# 3.2.0 beta1 ## Contents * [Major Changes](3.2.0-beta1#major-changes) * [Removed API](3.2.0-beta1#deprecated-classes-methods-removed) * [New API](3.2.0-beta1#new-and-changed-api) * [Bugfixes](3.2.0-beta1#bugfixes) * [Upgrading Notes](3.2.0-beta1#upgrading-notes) * [Changelog](3.2.0-beta1#changelog) ## Major changes * Minimum PHP version raised to 5.3.3 * Introduction of new parameterised ORM * Default support for PDO * Moved SS_Report and ReportAdmin out to a separate module. If you're using composer or downloading a release, this module should be included for you. Otherwise, you'll need to include the module yourself (https://github.com/silverstripe-labs/silverstripe-reports) * Moved SiteConfig also out to its own module. This will be included by default if you include the CMS module. (https://github.com/silverstripe/silverstripe-siteconfig) * Implementation of new "Archive" concept for page removal, which supercedes "delete from draft". Where deletion removed pages only from draft, archiving removes from both draft and live simultaneously. * Most of the `Image` manipulation methods have been renamed ## Deprecated classes/methods removed * `ToggleField` was deprecated in 3.1, and has been removed. Use custom Javascript with `ReadonlyField` instead. * `ExactMatchMultiFilter` was deprecated in 3.1, and has been removed. Use `ExactMatchFilter` instead. * `NegationFilter` was deprecated in 3.1, and has been removed. Use `ExactMatchFilter:not` instead. * `StartsWithMultiFilter` was deprecated in 3.1, and has been removed. Use `StartsWithFilter` instead. * `ScheduledTask` and subclasses like `DailyTask` were deprecated in 3.1, and have been removed. Use custom code instead, or a module like silverstripe-crontask: https://github.com/silverstripe-labs/silverstripe-crontask * `Cookie::forceExpiry()` was removed. Use `Cookie::force_expiry()` instead * `Object` statics removal: `get_static()`, `set_static()`, `uninherited_static()`, `combined_static()`, `addStaticVars()` and `add_static_var()` removed. Use the Config methods instead. * `GD` methods removed: `setGD()`, `getGD()`, `hasGD()`. Use `setImageResource()`, `getImageResource()`, and `hasImageResource()` instead * `DataExtension::get_extra_config()` removed, no longer supports `extraStatics` or `extraDBFields`. Define your statics on the class directly. * `DataList::getRange()` removed. Use `limit()` instead. * `SQLMap` removed. Call `map()` on a `DataList` or use `SS_Map` directly instead. * `Profiler` removed. Use xhprof or xdebug for profiling instead. * `Aggregate` removed. Call aggregate methods on a `DataList` instead e.g. `Member::get()->max('LastEdited')` * `MySQLDatabase::set_connection_charset()` removed. Use `MySQLDatabase.connection_charset` config setting instead * `SQLConditionalExpression/SQLQuery` `select()`, `limit()`, `orderby()`, `groupby()`, `having()`, `from()`, `leftjoin()`, `innerjoin()`, `where()` and `whereAny()` removed. Use `set*()` and `add*()` methods instead. * Template `<% control $MyList %>` syntax removed. Use `<% loop $MyList %>` instead. * Removed `Member.LastVisited` and `Member.NumVisits` properties, see [Howto: Track Member Logins](/developer_guides/extending/how_tos/track_member_logins) to restore functionality as custom code ## New and changed API * Implementation of a parameterised query framework eliminating the need to manually escape variables for use in SQL queries. This has been integrated into nearly every level of the database ORM. * Refactor of database connectivity classes into separate components linked together through dependency injection * Refactor of `SQLQuery` into separate objects for each query type: `SQLSelect`, `SQLDelete`, `SQLUpdate` and `SQLInsert` * PDO is now a standard connector, and is available for all database interfaces * `DataObject::doValidate()` method visibility added to access `DataObject::validate` externally * `NumericField` now uses HTML5 "number" type instead of "text" * `UploadField` "Select from files" shows files in all folders by default * `UploadField` won't display an overwrite warning unless `Upload::replaceFile` is true * `HtmlEditorField` no longer substitutes `
` for indented text * `ClassInfo::dataClassesFor` now returns classes which should have tables, regardless of whether those tables actually exist. * `SS_Filterable`, `SS_Limitable` and `SS_Sortable` now explicitly extend `SS_List` * `Convert::html2raw` no longer wraps text by default and can decode single quotes. * `Mailer` no longer calls `xml2raw` on all email subject line, and now must be passed in via plain text. * `ErrorControlChain` now supports reload on exceptions * `FormField::validate` now requires an instance of `Validator` * API: Removed URL routing by controller name * Security: The multiple authenticator login page should now be styled manually - i.e. without the default jQuery UI layout. A new template, Security_MultiAuthenticatorLogin.ss is available. * Security: This controller's templates can be customised by overriding the `getTemplatesFor` function. * API: Form and FormField ID attributes rewritten. * `SearchForm::getSearchQuery` no longer pre-escapes search keywords and must be cast in your template * Helper function `DB::placeholders` can be used to generate a comma separated list of placeholders useful for creating "WHERE ... IN (?,...)" SQL fragments * Implemented Convert::symbol2sql to safely encode database and table names and identifiers. E.g. `Convert::symbol2sql('table.column') => '"table"."column"';` * `Convert::raw2sql` may now quote the escaped value, as well as safely escape it, according to the current database adaptor's preference. * `DB` class has been updated and many static methods have been renamed to conform to coding convention. * Renamed API: * `affectedRows` -> `affected_rows` * `checkAndRepairTable` -> `check_and_repair_table` * `createDatabase` -> `create_database` * `createField` -> `create_field` * `createTable` -> `create_table` * `dontRequireField` -> `dont_require_field` * `dontRequireTable` -> `dont_require_table` * `fieldList` -> `field_list` * `getConn` -> `get_conn` * `getGeneratedID` -> `get_generated_id` * `isActive` -> `is_active` * `requireField` -> `require_field` * `requireIndex` -> `require_index` * `requireTable` -> `require_table` * `setConn` -> `set_conn` * `tableList` -> `table_list` * Deprecated API: * `getConnect` (Was placeholder for PDO connection string building code, but is made redundant after the PDOConnector being fully abstracted) * New API: * `build_sql` - Hook into new SQL generation code * `get_connector` (Nothing to do with getConnect) * `get_schema` * `placeholders` * `prepared_query` * `SS_Database` class has been updated and many functions have been deprecated, or refactored into the various other database classes. Most of the database management classes remain in the database controller, due to individual databases (changing, creating of, etc) varying quite a lot from API to API, but schema updates within a database itself is managed by an attached DBSchemaManager * Refactored into DBSchemaManager: * `createTable` * `alterTable` * `renameTable` * `createField` * `renameField` * `fieldList` * `tableList` * `hasTable` * `enumValuesForField` * `beginSchemaUpdate` and `endSchemaUpdate` -> Use `schemaUpdate` with a callback * `cancelSchemaUpdate` * `isSchemaUpdating` * `doesSchemaNeedUpdating` * `transCreateTable` * `transAlterTable` * `transCreateField` * `transCreateField` * `transCreateIndex` * `transAlterField` * `transAlterIndex` * `requireTable` * `dontRequireTable` * `requireIndex` * `hasField` * `requireField` * `dontRequireField` * Refactored into DBQueryBuilder * `sqlQueryToString` * Deprecated: * `getConnect` - Was intended for use with PDO, but was never implemented, and is now redundant, now that there is a stand-alone `PDOConnector` * `prepStringForDB` - Use `quoteString` instead * `dropDatabase` - Use `dropSelectedDatabase` * `createDatabase` - Use `selectDatabase` with the second parameter set to true instead * `allDatabaseNames` - Use `databaseList` instead * `currentDatabase` - Use `getSelectedDatabase` instead * `addslashes` - Use `escapeString` instead * `LogErrorEmailFormatter` now better displays SQL queries in errors by respecting line breaks * Installer has been majorly upgraded to handle the new database configuration options and additional PDO functionality. * Created `SS_DatabaseException` to emit database errors. Query information such as SQL and any relevant parameters may be used by error handling user code that catches this exception. * The `SQLConditionGroup` interface has been created to represent dynamically evaluated SQL conditions. This may be used to wrap a class that generates a custom SQL clause(s) to be evaluated at the time of execution. * `DataObject` constants CHANGE_NONE, CHANGE_STRICT, and CHANGE_VALUE have been created to provide more verbosity to field modification detection. This replaces the use of various magic numbers with the same meaning. * create_table_options now uses constants as API specific filters rather than strings. This is in order to promote better referencing of elements across the codebase. See `FulltextSearchable->enable` for example. * `$FromEnd` iterator variable now available in templates. * Support for multiple HtmlEditorConfigs on the same page. * Object::singleton() method for better type-friendly singleton generation * New `Image` methods `CropWidth` and `CropHeight` added * 'Max' versions of `Image` methods introduced to prevent up-sampling * Update Image method names in PHP code and templates * `SetRatioSize` -> `Fit` * `CroppedImage` -> `Fill` * `PaddedImage` -> `Pad` * `SetSize` -> `Pad` * `SetWidth` -> `ScaleWidth` * `SetHeight` -> `ScaleHeight` ## Bugfixes * Reduced database regeneration chances on subsequent rebuilds after the initial dev/build * Elimination of various SQL injection vulnerability points * `DataObject::writeComponents()` now called correctly during `DataObject::write()` * Fixed missing theme declaration in installer * Fixed incorrect use of non-existing exception classes (e.g. `HTTPResponse_exception`) * `GridState` fixed to distinguish between check for missing values, and creation of nested state values, in order to prevent non-empty values being returned for missing keys. This was breaking `DataObject::get_by_id` by passing in an object for the ID. * Fixed order of `File` fulltext searchable fields to use same order as actual fields. This is required to prevent unnecessary rebuild of MS SQL databases when fulltext searching is enabled. * In the past E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR would be ignored, and now correctly appear as warnings. ## Upgrading Notes ### UploadField "Select from files" shows files in all folders by default In order to list files in a single folder by default (previous default behaviour), use `setDisplayFolderName()` with a folder path relative to `assets/`: :::php UploadField::create('MyField')->setDisplayFolderName('Uploads'); ### UploadField won't display an overwrite warning unless Upload:replaceFile is true The configuration setting `UploadField:overwriteWarning` is dependent on `Upload:replaceFile` which is set to false by default. To display a warning before overwriting a file: Via config: ::yaml Upload: # Replace an existing file rather than renaming the new one. replaceFile: true UploadField: # Warning before overwriting existing file (only relevant when Upload: replaceFile is true) overwriteWarning: true Or per instance: ::php $uploadField->getUpload()->setReplaceFile(true); $uploadField->setOverwriteWarning(true); ### File.allowed_extensions restrictions Certain file types such as swf, html, htm, xhtml and xml have been removed from the list of allowable file uploads. If your application requires the ability to upload these, you will need to append these to the `File.allowed_extensions` config as necessary. Also if uploading other file types, it's necessary to ensure that `File.allowed_extensions` includes that extension, as extensions passed to `[UploadField](api:SilverStripe\AssetAdmin\Forms\UploadField)` will be filtered against this list. ### Removed format detection in i18n::$date_format and i18n::$time_format Localized dates cause inconsistencies in client-side vs. server-side formatting and validation, particularly in abbreviated month names. The default date format has been changed to "yyyy-MM-dd" (e.g. 2014-12-31). New users will continue to have the option for a localized date format in their profile (based on their chosen locale). If you have existing users with `Member.DateFormat` set to a format including "MMM" or "MMMM", consider deleting those formats to fall back to the global (and more stable) default. ### Cookies set via Cookie::set() are now HTTP only by default Cookies set through `Cookie::set()` now default to "HTTP only". This means that scripting languages like JavaScript won't be able to read them. To set it back to be non-HTTP only, you need to set the `$httpOnly` argument to false when calling `Cookie::set()`. ### API: Removed URL routing by controller name The auto-routing of controller class names to URL endpoints has been removed (rule: `'$Controller//$Action/$ID/$OtherID': '*'`). This increases clarity in routing since it makes URL entpoints explicit, and thereby simplifies system and security reviews. Please access any custom controllers exclusively through self-defined [routes](/reference/director). For controllers extending `Page_Controller`, simply use the provided page URLs. :::php class MyController extends Controller { static $allowed_actions = array('myaction'); public function myaction($request) { // ... } } Create a new file `mysite/_config/routes.yml` (read more about the [config format](/topics/configuration)). Your controller is now available on `http://yourdomain.com/my-controller-endpoint`, after refreshing the configuration cache through `?flush=all`. :::yaml --- Name: my-routes After: framework/routes#coreroutes --- Director: rules: 'my-controller-endpoint//$Action' : 'MyController' The auto-routing is still in place for unit tests, since its a frequently used feature there. Although we advise against it, you can reinstate the old behaviour through a director rule: :::yaml --- Name: my-routes After: framework/routes#coreroutes --- Director: rules: '$Controller//$Action/$ID/$OtherID': '*' ### API: Default Form and FormField ID attributes rewritten. Previously the automatic generation of ID attributes throughout the Form API could generate invalid ID values such as Password[ConfirmedPassword] as well as duplicate ID values between forms on the same page. For example, if you created a field called `Email` on more than one form on the page, the resulting HTML would have multiple instances of `#Email`. ID should be a unique identifier for a single element within the document. This rewrite has several angles, each of which is described below. If you rely on ID values in your CSS files, Javascript code or application unit tests *you will need to update your code*. #### Conversion of invalid form ID values ID attributes on Form and Form Fields will now follow the [HTML specification](http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/types.html#type-cdata). Generating ID attributes is now handled by the new `FormTemplateHelper` class. Please test each of your existing site forms to ensure that they work correctly in particular, javascript and css styles which rely on specific ID values. #### Invalid ID attributes stripped ID attributes will now be run through `Convert::raw2htmlid`. Invalid characters are replaced with a single underscore character. Duplicate, leading and trailing underscores are removed. Custom ID attributes (set through `setHTMLID`) will not be altered. Before: :::html
Now: :::html
#### Namespaced FormField ID's Form Field ID values will now be namespaced with the parent form ID. Before: :::html
Now: :::html
#### FormField wrapper containers suffixed with `_Holder` Previously both the container div and FormField tag shared the same ID in certain cases. Now, the wrapper div in the default `FormField` template will be suffixed with `_Holder`. Before: :::html
After: :::html
#### Reverting to the old specification If upgrading existing forms is not feasible, developers can opt out of the new specifications by using the `FormTemplateHelper_Pre32` class rules instead of the default ones. `mysite/config/_config.yml`: :::yaml Injector: FormTemplateHelper: class: FormTemplateHelper_Pre32 ### Update code that uses SQLQuery SQLQuery has been changed. Previously this class was used for both selecting and deleting, but deletion is now handled by the new SQLDelete class. Additionally, 3.2 now provides SQLUpdate and SQLInsert to generate parameterised query friendly data updates. SQLQuery, SQLDelete and SQLUpdate all inherit from SQLConditionalExpression, which implements toSelect, toDelete, and toUpdate to generate basic transformations between query types. In the past SQLQuery->setDelete(true) would be used to turn a select into a delete, although now a new SQLDelete object should be created from the original SQLQuery. Before: :::php setFrom('"SiteTree"'); $query->setWhere('"SiteTree"."ShowInMenus" = 0'); $query->setDelete(true); $query->execute(); After: :::php setFrom('"SiteTree"') ->setWhere(array('"SiteTree"."ShowInMenus"' => 0)); $query->execute(); When working with SQLQuery passed into user code, it is advisable to strictly cast it into either a SQLSelect or SQLDelete. This can be done by using the new `SQLQuery::toAppropriateExpression()` method, which will automatically convert to the correct type based on whether the SQLQuery is set to delete or not. If a SQLQuery is not converted, then the result of `getWhere` will not be parameterised. This is because user code written for 3.1 expects this list to be a flat array of strings. This format is inherently unsafe, and should be avoided where possible. :::php getWhere(); // Will be flattened (unsafe 3.1 compatible format) $expression = $query->toAppropriateExpression(); // Either SQLSelect or SQLDelete $expression->getWhere(); // Will be parameterised (preferred 3.2 compatible format) } Alternatively: :::php setFrom('"SiteTree"') ->setWhere(array('"SiteTree"."ShowInMenus"' => 0)) ->setDelete(true) ->toAppropriateExpression(); $query->execute(); ### Update code that interacts with SQL strings to use parameters The Silverstripe ORM (object relation model) has moved from using escaped SQL strings to query the database, to a combination of parameterised SQL expressions alongside a related list of parameter values. As a result of this, it is necessary to assume that any `SQLQuery` object may, and will usually, have un-injected parameters. All database queries performed through `DataList`, `DataQuery` and `SQLQuery` will continue to work, as will those through `DataObject::get()` (which returns a filterable `DataList`). However, any conditional expression that includes values escaped with `Convert::raw2sql()` should use the new standard syntax. This new querying standard method enforces a much higher level of security than was previously available, and all code using manual escaping should be upgraded. See [the security topic](/topics/security#parameterised-queries) for details on why this is necessary, or [the databamodel topic](/topics/datamodel#raw-sql-options-for-advanced-users) for more information. As a result of this upgrade there are now very few cases where `Convert::raw2sql` needs to be used. Examples of areas where queries should be upgraded are below: #### 1. Querying the database directly through DB, including non-SELECT queries Before: :::php where('"Name" = \''.Convert::raw2sql($name).'\''); $list = DataList::create('Banner')->where(array( '"ParentID" IS NOT NULL', '"Title" = \'' . Convert::raw2sql($title) . '\'' ); After: :::php $details)); $things = MyObject::get()->where(array('"MyObject"."Name" = ?' => $name)); $list = DataList::create('Banner')->where(array( '"ParentID" IS NOT NULL', '"Title" = ?', $title ); #### 3. Interaction with `DataList::sql()`, `DataQuery::sql()`, `SQLQuery::sql()`, or `SQLQuery::getJoins()` methods The place where legacy code would almost certainly fail is any code that calls DataList::sql`, `DataQuery::sql`, `SQLQuery::sql` or `SQLQuery::getJoins()`, as the api requires that user code passes in an argument here to retrieve SQL parameters by value. User code that assumes parameterless queries will likely fail, and need to be updated to handle this case properly. Before: :::php setFrom('"SiteTree"') ->setWhere(array("\"SiteTree\".\"Title\" LIKE '" . Convert::raw2sql($argument) . "'")); // Inspect elements of the query $sql = $query->sql(); $sql = preg_replace('/LIKE \'(.+)\'/', 'LIKE \'%${1}%\'', $sql); // Adds %% around the argument // Pass new query to database connector DB::query($sql); After: :::php setFrom('"SiteTree"') ->setWhere(array('"SiteTree"."Title" LIKE ?' => $argument)); // Inspect elements of the query $sql = $query->sql($parameters); foreach($parameters as $key => $value) { // Adds %% around arguments $parameters[$key] = "%{$value}%"; } // Pass new query to database connector // Note that DB::query($sql) would fail, as it would contain ? with missing parameters DB::prepared_query($sql, $parameters); Also note that the parameters may not be a single level array, as certain values may be forced to be cast as a certain type (where supported by the current API). E.g. :::php 0, 'type' => 'boolean') // May also contain other database API specific options ) DB::prepared_query('DELETE FROM "MyObject" WHERE ParentID = ? OR IsValid = ?', $parameters); #### 4. Interaction with `SQLSelect::getWhere()` method The `SQLSelect` class supercedes the old `SQLQuery` object for performing select queries. Although both implement the `getWhere()` method, the results returned by `SQLSelect::getWhere()` will be parameterised while `SQLQuery::getWhere()` will be a flattened array of strings. `SQLSelect::getWhere()` returns a list of conditions, each of which is an associative array mapping the condition string to a list of parameters provided. Before: :::php getWhere(); $new = array(); foreach($conditions as $condition) { if(preg_match('/\"Count\" = (?\d+)/', $condition, $matches)) { $condition = '"Count" = '.($matches['count'] + 1); } $new[] = $condition; } $query->setWhere($new); After: :::php // Increment value of a single condition $query = new SQLSelect(/*...*/); $conditions = $query->getWhere(); $new = array(); foreach($conditions as $condition) { // $condition will be a single length array foreach($condition as $predicate => $parameters) { if('"Count" = ?' === $predicate) { $parameters[0] = $parameters[0] + 1; } $new[] = array($predicate => $parameters); } } $query->setWhere($new); In cases where user code will manipulate the results of this value, it may be useful to replace this method call with the new `getWhereParameterised($parameters)` method, where applicable. This method returns a manipulated form of the where conditions stored by the query, so that it matches the list of strings similar to the old 3.1 `SQLQuery::getWhere()` behaviour. Additionally, the list of parameters is safely extracted, flattened, and can be passed out through the `$parameters` argument which is passed by reference. Before: :::php public function filtersOnColumn($query, $column) { $regexp = '/^(.*\.)?("|`)?' . $column . ' ("|`)?\s?=/'; foreach($this->getWhere() as $predicate) { if(preg_match($regexp, $predicate)) return true; } return false; } After: :::php public function filtersOnColumn($query, $column) { $regexp = '/^(.*\.)?("|`)?' . $column . ' ("|`)?\s?=/'; foreach($this->getWhereParameterised($parameters) as $predicate) { if(preg_match($regexp, $predicate)) return true; } return false; } #### 5. Update code that interacts with the DB schema Updating database schema is now done by `updateSchema` with a callback, rather than relying on user code to call `beginSchemaUpdate` and `endSchemaUpdate` around the call. Since the schema management object is separate from the database controller you interact with it via `DB::get_schema` instead of `DB::get_conn` (previously named `DB::getConn`) Before: :::php beginSchemaUpdate(); foreach($dataClasses as $dataClass) { singleton($dataClass)->requireTable(); } $conn->endSchemaUpdate(); After: :::php schemaUpdate(function() use($dataClasses){ foreach($dataClasses as $dataClass) { singleton($dataClass)->requireTable(); } }); Also should be noted is that many functions have been renamed to conform better with coding conventions. E.g. `DB::requireTable` is now `DB::require_table` ### Revert to legacy CMS page actions By default "delete from live" and "delete" actions are deprecated in favour of "unpublish" and "archive". "unpublish" is an existing action which is functionally equivalent to "delete from live", and "archive" is a new feature which performs both unpublish and deletion simultaneously. To restore "delete from live" add the following config to your site's config.yml. :::yml CMSMain: enabled_legacy_actions: - CMSBatchAction_DeleteFromLive In order to remove the new "archive" action and restore the old "delete" action you can use the following config :::yml CMSMain: enabled_legacy_actions: - CMSBatchAction_Delete ## Changelog ### API Changes * 2015-06-16 [f3e1472](https://github.com/silverstripe/silverstripe-cms/commit/f3e1472) Revert DataObject::validate to 3.1 method signature (protected) (Damian Mooyman) * 2015-06-16 [58cc3da](https://github.com/silverstripe/sapphire/commit/58cc3da) Revert DataObject::validate to 3.1 method signature (protected) (Damian Mooyman) * 2015-06-13 [e766658](https://github.com/silverstripe/sapphire/commit/e766658) Allow HTTP Cache Headers to be customised (Jeremy Shipman) * 2015-06-12 [8389260](https://github.com/silverstripe/sapphire/commit/8389260) New and renamed image functions (Jonathon Menz) * 2015-06-09 [a8ace75](https://github.com/silverstripe/sapphire/commit/a8ace75) Support for multiple HTMLEditorConfig per page (Damian Mooyman) * 2015-05-15 [b169823](https://github.com/silverstripe/silverstripe-cms/commit/b169823) Deprecate delete in favour of archive Remove "delete from live" duplicate action in favour of existing "unpublish" which is more consistent with current terminology Add pop-up verification to destructive actions Fix bug preventing side-by-side preview of archived pages Fix bug in reporting publishing of error pages Restoring a page without an available parent will restore to root (Damian Mooyman) * 2015-05-15 [a72bd16](https://github.com/silverstripe/sapphire/commit/a72bd16) Deprecate delete in favour of archive Remove "delete from live" duplicate action in favour of existing "unpublish" which is more consistent with current terminology Add pop-up verification to destructive actions Fix bug in reporting publishing of error pages Restoring a page also restores parents (Damian Mooyman) * 2015-04-30 [c5e0c8f](https://github.com/silverstripe/silverstripe-cms/commit/c5e0c8f) Enable tree filter highlighting Decoupling of CMS / Framework (Damian Mooyman) * 2015-04-30 [8863797](https://github.com/silverstripe/sapphire/commit/8863797) Enable tree filter highlighting Decoupling of CMS / Framework (Damian Mooyman) * 2015-04-29 [e8d6f15](https://github.com/silverstripe/sapphire/commit/e8d6f15) Use mysql buffered statements Avoids the usage of any MySQL Native Driver specific API (Damian Mooyman) * 2015-04-09 [e91606e](https://github.com/silverstripe/sapphire/commit/e91606e) Introduce $FromEnd variable for iterators (Damian Mooyman) * 2015-03-31 [95c162e](https://github.com/silverstripe/sapphire/commit/95c162e) Security better respects BackURL on login BUG Restore missing authentication message not appearing in the login form $Content area (regression from #1807) (Damian Mooyman) * 2015-03-05 [9367fd2](https://github.com/silverstripe/sapphire/commit/9367fd2) enable PaginatedList to be disabled by setting page length to 0 (Damian Mooyman) * 2015-01-14 [5d4c2c4](https://github.com/silverstripe/sapphire/commit/5d4c2c4) Adding default_classes to FormField (Daniel Hensby) * 2015-01-14 [6d00027](https://github.com/silverstripe/sapphire/commit/6d00027) Adding default_classes to Form (Daniel Hensby) * 2014-09-25 [e478009](https://github.com/silverstripe/sapphire/commit/e478009) Mailer can be configured to use different encoding mechanisms, and added support for unicode quoted-string encoding API Mailer bounce email can now be configured API Mailer no longer calls Convert::xml2raw on all email subjects API Deprecate dead Mailer code and refactored duplicate or mis-documented code. (Damian Mooyman) * 2014-09-25 [29e3347](https://github.com/silverstripe/sapphire/commit/29e3347) Convert::html2raw no longer wraps text automatically BUG Convert::html2raw now correctly decodes single quotes (Damian Mooyman) * 2014-09-24 [5631553](https://github.com/silverstripe/sapphire/commit/5631553) Cookies set via Cookie::set() are now HTTP only by default (Sean Harvey) * 2014-09-15 [062ad8e](https://github.com/silverstripe/sapphire/commit/062ad8e) Allow parameterised joins / subselects (Damian Mooyman) * 2014-08-15 [2ba1c46](https://github.com/silverstripe/silverstripe-cms/commit/2ba1c46) broken link hihglighting to write to database. (Mateusz Uzdowski) * 2014-08-14 [784e292](https://github.com/silverstripe/sapphire/commit/784e292) Add a getter for customisedObject property. (Mateusz Uzdowski) * 2014-08-09 [18d6c53](https://github.com/silverstripe/silverstripe-cms/commit/18d6c53) Extract siteconfig out to an external module. (Will Rossiter) * 2014-08-04 [1759d5d](https://github.com/silverstripe/sapphire/commit/1759d5d) Use "number" HTML5 type for NumericField by default (Sean Harvey) * 2014-07-30 [26a0e91](https://github.com/silverstripe/sapphire/commit/26a0e91) SS_Filterable, SS_Limitable and SS_Sortable now explicitly extend SS_List (Damian Mooyman) * 2014-04-23 [d16db2d](https://github.com/silverstripe/sapphire/commit/d16db2d) tinymce editor no longer transforms paragraphs with margin-left into blockquotes This is legacy behaviour which does not often reflect the expected behaviour of the current editor. indent and outdent can (in some situations) prefer to use margin instead of padding. sapphiremce_cleanup faultily assumes that such indented text should be block quoted, and replaces this with a block quote element. This is not necessary, since the blockquote element can be placed explicitly by the user when necessary. (Damian Mooyman) * 2014-04-16 [5f7ebd3](https://github.com/silverstripe/sapphire/commit/5f7ebd3) UploadField: move replaceFile to the front end config (Devlin) * 2014-04-11 [5b55361](https://github.com/silverstripe/sapphire/commit/5b55361) DateTime.Ago better infers significance of date units. BUG Fixes missing i18n translation in Date::TimeDiffIn BUG Fixes Date::TimeDiffIn not respecting mocked SS_Datetime::now This provides less vague date periods. I.e. "36 days" has a lot more relevance that "1 month" Reduced duplication of time period calculation code (ref: CWPBUG-141) (Damian Mooyman) * 2014-04-09 [2e73dcb](https://github.com/silverstripe/sapphire/commit/2e73dcb) Remove swf,html,htm,xhtml,xml as default allowed upload able file types (Damian Mooyman) * 2014-04-04 [bf4e9eb](https://github.com/silverstripe/sapphire/commit/bf4e9eb) Singleton method allowing type inference This pattern improves over the current usage of singleton by allowing type inference. This also better supports refactor, code usage detection, and auto-completion of classes. (Damian Mooyman) * 2014-02-12 [6906c9b](https://github.com/silverstripe/sapphire/commit/6906c9b) Removed auto-detection for i18n date/time formats (Ingo Schommer) * 2014-01-17 [973b967](https://github.com/silverstripe/sapphire/commit/973b967) Adding chaining to i18nTextCollector::write() (Daniel Hensby) * 2014-01-02 [791ee71](https://github.com/silverstripe/sapphire/commit/791ee71) Prevent large images from repeatedly crashing PHP on resize (Loz Calver) * 2013-12-23 [5fff5af](https://github.com/silverstripe/sapphire/commit/5fff5af) moved useTestTheme to base Sapphire test class so that it can be used elsewhere (eg CMS test) (micmania1) * 2013-12-19 [6fc9db6](https://github.com/silverstripe/sapphire/commit/6fc9db6) DataObject::validate() visibility changed to public (issue #1659) (Sean Harvey) * 2013-11-26 [b88a095](https://github.com/silverstripe/sapphire/commit/b88a095) Support string descriptors for unique indexes in Versioned (Fred Condo) * 2013-10-18 [fee54c7](https://github.com/silverstripe/sapphire/commit/fee54c7) Change DropdownField::getSource() to not return the emptyString value. (Nathan J. Brauer) * 2013-10-18 [1c983bc](https://github.com/silverstripe/sapphire/commit/1c983bc) LookupField::Field now returns an HTMLText instance. (Will Rossiter) * 2013-10-17 [52f6581](https://github.com/silverstripe/sapphire/commit/52f6581) Better declaration of DataObject field change levels. Use of const named identifiers to represent each change level rather than numbers. (Damian Mooyman) * 2013-10-11 [b6b3cd9](https://github.com/silverstripe/sapphire/commit/b6b3cd9) GridState_Data values can have default values specified during retrieval. Fixes issues with GridStata_Data being returned from various states when value types are necessary. Pruning of dead code from GridFieldAddExistingAutocompleter Documentation for GridState (Damian Mooyman) * 2013-10-09 [b367dd6](https://github.com/silverstripe/sapphire/commit/b367dd6) Removed Member.LastVisited and Member.NumVisits (Ingo Schommer) * 2013-09-27 [c7f656c](https://github.com/silverstripe/sapphire/commit/c7f656c) Removed "PastMember" cookie and template getter (Ingo Schommer) * 2013-08-08 [4385264](https://github.com/silverstripe/sapphire/commit/4385264) Make GridFieldConfig objects decoratable (unclecheese) * 2013-07-10 [7c60c73](https://github.com/silverstripe/sapphire/commit/7c60c73) Polymorphic has_one behaviour (Damian Mooyman) * 2013-07-01 [47147eb](https://github.com/silverstripe/sapphire/commit/47147eb) delete simplepie from framework thirdparty (carlos barberis) * 2013-06-21 [a395c53](https://github.com/silverstripe/silverstripe-cms/commit/a395c53) Move of codebase to parameterised query database abstraction layer API Renamed DB static methods to properly conform to naming convention (lowercase, underscored) API Replaced deprecated method (Damian Mooyman) * 2013-06-21 [d8e9af8](https://github.com/silverstripe/sapphire/commit/d8e9af8) New Database abstraction layer. Ticket #7429 Database abstraction broken up into controller, connector, query builder, and schema manager, each independently configurable via YAML / Injector Creation of new DBQueryGenerator for database specific generation of SQL Support for parameterised queries, move of code base to use these over escaped conditions Refactor of SQLQuery into separate query classes for each of INSERT UPDATE DELETE and SELECT Support for PDO Installation process upgraded to use new ORM SS_DatabaseException created to handle database errors, maintaining details of raw sql and parameter details for user code designed interested in that data. Renamed DB static methods to conform correctly to naming conventions (e.g. DB::getConn -> DB::get_conn) 3.2 upgrade docs Performance Optimisation and simplification of code to use more concise API API Ability for database adapters to register extensions to ConfigureFromEnv.php (Damian Mooyman) * 2013-05-31 [0c4ec47](https://github.com/silverstripe/sapphire/commit/0c4ec47) Using $HolderID for form field container templates (Ingo Schommer) * 2013-05-26 [ca87b8b](https://github.com/silverstripe/sapphire/commit/ca87b8b) Form Field ID attribute should follow HTML specification (Will Rossiter) * 2013-05-22 [cb1f95e](https://github.com/silverstripe/sapphire/commit/cb1f95e) Remove AjaxUniqueTextField, since its operation is very limited (#1947) (Ingo Schommer) * 2013-01-29 [957469d](https://github.com/silverstripe/sapphire/commit/957469d) Removed auto-routing of controller name (Ingo Schommer) * 2013-01-17 [56346a5](https://github.com/silverstripe/silverstripe-cms/commit/56346a5) moved reports API to separate module (Will Rossiter) ### Features and Enhancements * 2015-06-03 [a9d22f1](https://github.com/silverstripe/sapphire/commit/a9d22f1) Files can be uploaded directly in the 'Insert Link' form (scott1702) * 2015-05-29 [44b1ff1](https://github.com/silverstripe/sapphire/commit/44b1ff1) Configurable file version prefix (Jonathon Menz) * 2015-05-11 [ce5a8f2](https://github.com/silverstripe/sapphire/commit/ce5a8f2) Cookie names with dots are now handled more gracefully (Daniel Hensby) * 2015-03-31 [ae8dbe3](https://github.com/silverstripe/sapphire/commit/ae8dbe3) - Added maximum upload file size by type (Turnerj) * 2015-03-24 [16f0e7b](https://github.com/silverstripe/sapphire/commit/16f0e7b) ViewableData_Debugger implements __toString (Daniel Hensby) * 2015-03-03 [835ee69](https://github.com/silverstripe/sapphire/commit/835ee69) Only validate DataObject model definitions during a build (Loz Calver) * 2015-02-24 [8ee9130](https://github.com/silverstripe/sapphire/commit/8ee9130) CMS site tree status icons (Jonathon Menz) * 2015-02-08 [5f31983](https://github.com/silverstripe/sapphire/commit/5f31983) updateAttributes hook in FormField (Ingo Schommer) * 2015-01-23 [3f1805b](https://github.com/silverstripe/sapphire/commit/3f1805b) Support multiple many_manys between the same classes (closes #1377) (Josh) * 2014-12-15 [6ad8f7c](https://github.com/silverstripe/sapphire/commit/6ad8f7c) Subject line for email links in HtmlEditorField (Loz Calver) * 2014-11-12 [41ea83b](https://github.com/silverstripe/sapphire/commit/41ea83b) add validation to form field subclasses (Stevie Mayhew) * 2014-10-17 [dc7bc46](https://github.com/silverstripe/sapphire/commit/dc7bc46) Text - Limit characters to closest word (Anton Smith) * 2014-10-03 [23fc498](https://github.com/silverstripe/sapphire/commit/23fc498) Allow 'null' limit for database queries (closes #3487) (Loz Calver) * 2014-05-04 [3b9056f](https://github.com/silverstripe/sapphire/commit/3b9056f) Cookie_Backend for managing cookie state (Daniel Hensby) * 2013-10-17 [e8287cd](https://github.com/silverstripe/sapphire/commit/e8287cd) Hook for `Member::registerFailedLogin` (Thomas Speak) * 2013-08-23 [7d7c754](https://github.com/silverstripe/silverstripe-cms/commit/7d7c754) Track broken anchors (Russell Michell) * 2013-06-05 [60333f6](https://github.com/silverstripe/sapphire/commit/60333f6) UploadField lists all files, shows path info (Ingo Schommer) * 2013-06-03 [2a91d27](https://github.com/silverstripe/sapphire/commit/2a91d27) use Injector pattern to create ValidationResult in validate (Will Morgan) * 2013-05-26 [736bde8](https://github.com/silverstripe/sapphire/commit/736bde8) Add Convert::raw2htmlid() (Will Rossiter) * 2013-03-26 [64349fe](https://github.com/silverstripe/sapphire/commit/64349fe) Allow setting of ASSETS_DIR in _ss_environment.php (Loz Calver) ### Bugfixes * 2015-06-16 [6169bf2](https://github.com/silverstripe/sapphire/commit/6169bf2) No longer caching has_one after ID change (Daniel Hensby) * 2015-06-16 [ce3b5a5](https://github.com/silverstripe/sapphire/commit/ce3b5a5) Fix major segfault on PDOConnector after any DDL BUG Fix issue in PDOQuery::first() Refactor previewWrite and benchmarkQuery into SS_Database (Damian Mooyman) * 2015-06-11 [6be0488](https://github.com/silverstripe/sapphire/commit/6be0488) TreeDropdownField doesnt change label on unselect (Daniel Hensby) * 2015-06-09 [24a268a](https://github.com/silverstripe/sapphire/commit/24a268a) Image test cleanup (Jonathon Menz) * 2015-06-09 [07c21e2](https://github.com/silverstripe/sapphire/commit/07c21e2) Fix deletion of orphaned versioned records when a parent _versions table has been deleted (Damian Mooyman) * 2015-06-08 [acf19b7](https://github.com/silverstripe/sapphire/commit/acf19b7) Fix false values for many_many_ExtraFields not being saved Fixes #4067 (Damian Mooyman) * 2015-06-05 [a819bcf](https://github.com/silverstripe/silverstripe-cms/commit/a819bcf) explicitly call get functions for site tree checks (Stevie Mayhew) * 2015-05-29 [0319f78](https://github.com/silverstripe/sapphire/commit/0319f78) Incorrect env setting in 3.1.13 (Damian Mooyman) * 2015-05-22 [68d8df4](https://github.com/silverstripe/sapphire/commit/68d8df4) DropdownField didn't consider disabled items (Loz Calver) * 2015-05-22 [e0710ae](https://github.com/silverstripe/sapphire/commit/e0710ae) Fix DirectorTest failing when run with sake (Damian Mooyman) * 2015-05-20 [94f6a13](https://github.com/silverstripe/sapphire/commit/94f6a13) Fixed setting LastEdited for DataObject with class ancestry (Gregory Smirnov) * 2015-05-20 [869e69a](https://github.com/silverstripe/sapphire/commit/869e69a) Clicking icon in site tree link fails (Jonathon Menz) * 2015-05-20 [f9bdf61](https://github.com/silverstripe/sapphire/commit/f9bdf61) Fixed handling of numbers in certain locales (Gregory Smirnov) * 2015-05-19 [dbe2ad4](https://github.com/silverstripe/silverstripe-cms/commit/dbe2ad4) Folder expansion icons (Jonathon Menz) * 2015-05-19 [a56d08b](https://github.com/silverstripe/sapphire/commit/a56d08b) TreeDropdownField Folder expansion (Jonathon Menz) * 2015-05-16 [c6bcfea](https://github.com/silverstripe/sapphire/commit/c6bcfea) FieldList::changeFieldOrder() leftovers discarded (Jonathon Menz) * 2015-05-11 [9e8a5c9](https://github.com/silverstripe/sapphire/commit/9e8a5c9) remove validation type constraint from form fields for 3.2 release (Stevie Mayhew) * 2015-02-14 [bee642a](https://github.com/silverstripe/sapphire/commit/bee642a) make class loader classExists check interface_exists as per docs (Daniel Hensby) * 2015-02-08 [6212b4b](https://github.com/silverstripe/sapphire/commit/6212b4b) Versioned not ignoring obsolete fields (Benjamin R. White) * 2015-01-31 [e724d6f](https://github.com/silverstripe/sapphire/commit/e724d6f) notice level error when value is not set on CreditCardField (Will Rossiter) * 2015-01-07 [cee7adc](https://github.com/silverstripe/sapphire/commit/cee7adc) . Placeholder isn't completely translated (Elvinas L) * 2014-12-15 [c358ac6](https://github.com/silverstripe/sapphire/commit/c358ac6) How to folder on forms (Cam Findlay) * 2014-12-09 [bdb3b7f](https://github.com/silverstripe/sapphire/commit/bdb3b7f) Feedback to name the fields section to "field types" to make it clearer what the section is about. (Cam Findlay) * 2014-12-09 [aba9667](https://github.com/silverstripe/sapphire/commit/aba9667) use GFMD code blocks to fix code formatting consistency. (Cam Findlay) * 2014-11-03 [51337ac](https://github.com/silverstripe/sapphire/commit/51337ac) Image backend ignoring config. (Michael Strong) * 2014-10-26 [ec0c259](https://github.com/silverstripe/sapphire/commit/ec0c259) Reinstate tab and form focus states (fixes CMS #732 and #817) (Naomi Guyer) * 2014-10-25 [28be51c](https://github.com/silverstripe/sapphire/commit/28be51c) Config state leaking between unit tests (Loz Calver) * 2014-09-26 [db0cad4](https://github.com/silverstripe/sapphire/commit/db0cad4) ErrorControlChain now supports exception handling (Damian Mooyman) * 2014-09-20 [bbc1cb8](https://github.com/silverstripe/sapphire/commit/bbc1cb8) #3458 iframe transport multi file upload FIX #3343, FIX #3148 (Thierry François) * 2014-09-02 [c140459](https://github.com/silverstripe/sapphire/commit/c140459) Fix versioned Versioned is not writing Version to _version tables for subclasses of Version dataobjects which have their own DB fields - Fix disjoint of ID / RecordID (which should be the same) - Fix calculation of new record version - Fix use of empty vs !isset to check for existing version (Damian Mooyman) * 2014-09-01 [3644110](https://github.com/silverstripe/sapphire/commit/3644110) Ensure that columns are unique within a gridfield (Will Rossiter) * 2014-08-01 [b0239f4](https://github.com/silverstripe/sapphire/commit/b0239f4) Fix PDOConnector issues Travis support for PDO ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES = false breaks some test cases Enable username sans password Remove unnecessary semicolons delimiting queries (Damian Mooyman) * 2014-07-25 [81c0a34](https://github.com/silverstripe/sapphire/commit/81c0a34) Remove caching of statements due to risk of instability This would cause segfaults in rare situations where statements are reused (Damian Mooyman) * 2014-07-15 [0433ba1](https://github.com/silverstripe/sapphire/commit/0433ba1) Revert some changes to ManyManyList BUG Fix incompatibility in Member_GroupList Fix regressions in merges from 3.1 BUG Fix Security failing on test classes BUG Fix postgresql compatibility Clarify sql encoding of table names (Damian Mooyman) * 2014-05-22 [3213630](https://github.com/silverstripe/sapphire/commit/3213630) fix listview not working with IE9 (Igor) * 2014-05-09 [8335de4](https://github.com/silverstripe/sapphire/commit/8335de4) remove redundant DB name switch in TestRunner (Will Morgan) * 2014-05-02 [9cbfd14](https://github.com/silverstripe/sapphire/commit/9cbfd14) TemplateManifest prevent cache collision (Will Morgan) * 2014-04-30 [5dd0583](https://github.com/silverstripe/silverstripe-cms/commit/5dd0583) Fix encoding of SearchForm::getSearchQuery This made it awkward for user code to extract the query value for use in other applications; This would otherwise have to be xml decoded again. Casting has been promoted to the templating level via DBField::create_field and a `SearchForm.casting` config setting. (Damian Mooyman) * 2014-04-08 [438fe02](https://github.com/silverstripe/sapphire/commit/438fe02) change action variable source to getViewer (Will Morgan) * 2014-03-28 [cf5d524](https://github.com/silverstripe/sapphire/commit/cf5d524) Fix regressions from #2206 in hasValue and dbObject (Damian Mooyman) * 2014-03-25 [4b87b2e](https://github.com/silverstripe/silverstripe-cms/commit/4b87b2e) Fix ContentControllerTest (Damian Mooyman) * 2014-02-28 [ab52b67](https://github.com/silverstripe/sapphire/commit/ab52b67) Log out current member when forgotten password (Daniel Hensby) * 2014-02-20 [f6b72a2](https://github.com/silverstripe/sapphire/commit/f6b72a2) Fixed regression in ContentController template selection. (Sam Minnee) * 2014-02-14 [d0a4fc2](https://github.com/silverstripe/silverstripe-cms/commit/d0a4fc2) Fix failover to index template in ContentController::getViewer() (Sam Minnee) * 2014-02-04 [cd213ab](https://github.com/silverstripe/sapphire/commit/cd213ab) Fixed handing of false values in GridState_Data API Added ability to unset values (Damian Mooyman) * 2014-01-31 [6df276c](https://github.com/silverstripe/sapphire/commit/6df276c) GridState_Data doesn't hold falsey values (Daniel Hensby) * 2013-10-30 [4102cc6](https://github.com/silverstripe/sapphire/commit/4102cc6) Issues with CMSForm not consistently respecting new form naming scheme. Fixes for failing CMSFormTest cases (Damian Mooyman) * 2013-10-23 [8534982](https://github.com/silverstripe/sapphire/commit/8534982) Debug error handler breaks error_get_last (Damian Mooyman) * 2013-10-19 [ab10c2e](https://github.com/silverstripe/sapphire/commit/ab10c2e) An enum field in the search panel model admin misses an option to not filter on that field (Nico Haase) * 2013-10-17 [d22ca62](https://github.com/silverstripe/sapphire/commit/d22ca62) FailedLoginCount reset (Thomas Speak) * 2013-10-02 [fb5bb64](https://github.com/silverstripe/sapphire/commit/fb5bb64) Fixed cross-platform issues with test cases and file utilities (Damian Mooyman) * 2013-05-30 [c7468ca](https://github.com/silverstripe/sapphire/commit/c7468ca) Generate Form::FormName() through (Will Rossiter) * 2013-05-26 [831a507](https://github.com/silverstripe/sapphire/commit/831a507) Update references to ID values from 79c9433 (Will Rossiter) * 2013-05-17 [3728907](https://github.com/silverstripe/sapphire/commit/3728907) allow children to be accessed via template (Will Morgan) * 2013-01-23 [60c4d99](https://github.com/silverstripe/sapphire/commit/60c4d99) PHPUnit latest not working with composer installed builds (Hamish Friedlander) * 2012-12-13 [31255fc](https://github.com/silverstripe/sapphire/commit/31255fc) Set visibility on login form methods to public. (Justin Martin) * 2012-12-12 [379b561](https://github.com/silverstripe/sapphire/commit/379b561) RSSFeed now sets the Content-Type on the current HTTPResponse (Simon Welsh)