/*jsl:declare jasmine*/ function readFixtures() { return jasmine.getFixtures()._proxyCallTo('read', arguments); } function loadFixtures() { jasmine.getFixtures()._proxyCallTo('load', arguments); } function setFixtures(html) { jasmine.getFixtures().set(html); } function sandbox(attributes) { return jasmine.getFixtures().sandbox(attributes); } jasmine.getFixtures = function() { return jasmine._currentFixtures = jasmine._currentFixtures || new jasmine.Fixtures(); } jasmine.Fixtures = function() { this.containerId = 'jasmine-fixtures'; this._fixturesCache = {}; } jasmine.Fixtures.XHR= window.XMLHttpRequest || (function(){ var progIdCandidates= ['Msxml2.XMLHTTP.4.0', 'Microsoft.XMLHTTP', 'Msxml2.XMLHTTP']; var len= progIdCandidates.length; var progId; var xhr; function ConstructXhr() { return new window.ActiveXObject(ConstructXhr.progId); } while (len--) { try { progId= progIdCandidates[len]; xhr= new window.ActiveXObject(progId); // ActiveXObject constructor throws an exception // if the component isn't available. xhr= null; ConstructXhr.progId= progId; return ConstructXhr; } catch (e) { // Ignore the error } } throw new Error('No XMLHttpRequest implementation found'); })(); jasmine.Fixtures.prototype= { set: function(html) { this.cleanUp(); this._createContainer(html); }, load: function() { this.cleanUp(); this._createContainer(this.read.apply(this, arguments)); }, read: function() { var htmlChunks = []; var fixtureUrls = arguments; for (var urlCount = fixtureUrls.length, urlIndex = 0; urlIndex < urlCount; urlIndex++) htmlChunks.push(this._getFixtureHtml(fixtureUrls[urlIndex])); return htmlChunks.join(''); }, clearCache: function() { this._fixturesCache = {}; }, cleanUp: function() { var container= document.getElementById(this.containerId); if (container) container.parentNode.removeChild(container); }, sandbox: function(attributes) { var attributesToSet = attributes || {}; var sandbox= document.createElement('div'); sandbox.id= 'sandbox'; if ("string"===typeof(attributes)) { sandbox.innerHTML= attributes; if (1===sandbox.childNodes.length && 1===sandbox.firstChild.nodeType) { sandbox= sandbox.firstChild; if (!sandbox.id) sandbox.id= 'sandbox'; } return sandbox; } for (var attr in attributesToSet) sandbox.setAttribute(attr, attributesToSet[attr]); return sandbox; }, _createContainer: function(html) { var container = document.createElement('div'); container.id= this.containerId; if (html && html.nodeType===1) container.appendChild(html); else container.innerHTML= html; document.body.appendChild(container); }, _getFixtureHtml: function(url) { if (void(0)===this._fixturesCache[url]) this._loadFixtureIntoCache(url); return this._fixturesCache[url]; }, _loadFixtureIntoCache: function(url) { var self= this; var xhr= new jasmine.Fixtures.XHR(); xhr.open('GET', url, true); xhr.onreadystatechange= function() { if (4!==xhr.readyState) return; var status= xhr.status; var succeeded= 0===status || (status>=200 && status<300) || 304==status; if (!succeeded) throw new Error('Failed to load resource: status=' + status + ' url=' + url); self._fixturesCache[url]= xhr.responseText; xhr.onreadystatechange= null; xhr= null; } xhr.send(null); }, _proxyCallTo: function(methodName, passedArguments) { return this[methodName].apply(this, passedArguments); } };