# Tutorial 4 - Site Search ## Overview This is a short tutorial demonstrating how to add search functionality to a SilverStripe site. It is recommended that you have completed the earlier tutorials, especially the tutorial on forms, before attempting this tutorial. While this tutorial will add search functionality to the site built in the previous tutorials, it should be straight forward to follow this tutorial on any site of your own. ## What are we working towards? We are going to add a search box on the top of the page. When a user types something in the box, they are taken to a results page.  ## Creating the search form The Search Form functionality has been altered over time. Please use the section which applies to your SilverStripe version. ### 2.4 and newer SilverStripe 2.4 does not come bundled with the search engine enabled. To enable the search engine you need to include the following code in your mysite/_config.php file :::php FulltextSearchable::enable(); After including that in your _config.php you will need to rebuild the database by visiting http://yoursite.com/dev/build in your web browser. This will add the fulltext search columns. The actual search form code is already provided in FulltextSearchable so when you add the enable line above to your _config you can add your form as $SearchForm. ### 2.3 SilverStripe 2.3 came bundled with the code as well as a MySQL Search engine. If you are using the blackcandy theme you should have everything you need already to have a search. If you are using the tutorial theme then you can simply skip down to 'Adding the search form' as the PHP code is already provided in Page.php. If it is not then you can follow the instructions below as well. ### 2.2 If you are using SilverStripe 2.2 or earlier then you need to define your own code. The first step in implementing search on your site is to create a form for the user to type their query. Create a function named *SearchForm* on the *Page_Controller* class (/mysite/code/Page.php). :::php class Page_Controller extends ContentController { function SearchForm() { $searchText = isset($this->Query) ? $this->Query : 'Search'; $fields = new FieldSet( new TextField("Search", "", $searchText) ); $actions = new FieldSet( new FormAction('results', 'Go') ); return new SearchForm($this, "SearchForm", $fields, $actions); } } ### Custom CSS code Add the following css code to the *themes/tutorial/css/layout.css* file. This will style the header form and search results page. :::css #Header form { float:right; width:160px; margin:25px 25px 0px 25px; } #Header form * { display:inline !important; } #Header form div { } #Header form input.text { width:110px; color:#000; background:#f0f0f0; border:1px solid #aaa; padding:3px; } #Header form input.action { font-weight:bold; } .searchResults h2 { font-size:2.2em; font-weight:normal; color:#0083C8; margin-bottom:15px; } .searchResults p.searchQuery { color:#333; margin-bottom:10px; } .searchResults ul#SearchResults li { margin-bottom:20px; } ul#SearchResults p { font-size:1.1em; font-weight:normal; line-height:2em; color:#333; } ul#SearchResults a.searchResultHeader { font-size:1.3em; font-weight:bold; color:#0083C8; text-decoration:none; margin:20px 0 8px 0; padding-left:20px; background:url(../images/treeicons/search-file.gif) no-repeat left center; } ul#SearchResults a { text-decoration:none; color:#0083C8; } ul#SearchResults a:hover { border-bottom:1px dotted #0083C8; } ## Adding the search form We then just need to add the search form to the template. Add *$SearchForm* to the 'Header' div in *themes/tutorial/templates/Page.ss*. *themes/tutorial/templates/Page.ss* :::ss
You searched for "{$Query}"
<% end_if %> <% if Results %>$Content.LimitWordCountXML
Read more about "{$Title}"...Sorry, your search query did not return any results.
<% end_if %> <% if Results.MoreThanOnePage %> <% end_if %>