
namespace SilverStripe\ORM\Tests;

use InvalidArgumentException;
use LogicException;
use SilverStripe\Core\Config\Config;
use SilverStripe\Dev\SapphireTest;
use SilverStripe\i18n\i18n;
use SilverStripe\ORM\Connect\MySQLDatabase;
use SilverStripe\ORM\DataObject;
use SilverStripe\ORM\DataObjectSchema;
use SilverStripe\ORM\DB;
use SilverStripe\ORM\FieldType\DBBoolean;
use SilverStripe\ORM\FieldType\DBDatetime;
use SilverStripe\ORM\FieldType\DBField;
use SilverStripe\ORM\FieldType\DBPolymorphicForeignKey;
use SilverStripe\ORM\FieldType\DBVarchar;
use SilverStripe\ORM\ManyManyList;
use SilverStripe\ORM\Tests\DataObjectTest\Company;
use SilverStripe\ORM\Tests\DataObjectTest\Player;
use SilverStripe\ORM\Tests\DataObjectTest\Team;
use SilverStripe\ORM\Tests\DataObjectTest\TreeNode;
use SilverStripe\Security\Member;
use SilverStripe\View\ViewableData;
use stdClass;

class DataObjectTest extends SapphireTest

    protected static $fixture_file = 'DataObjectTest.yml';

     * Standard set of dataobject test classes
     * @var array
    public static $extra_data_objects = [

    protected function setUp()

        $validator = Member::password_validator();
        if ($validator) {
            // Set low default password strength requirements so tests are not interfered with by user code

    public static function getExtraDataObjects()
        return array_merge(

     * @dataProvider provideSingletons
    public function testSingleton($inst, $defaultValue, $altDefaultValue)
        $inst = $inst();
        // Test that populateDefaults() isn't called on singletons
        // which can lead to SQL errors during build, and endless loops
        if ($defaultValue) {
            $this->assertEquals($defaultValue, $inst->MyFieldWithDefault);
        } else {

        if ($altDefaultValue) {
            $this->assertEquals($altDefaultValue, $inst->MyFieldWithAltDefault);
        } else {

    public function provideSingletons()
        // because PHPUnit evalutes test providers *before* setUp methods
        // any extensions added in the setUp methods won't be available
        // we must return closures to generate the arguments at run time
        return [
            'create() static method' => [function () {
                return DataObjectTest\Fixture::create();
            }, 'Default Value', 'Default Value'],
            'New object creation' => [function () {
                return new DataObjectTest\Fixture();
            }, 'Default Value', 'Default Value'],
            'singleton() function' => [function () {
                return singleton(DataObjectTest\Fixture::class);
            }, null, null],
            'singleton() static method' => [function () {
                return DataObjectTest\Fixture::singleton();
            }, null, null],
            'Manual constructor args' => [function () {
                return new DataObjectTest\Fixture(null, true);
            }, null, null],

    public function testDb()
        $schema = DataObject::getSchema();
        $dbFields = $schema->fieldSpecs(DataObjectTest\TeamComment::class);

        // Assert fields are included
        $this->assertArrayHasKey('Name', $dbFields);

        // Assert the base fields are included
        $this->assertArrayHasKey('Created', $dbFields);
        $this->assertArrayHasKey('LastEdited', $dbFields);
        $this->assertArrayHasKey('ClassName', $dbFields);
        $this->assertArrayHasKey('ID', $dbFields);

        // Assert that the correct field type is returned when passing a field
        $this->assertEquals('Varchar', $schema->fieldSpec(DataObjectTest\TeamComment::class, 'Name'));
        $this->assertEquals('Text', $schema->fieldSpec(DataObjectTest\TeamComment::class, 'Comment'));

        // Test with table required
            DataObjectTest\TeamComment::class . '.Varchar',
            $schema->fieldSpec(DataObjectTest\TeamComment::class, 'Name', DataObjectSchema::INCLUDE_CLASS)
            DataObjectTest\TeamComment::class . '.Text',
            $schema->fieldSpec(DataObjectTest\TeamComment::class, 'Comment', DataObjectSchema::INCLUDE_CLASS)
        $dbFields = $schema->fieldSpecs(DataObjectTest\ExtendedTeamComment::class);

        // fixed fields are still included in extended classes
        $this->assertArrayHasKey('Created', $dbFields);
        $this->assertArrayHasKey('LastEdited', $dbFields);
        $this->assertArrayHasKey('ClassName', $dbFields);
        $this->assertArrayHasKey('ID', $dbFields);

        // Assert overloaded fields have correct data type
        $this->assertEquals('HTMLText', $schema->fieldSpec(DataObjectTest\ExtendedTeamComment::class, 'Comment'));
            'Calls to DataObject::db without a field specified return correct data types'

        // assertEquals doesn't verify the order of array elements, so access keys manually to check order:
        // expected: ['Name' => 'Varchar', 'Comment' => 'HTMLText']
            array_slice(array_keys($dbFields), 4, 2),
            'DataObject::db returns fields in correct order'

    public function testConstructAcceptsValues()
        // Values can be an array...
        $player = new DataObjectTest\Player(
                'FirstName' => 'James',
                'Surname' => 'Smith'

        $this->assertEquals('James', $player->FirstName);
        $this->assertEquals('Smith', $player->Surname);

        // ... or a stdClass inst
        $data = new stdClass();
        $data->FirstName = 'John';
        $data->Surname = 'Doe';
        $player = new DataObjectTest\Player($data);

        $this->assertEquals('John', $player->FirstName);
        $this->assertEquals('Doe', $player->Surname);

        // Note that automatic conversion of IDs to integer no longer happens as the DB layer does that for us now
        $player = new DataObjectTest\Player(['ID' => 5]);
        $this->assertSame(5, $player->ID);

     * @see SilverStripe\ORM\Tests\DataObjectTest\Team_Extension
    public function testConstructHydratesAugmentedValues()
        // When creating a DataObject from singleton, DataObject::hydrate() isn't called
        $team = new Team([], DataObject::CREATE_SINGLETON);

        // Similarly, when hydrating by creating a DataObject from nothing, hydrate() isn't called
        $team2 = new Team([]);
        $id = $team2->write();

        // However when rebuilding an object from the database, it is and we can expect our extension to execute
        /** @var Team $team3 */
        $team3 = Team::get()->byID($id);

        // Also when rebuilding an object in memory, hydrate() is called and our extension should execute
        /** @var Team $team4 */
        $team4 = $team->newClassInstance(Team::class);

    public function testValidObjectsForBaseFields()
        $obj = new DataObjectTest\ValidatedObject();

        foreach (['Created', 'LastEdited', 'ClassName', 'ID'] as $field) {
            $helper = $obj->dbObject($field);
                ($helper instanceof DBField),
                "for {$field} expected helper to be DBField, but was " . (is_object($helper) ? get_class($helper) : "null")

    public function testDataIntegrityWhenTwoSubclassesHaveSameField()
        // Save data into DataObjectTest_SubTeam.SubclassDatabaseField
        $obj = new DataObjectTest\SubTeam();
        $obj->SubclassDatabaseField = "obj-SubTeam";

        // Change the class
        $obj->ClassName = DataObjectTest\OtherSubclassWithSameField::class;

        // Re-fetch from the database and confirm that the data is sourced from
        // OtherSubclassWithSameField.SubclassDatabaseField
        $obj = DataObject::get_by_id(DataObjectTest\Team::class, $obj->ID);

        // Confirm that save the object in the other direction.
        $obj->SubclassDatabaseField = 'obj-Other';

        $obj->ClassName = DataObjectTest\SubTeam::class;

        // If we restore the class, the old value has been lying dormant and will be available again.
        // NOTE: This behaviour is volatile; we may change this in the future to clear fields that
        // are no longer relevant when changing ClassName
        $obj = DataObject::get_by_id(DataObjectTest\Team::class, $obj->ID);
        $this->assertEquals('obj-SubTeam', $obj->SubclassDatabaseField);

     * Test deletion of DataObjects
     *   - Deleting using delete() on the DataObject
     *   - Deleting using DataObject::delete_by_id()
    public function testDelete()
        // Test deleting using delete() on the DataObject
        // Get the first page
        $obj = $this->objFromFixture(DataObjectTest\Player::class, 'captain1');
        $objID = $obj->ID;
        // Check the page exists before deleting
        $this->assertTrue(is_object($obj) && $obj->exists());
        // Delete the page
        // Check that page does not exist after deleting
        $obj = DataObject::get_by_id(DataObjectTest\Player::class, $objID);
        $this->assertTrue(!$obj || !$obj->exists());

        // Test deleting using DataObject::delete_by_id()
        // Get the second page
        $obj = $this->objFromFixture(DataObjectTest\Player::class, 'captain2');
        $objID = $obj->ID;
        // Check the page exists before deleting
        $this->assertTrue(is_object($obj) && $obj->exists());
        // Delete the page
        DataObject::delete_by_id(DataObjectTest\Player::class, $obj->ID);
        // Check that page does not exist after deleting
        $obj = DataObject::get_by_id(DataObjectTest\Player::class, $objID);
        $this->assertTrue(!$obj || !$obj->exists());

     * Test methods that get DataObjects
     *   - DataObject::get()
     *       - All records of a DataObject
     *       - Filtering
     *       - Sorting
     *       - Joins
     *       - Limit
     *       - Container class
     *   - DataObject::get_by_id()
     *   - DataObject::get_one()
     *        - With and without caching
     *        - With and without ordering
    public function testGet()
        // Test getting all records of a DataObject
        $comments = DataObject::get(DataObjectTest\TeamComment::class);
        $this->assertEquals(3, $comments->count());

        // Test WHERE clause
        $comments = DataObject::get(DataObjectTest\TeamComment::class, "\"Name\"='Bob'");
        $this->assertEquals(1, $comments->count());
        foreach ($comments as $comment) {
            $this->assertEquals('Bob', $comment->Name);

        // Test sorting
        $comments = DataObject::get(DataObjectTest\TeamComment::class, '', "\"Name\" ASC");
        $this->assertEquals(3, $comments->count());
        $this->assertEquals('Bob', $comments->first()->Name);
        $comments = DataObject::get(DataObjectTest\TeamComment::class, '', "\"Name\" DESC");
        $this->assertEquals(3, $comments->count());
        $this->assertEquals('Phil', $comments->first()->Name);

        // Test limit
        $comments = DataObject::get(DataObjectTest\TeamComment::class, '', "\"Name\" ASC", '', '1,2');
        $this->assertEquals(2, $comments->count());
        $this->assertEquals('Joe', $comments->first()->Name);
        $this->assertEquals('Phil', $comments->last()->Name);

        // Test get_by_id()
        $captain1ID = $this->idFromFixture(DataObjectTest\Player::class, 'captain1');
        $captain1 = DataObject::get_by_id(DataObjectTest\Player::class, $captain1ID);
        $this->assertEquals('Captain', $captain1->FirstName);

        // Test get_one() without caching
        $comment1 = DataObject::get_one(
                '"DataObjectTest_TeamComment"."Name"' => 'Joe'
        $comment1->Comment = "Something Else";

        $comment2 = DataObject::get_one(
                '"DataObjectTest_TeamComment"."Name"' => 'Joe'
        $this->assertNotEquals($comment1->Comment, $comment2->Comment);

        // Test get_one() with caching
        $comment1 = DataObject::get_one(
                '"DataObjectTest_TeamComment"."Name"' => 'Bob'
        $comment1->Comment = "Something Else";

        $comment2 = DataObject::get_one(
                '"DataObjectTest_TeamComment"."Name"' => 'Bob'
        $this->assertEquals((string)$comment1->Comment, (string)$comment2->Comment);

        // Test get_one() with order by without caching
        $comment = DataObject::get_one(DataObjectTest\TeamComment::class, '', false, "\"Name\" ASC");
        $this->assertEquals('Bob', $comment->Name);

        $comment = DataObject::get_one(DataObjectTest\TeamComment::class, '', false, "\"Name\" DESC");
        $this->assertEquals('Phil', $comment->Name);

        // Test get_one() with order by with caching
        $comment = DataObject::get_one(DataObjectTest\TeamComment::class, '', true, '"Name" ASC');
        $this->assertEquals('Bob', $comment->Name);
        $comment = DataObject::get_one(DataObjectTest\TeamComment::class, '', true, '"Name" DESC');
        $this->assertEquals('Phil', $comment->Name);

    public function testGetByIDCallerClass()
        $captain1ID = $this->idFromFixture(DataObjectTest\Player::class, 'captain1');
        $captain1 = DataObjectTest\Player::get_by_id($captain1ID);
        $this->assertInstanceOf(DataObjectTest\Player::class, $captain1);
        $this->assertEquals('Captain', $captain1->FirstName);

        $captain2ID = $this->idFromFixture(DataObjectTest\Player::class, 'captain2');
        // make sure we can call from any class but get the one passed as an argument
        $captain2 = DataObjectTest\TeamComment::get_by_id(DataObjectTest\Player::class, $captain2ID);
        $this->assertInstanceOf(DataObjectTest\Player::class, $captain2);
        $this->assertEquals('Captain 2', $captain2->FirstName);

    public function testGetCaseInsensitive()
        // Test get_one() with bad case on the classname
        // Note: This will succeed only if the underlying DB server supports case-insensitive
        // table names (e.g. such as MySQL, but not SQLite3)
        if (!(DB::get_conn() instanceof MySQLDatabase)) {
            $this->markTestSkipped('MySQL only');

        $subteam1 = DataObject::get_one(
                '"DataObjectTest_Team"."Title"' => 'Subteam 1'
        $this->assertEquals($subteam1->Title, "Subteam 1");

    public function testGetSubclassFields()
        /* Test that fields / has_one relations from the parent table and the subclass tables are extracted */
        $captain1 = $this->objFromFixture(DataObjectTest\Player::class, "captain1");
        // Base field
        $this->assertEquals('Captain', $captain1->FirstName);
        // Subclass field
        $this->assertEquals('007', $captain1->ShirtNumber);
        // Subclass has_one relation
        $this->assertEquals($this->idFromFixture(DataObjectTest\Team::class, 'team1'), $captain1->FavouriteTeamID);

    public function testGetRelationClass()
        $obj = new DataObjectTest\Player();
            'has_one is properly inspected'
            'has_many is properly inspected'
            'many_many is properly inspected'
            'belongs_many_many is properly inspected'
            'belongs_to is properly inspected'
            'polymorphic has_one is properly inspected'

     * Test that has_one relations can be retrieved
    public function testGetHasOneRelations()
        $captain1 = $this->objFromFixture(DataObjectTest\Player::class, "captain1");
        $team1ID = $this->idFromFixture(DataObjectTest\Team::class, 'team1');

        // There will be a field called (relname)ID that contains the ID of the
        // object linked to via the has_one relation
        $this->assertEquals($team1ID, $captain1->FavouriteTeamID);

        // There will be a method called $obj->relname() that returns the object itself
        $this->assertEquals($team1ID, $captain1->FavouriteTeam()->ID);

        // Test that getNonReciprocalComponent can find has_one from the has_many end
            $captain1->inferReciprocalComponent(DataObjectTest\Team::class, 'PlayerFans')->ID

        // Check entity with polymorphic has-one
        $fan1 = $this->objFromFixture(DataObjectTest\Fan::class, "fan1");

        // There will be fields named (relname)ID and (relname)Class for polymorphic
        // entities
        $this->assertEquals($team1ID, $fan1->FavouriteID);
        $this->assertEquals(DataObjectTest\Team::class, $fan1->FavouriteClass);

        // There will be a method called $obj->relname() that returns the object itself
        $favourite = $fan1->Favourite();
        $this->assertEquals($team1ID, $favourite->ID);
        $this->assertInstanceOf(DataObjectTest\Team::class, $favourite);

        // check behaviour of dbObject with polymorphic relations
        $favouriteDBObject = $fan1->dbObject('Favourite');
        $favouriteValue = $favouriteDBObject->getValue();
        $this->assertInstanceOf(DBPolymorphicForeignKey::class, $favouriteDBObject);
        $this->assertEquals($favourite->ID, $favouriteValue->ID);
        $this->assertEquals($favourite->ClassName, $favouriteValue->ClassName);

    public function testLimitAndCount()
        $players = DataObject::get(DataObjectTest\Player::class);

        // There's 4 records in total
        $this->assertEquals(4, $players->count());

        // Testing "##, ##" syntax
        $this->assertEquals(4, $players->limit(20)->count());
        $this->assertEquals(4, $players->limit(20, 0)->count());
        $this->assertEquals(0, $players->limit(20, 20)->count());
        $this->assertEquals(2, $players->limit(2, 0)->count());
        $this->assertEquals(1, $players->limit(5, 3)->count());

    public function testWriteNoChangesDoesntUpdateLastEdited()
        // set mock now so we can be certain of LastEdited time for our test
        DBDatetime::set_mock_now('2017-01-01 00:00:00');
        $obj = new Player();
        $obj->FirstName = 'Test';
        $obj->Surname = 'Plater';
        $obj->Email = 'test.player@example.com';
        $this->assertEquals('2017-01-01 00:00:00', $obj->LastEdited);
        $writtenObj = Player::get()->byID($obj->ID);
        $this->assertEquals('2017-01-01 00:00:00', $writtenObj->LastEdited);

        // set mock now so we get a new LastEdited if, for some reason, it's updated
        DBDatetime::set_mock_now('2017-02-01 00:00:00');
        $this->assertEquals('2017-01-01 00:00:00', $writtenObj->LastEdited);
        $this->assertEquals($obj->ID, $writtenObj->ID);

        $reWrittenObj = Player::get()->byID($writtenObj->ID);
        $this->assertEquals('2017-01-01 00:00:00', $reWrittenObj->LastEdited);

     * Test writing of database columns which don't correlate to a DBField,
     * e.g. all relation fields on has_one/has_many like "ParentID".
    public function testWritePropertyWithoutDBField()
        $obj = $this->objFromFixture(DataObjectTest\Player::class, 'captain1');
        $obj->FavouriteTeamID = 99;

        // reload the page from the database
        $savedObj = DataObject::get_by_id(DataObjectTest\Player::class, $obj->ID);
        $this->assertTrue($savedObj->FavouriteTeamID == 99);

        // Test with porymorphic relation
        $obj2 = $this->objFromFixture(DataObjectTest\Fan::class, "fan1");
        $obj2->FavouriteID = 99;
        $obj2->FavouriteClass = DataObjectTest\Player::class;

        $savedObj2 = DataObject::get_by_id(DataObjectTest\Fan::class, $obj2->ID);
        $this->assertTrue($savedObj2->FavouriteID == 99);
        $this->assertTrue($savedObj2->FavouriteClass == DataObjectTest\Player::class);

     * Test has many relationships
     *   - Test getComponents() gets the ComponentSet of the other side of the relation
     *   - Test the IDs on the DataObjects are set correctly
    public function testHasManyRelationships()
        $team1 = $this->objFromFixture(DataObjectTest\Team::class, 'team1');

        // Test getComponents() gets the ComponentSet of the other side of the relation
        $this->assertTrue($team1->Comments()->count() == 2);

        $team1Comments = [
            ['Comment' => 'This is a team comment by Joe'],
            ['Comment' => 'This is a team comment by Bob'],

        // Test the IDs on the DataObjects are set correctly
        $this->assertListEquals($team1Comments, $team1->Comments());

        // Test that has_many can be inferred from the has_one via getNonReciprocalComponent
            $team1->inferReciprocalComponent(DataObjectTest\TeamComment::class, 'Team')

        // Test that we can add and remove items that already exist in the database
        $newComment = new DataObjectTest\TeamComment();
        $newComment->Name = "Automated commenter";
        $newComment->Comment = "This is a new comment";
        $this->assertEquals($team1->ID, $newComment->TeamID);

        $comment1 = $this->objFromFixture(DataObjectTest\TeamComment::class, 'comment1');
        $comment2 = $this->objFromFixture(DataObjectTest\TeamComment::class, 'comment2');

        $team1CommentIDs = $team1->Comments()->sort('ID')->column('ID');
        $this->assertEquals([$comment1->ID, $newComment->ID], $team1CommentIDs);

        // Test that removing an item from a list doesn't remove it from the same
        // relation belonging to a different object
        $team1 = $this->objFromFixture(DataObjectTest\Team::class, 'team1');
        $team2 = $this->objFromFixture(DataObjectTest\Team::class, 'team2');
        $team1CommentIDs = $team1->Comments()->sort('ID')->column('ID');
        $this->assertEquals([$comment1->ID, $newComment->ID], $team1CommentIDs);

     * Test has many relationships against polymorphic has_one fields
     *   - Test getComponents() gets the ComponentSet of the other side of the relation
     *   - Test the IDs on the DataObjects are set correctly
    public function testHasManyPolymorphicRelationships()
        $team1 = $this->objFromFixture(DataObjectTest\Team::class, 'team1');

        // Test getComponents() gets the ComponentSet of the other side of the relation
        $this->assertTrue($team1->Fans()->count() == 2);

        // Test the IDs/Classes on the DataObjects are set correctly
        foreach ($team1->Fans() as $fan) {
            $this->assertEquals($team1->ID, $fan->FavouriteID, 'Fan has the correct FavouriteID');
            $this->assertEquals(DataObjectTest\Team::class, $fan->FavouriteClass, 'Fan has the correct FavouriteClass');

        // Test that we can add and remove items that already exist in the database
        $newFan = new DataObjectTest\Fan();
        $newFan->Name = "New fan";
        $this->assertEquals($team1->ID, $newFan->FavouriteID, 'Newly created fan has the correct FavouriteID');
            'Newly created fan has the correct FavouriteClass'

        $fan1 = $this->objFromFixture(DataObjectTest\Fan::class, 'fan1');
        $fan3 = $this->objFromFixture(DataObjectTest\Fan::class, 'fan3');

        $team1FanIDs = $team1->Fans()->sort('ID')->column('ID');
        $this->assertEquals([$fan1->ID, $newFan->ID], $team1FanIDs);

        // Test that removing an item from a list doesn't remove it from the same
        // relation belonging to a different object
        $team1 = $this->objFromFixture(DataObjectTest\Team::class, 'team1');
        $player1 = $this->objFromFixture(DataObjectTest\Player::class, 'player1');
        $team1FanIDs = $team1->Fans()->sort('ID')->column('ID');
        $this->assertEquals([$fan1->ID, $newFan->ID], $team1FanIDs);

    public function testHasOneRelationship()
        $team1 = $this->objFromFixture(DataObjectTest\Team::class, 'team1');
        $player1 = $this->objFromFixture(DataObjectTest\Player::class, 'player1');
        $player2 = $this->objFromFixture(DataObjectTest\Player::class, 'player2');
        $fan1 = $this->objFromFixture(DataObjectTest\Fan::class, 'fan1');

        // Test relation probing
        $this->assertFalse((bool)$team1->hasValue('Captain', null, false));
        $this->assertFalse((bool)$team1->hasValue('CaptainID', null, false));

        // Add a captain to team 1
        $team1->setField('CaptainID', $player1->ID);

        $this->assertTrue((bool)$team1->hasValue('Captain', null, false));
        $this->assertTrue((bool)$team1->hasValue('CaptainID', null, false));

            'The captain exists for team 1'
            'The captain exists through the component getter'

            'Player 1',
            'Player 1 is the captain'
            'Player 1',
            'Player 1 is the captain'

        $team1->CaptainID = $player2->ID;

        $this->assertEquals($player2->ID, $team1->Captain()->ID);
        $this->assertEquals($player2->ID, $team1->getComponent('Captain')->ID);
        $this->assertEquals('Player 2', $team1->Captain()->FirstName);
        $this->assertEquals('Player 2', $team1->getComponent('Captain')->FirstName);

        // Set the favourite team for fan1
        $fan1->setField('FavouriteID', $team1->ID);
        $fan1->setField('FavouriteClass', get_class($team1));

        $this->assertEquals($team1->ID, $fan1->Favourite()->ID, 'The team is assigned to fan 1');
        $this->assertInstanceOf(get_class($team1), $fan1->Favourite(), 'The team is assigned to fan 1');
            'The team exists through the component getter'
            'The team exists through the component getter'

            'Team 1',
            'Team 1 is the favourite'
            'Team 1',
            'Team 1 is the favourite'

     * Test has_one used as field getter/setter
    public function testHasOneAsField()
        /** @var DataObjectTest\Team $team1 */
        $team1 = $this->objFromFixture(DataObjectTest\Team::class, 'team1');
        $captain1 = $this->objFromFixture(DataObjectTest\Player::class, 'captain1');
        $captain2 = $this->objFromFixture(DataObjectTest\Player::class, 'captain2');

        // Setter: By RelationID
        $team1->CaptainID = $captain1->ID;
        $this->assertEquals($captain1->ID, $team1->Captain->ID);

        // Setter: New object
        $team1->Captain = $captain2;
        $this->assertEquals($captain2->ID, $team1->Captain->ID);

        // Setter: Custom data (required by DataDifferencer)
        $team1->Captain = DBField::create_field('HTMLFragment', '<p>No captain</p>');
        $this->assertEquals('<p>No captain</p>', $team1->Captain);

     * @todo Extend type change tests (e.g. '0'==NULL)
    public function testChangedFields()
        $obj = $this->objFromFixture(DataObjectTest\Player::class, 'captain1');
        $obj->FirstName = 'Captain-changed';
        $obj->IsRetired = true;

            $obj->getChangedFields(true, DataObject::CHANGE_STRICT),
                'FirstName' => [
                    'before' => 'Captain',
                    'after' => 'Captain-changed',
                    'level' => DataObject::CHANGE_VALUE
                'IsRetired' => [
                    'before' => 1,
                    'after' => true,
                    'level' => DataObject::CHANGE_STRICT
            'Changed fields are correctly detected with strict type changes (level=1)'

            $obj->getChangedFields(true, DataObject::CHANGE_VALUE),
                'FirstName' => [
                    'before' => 'Captain',
                    'after' => 'Captain-changed',
                    'level' => DataObject::CHANGE_VALUE
            'Changed fields are correctly detected while ignoring type changes (level=2)'

        $newObj = new DataObjectTest\Player();
        $newObj->FirstName = "New Player";
                'FirstName' => [
                    'before' => null,
                    'after' => 'New Player',
                    'level' => DataObject::CHANGE_VALUE
            $newObj->getChangedFields(true, DataObject::CHANGE_VALUE),
            'Initialised fields are correctly detected as full changes'

    public function testChangedFieldsWhenRestoringData()
        $obj = $this->objFromFixture(DataObjectTest\Player::class, 'captain1');
        $obj->FirstName = 'Captain-changed';
        $obj->FirstName = 'Captain';

            $obj->getChangedFields(true, DataObject::CHANGE_STRICT)

    public function testChangedFieldsAfterWrite()
        $obj = $this->objFromFixture(DataObjectTest\Player::class, 'captain1');
        $obj->FirstName = 'Captain-changed';
        $obj->FirstName = 'Captain';

                'FirstName' => [
                    'before' => 'Captain-changed',
                    'after' => 'Captain',
                    'level' => DataObject::CHANGE_VALUE,
            $obj->getChangedFields(true, DataObject::CHANGE_VALUE)

    public function testForceChangeCantBeCancelledUntilWrite()
        $obj = $this->objFromFixture(DataObjectTest\Player::class, 'captain1');

        // Force change marks the records as changed

        // ...but not if we explicitly ask if the value has changed
        $this->assertFalse($obj->isChanged('FirstName', DataObject::CHANGE_VALUE));
        $this->assertFalse($obj->isChanged('Surname', DataObject::CHANGE_VALUE));

        // Not overwritten by setting the value to is original value
        $obj->FirstName = 'Captain';

        // Not overwritten by changing it to something else and back again
        $obj->FirstName = 'Captain-changed';
        $this->assertTrue($obj->isChanged('FirstName', DataObject::CHANGE_VALUE));

        $obj->FirstName = 'Captain';
        $this->assertFalse($obj->isChanged('FirstName', DataObject::CHANGE_VALUE));

        // Cleared after write

        $obj->FirstName = 'Captain';

     * @skipUpgrade
    public function testIsChanged()
        $obj = $this->objFromFixture(DataObjectTest\Player::class, 'captain1');
        $obj->NonDBField = 'bob';
        $obj->FirstName = 'Captain-changed';
        $obj->IsRetired = true; // type change only, database stores "1"

        // Now that DB fields are changed, isChanged is true
        $this->assertTrue($obj->isChanged('FirstName', DataObject::CHANGE_STRICT));
        $this->assertTrue($obj->isChanged('FirstName', DataObject::CHANGE_VALUE));
        $this->assertTrue($obj->isChanged('IsRetired', DataObject::CHANGE_STRICT));
        $this->assertFalse($obj->isChanged('IsRetired', DataObject::CHANGE_VALUE));
        $this->assertFalse($obj->isChanged('Email', 1), 'Doesnt change mark unchanged property');
        $this->assertFalse($obj->isChanged('Email', 2), 'Doesnt change mark unchanged property');

        $newObj = new DataObjectTest\Player();
        $newObj->FirstName = "New Player";
        $this->assertTrue($newObj->isChanged('FirstName', DataObject::CHANGE_STRICT));
        $this->assertTrue($newObj->isChanged('FirstName', DataObject::CHANGE_VALUE));
        $this->assertFalse($newObj->isChanged('Email', DataObject::CHANGE_STRICT));
        $this->assertFalse($newObj->isChanged('Email', DataObject::CHANGE_VALUE));

        $this->assertFalse($newObj->isChanged('FirstName', DataObject::CHANGE_STRICT));
        $this->assertFalse($newObj->isChanged('FirstName', DataObject::CHANGE_VALUE));
        $this->assertFalse($newObj->isChanged('Email', DataObject::CHANGE_STRICT));
        $this->assertFalse($newObj->isChanged('Email', DataObject::CHANGE_VALUE));

        $obj = $this->objFromFixture(DataObjectTest\Player::class, 'captain1');
        $obj->FirstName = null;
        $this->assertTrue($obj->isChanged('FirstName', DataObject::CHANGE_STRICT));
        $this->assertTrue($obj->isChanged('FirstName', DataObject::CHANGE_VALUE));

        $obj->FirstName = null;
        $this->assertFalse($obj->isChanged('FirstName', DataObject::CHANGE_STRICT), 'Unchanged property was marked as changed');
        $obj->FirstName = 0;
        $this->assertTrue($obj->isChanged('FirstName', DataObject::CHANGE_STRICT), 'Strict (type) change was not detected');
        $this->assertFalse($obj->isChanged('FirstName', DataObject::CHANGE_VALUE), 'Type-only change was marked as a value change');

        /* Test when there's not field provided */
        $obj = $this->objFromFixture(DataObjectTest\Player::class, 'captain2');
        $obj->NonDBField = 'new value';
        $obj->FirstName = "New Player";


    public function testRandomSort()
        /* If we perform the same regularly sorted query twice, it should return the same results */
        $itemsA = DataObject::get(DataObjectTest\TeamComment::class, "", "ID");
        foreach ($itemsA as $item) {
            $keysA[] = $item->ID;

        $itemsB = DataObject::get(DataObjectTest\TeamComment::class, "", "ID");
        foreach ($itemsB as $item) {
            $keysB[] = $item->ID;

        /* Test when there's not field provided */
        $obj = $this->objFromFixture(DataObjectTest\Player::class, 'captain1');
        $obj->FirstName = "New Player";


        /* If we perform the same random query twice, it shouldn't return the same results */
        $itemsA = DataObject::get(DataObjectTest\TeamComment::class, "", DB::get_conn()->random());
        $itemsB = DataObject::get(DataObjectTest\TeamComment::class, "", DB::get_conn()->random());
        $itemsC = DataObject::get(DataObjectTest\TeamComment::class, "", DB::get_conn()->random());
        $itemsD = DataObject::get(DataObjectTest\TeamComment::class, "", DB::get_conn()->random());
        foreach ($itemsA as $item) {
            $keysA[] = $item->ID;
        foreach ($itemsB as $item) {
            $keysB[] = $item->ID;
        foreach ($itemsC as $item) {
            $keysC[] = $item->ID;
        foreach ($itemsD as $item) {
            $keysD[] = $item->ID;

        // These shouldn't all be the same (run it 4 times to minimise chance of an accidental collision)
        // There's about a 1 in a billion chance of an accidental collision
        $this->assertTrue($keysA != $keysB || $keysB != $keysC || $keysC != $keysD);

    public function testWriteSavesToHasOneRelations()
        /* DataObject::write() should save to a has_one relationship if you set a field called (relname)ID */
        $team = new DataObjectTest\Team();
        $captainID = $this->idFromFixture(DataObjectTest\Player::class, 'player1');
        $team->CaptainID = $captainID;
            DB::query("SELECT \"CaptainID\" FROM \"DataObjectTest_Team\" WHERE \"ID\" = $team->ID")->value()

        // Can write to component directly
        $this->assertEquals(false, $team->Captain()->IsRetired);
        $team->Captain()->IsRetired = true;
        $this->assertEquals(true, $team->Captain()->IsRetired, 'Saves writes to components directly');

        /* After giving it a value, you should also be able to set it back to null */
        $team->CaptainID = '';
            DB::query("SELECT \"CaptainID\" FROM \"DataObjectTest_Team\" WHERE \"ID\" = $team->ID")->value()

        /* You should also be able to save a blank to it when it's first created */
        $team = new DataObjectTest\Team();
        $team->CaptainID = '';
            DB::query("SELECT \"CaptainID\" FROM \"DataObjectTest_Team\" WHERE \"ID\" = $team->ID")->value()

        /* Ditto for existing records without a value */
        $existingTeam = $this->objFromFixture(DataObjectTest\Team::class, 'team1');
        $existingTeam->CaptainID = '';
            DB::query("SELECT \"CaptainID\" FROM \"DataObjectTest_Team\" WHERE \"ID\" = $existingTeam->ID")->value()

    public function testCanAccessHasOneObjectsAsMethods()
        /* If you have a has_one relation 'Captain' on $obj, and you set the $obj->CaptainID = (ID), then the
        * object itself should be accessible as $obj->Captain() */
        $team = $this->objFromFixture(DataObjectTest\Team::class, 'team1');
        $captainID = $this->idFromFixture(DataObjectTest\Player::class, 'captain1');

        $team->CaptainID = $captainID;
        $this->assertEquals($captainID, $team->Captain()->ID);

        // Test for polymorphic has_one relations
        $fan = $this->objFromFixture(DataObjectTest\Fan::class, 'fan1');
        $fan->FavouriteID = $team->ID;
        $fan->FavouriteClass = DataObjectTest\Team::class;
        $this->assertEquals($team->ID, $fan->Favourite()->ID);
        $this->assertInstanceOf(DataObjectTest\Team::class, $fan->Favourite());

    public function testFieldNamesThatMatchMethodNamesWork()
        /* Check that a field name that corresponds to a method on DataObject will still work */
        $obj = new DataObjectTest\Fixture();
        $obj->Data = "value1";
        $obj->DbObject = "value2";
        $obj->Duplicate = "value3";

            DB::query("SELECT \"Data\" FROM \"DataObjectTest_Fixture\" WHERE \"ID\" = $obj->ID")->value()
            DB::query("SELECT \"DbObject\" FROM \"DataObjectTest_Fixture\" WHERE \"ID\" = $obj->ID")->value()
            DB::query("SELECT \"Duplicate\" FROM \"DataObjectTest_Fixture\" WHERE \"ID\" = $obj->ID")->value()

     * @todo Re-enable all test cases for field existence after behaviour has been fixed
    public function testFieldExistence()
        $teamInstance = $this->objFromFixture(DataObjectTest\Team::class, 'team1');
        $teamSingleton = singleton(DataObjectTest\Team::class);

        $subteamInstance = $this->objFromFixture(DataObjectTest\SubTeam::class, 'subteam1');
        $schema = DataObject::getSchema();

        /* hasField() singleton checks */
            'hasField() finds built-in fields in singletons'
            'hasField() finds custom fields in singletons'

        /* hasField() instance checks */
            'hasField() doesnt find non-existing fields in instances'
            'hasField() finds built-in fields in instances'
            'hasField() finds built-in fields in instances'
            'hasField() finds custom fields in instances'
        //'hasField() doesnt find subclass fields in parentclass instances');
            'hasField() finds dynamic getters in instances'
            'hasField() finds foreign keys in instances'
            'hasField() finds extended fields in instances'
            'hasField() finds extended foreign keys in instances'
        //'hasField() includes extended dynamic getters in instances');

        /* hasField() subclass checks */
            'hasField() finds built-in fields in subclass instances'
            'hasField() finds built-in fields in subclass instances'
            'hasField() finds custom fields in subclass instances'
            'hasField() finds custom fields in subclass instances'
            'hasField() finds dynamic getters in subclass instances'
            'hasField() finds foreign keys in subclass instances'
            'hasField() finds extended fields in subclass instances'
            'hasField() finds extended foreign keys in subclass instances'

        /* hasDatabaseField() singleton checks */
        //'hasDatabaseField() finds built-in fields in singletons');
            $schema->fieldSpec(DataObjectTest\Team::class, 'Title'),
            'hasDatabaseField() finds custom fields in singletons'

        /* hasDatabaseField() instance checks */
            $schema->fieldSpec(DataObjectTest\Team::class, 'NonExistingField'),
            'hasDatabaseField() doesnt find non-existing fields in instances'
        //$this->assertNotEmpty($schema->fieldSpec(DataObjectTest_Team::class, 'ID'),
        //'hasDatabaseField() finds built-in fields in instances');
            $schema->fieldSpec(DataObjectTest\Team::class, 'Created'),
            'hasDatabaseField() finds built-in fields in instances'
            $schema->fieldSpec(DataObjectTest\Team::class, 'DatabaseField'),
            'hasDatabaseField() finds custom fields in instances'
            $schema->fieldSpec(DataObjectTest\Team::class, 'SubclassDatabaseField'),
            'hasDatabaseField() doesnt find subclass fields in parentclass instances'
        //$this->assertNull($schema->fieldSpec(DataObjectTest_Team::class, 'DynamicField'),
        //'hasDatabaseField() doesnt dynamic getters in instances');
            $schema->fieldSpec(DataObjectTest\Team::class, 'HasOneRelationshipID'),
            'hasDatabaseField() finds foreign keys in instances'
            $schema->fieldSpec(DataObjectTest\Team::class, 'ExtendedDatabaseField'),
            'hasDatabaseField() finds extended fields in instances'
            $schema->fieldSpec(DataObjectTest\Team::class, 'ExtendedHasOneRelationshipID'),
            'hasDatabaseField() finds extended foreign keys in instances'
            $schema->fieldSpec(DataObjectTest\Team::class, 'ExtendedDynamicField'),
            'hasDatabaseField() doesnt include extended dynamic getters in instances'

        /* hasDatabaseField() subclass checks */
            $schema->fieldSpec(DataObjectTest\SubTeam::class, 'DatabaseField'),
            'hasField() finds custom fields in subclass instances'
            $schema->fieldSpec(DataObjectTest\SubTeam::class, 'SubclassDatabaseField'),
            'hasField() finds custom fields in subclass instances'

     * @todo Re-enable all test cases for field inheritance aggregation after behaviour has been fixed
    public function testFieldInheritance()
        $schema = DataObject::getSchema();

        // Test logical fields (including composite)
        $teamSpecifications = $schema->fieldSpecs(DataObjectTest\Team::class);
        $expected = [
        $actual = array_keys($teamSpecifications);
            'fieldSpecifications() contains all fields defined on instance: base, extended and foreign keys'

        $teamFields = $schema->databaseFields(DataObjectTest\Team::class, false);
        $expected = [
        $actual = array_keys($teamFields);
            'databaseFields() contains only fields defined on instance, including base, extended and foreign keys'

        $subteamSpecifications = $schema->fieldSpecs(DataObjectTest\SubTeam::class);
        $expected = [
        $actual = array_keys($subteamSpecifications);
            'fieldSpecifications() on subclass contains all fields, including base, extended  and foreign keys'

        $subteamFields = $schema->databaseFields(DataObjectTest\SubTeam::class, false);
        $expected = [
        $actual = array_keys($subteamFields);
            'databaseFields() on subclass contains only fields defined on instance'

    public function testSearchableFields()
        $player = $this->objFromFixture(DataObjectTest\Player::class, 'captain1');
        $fields = $player->searchableFields();
            'Fields defined by $searchable_fields static are correctly detected'
            'Fields defined by $searchable_fields static are correctly detected'

        $team = $this->objFromFixture(DataObjectTest\Team::class, 'team1');
        $fields = $team->searchableFields();
            'Fields can be inherited from the $summary_fields static, including methods called on fields'
            'Fields on related objects can be inherited from the $summary_fields static'
            'Fields on related objects can be inherited from the $summary_fields static'

        $testObj = new DataObjectTest\Fixture();
        $fields = $testObj->searchableFields();

    public function testCastingHelper()
        $team = $this->objFromFixture(DataObjectTest\Team::class, 'team1');

        $this->assertEquals('Varchar', $team->castingHelper('Title'), 'db field wasn\'t casted correctly');
        $this->assertEquals('HTMLVarchar', $team->castingHelper('DatabaseField'), 'db field wasn\'t casted correctly');

        $sponsor = $team->Sponsors()->first();
        $this->assertEquals('Int', $sponsor->castingHelper('SponsorFee'), 'many_many_extraFields not casted correctly');

    public function testSummaryFieldsCustomLabels()
        $team = $this->objFromFixture(DataObjectTest\Team::class, 'team1');
        $summaryFields = $team->summaryFields();

                'Title' => 'Custom Title',
                'Title.UpperCase' => 'Title',
                'Captain.ShirtNumber' => 'Captain\'s shirt number',
                'Captain.FavouriteTeam.Title' => 'Captain\'s favourite team',

    public function testDataObjectUpdate()
        /* update() calls can use the dot syntax to reference has_one relations and other methods that return
        * objects */
        $team1 = $this->objFromFixture(DataObjectTest\Team::class, 'team1');
        $team1->CaptainID = $this->idFromFixture(DataObjectTest\Player::class, 'captain1');

                'DatabaseField' => 'Something',
                'Captain.FirstName' => 'Jim',
                'Captain.Email' => 'jim@example.com',
                'Captain.FavouriteTeam.Title' => 'New and improved team 1',

        /* Test the simple case of updating fields on the object itself */
        $this->assertEquals('Something', $team1->DatabaseField);

        /* Setting Captain.Email and Captain.FirstName will have updated DataObjectTest_Captain.captain1 in
        * the database.  Although update() doesn't usually write, it does write related records automatically. */
        $captain1 = $this->objFromFixture(DataObjectTest\Player::class, 'captain1');
        $this->assertEquals('Jim', $captain1->FirstName);
        $this->assertEquals('jim@example.com', $captain1->Email);

        /* Jim's favourite team is team 1; we need to reload the object to the the change that setting Captain.
        * FavouriteTeam.Title made */
        $reloadedTeam1 = $this->objFromFixture(DataObjectTest\Team::class, 'team1');
        $this->assertEquals('New and improved team 1', $reloadedTeam1->Title);

    public function testDataObjectUpdateNew()
        /* update() calls can use the dot syntax to reference has_one relations and other methods that return
        * objects */
        $team1 = $this->objFromFixture(DataObjectTest\Team::class, 'team1');
        $team1->CaptainID = 0;

                'Captain.FirstName' => 'Jim',
                'Captain.FavouriteTeam.Title' => 'New and improved team 1',
        /* Test that the captain ID has been updated */
        $this->assertGreaterThan(0, $team1->CaptainID);

        /* Fetch the newly created captain */
        $captain1 = DataObjectTest\Player::get()->byID($team1->CaptainID);
        $this->assertEquals('Jim', $captain1->FirstName);

        /* Grab the favourite team and make sure it has the correct values */
        $reloadedTeam1 = $captain1->FavouriteTeam();
        $this->assertEquals($reloadedTeam1->ID, $captain1->FavouriteTeamID);
        $this->assertEquals('New and improved team 1', $reloadedTeam1->Title);

     * @expectedException \SilverStripe\ORM\ValidationException
    public function testWritingInvalidDataObjectThrowsException()
        $validatedObject = new DataObjectTest\ValidatedObject();

    public function testWritingValidDataObjectDoesntThrowException()
        $validatedObject = new DataObjectTest\ValidatedObject();
        $validatedObject->Name = "Mr. Jones";

        $this->assertTrue($validatedObject->isInDB(), "Validated object was not saved to database");

    public function testSubclassCreation()
        /* Creating a new object of a subclass should set the ClassName field correctly */
        $obj = new DataObjectTest\SubTeam();
            DB::query("SELECT \"ClassName\" FROM \"DataObjectTest_Team\" WHERE \"ID\" = $obj->ID")->value()

    public function testForceInsert()
        /* If you set an ID on an object and pass forceInsert = true, then the object should be correctly created */
        $conn = DB::get_conn();
        if (method_exists($conn, 'allowPrimaryKeyEditing')) {
            $conn->allowPrimaryKeyEditing(DataObjectTest\Team::class, true);
        $obj = new DataObjectTest\SubTeam();
        $obj->ID = 1001;
        $obj->Title = 'asdfasdf';
        $obj->SubclassDatabaseField = 'asdfasdf';
        $obj->write(false, true);
        if (method_exists($conn, 'allowPrimaryKeyEditing')) {
            $conn->allowPrimaryKeyEditing(DataObjectTest\Team::class, false);

            DB::query("SELECT \"ClassName\" FROM \"DataObjectTest_Team\" WHERE \"ID\" = $obj->ID")->value()

        /* Check that it actually saves to the database with the correct ID */
                "SELECT \"ID\" FROM \"DataObjectTest_SubTeam\" WHERE \"SubclassDatabaseField\" = 'asdfasdf'"
            DB::query("SELECT \"ID\" FROM \"DataObjectTest_Team\" WHERE \"Title\" = 'asdfasdf'")->value()

    public function testHasOwnTable()
        $schema = DataObject::getSchema();
        /* Test DataObject::has_own_table() returns true if the object has $has_one or $db values */

        /* Root DataObject that always have a table, even if they lack both $db and $has_one */

        /* Subclasses without $db or $has_one don't have a table */

        /* Return false if you don't pass it a subclass of DataObject */

        /* Invalid class name */

    public function testMerge()
        // test right merge of subclasses
        $left = $this->objFromFixture(DataObjectTest\SubTeam::class, 'subteam1');
        $right = $this->objFromFixture(DataObjectTest\SubTeam::class, 'subteam2_with_player_relation');
        $leftOrigID = $left->ID;
        $left->merge($right, 'right', false, false);
            'Subteam 2',
            'merge() with "right" priority overwrites fields with existing values on subclasses'
            'merge() with "right" priority doesnt overwrite database ID'

        // test overwriteWithEmpty flag on existing left values
        $left = $this->objFromFixture(DataObjectTest\SubTeam::class, 'subteam2_with_player_relation');
        $right = $this->objFromFixture(DataObjectTest\SubTeam::class, 'subteam3_with_empty_fields');
        $left->merge($right, 'right', false, true);
            'Subteam 3',
            'merge() with $overwriteWithEmpty overwrites non-empty fields on left object'

        // test overwriteWithEmpty flag on empty left values
        $left = $this->objFromFixture(DataObjectTest\SubTeam::class, 'subteam1');
        // $SubclassDatabaseField is empty on here
        $right = $this->objFromFixture(DataObjectTest\SubTeam::class, 'subteam2_with_player_relation');
        $left->merge($right, 'right', false, true);
            'merge() with $overwriteWithEmpty overwrites empty fields on left object'

        // @todo test "left" priority flag
        // @todo test includeRelations flag
        // @todo test includeRelations in combination with overwriteWithEmpty
        // @todo test has_one relations
        // @todo test has_many and many_many relations

    public function testPopulateDefaults()
        $obj = new DataObjectTest\Fixture();
            'Default Value',
            'Defaults are populated for in-memory object from $defaults array'

            'Default Value',
            'Defaults are populated from overloaded populateDefaults() method'

        // Test populate defaults on subclasses
        $staffObj = new DataObjectTest\Staff();
        $this->assertEquals('Staff', $staffObj->EmploymentType);

        $ceoObj = new DataObjectTest\CEO();
        $this->assertEquals('Staff', $ceoObj->EmploymentType);

     * @expectedException \InvalidArgumentException
    public function testValidateModelDefinitionsFailsWithArray()
        Config::modify()->merge(DataObjectTest\Team::class, 'has_one', ['NotValid' => ['NoArraysAllowed']]);
        DataObject::getSchema()->hasOneComponent(DataObjectTest\Team::class, 'NotValid');

     * @expectedException \InvalidArgumentException
    public function testValidateModelDefinitionsFailsWithIntKey()
        Config::modify()->set(DataObjectTest\Team::class, 'has_many', [0 => DataObjectTest\Player::class]);
        DataObject::getSchema()->hasManyComponent(DataObjectTest\Team::class, 0);

     * @expectedException \InvalidArgumentException
    public function testValidateModelDefinitionsFailsWithIntValue()
        Config::modify()->merge(DataObjectTest\Team::class, 'many_many', ['Players' => 12]);
        DataObject::getSchema()->manyManyComponent(DataObjectTest\Team::class, 'Players');

    public function testNewClassInstance()
        $dataObject = $this->objFromFixture(DataObjectTest\Team::class, 'team1');
        $changedDO = $dataObject->newClassInstance(DataObjectTest\SubTeam::class);
        $changedFields = $changedDO->getChangedFields();

        // Don't write the record, it will reset changed fields
        $this->assertInstanceOf(DataObjectTest\SubTeam::class, $changedDO);
        $this->assertEquals($changedDO->ClassName, DataObjectTest\SubTeam::class);
        $this->assertEquals($changedDO->RecordClassName, DataObjectTest\SubTeam::class);
        $this->assertContains('ClassName', array_keys($changedFields));
        $this->assertEquals($changedFields['ClassName']['before'], DataObjectTest\Team::class);
        $this->assertEquals($changedFields['ClassName']['after'], DataObjectTest\SubTeam::class);
        $this->assertEquals($changedFields['RecordClassName']['before'], DataObjectTest\Team::class);
        $this->assertEquals($changedFields['RecordClassName']['after'], DataObjectTest\SubTeam::class);


        $this->assertInstanceOf(DataObjectTest\SubTeam::class, $changedDO);
        $this->assertEquals($changedDO->ClassName, DataObjectTest\SubTeam::class);

        // Test invalid classes fail
        $this->expectExceptionMessage('Controller is not a valid subclass of DataObject');
         * @skipUpgrade

    public function testNewClassInstanceFromUnsavedDataObject()
        $dataObject = new DataObjectTest\Team([
            'Title' => 'Team 1'
        $changedDO = $dataObject->newClassInstance(DataObjectTest\SubTeam::class);
        $changedFields = $changedDO->getChangedFields();

        // Don't write the record, it will reset changed fields
        $this->assertInstanceOf(DataObjectTest\SubTeam::class, $changedDO);
        $this->assertEquals($changedDO->ClassName, DataObjectTest\SubTeam::class);
        $this->assertEquals($changedDO->RecordClassName, DataObjectTest\SubTeam::class);
        $this->assertContains('ClassName', array_keys($changedFields));
        $this->assertEquals($changedFields['ClassName']['before'], DataObjectTest\Team::class);
        $this->assertEquals($changedFields['ClassName']['after'], DataObjectTest\SubTeam::class);
        $this->assertEquals($changedFields['RecordClassName']['before'], DataObjectTest\Team::class);
        $this->assertEquals($changedFields['RecordClassName']['after'], DataObjectTest\SubTeam::class);


        $this->assertInstanceOf(DataObjectTest\SubTeam::class, $changedDO);
        $this->assertEquals($changedDO->ClassName, DataObjectTest\SubTeam::class);
        $this->assertNotEmpty($changedDO->ID, 'New class instance got an ID generated on write');

    public function testMultipleManyManyWithSameClass()
        $team = $this->objFromFixture(DataObjectTest\Team::class, 'team1');
        $company2 = $this->objFromFixture(DataObjectTest\EquipmentCompany::class, 'equipmentcompany2');
        $sponsors = $team->Sponsors();
        $equipmentSuppliers = $team->EquipmentSuppliers();

        // Check that DataObject::many_many() works as expected
        $manyManyComponent = DataObject::getSchema()->manyManyComponent(DataObjectTest\Team::class, 'Sponsors');
        $this->assertEquals(ManyManyList::class, $manyManyComponent['relationClass']);
            'DataObject::many_many() didn\'t find the correct base class'
            'DataObject::many_many() didn\'t find the correct target class for the relation'
            'DataObject::many_many() didn\'t find the correct relation table'
        $this->assertEquals('DataObjectTest_TeamID', $manyManyComponent['parentField']);
        $this->assertEquals('DataObjectTest_EquipmentCompanyID', $manyManyComponent['childField']);

        // Check that ManyManyList still works
        $this->assertEquals(2, $sponsors->count(), 'Rows are missing from relation');
        $this->assertEquals(1, $equipmentSuppliers->count(), 'Rows are missing from relation');

        // Check everything works when no relation is present
        $teamWithoutSponsor = $this->objFromFixture(DataObjectTest\Team::class, 'team3');
        $this->assertInstanceOf(ManyManyList::class, $teamWithoutSponsor->Sponsors());
        $this->assertEquals(0, $teamWithoutSponsor->Sponsors()->count());

        // Test that belongs_many_many can be inferred from with getNonReciprocalComponent
                ['Name' => 'Company corp'],
                ['Name' => 'Team co.'],
            $team->inferReciprocalComponent(DataObjectTest\EquipmentCompany::class, 'SponsoredTeams')

        // Test that many_many can be inferred from getNonReciprocalComponent
                ['Title' => 'Team 1'],
                ['Title' => 'Team 2'],
                ['Title' => 'Subteam 1'],
            $company2->inferReciprocalComponent(DataObjectTest\Team::class, 'Sponsors')

        // Check many_many_extraFields still works
        $equipmentCompany = $this->objFromFixture(DataObjectTest\EquipmentCompany::class, 'equipmentcompany1');
        $equipmentCompany->SponsoredTeams()->add($teamWithoutSponsor, ['SponsorFee' => 1000]);
        $sponsoredTeams = $equipmentCompany->SponsoredTeams();
            'Data from many_many_extraFields was not stored/extracted correctly'

        // Check subclasses correctly inherit multiple many_manys
        $subTeam = $this->objFromFixture(DataObjectTest\SubTeam::class, 'subteam1');
            'Child class did not inherit multiple many_manys'
            'Child class did not inherit multiple many_manys'
        // Team 2 has one EquipmentCompany sponsor and one SubEquipmentCompany
        $team2 = $this->objFromFixture(DataObjectTest\Team::class, 'team2');
            'Child class did not inherit multiple belongs_many_manys'

        // Check many_many_extraFields also works from the belongs_many_many side
        $sponsors = $team2->Sponsors();
        $sponsors->add($equipmentCompany, ['SponsorFee' => 750]);
            'Data from many_many_extraFields was not stored/extracted correctly'

        $subEquipmentCompany = $this->objFromFixture(DataObjectTest\SubEquipmentCompany::class, 'subequipmentcompany1');
        $subTeam->Sponsors()->add($subEquipmentCompany, ['SponsorFee' => 1200]);
            'Data from inherited many_many_extraFields was not stored/extracted correctly'

    public function testManyManyExtraFields()
        $team = $this->objFromFixture(DataObjectTest\Team::class, 'team1');
        $schema = DataObject::getSchema();

        // Get all extra fields
        $teamExtraFields = $team->manyManyExtraFields();
                'Players' => ['Position' => 'Varchar(100)']

        // Ensure fields from parent classes are included
        $subTeam = singleton(DataObjectTest\SubTeam::class);
        $teamExtraFields = $subTeam->manyManyExtraFields();
                'Players' => ['Position' => 'Varchar(100)'],
                'FormerPlayers' => ['Position' => 'Varchar(100)']

        // Extra fields are immediately available on the Team class (defined in $many_many_extraFields)
        $teamExtraFields = $schema->manyManyExtraFieldsForComponent(DataObjectTest\Team::class, 'Players');
                'Position' => 'Varchar(100)'

        // We'll have to go through the relation to get the extra fields on Player
        $playerExtraFields = $schema->manyManyExtraFieldsForComponent(DataObjectTest\Player::class, 'Teams');
                'Position' => 'Varchar(100)'

        // Iterate through a many-many relationship and confirm that extra fields are included
        $newTeam = new DataObjectTest\Team();
        $newTeam->Title = "New team";
        $newTeamID = $newTeam->ID;

        $newPlayer = new DataObjectTest\Player();
        $newPlayer->FirstName = "Sam";
        $newPlayer->Surname = "Minnee";

        // The idea of Sam as a prop is essentially humourous.
        $newTeam->Players()->add($newPlayer, ["Position" => "Prop"]);

        // Requery and uncache everything
        $newTeam = DataObject::get_by_id(DataObjectTest\Team::class, $newTeamID);

        // Check that the Position many_many_extraField is extracted.
        $player = $newTeam->Players()->first();
        $this->assertEquals('Sam', $player->FirstName);
        $this->assertEquals("Prop", $player->Position);

        // Check that ordering a many-many relation by an aggregate column doesn't fail
        $player = $this->objFromFixture(DataObjectTest\Player::class, 'player2');
        $player->Teams()->sort("count(DISTINCT \"DataObjectTest_Team_Players\".\"DataObjectTest_PlayerID\") DESC");

     * Check that the queries generated for many-many relation queries can have unlimitedRowCount
     * called on them.
    public function testManyManyUnlimitedRowCount()
        $player = $this->objFromFixture(DataObjectTest\Player::class, 'player2');
        // TODO: What's going on here?
        $this->assertEquals(2, $player->Teams()->dataQuery()->query()->unlimitedRowCount());

     * Tests that singular_name() generates sensible defaults.
    public function testSingularName()
        $assertions = [
            DataObjectTest\Player::class => 'Player',
            DataObjectTest\Team::class => 'Team',
            DataObjectTest\Fixture::class => 'Fixture',

        foreach ($assertions as $class => $expectedSingularName) {
                "Assert that the singular_name for '$class' is correct."

     * Tests that plural_name() generates sensible defaults.
    public function testPluralName()
        $assertions = [
            DataObjectTest\Player::class => 'Players',
            DataObjectTest\Team::class => 'Teams',
            DataObjectTest\Fixture::class => 'Fixtures',
            DataObjectTest\Play::class => 'Plays',
            DataObjectTest\Bogey::class => 'Bogeys',
            DataObjectTest\Ploy::class => 'Ploys',
        foreach ($assertions as $class => $expectedPluralName) {
                "Assert that the plural_name for '$class' is correct."
                "Assert that the i18n_plural_name for '$class' is correct."

    public function testHasDatabaseField()
        $team = singleton(DataObjectTest\Team::class);
        $subteam = singleton(DataObjectTest\SubTeam::class);

            "hasOwnDatabaseField() works with \$db fields"
            "hasOwnDatabaseField() works with \$has_one fields"
            "hasOwnDatabaseField() doesn't detect non-existend fields"
            "hasOwnDatabaseField() works with extended fields"
            "hasOwnDatabaseField() doesn't pick up fields in subclasses on parent class"

            "hasOwnDatabaseField() picks up fields in subclasses"

    public function testFieldTypes()
        $obj = new DataObjectTest\Fixture();
        $obj->DateField = '1988-01-02';
        $obj->DatetimeField = '1988-03-04 06:30';

        $obj = DataObject::get_by_id(DataObjectTest\Fixture::class, $obj->ID);
        $this->assertEquals('1988-01-02', $obj->DateField);
        $this->assertEquals('1988-03-04 06:30:00', $obj->DatetimeField);

     * Tests that the autogenerated ID is returned as int
    public function testIDFieldTypeAfterInsert()
        $obj = new DataObjectTest\Fixture();

        $this->assertInternalType("int", $obj->ID);

     * Tests that zero values are returned with the correct types
    public function testZeroIsFalse()
        $obj = new DataObjectTest\Fixture();
        $obj->MyInt = 0;
        $obj->MyDecimal = 0.00;
        $obj->MyCurrency = 0.00;

        $this->assertEquals(0, $obj->MyInt, 'DBInt fields should be integer on first assignment');
        $this->assertEquals(0.00, $obj->MyDecimal, 'DBDecimal fields should be float on first assignment');
        $this->assertEquals(0.00, $obj->MyCurrency, 'DBCurrency fields should be float on first assignment');

        $obj2 = DataObjectTest\Fixture::get()->byId($obj->ID);

        $this->assertEquals(0, $obj2->MyInt, 'DBInt fields should be integer');
        $this->assertEquals(0.00, $obj2->MyDecimal, 'DBDecimal fields should be float');
        $this->assertEquals(0.00, $obj2->MyCurrency, 'DBCurrency fields should be float');

        $this->assertFalse((bool)$obj2->MyInt, 'DBInt zero fields should be falsey on fetch from DB');
        $this->assertFalse((bool)$obj2->MyDecimal, 'DBDecimal zero fields should be falsey on fetch from DB');
        $this->assertFalse((bool)$obj2->MyCurrency, 'DBCurrency zero fields should be falsey on fetch from DB');

    public function testTwoSubclassesWithTheSameFieldNameWork()
        // Create two objects of different subclasses, setting the values of fields that are
        // defined separately in each subclass
        $obj1 = new DataObjectTest\SubTeam();
        $obj1->SubclassDatabaseField = "obj1";
        $obj2 = new DataObjectTest\OtherSubclassWithSameField();
        $obj2->SubclassDatabaseField = "obj2";

        // Write them to the database

        // Check that the values of those fields are properly read from the database
        $values = DataObject::get(
            "\"DataObjectTest_Team\".\"ID\" IN
			($obj1->ID, $obj2->ID)"
        $this->assertEquals(array_intersect($values, ['obj1', 'obj2']), $values);

    public function testClassNameSetForNewObjects()
        $d = new DataObjectTest\Player();
        $this->assertEquals(DataObjectTest\Player::class, $d->ClassName);

    public function testHasValue()
        $team = new DataObjectTest\Team();
        $this->assertFalse($team->hasValue('Title', null, false));
        $this->assertFalse($team->hasValue('DatabaseField', null, false));

        $team->Title = 'hasValue';
        $this->assertTrue($team->hasValue('Title', null, false));
        $this->assertFalse($team->hasValue('DatabaseField', null, false));

        $team->Title = '<p></p>';
            $team->hasValue('Title', null, false),
            'Test that an empty paragraph is a value for non-HTML fields.'

        $team->DatabaseField = 'hasValue';
        $this->assertTrue($team->hasValue('Title', null, false));
        $this->assertTrue($team->hasValue('DatabaseField', null, false));

    public function testHasMany()
        $company = new DataObjectTest\Company();

                'CurrentStaff' => DataObjectTest\Staff::class,
                'PreviousStaff' => DataObjectTest\Staff::class
            'has_many strips field name data by default.'

            DataObject::getSchema()->hasManyComponent(DataObjectTest\Company::class, 'CurrentStaff'),
            'has_many strips field name data by default on single relationships.'

                'CurrentStaff' => DataObjectTest\Staff::class . '.CurrentCompany',
                'PreviousStaff' => DataObjectTest\Staff::class . '.PreviousCompany'
            'has_many returns field name data when $classOnly is false.'

            DataObjectTest\Staff::class . '.CurrentCompany',
            DataObject::getSchema()->hasManyComponent(DataObjectTest\Company::class, 'CurrentStaff', false),
            'has_many returns field name data on single records when $classOnly is false.'

    public function testGetRemoteJoinField()
        $schema = DataObject::getSchema();

        // Company schema
        $staffJoinField = $schema->getRemoteJoinField(
        $this->assertEquals('CurrentCompanyID', $staffJoinField);
        $this->assertFalse($polymorphic, 'DataObjectTest_Company->CurrentStaff is not polymorphic');
        $previousStaffJoinField = $schema->getRemoteJoinField(
        $this->assertEquals('PreviousCompanyID', $previousStaffJoinField);
        $this->assertFalse($polymorphic, 'DataObjectTest_Company->PreviousStaff is not polymorphic');

        // CEO Schema
        $this->assertFalse($polymorphic, 'DataObjectTest_CEO->Company is not polymorphic');
        $this->assertFalse($polymorphic, 'DataObjectTest_CEO->PreviousCompany is not polymorphic');

        // Team schema
        $this->assertTrue($polymorphic, 'DataObjectTest_Team->Fans is polymorphic');
        $this->assertFalse($polymorphic, 'DataObjectTest_Team->Comments is not polymorphic');

    public function testBelongsTo()
        $company = new DataObjectTest\Company();
        $ceo = new DataObjectTest\CEO();

        $company->Name = 'New Company';

        // Test belongs_to assignment
        $company->CEOID = $ceo->ID;

        $this->assertEquals($company->ID, $ceo->Company()->ID, 'belongs_to returns the right results.');

        // Test belongs_to can be inferred via getNonReciprocalComponent
        // Note: Will be returned as has_many since the belongs_to is ignored.
            [['Name' => 'New Company']],
            $ceo->inferReciprocalComponent(DataObjectTest\Company::class, 'CEO')

        // Test has_one to a belongs_to can be inferred via getNonReciprocalComponent
            $company->inferReciprocalComponent(DataObjectTest\CEO::class, 'Company')->ID

        // Test automatic creation of class where no assignment exists
        $ceo = new DataObjectTest\CEO();

            $ceo->Company() instanceof DataObjectTest\Company,
            'DataObjects across belongs_to relations are automatically created.'
        $this->assertEquals($ceo->ID, $ceo->Company()->CEOID, 'Remote IDs are automatically set.');

        // Write object with components
        $ceo->Name = 'Edward Scissorhands';
        $ceo->write(false, false, false, true);
            'write() does not write belongs_to components to the database that do not already exist.'

        $newCEO = DataObject::get_by_id(DataObjectTest\CEO::class, $ceo->ID);
            'belongs_to can be retrieved from the database.'

    public function testBelongsToPolymorphic()
        $company = new DataObjectTest\Company();
        $ceo = new DataObjectTest\CEO();


        // Test belongs_to assignment
        $company->OwnerID = $ceo->ID;
        $company->OwnerClass = DataObjectTest\CEO::class;

        $this->assertEquals($company->ID, $ceo->CompanyOwned()->ID, 'belongs_to returns the right results.');
            'belongs_to returns the right results.'

        // Test automatic creation of class where no assignment exists
        $ceo = new DataObjectTest\CEO();

            $ceo->CompanyOwned() instanceof DataObjectTest\Company,
            'DataObjects across polymorphic belongs_to relations are automatically created.'
        $this->assertEquals($ceo->ID, $ceo->CompanyOwned()->OwnerID, 'Remote IDs are automatically set.');
        $this->assertInstanceOf($ceo->CompanyOwned()->OwnerClass, $ceo, 'Remote class is automatically set.');

        // Skip writing components that do not exist
        $ceo->write(false, false, false, true);
            'write() does not write belongs_to components to the database that do not already exist.'

        $newCEO = DataObject::get_by_id(DataObjectTest\CEO::class, $ceo->ID);
            'polymorphic belongs_to can be retrieved from the database.'

     * @expectedException LogicException
    public function testInvalidate()
        $do = new DataObjectTest\Fixture();


        $do->delete(); // Prohibit invalid object manipulation

    public function testToMap()
        $obj = $this->objFromFixture(DataObjectTest\SubTeam::class, 'subteam1');

        $map = $obj->toMap();

        $this->assertArrayHasKey('ID', $map, 'Should contain ID');
        $this->assertArrayHasKey('ClassName', $map, 'Should contain ClassName');
        $this->assertArrayHasKey('Created', $map, 'Should contain base Created');
        $this->assertArrayHasKey('LastEdited', $map, 'Should contain base LastEdited');
        $this->assertArrayHasKey('Title', $map, 'Should contain fields from parent class');
        $this->assertArrayHasKey('SubclassDatabaseField', $map, 'Should contain fields from concrete class');

        $this->assertEquals('DB value of SubclassFieldWithOverride (override)', $obj->SubclassFieldWithOverride, 'Object uses custom field getter');
        $this->assertEquals('DB value of SubclassFieldWithOverride', $map['SubclassFieldWithOverride'], 'toMap does not use custom field getter');

            'Contains values from base fields'
            'Contains values from parent class fields'
            'Contains values from concrete class fields'

        $newObj = new DataObjectTest\SubTeam(['Title' => null]);
        $this->assertArrayNotHasKey('Title', $newObj->toMap(), 'Should not contain new null fields');

        $newObj->Title = '';
        $this->assertArrayHasKey('Title', $newObj->toMap(), 'Should contain fields once they are set, even if falsey');

        $newObj->Title = null;
        $this->assertArrayNotHasKey('Title', $newObj->toMap(), 'Should not contain reset-to-null fields');

        $this->objFromFixture(DataObjectTest\SubTeam::class, 'subteam3_with_empty_fields');
        $this->assertArrayNotHasKey('SubclassDatabaseField', $newObj->toMap(), 'Should not contain null re-hydrated fields');

    public function testIsEmpty()
        $objEmpty = new DataObjectTest\Team();
        $this->assertTrue($objEmpty->isEmpty(), 'New instance without populated defaults is empty');

        $objEmpty->Title = '0'; //
        $this->assertFalse($objEmpty->isEmpty(), 'Zero value in attribute considered non-empty');

    public function testRelField()
        $captain1 = $this->objFromFixture(DataObjectTest\Player::class, 'captain1');
        // Test traversal of a single has_one
        $this->assertEquals("Team 1", $captain1->relField('FavouriteTeam.Title'));
        // Test direct field access
        $this->assertEquals("Captain", $captain1->relField('FirstName'));

        // Test empty link
        $captain2 = $this->objFromFixture(DataObjectTest\Player::class, 'captain2');

        $player = $this->objFromFixture(DataObjectTest\Player::class, 'player2');
        // Test that we can traverse more than once, and that arbitrary methods are okay
        $this->assertEquals("Team 1", $player->relField('Teams.First.Title'));

        $newPlayer = new DataObjectTest\Player();

        // Test that relField works on db field manipulations
        $comment = $this->objFromFixture(DataObjectTest\TeamComment::class, 'comment3');
        $this->assertEquals("PHIL IS A UNIQUE GUY, AND COMMENTS ON TEAM2", $comment->relField('Comment.UpperCase'));

        // relField throws exception on invalid properties
        $this->expectExceptionMessage("Not is not a relation/field on " . DataObjectTest\TeamComment::class);

    public function testRelObject()
        $captain1 = $this->objFromFixture(DataObjectTest\Player::class, 'captain1');

        // Test traversal of a single has_one
        $this->assertInstanceOf(DBVarchar::class, $captain1->relObject('FavouriteTeam.Title'));
        $this->assertEquals("Team 1", $captain1->relObject('FavouriteTeam.Title')->getValue());

        // Test empty link
        $captain2 = $this->objFromFixture(DataObjectTest\Player::class, 'captain2');

        // Test direct field access
        $this->assertInstanceOf(DBBoolean::class, $captain1->relObject('IsRetired'));
        $this->assertEquals(1, $captain1->relObject('IsRetired')->getValue());

        $player = $this->objFromFixture(DataObjectTest\Player::class, 'player2');
        // Test that we can traverse more than once, and that arbitrary methods are okay
        $this->assertInstanceOf(DBVarchar::class, $player->relObject('Teams.First.Title'));
        $this->assertEquals("Team 1", $player->relObject('Teams.First.Title')->getValue());

        // relObject throws exception on invalid properties
        $this->expectExceptionMessage("Not is not a relation/field on " . DataObjectTest\Player::class);

    public function testLateStaticBindingStyle()
        // Confirm that DataObjectTest_Player::get() operates as excepted
        $this->assertEquals(4, DataObjectTest\Player::get()->count());
        $this->assertInstanceOf(DataObjectTest\Player::class, DataObjectTest\Player::get()->first());

        // You can't pass arguments to LSB syntax - use the DataList methods instead.

        DataObjectTest\Player::get(null, "\"ID\" = 1");

     * @expectedException \InvalidArgumentException
    public function testBrokenLateStaticBindingStyle()
        // If you call DataObject::get() you have to pass a first argument

    public function testBigIntField()
        $staff = new DataObjectTest\Staff();
        $staff->Salary = PHP_INT_MAX;
        $this->assertEquals(PHP_INT_MAX, DataObjectTest\Staff::get()->byID($staff->ID)->Salary);

    public function testGetOneMissingValueReturnsNull()

        // Test that missing values return null
        $this->assertEquals(null, DataObject::get_one(
            ['"DataObjectTest_TeamComment"."Name"' => 'does not exists']

    public function testSetFieldWithArrayOnScalarOnlyField()
        $do = Company::singleton();
        $do->FoundationYear = '1984';
        $do->FoundationYear = ['Amount' => 123, 'Currency' => 'CAD'];

    public function testSetFieldWithArrayOnCompositeField()
        $do = Company::singleton();
        $do->SalaryCap = ['Amount' => 123456, 'Currency' => 'CAD'];

    public function testWriteManipulationWithNonScalarValuesAllowed()
        $do = DataObjectTest\MockDynamicAssignmentDataObject::create();

        $do->StaticScalarOnlyField = true;
        $do->DynamicScalarOnlyField = false;
        $do->DynamicField = true;



    public function testWriteManipulationWithNonScalarValuesDisallowed()

        $do = DataObjectTest\MockDynamicAssignmentDataObject::create();

        $do->StaticScalarOnlyField = false;
        $do->DynamicScalarOnlyField = true;
        $do->DynamicField = false;


    public function testRecursiveWrite()

        $root = $this->objFromFixture(TreeNode::class, 'root');
        $child = $this->objFromFixture(TreeNode::class, 'child');
        $grandchild = $this->objFromFixture(TreeNode::class, 'grandchild');

        // Create a cycle ... this will test that we can't create an infinite loop
        $root->CycleID = $grandchild->ID;

        // Our count will have been set while loading our fixtures, let's reset everything back to 0
        $root = TreeNode::get()->byID($root->ID);
        $child = TreeNode::get()->byID($child->ID);
        $grandchild = TreeNode::get()->byID($grandchild->ID);
        $this->assertEquals(0, $root->WriteCount, 'Root node write count has been reset');
        $this->assertEquals(0, $child->WriteCount, 'Child node write count has been reset');
        $this->assertEquals(0, $grandchild->WriteCount, 'Grand Child node write count has been reset');

        // Trigger a recursive write of the grand children
        $grandchild->write(false, false, false, true);

        // Reload the DataObject from the DB to get the new Write Counts
        $root = TreeNode::get()->byID($root->ID);
        $child = TreeNode::get()->byID($child->ID);
        $grandchild = TreeNode::get()->byID($grandchild->ID);

            'Grand child has been written once because write was directly called on it'
            'Child should has been written once because it is directly related to grand child'
            'Root should have been written once because it is indirectly related to grand child'

    public function testShallowRecursiveWrite()
        $root = $this->objFromFixture(TreeNode::class, 'root');
        $child = $this->objFromFixture(TreeNode::class, 'child');
        $grandchild = $this->objFromFixture(TreeNode::class, 'grandchild');

        // Create a cycle ... this will test that we can't create an infinite loop
        $root->CycleID = $grandchild->ID;

        // Our count will have been set while loading our fixtures, let's reset everything back to 0
        $root = TreeNode::get()->byID($root->ID);
        $child = TreeNode::get()->byID($child->ID);
        $grandchild = TreeNode::get()->byID($grandchild->ID);
        $this->assertEquals(0, $root->WriteCount);
        $this->assertEquals(0, $child->WriteCount);
        $this->assertEquals(0, $grandchild->WriteCount);

        // Recursively only affect component that have been loaded
        $grandchild->write(false, false, false, ['recursive' => false]);

        // Reload the DataObject from the DB to get the new Write Counts
        $root = TreeNode::get()->byID($root->ID);
        $child = TreeNode::get()->byID($child->ID);
        $grandchild = TreeNode::get()->byID($grandchild->ID);

            'Grand child was written once because write was directly called on it'
            'Child was written once because it is directly related grand child'
            'Root is 2 step remove from grand children. It was not written on a shallow recursive write.'

     * Test the different methods for creating DataObjects.
     * Note that using anything other than the default option should generally be left to ORM interanls.
    public function testDataObjectCreationTypes()

        // Test the default (DataObject::CREATE_OBJECT)
        // Defaults are used, changes of non-default fields are tracked
        $staff = new DataObjectTest\Staff([
            'Salary' => 50,
        $this->assertEquals('Staff', $staff->EmploymentType);
        $this->assertEquals(['Salary'], array_keys($staff->getChangedFields()));

        // Test hydration (DataObject::CREATE_HYDRATED)
        // Defaults are not used, changes are not tracked
        $staff = new DataObjectTest\Staff([
            'ID' => 5,
            'Salary' => 50,
        ], DataObject::CREATE_HYDRATED);
        $this->assertEquals(null, $staff->EmploymentType);
        $this->assertEquals(DataObjectTest\Staff::class, $staff->ClassName);
        $this->assertEquals([], $staff->getChangedFields());

        // Test hydration (DataObject::CREATE_HYDRATED)
        // Defaults are not used, changes are not tracked
        $staff = new DataObjectTest\Staff([
            'Salary' => 50,
        ], DataObject::CREATE_MEMORY_HYDRATED);
        $this->assertEquals(DataObjectTest\Staff::class, $staff->ClassName);
        $this->assertEquals(null, $staff->EmploymentType);
        $this->assertEquals([], $staff->getChangedFields());
            'DataObject hydrated from memory without an ID are assumed to not be in the Database.'

        // Test singleton (DataObject::CREATE_SINGLETON)
        // Values are ingored
        $staff = new DataObjectTest\Staff([
            'Salary' => 50,
        ], DataObject::CREATE_SINGLETON);
        $this->assertEquals(null, $staff->EmploymentType);
        $this->assertEquals(null, $staff->Salary);
        $this->assertEquals([], $staff->getChangedFields());

    public function testDataObjectCreationHydrateWithoutID()
            "Hydrated records must be passed a record array including an ID."
        // Hydrating a record without an ID should throw an exception
        $staff = new DataObjectTest\Staff([
            'Salary' => 50,
        ], DataObject::CREATE_HYDRATED);

    public function testDBObjectEnum()
        $obj = new DataObjectTest\Fixture();
        // enums are parsed correctly
        $vals = ['25', '50', '75', '100'];
        $this->assertSame(array_combine($vals, $vals), $obj->dbObject('MyEnum')->enumValues());
        // enum with dots in their values are also parsed correctly
        $vals = ['25.25', '50.00', '75.00', '100.50'];
        $this->assertSame(array_combine($vals, $vals), $obj->dbObject('MyEnumWithDots')->enumValues());