T_CLASS, 1 => T_WHITESPACE, 2 => array(T_STRING, 'can_jump_to' => array(7, 14), 'save_to' => 'className'), 3 => T_WHITESPACE, 4 => T_EXTENDS, 5 => T_WHITESPACE, 6 => array(T_STRING, 'save_to' => 'extends[]', 'can_jump_to' => 14), 7 => T_WHITESPACE, 8 => T_IMPLEMENTS, 9 => T_WHITESPACE, 10 => array(T_STRING, 'can_jump_to' => 14, 'save_to' => 'interfaces[]'), 11 => array(T_WHITESPACE, 'optional' => true), 12 => array(',', 'can_jump_to' => 10, 'save_to' => 'interfaces[]'), 13 => array(T_WHITESPACE, 'can_jump_to' => 10), 14 => array(T_WHITESPACE, 'optional' => true), 15 => '{', )); } /** * @return TokenisedRegularExpression */ public static function get_namespaced_class_parser() { return new TokenisedRegularExpression(array( 0 => T_CLASS, 1 => T_WHITESPACE, 2 => array(T_STRING, 'can_jump_to' => array(8, 16), 'save_to' => 'className'), 3 => T_WHITESPACE, 4 => T_EXTENDS, 5 => T_WHITESPACE, 6 => array(T_NS_SEPARATOR, 'save_to' => 'extends[]', 'optional' => true), 7 => array(T_STRING, 'save_to' => 'extends[]', 'can_jump_to' => array(6, 16)), 8 => T_WHITESPACE, 9 => T_IMPLEMENTS, 10 => T_WHITESPACE, 11 => array(T_NS_SEPARATOR, 'save_to' => 'interfaces[]', 'optional' => true), 12 => array(T_STRING, 'can_jump_to' => array(11, 16), 'save_to' => 'interfaces[]'), 13 => array(T_WHITESPACE, 'optional' => true), 14 => array(',', 'can_jump_to' => 11, 'save_to' => 'interfaces[]'), 15 => array(T_WHITESPACE, 'can_jump_to' => 11), 16 => array(T_WHITESPACE, 'optional' => true), 17 => '{', )); } /** * @return TokenisedRegularExpression */ public static function get_namespace_parser() { return new TokenisedRegularExpression(array( 0 => T_NAMESPACE, 1 => T_WHITESPACE, 2 => array(T_NS_SEPARATOR, 'save_to' => 'namespaceName[]', 'optional' => true), 3 => array(T_STRING, 'save_to' => 'namespaceName[]', 'can_jump_to' => 2), 4 => array(T_WHITESPACE, 'optional' => true), 5 => ';', )); } /** * @return TokenisedRegularExpression */ public static function get_interface_parser() { return new TokenisedRegularExpression(array( 0 => T_INTERFACE, 1 => T_WHITESPACE, 2 => array(T_STRING, 'save_to' => 'interfaceName') )); } /** * Constructs and initialises a new class manifest, either loading the data * from the cache or re-scanning for classes. * * @param string $base The manifest base path. * @param bool $includeTests Include the contents of "tests" directories. * @param bool $forceRegen Force the manifest to be regenerated. * @param bool $cache If the manifest is regenerated, cache it. */ public function __construct($base, $includeTests = false, $forceRegen = false, $cache = true) { $this->base = $base; $this->tests = $includeTests; $this->cache = SS_Cache::factory('SS_ClassManifest', 'Core', array( 'automatic_serialization' => true, 'lifetime' => null )); $this->cacheKey = $this->tests ? 'manifest_tests' : 'manifest'; if (!$forceRegen && $data = $this->cache->load($this->cacheKey)) { $this->classes = $data['classes']; $this->descendants = $data['descendants']; $this->interfaces = $data['interfaces']; $this->implementors = $data['implementors']; $this->configs = $data['configs']; } else { $this->regenerate($cache); } } /** * Returns the file path to a class or interface if it exists in the * manifest. * * @param string $name * @return string|null */ public function getItemPath($name) { $name = strtolower($name); if (isset($this->classes[$name])) { return $this->classes[$name]; } elseif (isset($this->interfaces[$name])) { return $this->interfaces[$name]; } } /** * Returns a map of lowercased class names to file paths. * * @return array */ public function getClasses() { return $this->classes; } /** * Returns a lowercase array of all the class names in the manifest. * * @return array */ public function getClassNames() { return array_keys($this->classes); } /** * Returns an array of all the descendant data. * * @return array */ public function getDescendants() { return $this->descendants; } /** * Returns an array containing all the descendants (direct and indirect) * of a class. * * @param string|object $class * @return array */ public function getDescendantsOf($class) { if (is_object($class)) { $class = get_class($class); } $lClass = strtolower($class); if (array_key_exists($lClass, $this->descendants)) { return $this->descendants[$lClass]; } else { return array(); } } /** * Returns a map of lowercased interface names to file locations. * * @return array */ public function getInterfaces() { return $this->interfaces; } /** * Returns a map of lowercased interface names to the classes the implement * them. * * @return array */ public function getImplementors() { return $this->implementors; } /** * Returns an array containing the class names that implement a certain * interface. * * @param string $interface * @return array */ public function getImplementorsOf($interface) { $interface = strtolower($interface); if (array_key_exists($interface, $this->implementors)) { return $this->implementors[$interface]; } else { return array(); } } /** * Returns an array of paths to module config files. * * @return array */ public function getConfigs() { return $this->configs; } /** * Returns an array of module names mapped to their paths. * "Modules" in SilverStripe are simply directories with a _config.php file. * * @return array */ public function getModules() { $modules = array(); foreach($this->configs as $configPath) { $modules[basename(dirname($configPath))] = dirname($configPath); } return $modules; } /** * Completely regenerates the manifest file. * * @param bool $cache Cache the result. */ public function regenerate($cache = true) { $reset = array( 'classes', 'roots', 'children', 'descendants', 'interfaces', 'implementors', 'configs' ); // Reset the manifest so stale info doesn't cause errors. foreach ($reset as $reset) { $this->$reset = array(); } $finder = new ManifestFileFinder(); $finder->setOptions(array( 'name_regex' => '/^(_config.php|[^_].*\.php)$/', 'ignore_files' => array('index.php', 'main.php', 'cli-script.php'), 'ignore_tests' => !$this->tests, 'file_callback' => array($this, 'handleFile') )); $finder->find($this->base); foreach ($this->roots as $root) { $this->coalesceDescendants($root); } if ($cache) { $data = array( 'classes' => $this->classes, 'descendants' => $this->descendants, 'interfaces' => $this->interfaces, 'implementors' => $this->implementors, 'configs' => $this->configs ); $this->cache->save($data, $this->cacheKey); } } public function handleFile($basename, $pathname, $depth) { if ($basename == self::CONF_FILE) { $this->configs[] = $pathname; return; } $classes = null; $interfaces = null; $namespace = null; // The results of individual file parses are cached, since only a few // files will have changed and TokenisedRegularExpression is quite // slow. A combination of the file name and file contents hash are used, // since just using the datetime lead to problems with upgrading. $file = file_get_contents($pathname); $key = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9_]/', '_', $basename) . '_' . md5($file); if ($data = $this->cache->load($key)) { $valid = ( isset($data['classes']) && isset($data['interfaces']) && isset($data['namespace']) && is_array($data['classes']) && is_array($data['interfaces']) && is_string($data['namespace']) ); if ($valid) { $classes = $data['classes']; $interfaces = $data['interfaces']; $namespace = $data['namespace']; } } if (!$classes) { $tokens = token_get_all($file); if(version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.3', '>=')) { $classes = self::get_namespaced_class_parser()->findAll($tokens); $namespace = self::get_namespace_parser()->findAll($tokens); if($namespace) { $namespace = implode('', $namespace[0]['namespaceName']) . '\\'; } else { $namespace = ''; } } else { $classes = self::get_class_parser()->findAll($tokens); $namespace = ''; } $interfaces = self::get_interface_parser()->findAll($tokens); $cache = array('classes' => $classes, 'interfaces' => $interfaces, 'namespace' => $namespace); $this->cache->save($cache, $key, array('fileparse')); } foreach ($classes as $class) { $name = $namespace . $class['className']; $extends = isset($class['extends']) ? implode('', $class['extends']) : null; $implements = isset($class['interfaces']) ? $class['interfaces'] : null; if($extends && $extends[0] != '\\') { $extends = $namespace . $extends; } elseif($extends) { $extends = substr($extends, 1); } if (array_key_exists($name, $this->classes)) { throw new Exception(sprintf( 'There are two files containing the "%s" class: "%s" and "%s"', $name, $this->classes[$name], $pathname )); } $this->classes[strtolower($name)] = $pathname; if ($extends) { $extends = strtolower($extends); if (!isset($this->children[$extends])) { $this->children[$extends] = array($name); } else { $this->children[$extends][] = $name; } } else { $this->roots[] = $name; } if ($implements) { $interface = $namespace; for($i = 0; $i < count($implements); ++$i) { if($implements[$i] == ',') { $interface = $namespace; continue; } if($implements[$i] == '\\' && $interface == $namespace) { $interface = ''; } else { $interface .= $implements[$i]; } if($i == count($implements)-1 || $implements[$i+1] == ',') { $interface = strtolower($interface); if (!isset($this->implementors[$interface])) { $this->implementors[$interface] = array($name); } else { $this->implementors[$interface][] = $name; } } } } } foreach ($interfaces as $interface) { $this->interfaces[strtolower($namespace . $interface['interfaceName'])] = $pathname; } } /** * Recursively coalesces direct child information into full descendant * information. * * @param string $class * @return array */ protected function coalesceDescendants($class) { $result = array(); $lClass = strtolower($class); if (array_key_exists($lClass, $this->children)) { $this->descendants[$lClass] = array(); foreach ($this->children[$lClass] as $class) { $this->descendants[$lClass] = array_merge( $this->descendants[$lClass], array($class), $this->coalesceDescendants($class) ); } return $this->descendants[$lClass]; } else { return array(); } } }