Markable = true; if($controllerClass = $this->controllerClass()) { $this->joinField = $this->getParentIdName($controllerClass, $this->sourceClass); if(!$this->joinField) user_error("Can't find a has_one relationship from '$this->sourceClass' to '$controllerClass'", E_USER_WARNING); } else { user_error("Can't figure out the data class of $controller", E_USER_WARNING); } } /** * Try to determine the DataObject that this field is built on top of */ function controllerClass() { if($this->controller instanceof DataObject) return $this->controller->class; elseif($this->controller instanceof ContentController) return $this->controller->data()->class; } function getControllerID() { return $this->controller->ID; } function saveInto(DataObject $record) { $fieldName = $this->name; $saveDest = $record->$fieldName(); if(! $saveDest) user_error("HasManyComplexTableField::saveInto() Field '$fieldName' not found on $record->class.$record->ID", E_USER_ERROR); $items = array(); if($list = $this->value[ $this->htmlListField ]) { if($list != 'undefined') $items = explode(',', $list); } $saveDest->setByIDList($items); } function setAddTitle($addTitle) { if(is_string($addTitle)) $this->addTitle = $addTitle; } function Title() { return $this->addTitle ? $this->addTitle : parent::Title(); } /** * Get the IDs of the selected items, in a has_many or many_many relation */ function selectedItemIDs() { $fieldName = $this->name; $selectedItems = $this->form->getRecord()->$fieldName(); $itemIDs = array(); foreach($selectedItems as $item) $itemIDs[] = $item->ID; return $itemIDs; } function ExtraData() { $items = array(); $list = implode(',', $this->selectedItemIDs()); $inputId = $this->id() . '_' . $this->htmlListEndName; return << HTML; } } /** * Single record of a {@link HasManyComplexTableField} field. * @package forms * @subpackage fields-relational */ class HasManyComplexTableField_Item extends ComplexTableField_Item { function MarkingCheckbox() { $name = $this->parent->Name() . '[]'; if(!$this->parent->joinField) { user_error("joinField not set in HasManyComplexTableField '{$this->parent->name}'", E_USER_WARNING); return null; } $joinVal = $this->item->{$this->parent->joinField}; $parentID = $this->parent->getControllerID(); if($this->parent->IsReadOnly || ($joinVal > 0 && $joinVal != $parentID)) return "item->ID}\" disabled=\"disabled\"/>"; else if($joinVal == $parentID) return "item->ID}\" checked=\"checked\"/>"; else return "item->ID}\"/>"; } } ?>