<?php namespace SilverStripe\Cli\Tests; use PHPUnit\Framework\Attributes\DataProvider; use PHPUnit\Framework\Error\Deprecated; use ReflectionClass; use SilverStripe\Cli\Sake; use SilverStripe\Cli\Tests\SakeTest\TestBuildTask; use SilverStripe\Cli\Tests\SakeTest\TestCommandLoader; use SilverStripe\Cli\Tests\SakeTest\TestConfigCommand; use SilverStripe\Cli\Tests\SakeTest\TestConfigPolyCommand; use SilverStripe\Core\ClassInfo; use SilverStripe\Core\Injector\Injector; use SilverStripe\Core\Kernel; use SilverStripe\Core\Manifest\VersionProvider; use SilverStripe\Dev\BuildTask; use SilverStripe\Dev\Deprecation; use SilverStripe\Dev\DevelopmentAdmin; use SilverStripe\Dev\SapphireTest; use SilverStripe\Dev\Tests\DeprecationTest\DeprecationTestException; use Symfony\Component\Console\Command\DumpCompletionCommand; use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\ArrayInput; use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\BufferedOutput; class SakeTest extends SapphireTest { protected $usesDatabase = false; private $oldErrorHandler = null; public static function provideList(): array { return [ 'display all' => [ 'addExtra' => true, 'hideCompletion' => true, ], 'display none' => [ 'addExtra' => false, 'hideCompletion' => false, ], ]; } /** * Test adding commands and command loaders to Sake via configuration API */ #[DataProvider('provideList')] public function testList(bool $addExtra, bool $hideCompletion): void { $sake = new Sake(Injector::inst()->get(Kernel::class)); $sake->setAutoExit(false); $input = new ArrayInput(['list']); $input->setInteractive(false); $output = new BufferedOutput(); if ($addExtra) { Sake::config()->merge('commands', [ TestConfigPolyCommand::class, TestConfigCommand::class, ]); Sake::config()->merge('command_loaders', [ TestCommandLoader::class, ]); } Sake::config()->set('hide_completion_command', $hideCompletion); // Make sure all tasks are displayed - we'll test hiding them in testHideTasks Sake::config()->set('max_tasks_to_display', 0); $sake->run($input, $output); $commandNames = [ 'loader:test-command', 'test:from-config:standard', 'test:from-config:poly', ]; $commandDescriptions = [ 'command for testing adding custom command loaders', 'command for testing adding standard commands via config', 'command for testing adding poly commands via config', ]; $listOutput = $output->fetch(); // Check if the extra commands are there or not if ($addExtra) { foreach ($commandNames as $name) { $this->assertStringContainsString($name, $listOutput); } foreach ($commandDescriptions as $description) { $this->assertStringContainsString($description, $listOutput); } } else { foreach ($commandNames as $name) { $this->assertStringNotContainsString($name, $listOutput); } foreach ($commandDescriptions as $description) { $this->assertStringNotContainsString($description, $listOutput); } } // Build task could display automagically as a matter of class inheritance. $task = new TestBuildTask(); $this->assertStringContainsString($task->getName(), $listOutput); $this->assertStringContainsString(TestBuildTask::getDescription(), $listOutput); // Check if the completion command is there or not $command = new DumpCompletionCommand(); $completionRegex = "/{$command->getName()}\s+{$command->getDescription()}/"; if ($hideCompletion) { $this->assertDoesNotMatchRegularExpression($completionRegex, $listOutput); } else { $this->assertMatchesRegularExpression($completionRegex, $listOutput); } // Make sure the "help" and "list" commands aren't shown $this->assertStringNotContainsString($listOutput, 'List commands', 'the list command should not display'); $this->assertStringNotContainsString($listOutput, 'Display help for a command', 'the help command should not display'); } public function testPolyCommandCanRunInCli(): void { $kernel = Injector::inst()->get(Kernel::class); $sake = new Sake($kernel); $sake->setAutoExit(false); $input = new ArrayInput(['list']); $input->setInteractive(false); $output = new BufferedOutput(); // Add test commands Sake::config()->merge('commands', [ TestConfigPolyCommand::class, ]); // Disallow these to run in CLI. // Note the scenario where all are allowed is in testList(). TestConfigPolyCommand::config()->set('can_run_in_cli', false); TestBuildTask::config()->set('can_run_in_cli', false); DevelopmentAdmin::config()->set('allow_all_cli', false); // Must not be in dev mode to test permissions, because all PolyCommand can be run in dev mode. $origEnvironment = $kernel->getEnvironment(); $kernel->setEnvironment('live'); try { $sake->run($input, $output); } finally { $kernel->setEnvironment($origEnvironment); } $listOutput = $output->fetch(); $allCommands = [ TestConfigPolyCommand::class, TestBuildTask::class, ]; foreach ($allCommands as $commandClass) { $command = new $commandClass(); $this->assertStringNotContainsString($command->getName(), $listOutput); $this->assertStringNotContainsString($commandClass::getDescription(), $listOutput); } } public static function provideHideTasks(): array { return [ 'task count matches limit' => [ 'taskLimit' => 'same', 'shouldShow' => true, ], 'task count lower than limit' => [ 'taskLimit' => 'more', 'shouldShow' => true, ], 'task count greater than limit' => [ 'taskLimit' => 'less', 'shouldShow' => false, ], 'unlimited tasks allowed' => [ 'taskLimit' => 'all', 'shouldShow' => true, ], ]; } #[DataProvider('provideHideTasks')] public function testHideTasks(string $taskLimit, bool $shouldShow): void { $sake = new Sake(Injector::inst()->get(Kernel::class)); $sake->setAutoExit(false); $input = new ArrayInput(['list']); $input->setInteractive(false); $output = new BufferedOutput(); // Determine max tasks config value $taskInfo = []; foreach (ClassInfo::subclassesFor(BuildTask::class, false) as $class) { $reflectionClass = new ReflectionClass($class); if ($reflectionClass->isAbstract()) { continue; } $singleton = $class::singleton(); if ($class::canRunInCli() && $singleton->isEnabled()) { $taskInfo[$singleton->getName()] = $class::getDescription(); } } $maxTasks = match ($taskLimit) { 'same' => count($taskInfo), 'more' => count($taskInfo) + 1, 'less' => count($taskInfo) - 1, 'all' => 0, }; Sake::config()->set('max_tasks_to_display', $maxTasks); $sake->run($input, $output); $listOutput = $output->fetch(); // Check the tasks are showing/hidden as appropriate if ($shouldShow) { foreach ($taskInfo as $name => $description) { $this->assertStringContainsString($name, $listOutput); $this->assertStringContainsString($description, $listOutput); } // Shouldn't display the task command $this->assertStringNotContainsString('See a list of build tasks to run', $listOutput); } else { foreach ($taskInfo as $name => $description) { $this->assertStringNotContainsString($name, $listOutput); $this->assertStringNotContainsString($description, $listOutput); } // Should display the task command $this->assertStringContainsString('See a list of build tasks to run', $listOutput); } // Check `sake tasks` ALWAYS shows the tasks $input = new ArrayInput(['tasks']); $sake->run($input, $output); $listOutput = $output->fetch(); foreach ($taskInfo as $name => $description) { $this->assertStringContainsString($name, $listOutput); $this->assertStringContainsString($description, $listOutput); } } public function testVersion(): void { $sake = new Sake(Injector::inst()->get(Kernel::class)); $sake->setAutoExit(false); $versionProvider = new VersionProvider(); $this->assertSame($versionProvider->getVersion(), $sake->getVersion()); } public function testLegacyDevCommands(): void { $sake = new Sake(Injector::inst()->get(Kernel::class)); $sake->setAutoExit(false); $input = new ArrayInput(['dev/config']); $input->setInteractive(false); $output = new BufferedOutput(); $deprecationsWereEnabled = Deprecation::isEnabled(); Deprecation::enable(); $this->expectException(DeprecationTestException::class); $expectedErrorString = 'Using the command with the name \'dev/config\' is deprecated. Use \'config:dump\' instead'; $this->expectExceptionMessage($expectedErrorString); $exitCode = $sake->run($input, $output); $this->assertSame(0, $exitCode, 'command should run successfully'); // $this->assertStringContainsString('abababa', $output->fetch()); $this->allowCatchingDeprecations($expectedErrorString); try { // call outputNotices() directly because the regular shutdown function that emits // the notices within Deprecation won't be called until after this unit-test has finished Deprecation::outputNotices(); } finally { restore_error_handler(); $this->oldErrorHandler = null; // Disable if they weren't enabled before. if (!$deprecationsWereEnabled) { Deprecation::disable(); } } } private function allowCatchingDeprecations(string $expectedErrorString): void { // Use custom error handler for two reasons: // - Filter out errors for deprecations unrelated to this test class // - Allow the use of expectDeprecation(), which doesn't work with E_USER_DEPRECATION by default // https://github.com/laminas/laminas-di/pull/30#issuecomment-927585210 $this->oldErrorHandler = set_error_handler(function (int $errno, string $errstr, string $errfile, int $errline) use ($expectedErrorString) { if ($errno === E_USER_DEPRECATED) { if (str_contains($errstr, $expectedErrorString)) { throw new DeprecationTestException($errstr); } else { // Suppress any E_USER_DEPRECATED unrelated to this test class return true; } } if (is_callable($this->oldErrorHandler)) { return call_user_func($this->oldErrorHandler, $errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline); } // Fallback to default PHP error handler return false; }); } }