setRequest($request); parent::__construct($list); } /** * Returns the GET var that is used to set the page start. This defaults * to "start". * * If there is more than one paginated list on a page, it is necessary to * set a different get var for each using {@link setPaginationGetVar()}. * * @return string */ public function getPaginationGetVar() { return $this->getVar; } /** * Sets the GET var used to set the page start. * * @param string $var * @return $this */ public function setPaginationGetVar($var) { $this->getVar = $var; return $this; } /** * Returns the number of items displayed per page. This defaults to 10. * * @return int */ public function getPageLength() { return $this->pageLength; } /** * Set the number of items displayed per page. Set to zero to disable paging. * * @param int $length * @return $this */ public function setPageLength($length) { $this->pageLength = (int)$length; return $this; } /** * Sets the current page. * * @param int $page Page index beginning with 1 * @return $this */ public function setCurrentPage($page) { $this->pageStart = ((int)$page - 1) * $this->getPageLength(); return $this; } /** * Returns the offset of the item the current page starts at. * * @return int */ public function getPageStart() { $request = $this->getRequest(); if ($this->pageStart === null) { if ($request && isset($request[$this->getPaginationGetVar()]) && $request[$this->getPaginationGetVar()] > 0 ) { $this->pageStart = (int)$request[$this->getPaginationGetVar()]; } else { $this->pageStart = 0; } } return $this->pageStart; } /** * Sets the offset of the item that current page starts at. This should be * a multiple of the page length. * * @param int $start * @return $this */ public function setPageStart($start) { $this->pageStart = (int)$start; return $this; } /** * Returns the total number of items in the unpaginated list. * * @return int */ public function getTotalItems() { if ($this->totalItems === null) { $this->totalItems = count($this->list ?? []); } return $this->totalItems; } /** * Sets the total number of items in the list. This is useful when doing * custom pagination. * * @param int $items * @return $this */ public function setTotalItems($items) { $this->totalItems = (int)$items; return $this; } /** * Sets the page length, page start and total items from a query object's * limit, offset and unlimited count. The query MUST have a limit clause. * * @param SQLSelect $query * @return $this */ public function setPaginationFromQuery(SQLSelect $query) { if ($limit = $query->getLimit()) { $this->setPageLength($limit['limit']); $this->setPageStart($limit['start']); $this->setTotalItems($query->unlimitedRowCount()); } return $this; } /** * Returns whether or not the underlying list is limited to the current * pagination range when iterating. * * By default the limit method will be called on the underlying list to * extract the subset for the current page. In some situations, if the list * is custom generated and already paginated you don't want to additionally * limit the list. You can use {@link setLimitItems} to control this. * * @return bool */ public function getLimitItems() { return $this->limitItems; } /** * @param bool $limit * @return $this */ public function setLimitItems($limit) { $this->limitItems = (bool)$limit; return $this; } public function getIterator(): Traversable { $pageLength = $this->getPageLength(); if ($this->limitItems && $pageLength) { $tmptList = clone $this->list; return new IteratorIterator( $tmptList->limit($pageLength, $this->getPageStart()) ); } else { return new IteratorIterator($this->list); } } /** * @return array */ public function toArray() { $result = []; // Use getIterator() foreach ($this as $record) { $result[] = $record; } return $result; } /** * Returns a set of links to all the pages in the list. This is useful for * basic pagination. * * By default it returns links to every page, but if you pass the $max * parameter the number of pages will be limited to that number, centered * around the current page. * * @param int $max * @return SS_List */ public function Pages($max = null) { $result = new ArrayList(); if ($max) { $start = ($this->CurrentPage() - floor($max / 2)) - 1; $end = $this->CurrentPage() + floor($max / 2); if ($start < 0) { $start = 0; $end = $max; } if ($end > $this->TotalPages()) { $end = $this->TotalPages(); $start = max(0, $end - $max); } } else { $start = 0; $end = $this->TotalPages(); } for ($i = $start; $i < $end; $i++) { $result->push(new ArrayData([ 'PageNum' => $i + 1, 'Link' => HTTP::setGetVar( $this->getPaginationGetVar(), $i * $this->getPageLength(), ($this->request instanceof HTTPRequest) ? $this->request->getURL(true) : null ), 'CurrentBool' => $this->CurrentPage() == ($i + 1) ])); } return $result; } /** * Returns a summarised pagination which limits the number of pages shown * around the current page for visually balanced. * * Example: 25 pages total, currently on page 6, context of 4 pages * [prev] [1] ... [4] [5] [[6]] [7] [8] ... [25] [next] * * Example template usage: * * <% if MyPages.MoreThanOnePage %> * <% if MyPages.NotFirstPage %> * * <% end_if %> * <% loop MyPages.PaginationSummary(4) %> * <% if CurrentBool %> * $PageNum * <% else %> * <% if Link %> * $PageNum * <% else %> * ... * <% end_if %> * <% end_if %> * <% end_loop %> * <% if MyPages.NotLastPage %> * * <% end_if %> * <% end_if %> * * * @param int $context The number of pages to display around the current * page. The number should be event, as half the number of each pages * are displayed on either side of the current one. * @return SS_List */ public function PaginationSummary($context = 4) { $result = new ArrayList(); $current = $this->CurrentPage(); $total = $this->TotalPages(); // Make the number even for offset calculations. if ($context % 2) { $context--; } // If the first or last page is current, then show all context on one // side of it - otherwise show half on both sides. if ($current == 1 || $current == $total) { $offset = $context; } else { $offset = floor($context / 2); } $left = max($current - $offset, 1); $right = min($current + $offset, $total); $range = range($current - $offset, $current + $offset); if ($left + $context > $total) { $left = $total - $context; } for ($i = 0; $i < $total; $i++) { $link = HTTP::setGetVar( $this->getPaginationGetVar(), $i * $this->getPageLength(), ($this->request instanceof HTTPRequest) ? $this->request->getURL(true) : null ); $num = $i + 1; $emptyRange = $num != 1 && $num != $total && ( $num == $left - 1 || $num == $right + 1 ); if ($emptyRange) { $result->push(new ArrayData([ 'PageNum' => null, 'Link' => null, 'CurrentBool' => false ])); } elseif ($num == 1 || $num == $total || in_array($num, $range ?? [])) { $result->push(new ArrayData([ 'PageNum' => $num, 'Link' => $link, 'CurrentBool' => $current == $num ])); } } return $result; } /** * @return int */ public function CurrentPage() { $pageLength = $this->getPageLength(); return $pageLength ? floor($this->getPageStart() / $pageLength) + 1 : 1; } /** * @return int */ public function TotalPages() { $pageLength = $this->getPageLength(); return $pageLength ? ceil($this->getTotalItems() / $pageLength) : min($this->getTotalItems(), 1); } /** * @return bool */ public function MoreThanOnePage() { return $this->TotalPages() > 1; } /** * @return bool */ public function FirstPage() { return $this->CurrentPage() == 1; } /** * @return bool */ public function NotFirstPage() { return !$this->FirstPage(); } /** * @return bool */ public function LastPage() { return $this->CurrentPage() >= $this->TotalPages(); } /** * @return bool */ public function NotLastPage() { return !$this->LastPage(); } /** * Returns the number of the first item being displayed on the current * page. This is useful for things like "displaying 10-20". * * @return int */ public function FirstItem() { return ($start = $this->getPageStart()) ? $start + 1 : 1; } /** * Returns the number of the last item being displayed on this page. * * @return int */ public function LastItem() { $pageLength = $this->getPageLength(); if (!$pageLength) { return $this->getTotalItems(); } elseif ($start = $this->getPageStart()) { return min($start + $pageLength, $this->getTotalItems()); } else { return min($pageLength, $this->getTotalItems()); } } /** * Returns a link to the first page. * * @return string */ public function FirstLink() { return HTTP::setGetVar( $this->getPaginationGetVar(), 0, ($this->request instanceof HTTPRequest) ? $this->request->getURL(true) : null ); } /** * Returns a link to the last page. * * @return string */ public function LastLink() { return HTTP::setGetVar( $this->getPaginationGetVar(), ($this->TotalPages() - 1) * $this->getPageLength(), ($this->request instanceof HTTPRequest) ? $this->request->getURL(true) : null ); } /** * Returns a link to the next page, if there is another page after the * current one. * * @return string */ public function NextLink() { if ($this->NotLastPage()) { return HTTP::setGetVar( $this->getPaginationGetVar(), $this->getPageStart() + $this->getPageLength(), ($this->request instanceof HTTPRequest) ? $this->request->getURL(true) : null ); } } /** * Returns a link to the previous page, if the first page is not currently * active. * * @return string */ public function PrevLink() { if ($this->NotFirstPage()) { return HTTP::setGetVar( $this->getPaginationGetVar(), $this->getPageStart() - $this->getPageLength(), ($this->request instanceof HTTPRequest) ? $this->request->getURL(true) : null ); } } /** * Returns the total number of items in the list */ public function TotalItems() { return $this->getTotalItems(); } /** * Set the request object for this list * * @param HTTPRequest|ArrayAccess $request */ public function setRequest($request) { $this->request = $request; } /** * Get the request object for this list */ public function getRequest() { return $this->request; } }