: /:nth-child\(\s*(?:(?:WITHN)|(?:WITHOUTN)|(odd|even))\s*\)/, pseudo_cls: /:(IDENT)/, comb: /\s*(\+|~|>)\s*|\s+/, comma: /\s*,\s*/, important: /\s+!important\s*$/ }; /* Replace placeholders with actual regex, and mark all as case insensitive */ var token = /[A-Z][A-Z0-9]+/; for (var k in rx) { var m, src = rx[k].source; while (m = src.match(token)) src = src.replace(m[0], tokens[m[0]].source); rx[k] = new RegExp(src, 'gi'); } /** * A string that matches itself against regexii, and keeps track of how much of itself has been matched */ var ConsumableString = Base.extend({ init: function(str) { this.str = str; this.pos = 0; }, match: function(rx) { var m; rx.lastIndex = this.pos; if ((m = rx.exec(this.str)) && m.index == this.pos ) { this.pos = rx.lastIndex ? rx.lastIndex : this.str.length ; return m; } return null; }, peek: function(rx) { var m; rx.lastIndex = this.pos; if ((m = rx.exec(this.str)) && m.index == this.pos ) return m; return null; }, showpos: function() { return this.str.slice(0,this.pos)+'<HERE>' + this.str.slice(this.pos); }, done: function() { return this.pos == this.str.length; } }); /* A base class that all Selectors inherit off */ var SelectorBase = Base.extend({}); /** * A class representing a Simple Selector, as per the CSS3 selector spec */ var SimpleSelector = SelectorBase.extend({ init: function() { this.tag = null; this.id = null; this.classes = []; this.attrs = []; this.nots = []; this.pseudo_classes = []; this.pseudo_els = []; }, parse: function(selector) { var m; /* Pull out the initial tag first, if there is one */ if (m = selector.match(rx.tag)) this.tag = m[1]; /* Then for each selection type, try and find a match */ do { if (m = selector.match(rx.not)) { this.nots[this.nots.length] = SelectorsGroup().parse(selector); if (!(m = selector.match(rx.not_end))) { throw 'Invalid :not term in selector'; } } else if (m = selector.match(rx.id)) this.id = m[1]; else if (m = selector.match(rx.cls)) this.classes[this.classes.length] = m[1]; else if (m = selector.match(rx.attr)) this.attrs[this.attrs.length] = [ m[1], m[2], m[3] ]; else if (m = selector.match(rx.pseudo_el)) this.pseudo_els[this.pseudo_els.length] = m[1] || m[2]; else if (m = selector.match(rx.pseudo_cls_nth)) { if (m[3]) { var a = parseInt((m[1]||'')+(m[2]||'1')); var b = parseInt((m[4]||'')+(m[5]||'0')); } else { var a = m[8] ? 2 : 0; var b = m[8] ? (4-m[8].length) : parseInt((m[6]||'')+m[7]); } this.pseudo_classes[this.pseudo_classes.length] = ['nth-child', [a, b]]; } else if (m = selector.match(rx.pseudo_cls)) this.pseudo_classes[this.pseudo_classes.length] = [m[1]]; } while(m && !selector.done()); return this; } }); /** * A class representing a Selector, as per the CSS3 selector spec */ var Selector = SelectorBase.extend({ init: function(){ this.parts = []; }, parse: function(cons){ this.parts[this.parts.length] = SimpleSelector().parse(cons); while (!cons.done() && !cons.peek(rx.comma) && (m = cons.match(rx.comb))) { this.parts[this.parts.length] = m[1] || ' '; this.parts[this.parts.length] = SimpleSelector().parse(cons); } return this.parts.length == 1 ? this.parts[0] : this; } }); /** * A class representing a sequence of selectors, as per the CSS3 selector spec */ var SelectorsGroup = SelectorBase.extend({ init: function(){ this.parts = []; }, parse: function(cons){ this.parts[this.parts.length] = Selector().parse(cons); while (!cons.done() && (m = cons.match(rx.comma))) { this.parts[this.parts.length] = Selector().parse(cons); } return this.parts.length == 1 ? this.parts[0] : this; } }); $.selector = function(s){ var cons = ConsumableString(s); var res = SelectorsGroup().parse(cons); res.selector = s; if (!cons.done()) throw 'Could not parse selector - ' + cons.showpos() ; else return res; }; $.selector.SelectorBase = SelectorBase; $.selector.SimpleSelector = SimpleSelector; $.selector.Selector = Selector; $.selector.SelectorsGroup = SelectorsGroup; })(jQuery); ; /* vendor/jquery.selector/jquery.selector.specifity.js */ (function($) { $.selector.SimpleSelector.addMethod('specifity', function() { if (this.spec) return this.spec; var spec = [ this.id ? 1 : 0, this.classes.length + this.attrs.length + this.pseudo_classes.length, ((this.tag && this.tag != '*') ? 1 : 0) + this.pseudo_els.length ]; $.each(this.nots, function(i,not){ var ns = not.specifity(); spec[0] += ns[0]; spec[1] += ns[1]; spec[2] += ns[2]; }); return this.spec = spec; }); $.selector.Selector.addMethod('specifity', function(){ if (this.spec) return this.spec; var spec = [0,0,0]; $.each(this.parts, function(i,part){ if (i%2) return; var ps = part.specifity(); spec[0] += ps[0]; spec[1] += ps[1]; spec[2] += ps[2]; }); return this.spec = spec; }); $.selector.SelectorsGroup.addMethod('specifity', function(){ if (this.spec) return this.spec; var spec = [0,0,0]; $.each(this.parts, function(i,part){ var ps = part.specifity(); spec[0] += ps[0]; spec[1] += ps[1]; spec[2] += ps[2]; }); return this.spec = spec; }); })(jQuery); ; /* vendor/jquery.selector/jquery.selector.matches.js */ /* This attempts to do the opposite of Sizzle. Sizzle is good for finding elements for a selector, but not so good for telling if an individual element matches a selector */ (function($) { /**** CAPABILITY TESTS ****/ var div = document.createElement('div'); div.innerHTML = '<form id="test"><input name="id" type="text"/></form>'; // In IE 6-7, getAttribute often does the wrong thing (returns similar to el.attr), so we need to use getAttributeNode on that browser var getAttributeDodgy = div.firstChild.getAttribute('id') !== 'test'; // Does browser support Element.firstElementChild, Element.previousElementSibling, etc. var hasElementTraversal = div.firstElementChild && div.firstElementChild.tagName == 'FORM'; // Does browser support Element.children var hasChildren = div.children && div.children[0].tagName == 'FORM'; var FUNC_IN = /^\s*function\s*\([^)]*\)\s*\{/; var FUNC_OUT = /}\s*$/; var funcToString = function(f) { return (''+f).replace(FUNC_IN,'').replace(FUNC_OUT,''); }; // Can we use Function#toString ? try { var testFunc = function(){ return 'good'; }; if ((new Function('',funcToString(testFunc)))() != 'good') funcToString = false; } catch(e) { funcToString = false; console.log(e.message);/*pass*/ } /**** INTRO ****/ var GOOD = /GOOD/g; var BAD = /BAD/g; var STARTS_WITH_QUOTES = /^['"]/g; var join = function(js) { return js.join('\n'); }; var join_complex = function(js) { var code = new String(js.join('\n')); // String objects can have properties set. strings can't code.complex = true; return code; }; /**** ATTRIBUTE ACCESSORS ****/ // Not all attribute names can be used as identifiers, so we encode any non-acceptable characters as hex var varForAttr = function(attr) { return '_' + attr.replace(/^[^A-Za-z]|[^A-Za-z0-9]/g, function(m){ return '_0x' + m.charCodeAt(0).toString(16) + '_'; }); }; var getAttr; // Good browsers if (!getAttributeDodgy) { getAttr = function(attr){ return 'var '+varForAttr(attr)+' = el.getAttribute("'+attr+'");' ; }; } // IE 6, 7 else { // On IE 6 + 7, getAttribute still has to be called with DOM property mirror name, not attribute name. Map attributes to those names var getAttrIEMap = { 'class': 'className', 'for': 'htmlFor' }; getAttr = function(attr) { var ieattr = getAttrIEMap[attr] || attr; return 'var '+varForAttr(attr)+' = el.getAttribute("'+ieattr+'",2) || (el.getAttributeNode("'+attr+'")||{}).nodeValue;'; }; } /**** ATTRIBUTE COMPARITORS ****/ var attrchecks = { '-': '!K', '=': 'K != "V"', '!=': 'K == "V"', '~=': '_WS_K.indexOf(" V ") == -1', '^=': '!K || K.indexOf("V") != 0', '*=': '!K || K.indexOf("V") == -1', '$=': '!K || K.substr(K.length-"V".length) != "V"' }; /**** STATE TRACKER ****/ var State = $.selector.State = Base.extend({ init: function(){ this.reset(); }, reset: function() { this.attrs = {}; this.wsattrs = {}; }, prev: function(){ this.reset(); if (hasElementTraversal) return 'el = el.previousElementSibling'; return 'while((el = el.previousSibling) && el.nodeType != 1) {}'; }, next: function() { this.reset(); if (hasElementTraversal) return 'el = el.nextElementSibling'; return 'while((el = el.nextSibling) && el.nodeType != 1) {}'; }, prevLoop: function(body){ this.reset(); if (hasElementTraversal) return join([ 'while(el = el.previousElementSibling){', body]); return join([ 'while(el = el.previousSibling){', 'if (el.nodeType != 1) continue;', body ]); }, parent: function() { this.reset(); return 'el = el.parentNode;'; }, parentLoop: function(body) { this.reset(); return join([ 'while((el = el.parentNode) && el.nodeType == 1){', body, '}' ]); }, uses_attr: function(attr) { if (this.attrs[attr]) return; this.attrs[attr] = true; return getAttr(attr); }, uses_wsattr: function(attr) { if (this.wsattrs[attr]) return; this.wsattrs[attr] = true; return join([this.uses_attr(attr), 'var _WS_'+varForAttr(attr)+' = " "+'+varForAttr(attr)+'+" ";']); }, save: function(lbl) { return 'var el'+lbl+' = el;'; }, restore: function(lbl) { this.reset(); return 'el = el'+lbl+';'; } }); /**** PSEUDO-CLASS DETAILS ****/ var pseudoclschecks = { 'first-child': join([ 'var cel = el;', 'while(cel = cel.previousSibling){ if (cel.nodeType === 1) BAD; }' ]), 'last-child': join([ 'var cel = el;', 'while(cel = cel.nextSibling){ if (cel.nodeType === 1) BAD; }' ]), 'nth-child': function(a,b) { var get_i = join([ 'var i = 1, cel = el;', 'while(cel = cel.previousSibling){', 'if (cel.nodeType === 1) i++;', '}' ]); if (a == 0) return join([ get_i, 'if (i- '+b+' != 0) BAD;' ]); else if (b == 0 && a >= 0) return join([ get_i, 'if (i%'+a+' != 0 || i/'+a+' < 0) BAD;' ]); else if (b == 0 && a < 0) return join([ 'BAD;' ]); else return join([ get_i, 'if ((i- '+b+')%'+a+' != 0 || (i- '+b+')/'+a+' < 0) BAD;' ]); } }; // Needs to refence contents of object, so must be injected after definition pseudoclschecks['only-child'] = join([ pseudoclschecks['first-child'], pseudoclschecks['last-child'] ]); /**** SimpleSelector ****/ $.selector.SimpleSelector.addMethod('compile', function(el) { var js = []; /* Check against element name */ if (this.tag && this.tag != '*') { js[js.length] = 'if (el.tagName != "'+this.tag.toUpperCase()+'") BAD;'; } /* Check against ID */ if (this.id) { js[js.length] = el.uses_attr('id'); js[js.length] = 'if (_id !== "'+this.id+'") BAD;'; } /* Build className checking variable */ if (this.classes.length) { js[js.length] = el.uses_wsattr('class'); /* Check against class names */ $.each(this.classes, function(i, cls){ js[js.length] = 'if (_WS__class.indexOf(" '+cls+' ") == -1) BAD;'; }); } /* Check against attributes */ $.each(this.attrs, function(i, attr){ js[js.length] = (attr[1] == '~=') ? el.uses_wsattr(attr[0]) : el.uses_attr(attr[0]); var check = attrchecks[ attr[1] || '-' ]; check = check.replace( /K/g, varForAttr(attr[0])).replace( /V/g, attr[2] && attr[2].match(STARTS_WITH_QUOTES) ? attr[2].slice(1,-1) : attr[2] ); js[js.length] = 'if ('+check+') BAD;'; }); /* Check against nots */ $.each(this.nots, function(i, not){ var lbl = ++lbl_id; var func = join([ 'l'+lbl+':{', not.compile(el).replace(BAD, 'break l'+lbl).replace(GOOD, 'BAD'), '}' ]); if (!(not instanceof $.selector.SimpleSelector)) func = join([ el.save(lbl), func, el.restore(lbl) ]); js[js.length] = func; }); /* Check against pseudo-classes */ $.each(this.pseudo_classes, function(i, pscls){ var check = pseudoclschecks[pscls[0]]; if (check) { js[js.length] = ( typeof check == 'function' ? check.apply(this, pscls[1]) : check ); } else if (check = $.find.selectors.filters[pscls[0]]) { if (funcToString) { js[js.length] = funcToString(check).replace(/elem/g,'el').replace(/return([^;]+);/,'if (!($1)) BAD;'); } else { js[js.length] = 'if (!$.find.selectors.filters.'+pscls[0]+'(el)) BAD;'; } } }); js[js.length] = 'GOOD'; /* Pass */ return join(js); }); var lbl_id = 0; /** Turns an compiled fragment into the first part of a combination */ function as_subexpr(f) { if (f.complex) return join([ 'l'+(++lbl_id)+':{', f.replace(GOOD, 'break l'+lbl_id), '}' ]); else return f.replace(GOOD, ''); } var combines = { ' ': function(el, f1, f2) { return join_complex([ f2, 'while(true){', el.parent(), 'if (!el || el.nodeType !== 1) BAD;', f1.compile(el).replace(BAD, 'continue'), '}' ]); }, '>': function(el, f1, f2) { return join([ f2, el.parent(), 'if (!el || el.nodeType !== 1) BAD;', f1.compile(el) ]); }, '~': function(el, f1, f2) { return join_complex([ f2, el.prevLoop(), f1.compile(el).replace(BAD, 'continue'), '}', 'BAD;' ]); }, '+': function(el, f1, f2) { return join([ f2, el.prev(), 'if (!el) BAD;', f1.compile(el) ]); } }; $.selector.Selector.addMethod('compile', function(el) { var l = this.parts.length; var expr = this.parts[--l].compile(el); while (l) { var combinator = this.parts[--l]; expr = combines[combinator](el, this.parts[--l], as_subexpr(expr)); } return expr; }); $.selector.SelectorsGroup.addMethod('compile', function(el) { var expr = [], lbl = ++lbl_id; for (var i=0; i < this.parts.length; i++) { expr[expr.length] = join([ i == 0 ? el.save(lbl) : el.restore(lbl), 'l'+lbl+'_'+i+':{', this.parts[i].compile(el).replace(BAD, 'break l'+lbl+'_'+i), '}' ]); } expr[expr.length] = 'BAD;'; return join(expr); }); $.selector.SelectorBase.addMethod('matches', function(el){ this.matches = new Function('el', join([ 'if (!el) return false;', this.compile(new State()).replace(BAD, 'return false').replace(GOOD, 'return true') ])); return this.matches(el); }); })(jQuery); ; /* src/jquery.focusinout.js */ (function($){ /** * Add focusin and focusout support to bind and live for browers other than IE. Designed to be usable in a delegated fashion (like $.live) * Copyright (c) 2007 Jörn Zaefferer */ $.support.focusInOut = !!($.browser.msie); if (!$.support.focusInOut) { // Emulate focusin and focusout by binding focus and blur in capturing mode $.each({focus: 'focusin', blur: 'focusout'}, function(original, fix){ $.event.special[fix] = { setup: function(){ if (!this.addEventListener) return false; this.addEventListener(original, $.event.special[fix].handler, true); }, teardown: function(){ if (!this.removeEventListener) return false; this.removeEventListener(original, $.event.special[fix].handler, true); }, handler: function(e){ arguments[0] = $.event.fix(e); arguments[0].type = fix; return $.event.handle.apply(this, arguments); } }; }); } (function(){ //IE has some trouble with focusout with select and keyboard navigation var activeFocus = null; $(document) .bind('focusin', function(e){ var target = e.realTarget || e.target; if (activeFocus && activeFocus !== target) { e.type = 'focusout'; $(activeFocus).trigger(e); e.type = 'focusin'; e.target = target; } activeFocus = target; }) .bind('focusout', function(e){ activeFocus = null; }); })(); })(jQuery);; /* src/jquery.entwine.js */ var console; (function($) { var namespaces = {}; $.entwine = function() { $.fn.entwine.apply(null, arguments); }; /** * A couple of utility functions for accessing the store outside of this closure, and for making things * operate in a little more easy-to-test manner */ $.extend($.entwine, { /** * Get all the namespaces. Useful for introspection? Internal interface of Namespace not guaranteed consistant */ namespaces: namespaces, /** * Remove all entwine rules */ clear_all_rules: function() { // Remove proxy functions for (var k in $.fn) { if ($.fn[k].isentwinemethod) delete $.fn[k]; } // Remove bound events - TODO: Make this pluggable, so this code can be moved to jquery.entwine.events.js $(document).unbind('.entwine'); // Remove namespaces, and start over again namespaces = $.entwine.namespaces = {}; }, WARN_LEVEL_NONE: 0, WARN_LEVEL_IMPORTANT: 1, WARN_LEVEL_BESTPRACTISE: 2, /** * Warning level. Set to a higher level to get warnings dumped to console. */ warningLevel: 0, /** Utility to optionally display warning messages depending on level */ warn: function(message, level) { if (level <= $.entwine.warningLevel && console && console.warn) { console.warn(message); if (console.trace) console.trace(); } }, warn_exception: function(where, /* optional: */ on, e) { if ($.entwine.WARN_LEVEL_IMPORTANT <= $.entwine.warningLevel && console && console.warn) { if (arguments.length == 2) { e = on; on = null; } if (on) console.warn('Uncaught exception',e,'in',where,'on',on); else console.warn('Uncaught exception',e,'in',where); if (e.stack) console.warn("Stack Trace:\n" + e.stack); } } }); /** Stores a count of definitions, so that we can sort identical selectors by definition order */ var rulecount = 0; var Rule = Base.extend({ init: function(selector, name) { this.selector = selector; this.specifity = selector.specifity(); this.important = 0; this.name = name; this.rulecount = rulecount++; } }); Rule.compare = function(a, b) { var as = a.specifity, bs = b.specifity; return (a.important - b.important) || (as[0] - bs[0]) || (as[1] - bs[1]) || (as[2] - bs[2]) || (a.rulecount - b.rulecount) ; }; $.entwine.RuleList = function() { var list = []; list.addRule = function(selector, name){ var rule = Rule(selector, name); list[list.length] = rule; list.sort(Rule.compare); return rule; }; return list; }; var handlers = []; /** * A Namespace holds all the information needed for adding entwine methods to a namespace (including the _null_ namespace) */ $.entwine.Namespace = Base.extend({ init: function(name){ if (name && !name.match(/^[A-Za-z0-9.]+$/)) $.entwine.warn('Entwine namespace '+name+' is not formatted as period seperated identifiers', $.entwine.WARN_LEVEL_BESTPRACTISE); name = name || '__base'; this.name = name; this.store = {}; namespaces[name] = this; if (name == "__base") { this.injectee = $.fn; this.$ = $; } else { // We're in a namespace, so we build a Class that subclasses the jQuery Object Class to inject namespace functions into // jQuery 1.5 already provides a nice way to subclass, so use it if ($.sub) { this.$ = $.sub(); this.injectee = this.$.prototype; } // For jQuery < 1.5 we have to do it ourselves else { var subfn = function(){}; this.injectee = subfn.prototype = new $; // And then we provide an overriding $ that returns objects of our new Class, and an overriding pushStack to catch further selection building var bound$ = this.$ = function(a) { // Try the simple way first var jq = $.fn.init.apply(new subfn(), arguments); if (jq instanceof subfn) return jq; // That didn't return a bound object, so now we need to copy it var rv = new subfn(); rv.selector = jq.selector; rv.context = jq.context; var i = rv.length = jq.length; while (i--) rv[i] = jq[i]; return rv; }; this.injectee.pushStack = function(elems, name, selector){ var ret = bound$(elems); // Add the old object onto the stack (as a reference) ret.prevObject = this; ret.context = this.context; if ( name === "find" ) ret.selector = this.selector + (this.selector ? " " : "") + selector; else if ( name ) ret.selector = this.selector + "." + name + "(" + selector + ")"; // Return the newly-formed element set return ret; }; // Copy static functions through from $ to this.$ so e.g. $.ajax still works // @bug, @cantfix: Any class functions added to $ after this call won't get mirrored through $.extend(this.$, $); } // We override entwine to inject the name of this namespace when defining blocks inside this namespace var entwine_wrapper = this.injectee.entwine = function(spacename) { var args = arguments; if (!spacename || typeof spacename != 'string') { args = $.makeArray(args); args.unshift(name); } else if (spacename.charAt(0) != '.') args[0] = name+'.'+spacename; return $.fn.entwine.apply(this, args); }; this.$.entwine = function() { entwine_wrapper.apply(null, arguments); }; for (var i = 0; i < handlers.length; i++) { var handler = handlers[i], builder; // Inject jQuery object method overrides if (builder = handler.namespaceMethodOverrides) { var overrides = builder(this); for (var k in overrides) this.injectee[k] = overrides[k]; } // Inject $.entwine function overrides if (builder = handler.namespaceStaticOverrides) { var overrides = builder(this); for (var k in overrides) this.$.entwine[k] = overrides[k]; } } } }, /** * Returns a function that does selector matching against the function list for a function name * Used by proxy for all calls, and by ctorProxy to handle _super calls * @param {String} name - name of the function as passed in the construction object * @param {String} funcprop - the property on the Rule object that gives the actual function to call * @param {function} basefunc - the non-entwine function to use as the catch-all function at the bottom of the stack */ one: function(name, funcprop, basefunc) { var namespace = this; var funcs = this.store[name]; var one = function(el, args, i){ if (i === undefined) i = funcs.length; while (i--) { if (funcs[i].selector.matches(el)) { var ret, tmp_i = el.i, tmp_f = el.f; el.i = i; el.f = one; try { ret = funcs[i][funcprop].apply(namespace.$(el), args); } finally { el.i = tmp_i; el.f = tmp_f; } return ret; } } // If we didn't find a entwine-defined function, but there is a non-entwine function to use as a base, try that if (basefunc) return basefunc.apply(namespace.$(el), args); }; return one; }, /** * A proxy is a function attached to a callable object (either the base jQuery.fn or a subspace object) which handles * finding and calling the correct function for each member of the current jQuery context * @param {String} name - name of the function as passed in the construction object * @param {function} basefunc - the non-entwine function to use as the catch-all function at the bottom of the stack */ build_proxy: function(name, basefunc) { var one = this.one(name, 'func', basefunc); var prxy = function() { var rv, ctx = $(this); var i = ctx.length; while (i--) rv = one(ctx[i], arguments); return rv; }; return prxy; }, bind_proxy: function(selector, name, func) { var rulelist = this.store[name] || (this.store[name] = $.entwine.RuleList()); var rule = rulelist.addRule(selector, name); rule.func = func; if (!this.injectee.hasOwnProperty(name) || !this.injectee[name].isentwinemethod) { this.injectee[name] = this.build_proxy(name, this.injectee.hasOwnProperty(name) ? this.injectee[name] : null); this.injectee[name].isentwinemethod = true; } if (!this.injectee[name].isentwinemethod) { $.entwine.warn('Warning: Entwine function '+name+' clashes with regular jQuery function - entwine function will not be callable directly on jQuery object', $.entwine.WARN_LEVEL_IMPORTANT); } }, add: function(selector, data) { // For every item in the hash, try ever method handler, until one returns true for (var k in data) { var v = data[k]; for (var i = 0; i < handlers.length; i++) { if (handlers[i].bind && handlers[i].bind.call(this, selector, k, v)) break; } } }, has: function(ctx, name) { var rulelist = this.store[name]; if (!rulelist) return false; /* We go forward this time, since low specifity is likely to knock out a bunch of elements quickly */ for (var i = 0 ; i < rulelist.length; i++) { ctx = ctx.not(rulelist[i].selector); if (!ctx.length) return true; } return false; } }); /** * A handler is some javascript code that adds support for some time of key / value pair passed in the hash to the Namespace add method. * The default handlers provided (and included by default) are event, ctor and properties */ $.entwine.Namespace.addHandler = function(handler) { for (var i = 0; i < handlers.length && handlers[i].order < handler.order; i++) { /* Pass */ } handlers.splice(i, 0, handler); }; $.entwine.Namespace.addHandler({ order: 50, bind: function(selector, k, v){ if ($.isFunction(v)) { this.bind_proxy(selector, k, v); return true; } } }); $.extend($.fn, { /** * Main entwine function. Used for new definitions, calling into a namespace (or forcing the base namespace) and entering a using block * */ entwine: function(spacename) { var i = 0; /* Don't actually work out selector until we try and define something on it - we might be opening a namespace on an function-traveresed object which have non-standard selectors like .parents(.foo).slice(0,1) */ var selector = null; /* By default we operator on the base namespace */ var namespace = namespaces.__base || $.entwine.Namespace(); /* If the first argument is a string, then it's the name of a namespace. Look it up */ if (typeof spacename == 'string') { if (spacename.charAt('0') == '.') spacename = spacename.substr(1); if (spacename) namespace = namespaces[spacename] || $.entwine.Namespace(spacename); i=1; } /* All remaining arguments should either be using blocks or definition hashs */ while (i < arguments.length) { var res = arguments[i++]; // If it's a function, call it - either it's a using block or it's a namespaced entwine definition if ($.isFunction(res)) { if (res.length != 1) $.entwine.warn('Function block inside entwine definition does not take $ argument properly', $.entwine.WARN_LEVEL_IMPORTANT); res = res.call(namespace.$(this), namespace.$); } // If we have a entwine definition hash, inject it into namespace if (res) { if (selector === null) selector = this.selector ? $.selector(this.selector) : false; if (selector) namespace.add(selector, res); else $.entwine.warn('Entwine block given to entwine call without selector. Make sure you call $(selector).entwine when defining blocks', $.entwine.WARN_LEVEL_IMPORTANT); } } /* Finally, return the jQuery object 'this' refers to, wrapped in the new namespace */ return namespace.$(this); }, /** * Calls the next most specific version of the current entwine method */ _super: function(){ var rv, i = this.length; while (i--) { var el = this[0]; rv = el.f(el, arguments, el.i); } return rv; } }); })(jQuery); ; /* src/jquery.entwine.dommaybechanged.js */ (function($){ /** What to call to run a function 'soon'. Normally setTimeout, but for syncronous mode we override so soon === now */ var runSoon = window.setTimeout; /** The timer handle for the asyncronous matching call */ var check_id = null; /** Fire the change event. Only fires on the document node, so bind to that */ var triggerEvent = function() { $(document).triggerHandler('DOMMaybeChanged'); check_id = null; }; $.extend($.entwine, { /** * Make onmatch and onunmatch work in synchronous mode - that is, new elements will be detected immediately after * the DOM manipulation that made them match. This is only really useful for during testing, since it's pretty slow * (otherwise we'd make it the default). */ synchronous_mode: function() { if (check_id) clearTimeout(check_id); check_id = null; runSoon = function(func, delay){ func.call(this); return null; }; }, /** * Trigger onmatch and onunmatch now - usefull for after DOM manipulation by methods other than through jQuery. * Called automatically on document.ready */ triggerMatching: function() { matching(); } }); function registerMutateFunction() { $.each(arguments, function(i,func){ var old = $.fn[func]; $.fn[func] = function() { var rv = old.apply(this, arguments); if (!check_id) check_id = runSoon(triggerEvent, 100); return rv; }; }); } function registerSetterGetterFunction() { $.each(arguments, function(i,func){ var old = $.fn[func]; $.fn[func] = function(a, b) { var rv = old.apply(this, arguments); if (!check_id && (b !== undefined || typeof a != 'string')) check_id = runSoon(triggerEvent, 100); return rv; }; }); } // Register core DOM manipulation methods registerMutateFunction('append', 'prepend', 'after', 'before', 'wrap', 'removeAttr', 'addClass', 'removeClass', 'toggleClass', 'empty', 'remove'); registerSetterGetterFunction('attr'); // And on DOM ready, trigger matching once $(function(){ triggerEvent(); }); })(jQuery);; /* src/jquery.entwine.events.js */ (function($) { /* If we are any browser other than IE or Safari, we don't have to do anything special to handle * onchange delegation */ $.support.bubblingChange = !($.browser.msie || $.browser.safari); /* Return true if node b is the same as, or is a descendant of, node a */ if (document.compareDocumentPosition) { var is_or_contains = function(a, b) { return a && b && (a == b || !!(a.compareDocumentPosition(b) & 16)); }; } else { var is_or_contains = function(a, b) { return a && b && (a == b || (a.contains ? a.contains(b) : true)); }; } /* Add the methods to handle event binding to the Namespace class */ $.entwine.Namespace.addMethods({ build_event_proxy: function(name) { var one = this.one(name, 'func'); var prxy = function(e, data) { // For events that do not bubble we manually trigger delegation (see delegate_submit below) // If this event is a manual trigger, the event we actually want to bubble is attached as a property of the passed event e = e.delegatedEvent || e; var el = e.target; while (el && el.nodeType == 1 && !e.isPropagationStopped()) { var ret = one(el, arguments); if (ret !== undefined) e.result = ret; if (ret === false) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); } el = el.parentNode; } }; return prxy; }, build_mouseenterleave_proxy: function(name) { var one = this.one(name, 'func'); var prxy = function(e) { var el = e.target; var rel = e.relatedTarget; while (el && el.nodeType == 1 && !e.isPropagationStopped()) { /* We know el contained target. If it also contains relatedTarget then we didn't mouseenter / leave. What's more, every ancestor will also contan el and rel, and so we can just stop bubbling */ if (is_or_contains(el, rel)) break; var ret = one(el, arguments); if (ret !== undefined) e.result = ret; if (ret === false) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); } el = el.parentNode; } }; return prxy; }, build_change_proxy: function(name) { var one = this.one(name, 'func'); var prxy = function(e) { var el = e.target; // If this is a keydown event, only worry about the enter key, since browsers only trigger onchange on enter or focus loss if (e.type === 'keydown' && e.keyCode !== 13) return; // Make sure this is event is for an input type we're interested in if (el.tagName !== 'INPUT' && el.tagName !== 'TEXTAREA' && el.tagName !== 'SELECT') return; var $el = $(el), nowVal, oldVal = $el.data('changeVal'); // Detect changes on checkboxes & radiobuttons, which have different value logic. We don't use el.value, since el is part // of a set, and we only want to raise onchange once for a single user action. if (el.type == 'checkbox' || el.type == 'radio') { if (!el.disabled && e.type === 'click') { nowVal = el.checked; // If radio, we get two changes - the activation, and the deactivation. We only want to fire one change though if ((el.type === 'checkbox' || nowVal === true) && oldVal !== nowVal) e.type = 'change'; } } // Detect changes on other input types. In this case value is OK. else { nowVal = el.value; if (oldVal !== undefined && oldVal !== nowVal) e.type = 'change'; } // Save the current value for next time if (nowVal !== undefined) $el.data('changeVal', nowVal); // And if we decided that a change happened, do the actual triggering if (e.type == 'change') { while (el && el.nodeType == 1 && !e.isPropagationStopped()) { var ret = one(el, arguments); if (ret !== undefined) e.result = ret; if (ret === false) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); } el = el.parentNode; } } }; return prxy; }, bind_event: function(selector, name, func, event) { var funcs = this.store[name] || (this.store[name] = $.entwine.RuleList()) ; var proxies = funcs.proxies || (funcs.proxies = {}); var rule = funcs.addRule(selector, name); rule.func = func; if (!proxies[name]) { switch (name) { case 'onmouseenter': proxies[name] = this.build_mouseenterleave_proxy(name); event = 'mouseover'; break; case 'onmouseleave': proxies[name] = this.build_mouseenterleave_proxy(name); event = 'mouseout'; break; case 'onchange': if (!$.support.bubblingChange) { proxies[name] = this.build_change_proxy(name); event = 'click focusin focusout keydown'; } break; case 'onsubmit': event = 'delegatedSubmit'; break; case 'onfocus': case 'onblur': $.entwine.warn('Event '+event+' not supported - using focusin / focusout instead', $.entwine.WARN_LEVEL_IMPORTANT); } // If none of the special handlers created a proxy, use the generic proxy if (!proxies[name]) proxies[name] = this.build_event_proxy(name); $(document).bind(event+'.entwine', proxies[name]); } } }); $.entwine.Namespace.addHandler({ order: 40, bind: function(selector, k, v){ var match, event; if ($.isFunction(v) && (match = k.match(/^on(.*)/))) { event = match[1]; this.bind_event(selector, k, v, event); return true; } } }); // Find all forms and bind onsubmit to trigger on the document too. // This is the only event that can't be grabbed via delegation var form_binding_cache = $([]); // A cache for already-handled form elements var delegate_submit = function(e, data){ var delegationEvent = $.Event('delegatedSubmit'); delegationEvent.delegatedEvent = e; return $(document).trigger(delegationEvent, data); }; $(document).bind('DOMMaybeChanged', function(){ var forms = $('form'); // Only bind to forms we haven't processed yet forms.not(form_binding_cache).bind('submit', delegate_submit); // Then remember the current set of forms form_binding_cache = forms; }); })(jQuery); ; /* src/jquery.entwine.ctors.js */ (function($) { /* Add the methods to handle constructor & destructor binding to the Namespace class */ $.entwine.Namespace.addMethods({ bind_condesc: function(selector, name, func) { var ctors = this.store.ctors || (this.store.ctors = $.entwine.RuleList()) ; var rule; for (var i = 0 ; i < ctors.length; i++) { if (ctors[i].selector.selector == selector.selector) { rule = ctors[i]; break; } } if (!rule) { rule = ctors.addRule(selector, 'ctors'); } rule[name] = func; if (!ctors[name+'proxy']) { var one = this.one('ctors', name); var namespace = this; var proxy = function(els, i, func) { var j = els.length; while (j--) { var el = els[j]; var tmp_i = el.i, tmp_f = el.f; el.i = i; el.f = one; try { func.call(namespace.$(el)); } catch(e) { $.entwine.warn_exception(name, el, e); } finally { el.i = tmp_i; el.f = tmp_f; } } }; ctors[name+'proxy'] = proxy; } } }); $.entwine.Namespace.addHandler({ order: 30, bind: function(selector, k, v) { if ($.isFunction(v) && (k == 'onmatch' || k == 'onunmatch')) { this.bind_condesc(selector, k, v); return true; } } }); /** * Finds all the elements that now match a different rule (or have been removed) and call onmatch on onunmatch as appropriate * * Because this has to scan the DOM, and is therefore fairly slow, this is normally triggered off a short timeout, so that * a series of DOM manipulations will only trigger this once. * * The downside of this is that things like: * $('#foo').addClass('tabs'); $('#foo').tabFunctionBar(); * won't work. */ $(document).bind('DOMMaybeChanged', function(){ // For every namespace for (var k in $.entwine.namespaces) { // That has constructors or destructors var ctors = $.entwine.namespaces[k].store.ctors; if (ctors) { // Keep a record of elements that have matched already var matched = $([]), add, rem, res, rule, sel, ctor, dtor; // Stepping through each selector from most to least specific var j = ctors.length; while (j--) { // Build some quick-access variables rule = ctors[j]; sel = rule.selector.selector; ctor = rule.onmatch; dtor = rule.onunmatch; // Get the list of elements that match this selector, that haven't yet matched a more specific selector res = add = $(sel).not(matched); // If this selector has a list of elements it matched against last time if (rule.cache) { // Find the ones that are extra this time add = res.not(rule.cache); if (dtor) { // Find the ones that are gone this time rem = rule.cache.not(res); // And call the destructor on them if (rem.length && !rule.onunmatchRunning) { rule.onunmatchRunning = true; ctors.onunmatchproxy(rem, j, dtor); rule.onunmatchRunning = false; } } } // Call the constructor on the newly matched ones if (add.length && ctor && !rule.onmatchRunning) { rule.onmatchRunning = true; ctors.onmatchproxy(add, j, ctor); rule.onmatchRunning = false; } // Add these matched ones to the list tracking all elements matched so far matched = matched.add(res); // And remember this list of matching elements again this selector, so next matching we can find the unmatched ones ctors[j].cache = res; } } } }); })(jQuery); ; /* src/jquery.entwine.properties.js */ (function($) { var entwine_prepend = '__entwine!'; var getEntwineData = function(el, namespace, property) { return el.data(entwine_prepend + namespace + '!' + property); }; var setEntwineData = function(el, namespace, property, value) { return el.data(entwine_prepend + namespace + '!' + property, value); }; var getEntwineDataAsHash = function(el, namespace) { var hash = {}; var id = jQuery.data(el[0]); var matchstr = entwine_prepend + namespace + '!'; var matchlen = matchstr.length; var cache = jQuery.cache[id]; for (var k in cache) { if (k.substr(0,matchlen) == matchstr) hash[k.substr(matchlen)] = cache[k]; } return hash; }; var setEntwineDataFromHash = function(el, namespace, hash) { for (var k in hash) setEntwineData(namespace, k, hash[k]); }; var entwineData = function(el, namespace, args) { switch (args.length) { case 0: return getEntwineDataAsHash(el, namespace); case 1: if (typeof args[0] == 'string') return getEntwineData(el, namespace, args[0]); else return setEntwineDataFromHash(el, namespace, args[0]); default: return setEntwineData(el, namespace, args[0], args[1]); } }; $.extend($.fn, { entwineData: function() { return entwineData(this, '__base', arguments); } }); $.entwine.Namespace.addHandler({ order: 60, bind: function(selector, k, v) { if (k.charAt(0) != k.charAt(0).toUpperCase()) $.entwine.warn('Entwine property '+k+' does not start with a capital letter', $.entwine.WARN_LEVEL_BESTPRACTISE); // Create the getters and setters var getterName = 'get'+k; var setterName = 'set'+k; this.bind_proxy(selector, getterName, function() { return this.entwineData(k) || v ; }); this.bind_proxy(selector, setterName, function(v){ return this.entwineData(k, v); }); // Get the get and set proxies we just created var getter = this.injectee[getterName]; var setter = this.injectee[setterName]; // And bind in the jQuery-style accessor this.bind_proxy(selector, k, function(v){ return (arguments.length == 1 ? setter : getter).call(this, v) ; }); return true; }, namespaceMethodOverrides: function(namespace){ return { entwineData: function() { return entwineData(this, namespace.name, arguments); } }; } }); })(jQuery); ; /* src/jquery.entwine.legacy.js */ (function($) { // Adds back concrete methods for backwards compatibility $.concrete = $.entwine; $.fn.concrete = $.fn.entwine; $.fn.concreteData = $.fn.entwineData; // Use addHandler to hack in the namespace.$.concrete equivilent to the namespace.$.entwine namespace-injection $.entwine.Namespace.addHandler({ order: 100, bind: function(selector, k, v) { return false; }, namespaceMethodOverrides: function(namespace){ namespace.$.concrete = namespace.$.entwine; namespace.injectee.concrete = namespace.injectee.entwine; namespace.injectee.concreteData = namespace.injectee.entwineData; return {}; } }); })(jQuery); ;