modules[$module]) && $this->modules[$module] != $path) { user_error("Module ".$module." in two places - ".$path." and ".$this->modules[$module]); } $this->modules[$module] = $path; } /** Returns true if the passed module exists */ function moduleExists($module) { return array_key_exists($module, $this->modules); } /** * Constructs and initialises a new configuration object, either loading * from the cache or re-scanning for classes. * * @param string $base The project base path. * @param bool $forceRegen Force the manifest to be regenerated. */ public function __construct($base, $includeTests = false, $forceRegen = false ) { $this->base = $base; // Get the Zend Cache to load/store cache into $this->cache = SS_Cache::factory('SS_Configuration', 'Core', array( 'automatic_serialization' => true, 'lifetime' => null )); // Unless we're forcing regen, try loading from cache if (!$forceRegen) { // The PHP config sources are always needed $this->phpConfigSources = $this->cache->load('php_config_sources'); // Get the variant key spec $this->variantKeySpec = $this->cache->load('variant_key_spec'); // Try getting the pre-filtered & merged config for this variant if (!($this->yamlConfig = $this->cache->load('yaml_config_'.$this->variantKey()))) { // Otherwise, if we do have the yaml config fragments (and we should since we have a variant key spec) work out the config for this variant if ($this->yamlConfigFragments = $this->cache->load('yaml_config_fragments')) { $this->buildYamlConfigVariant(); } } } // If we don't have a config yet, we need to do a full regen to get it if (!$this->yamlConfig) { $this->regenerate($includeTests); $this->buildYamlConfigVariant(); } } /** * Includes all of the php _config.php files found by this manifest. Called by SS_Config when adding this manifest * @return void */ public function activateConfig() { foreach ($this->phpConfigSources as $config) { require_once $config; } } /** * Returns the string that uniquely identifies this variant. The variant is the combination of classes, modules, environment, * environment variables and constants that selects which yaml fragments actually make it into the configuration because of "only" * and "except" rules. * * @return string */ public function variantKey() { $key = $this->variantKeySpec; // Copy to fill in actual values if (isset($key['environment'])) $key['environment'] = Director::isDev() ? 'dev' : (Director::isTest() ? 'test' : 'live'); if (isset($key['envvars'])) foreach ($key['envvars'] as $variable => $foo) { $key['envvars'][$variable] = isset($_ENV[$variable]) ? $_ENV[$variable] : null; } if (isset($key['constants'])) foreach ($key['constants'] as $variable => $foo) { $key['constants'][$variable] = defined($variable) ? constant($variable) : null; } return sha1(serialize($key)); } /** * Completely regenerates the manifest file. Scans through finding all php _config.php and yaml _config/*.ya?ml files, * parses the yaml files into fragments, sorts them and figures out what values need to be checked to pick the * correct variant. * * Does _not_ build the actual variant * * @param bool $cache Cache the result. */ public function regenerate($includeTests = false, $cache = true) { $this->phpConfigSources = array(); $this->yamlConfigFragments = array(); $this->variantKeySpec = array(); $finder = new ManifestFileFinder(); $finder->setOptions(array( 'name_regex' => '/_config.php$/', 'ignore_tests' => !$includeTests, 'file_callback' => array($this, 'addSourceConfigFile') )); $finder->find($this->base); $finder = new ManifestFileFinder(); $finder->setOptions(array( 'name_regex' => '/\.ya?ml$/', 'ignore_tests' => !$includeTests, 'file_callback' => array($this, 'addYAMLConfigFile') )); $finder->find($this->base); $this->prefilterYamlFragments(); $this->sortYamlFragments(); $this->buildVariantKeySpec(); if ($cache) { $this->cache->save($this->phpConfigSources, 'php_config_sources'); $this->cache->save($this->yamlConfigFragments, 'yaml_config_fragments'); $this->cache->save($this->variantKeySpec, 'variant_key_spec'); } } /** * Handle finding a php file. We just keep a record of all php files found, we don't include them * at this stage * * Public so that ManifestFileFinder can call it. Not for general use. */ public function addSourceConfigFile($basename, $pathname, $depth) { $this->phpConfigSources[] = $pathname; // Add this module too $this->addModule(dirname($pathname)); } /** * Handle finding a yml file. Parse the file by spliting it into header/fragment pairs, * and normalising some of the header values (especially: give anonymous name if none assigned, * splt/complete before and after matchers) * * Public so that ManifestFileFinder can call it. Not for general use. */ public function addYAMLConfigFile($basename, $pathname, $depth) { if (!preg_match('{/([^/]+)/_config/}', $pathname, $match)) return; // Keep track of all the modules we've seen $this->addModule(dirname(dirname($pathname))); // We use Symfony Yaml since it's the most complete. It still doesn't handle all of YAML, but it's better than // nothing. if(!class_exists('sfYamlParser', false)) require_once 'thirdparty/symfony-yaml/lib/sfYamlParser.php'; $parser = new sfYamlParser(); // The base header $base = array( 'module' => $match[1], 'file' => basename(basename($basename, '.yml'), '.yaml') ); // Make sure the linefeeds are all converted to \n, PCRE '$' will not match anything else. $fileContents = str_replace(array("\r\n", "\r"), "\n", file_get_contents($pathname)); // YAML parsers really should handle this properly themselves, but neither spyc nor symfony-yaml do. So we // follow in their vein and just do what we need, not what the spec says $parts = preg_split('/^---$/m', $fileContents, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); // If only one document, it's a headerless fragment. So just add it with an anonymous name if (count($parts) == 1) { $this->yamlConfigFragments[] = $base + array( 'name' => 'anonymous-1', 'fragment' => $parser->parse($parts[0]) ); } // Otherwise it's a set of header/document pairs else { // If we got an odd number of parts the config file doesn't have a header for every document if (count($parts) % 2 != 0) user_error("Configuration file $basename does not have an equal number of headers and config blocks"); // Step through each pair for ($i = 0; $i < count($parts); $i+=2) { // Make all the first-level keys of the header lower case $header = array_change_key_case($parser->parse($parts[$i]), CASE_LOWER); // Assign a name if non assigned already if (!isset($header['name'])) $header['name'] = 'anonymous-'.(1+$i/2); // Parse & normalise the before and after if present foreach (array('before', 'after') as $order) { if (isset($header[$order])) { // First, splice into parts (multiple before or after parts are allowed, comma separated) $orderparts = preg_split('/\s+,\s+/', $header[$order], PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); // For each, parse out into module/file#name, and set any missing to "*" $header[$order] = array(); foreach($orderparts as $part) { preg_match('! (\*|\w+) (?:\/(\*|\w+) (?:\*|\#(\w+))? )? !x', $part, $match); $header[$order][] = array( 'module' => $match[1], 'file' => isset($match[2]) ? $match[2] : '*', 'name' => isset($match[3]) ? $match[3] : '*' ); } } } // And add to the fragments list $this->yamlConfigFragments[] = $base + $header + array( 'fragment' => $parser->parse($parts[$i+1]) ); } } } /** * Sorts the YAML fragments so that the "before" and "after" rules are met. * Throws an error if there's a loop * * We can't use regular sorts here - we need a topological sort. Easiest * way is with a DAG, so build up a DAG based on the before/after rules, then * sort that. * * @return void */ protected function sortYamlFragments() { $frags = $this->yamlConfigFragments; // Build a directed graph $dag = new SS_DAG($frags); foreach ($frags as $i => $frag) { foreach ($frags as $j => $otherfrag) { if ($i == $j) continue; $order = $this->relativeOrder($frag, $otherfrag); if ($order == 'before') $dag->addedge($i, $j); elseif ($order == 'after') $dag->addedge($j, $i); } } $this->yamlConfigFragments = $dag->sort(); } /** * Return a string "after", "before" or "undefined" depending on whether the YAML fragment array element passed as $a should * be positioned after, before, or either compared to the YAML fragment array element passed as $b * * @param $a Array - a YAML config fragment as loaded by addYAMLConfigFile * @param $b Array - a YAML config fragment as loaded by addYAMLConfigFile * @return string "after", "before" or "undefined" */ protected function relativeOrder($a, $b) { $matchesSomeRule = array(); // Do the same thing for after and before foreach (array('after'=>'before', 'before'=>'after') as $rulename => $opposite) { $matchesSomeRule[$rulename] = false; // If no rule specified, we don't match it if (isset($a[$rulename])) { foreach ($a[$rulename] as $rule) { $matchesRule = true; foreach(array('module', 'file', 'name') as $part) { $partMatches = true; // If part is *, we match _unless_ the opposite rule has a non-* matcher than also matches $b if ($rule[$part] == '*') { if (isset($a[$opposite])) foreach($a[$opposite] as $oppositeRule) { if ($oppositeRule[$part] == $b[$part]) { $partMatches = false; break; } } } else { $partMatches = ($rule[$part] == $b[$part]); } $matchesRule = $matchesRule && $partMatches; if (!$matchesRule) break; } $matchesSomeRule[$rulename] = $matchesSomeRule[$rulename] || $matchesRule; } } } // Check if it matches both rules - problem if so if ($matchesSomeRule['before'] && $matchesSomeRule['after']) { user_error('Config fragment requires itself to be both before _and_ after another fragment', E_USER_ERROR); } return $matchesSomeRule['before'] ? 'before' : ($matchesSomeRule['after'] ? 'after' : 'undefined'); } /** * This function filters the loaded yaml fragments, removing any that can't ever have their "only" and "except" rules * match * * Some tests in "only" and "except" rules need to be checked per request, but some are manifest based - * these are invariant over requests and only need checking on manifest rebuild. So we can prefilter these before * saving yamlConfigFragments to speed up the process of checking the per-request variant/ */ function prefilterYamlFragments() { $matchingFragments = array(); foreach ($this->yamlConfigFragments as $i => $fragment) { $failsonly = isset($fragment['only']) && !$this->matchesPrefilterVariantRules($fragment['only']); $matchesexcept = isset($fragment['except']) && $this->matchesPrefilterVariantRules($fragment['except']); if (!$failsonly && !$matchesexcept) $matchingFragments[] = $fragment; } $this->yamlConfigFragments = $matchingFragments; } /** * Returns false if the prefilterable parts of the rule aren't met, and true if they are * * @param $rules array - A hash of rules as allowed in the only or except portion of a config fragment header * @return bool - True if the rules are met, false if not. (Note that depending on whether we were passed an only or an except rule, * which values means accept or reject a fragment */ function matchesPrefilterVariantRules($rules) { foreach ($rules as $k => $v) { switch (strtolower($k)) { case 'classexists': if (!ClassInfo::exists($v)) return false; break; case 'moduleexists': if (!$this->moduleExists($v)) return false; break; default: // NOP } } return true; } /** * Builds the variant key spec - the list of values that need to be build to give a key that uniquely identifies this variant. */ function buildVariantKeySpec() { $this->variantKeySpec = array(); foreach ($this->yamlConfigFragments as $fragment) { if (isset($fragment['only'])) $this->addVariantKeySpecRules($fragment['only']); if (isset($fragment['except'])) $this->addVariantKeySpecRules($fragment['except']); } } /** * Adds any variables referenced in the passed rules to the $this->variantKeySpec array */ function addVariantKeySpecRules($rules) { foreach ($rules as $k => $v) { switch (strtolower($k)) { case 'classexists': case 'moduleexists': // Classes and modules are a special case - we can pre-filter on config regenerate because we already know // if the class or module exists break; case 'environment': $this->variantKeySpec['environment'] = true; break; case 'envvarset': if (!isset($this->variantKeySpec['envvars'])) $this->variantKeySpec['envvars'] = array(); $this->variantKeySpec['envvars'][$k] = $k; break; case 'constantdefined': if (!isset($this->variantKeySpec['constants'])) $this->variantKeySpec['constants'] = array(); $this->variantKeySpec['constants'][$k] = $k; break; default: if (!isset($this->variantKeySpec['envvars'])) $this->variantKeySpec['envvars'] = array(); if (!isset($this->variantKeySpec['constants'])) $this->variantKeySpec['constants'] = array(); $this->variantKeySpec['envvars'][$k] = $this->variantKeySpec['constants'][$k] = $k; } } } /** * Calculates which yaml config fragments are applicable in this variant, and merge those all together into * the $this->yamlConfig propperty */ function buildYamlConfigVariant($cache = true) { $this->yamlConfig = array(); foreach ($this->yamlConfigFragments as $i => $fragment) { $failsonly = isset($fragment['only']) && !$this->matchesVariantRules($fragment['only']); $matchesexcept = isset($fragment['except']) && $this->matchesVariantRules($fragment['except']); if (!$failsonly && !$matchesexcept) $this->mergeInYamlFragment($this->yamlConfig, $fragment['fragment']); } if ($cache) { $this->cache->save($this->yamlConfig, 'yaml_config_'.$this->variantKey()); } } /** * Returns false if the non-prefilterable parts of the rule aren't met, and true if they are */ function matchesVariantRules($rules) { foreach ($rules as $k => $v) { switch (strtolower($k)) { case 'classexists': case 'moduleexists': break; case 'environment': switch (strtolower($v)) { case 'live': if (!Director::isLive()) return false; break; case 'test': if (!Director::isTest()) return false; break; case 'dev': if (!Director::isDev()) return false; break; default: user_error('Unknown environment '.$v.' in config fragment', E_USER_ERROR); } break; case 'envvarset': if (isset($_ENV[$k])) break; return false; case 'constantdefined': if (defined($k)) break; return false; default: if (isset($_ENV[$k]) && $_ENV[$k] == $v) break; if (defined($k) && constant($k) == $v) break; return false; } } return true; } /** * Recursively merge a yaml fragment's configuration array into the primary merged configuration array. * @param $into * @param $fragment * @return void */ function mergeInYamlFragment(&$into, $fragment) { foreach ($fragment as $k => $v) { if (is_array($v) || is_object($v)) { if (isset($into[$k])) { $sub = $into[$k]; $this->mergeInYamlFragment($sub, $v); $into[$k] = $sub; } else $into[$k] = $v; } else if (is_numeric($k)) $into[] = $v; else $into[$k] = $v; } } }