*/ class MemberAuthenticator extends Authenticator { /** * Method to authenticate an user * * @param array $RAW_data Raw data to authenticate the user * @return bool|Member Returns FALSE if authentication fails, otherwise * the member object */ public function authenticate(array $RAW_data) { $SQL_user = Convert::raw2sql($RAW_data['Email']); $SQL_password = Convert::raw2sql($RAW_data['Password']); $member = DataObject::get_one( "Member", "Email = '$SQL_user' And Password = '$SQL_password'"); if($member) { Session::clear("BackURL"); } return $member; } /** * Method that creates the login form for this authentication method * * @return Form Returns the login form to use with this authentication * method */ public function getLoginForm() { return Object::create("MemberLoginForm", $this, "LoginForm"); } } ?>