--- title: DataObject inheritance summary: Learn how inheritance is handled in DataObject types --- # Working with DataObjects [CHILDREN asList] [alert] You are viewing docs for a pre-release version of silverstripe/graphql (4.x). Help us improve it by joining #graphql on the [Community Slack](https://www.silverstripe.org/blog/community-slack-channel/), and report any issues at [github.com/silverstripe/silverstripe-graphql](https://github.com/silverstripe/silverstripe-graphql). Docs for the current stable version (3.x) can be found [here](https://github.com/silverstripe/silverstripe-graphql/tree/3) [/alert] ## DataObject inheritance The inheritance pattern used in the ORM is a tricky thing to navigate in a GraphQL API, mostly owing to the fact that there is no concept of inheritance in GraphQL types. The main tools we have at our disposal are [interfaces](https://graphql.org/learn/schema/#interfaces) and [unions](https://graphql.org/learn/schema/#union-types) to deal with this type of architecture, and we leverage both of them when working with dataobjects. ### Key concept: Querying types that have descendants When you query a type that has descendant classes, you are by definition getting a polymorphic return. There is no guarantee that each result will be of one specific type. Take this example: ```graphql query { readPages { nodes { title content } } } ``` This is fine when the two fields are common to across the entire inheritance chain, but what happens when we need the `date` field on `BlogPage`? ```graphql query { readPages { nodes { title content date # fails! } } } ``` To solve this problem, the graphql module will automatically change these types of queries to return interfaces. ```graphql query { readPages { nodes { # <--- [PageInterface] title content } } } ``` But what about when we want more than `title` and `content`? In some cases, we'll want fields that are specific to `BlogPage`. When accessing fields for a specific implementation, we need to use an [inline fragment](https://graphql.org/learn/queries/#inline-fragments) to select them. ```graphql query { readPages { nodes { title # Common field content # Common field ... on HomePage { heroImage { url } } ... on BlogPage { date author { firstName } } } } } ``` So the fields that are common to every possible type in the result set can be directly selected (with no `...on` syntax), because they're part of the common interface. They're guaranteed to exist on every type. But for fields that only appear on some types, we need to be explicit. But let's take this a step further. What if there's another class in between? Imagine this ancestry: ``` Page -> EventPage -> ConferencePage -> WebinarPage ``` We can use the intermediary interface `EventPageInterface` to consolidate fields that are unique to `ConferencePage` and `WebinarPage`. ```graphql query { readPages { nodes { title # Common to all types content # Common to all types ... on EventPageInterface { # Common fields for WebinarPage, ConferencePage, EventPage numberOfTickets featuredSpeaker { firstName email } } ... on WebinarPage { zoomLink } ... on ConferencePage { venueSize } ... on BlogPage { date author { firstName } } } } } ``` You can think of interfaces in this context as abstractions of *parent classes*. [info] A good way to determine whether you need an inline fragment is to ask, "Can this field appear on any other types in the query?" If the answer is yes, you want to use an interface, which is usually the parent class with the "Interface" suffix. [/info] ### Inheritance: A deep dive There are several ways inheritance is handled at build time: * Implicit field / type exposure * Interface generation * Assignment of generated interfaces to types * Assignment of generated interfaces to queries We'll look at each of these in detail. #### Inherited fields / implicit exposures Here are the rules for how inheritance affects types and fields: * Exposing a type implicitly exposes all of its ancestors. * Ancestors receive any fields exposed by their descendants, if applicable. * Exposing a type applies all of its fields to descendants only if they are explicitly exposed also. All of this is serviced by: `SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema\DataObject\InheritanceBuilder` ##### Example: ```yaml BlogPage: fields: title: true content: true date: true GalleryPage: fields: images: true urlSegment: true ``` This results in these two types being exposed with the fields as shown, but also results in a `Page` type: ```graphql type Page { id: ID! # always exposed title: String content: String urlSegment: String } ``` #### Interface generation Any type that's part of an inheritance chain will generate interfaces. Each applicable ancestral interface is added to the type. Like the type inheritance pattern shown above, interfaces duplicate fields from their ancestors as well. Additionally, a **base interface** is provided for all types containing common fields across the entire DataObject schema. All of this is serviced by: `SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema\DataObject\InterfaceBuilder` ##### Example ``` Page -> BlogPage extends Page -> EventsPage extends Page -> ConferencePage extends EventsPage -> WebinarPage extends EventsPage ``` This will create the following interfaces: ```graphql interface PageInterface { title: String content: String } interface BlogPageInterface { id: ID! title: String content: String date: String } interface EventsPageInterface { id: ID! title: String content: String numberOfTickets: Int } interface ConferencePageInterface { id: ID! title: String content: String numberOfTickets: Int venueSize: Int venurAddress: String } interface WebinarPageInterface { id: ID! title: String content: String numberOfTickets: Int zoomLink: String } ``` #### Interface assignment to types The generated interfaces then get applied to the appropriate types, like so: ```graphql type Page implements PageInterface {} type BlogPage implements BlogPageInterface & PageInterface {} type EventsPage implements EventsPageInterface & PageInterface {} type ConferencePage implements ConferencePageInterface & EventsPageInterface & PageInterface {} type WebinarPage implements WebinarPageInterface & EventsPageInterface & PageInterface {} ``` Lastly, for good measure, we create a `DataObjectInterface` that applies to everything. ```graphql interface DataObjectInterface { id: ID! # Any other fields you've explicitly exposed in config.modelConfig.DataObject.base_fields } ``` ```graphql type Page implements PageInterface & DataObjectInterface {} ``` #### Interface assignment to queries Queries, both at the root, and nested as fields on types, will have their types updated if they refer to a type that has had any generated interfaces added to it. ```graphql type Query { readPages: [Page] } type BlogPage { download: File } ``` Becomes: ```graphql type Query { readPages: [PageInterface] } type BlogPage { download: FileInterface } ``` All of this is serviced by: `SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema\DataObject\InterfaceBuilder` #### Elemental Almost by definition, content blocks are always abstractions. You're never going to query for a `BaseElement` type specifically. You're always asking for an assortment of its descendants, which adds a lot of polymorphism to the query. ```graphql query { readElementalPages { nodes { elementalArea { elements { nodes { title id ... on ContentBlock { html } ... on CTABlock { link linkText } } } } } } } ``` ### Optional: Use unions instead of interfaces You can opt out of using interfaces as your return types for queries and instead use a union of all the concrete types. This comes at a cost of potentially breaking your API unexpectedly (described below), so it is not enabled by default. There is no substantive advantage to using unions over interfaces for your query return types. It would typically only be done for conceptual purposes. To use unions, turn on the `useUnionQueries` setting. ```yaml SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema\Schema: schemas: default: config: modelConfig: DataObject: plugins: inheritance: useUnionQueries: true ``` This means that models that have descendants will create unions that include themselves and all of their descendants. For queries that return those models, a union is put in its place. Serviced by: `SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema\DataObject\InheritanceUnionBuilder` ##### Example ``` type Page implements PageInterface {} type BlogPage implements BlogPageInterface & PageInterface {} type EventsPage implements EventsPageInterface & PageInterface {} type ConferencePage implements ConferencePageInterface & EventsPageInterface & PageInterface {} type WebinarPage implements WebinarPageInterface & EventsPageInterface & PageInterface {} ``` Creates the following unions: ``` union PageInheritanceUnion = Page | BlogPage | EventsPage | ConferencePage | WebinarPage union EventsPageInheritanceUnion = EventsPage | ConferencePage | WebinarPage ``` "Leaf" models like `BlogPage`, `ConferencePage`, and `WebinarPage` that have no exposed descendants will not create unions, as they are functionally useless. This means that queries for `readPages` and `readEventsPages` will now return unions. ```graphql query { readPages { nodes { ... on PageInterface { id # in theory, this common field could be done on DataObjectInterface, but that gets a bit verbose title content } ... on EventsPageInterface { numberOfTickets } ... on BlogPage { date } ... on WebinarPage { zoomLink } } } } ``` #### Lookout for the footgun! Because unions are force substituted for your queries when a model has exposed descendants, it is possible that adding a subclass to a model will break your queries without much warning to you. For instance: ```php class Product extends DataObject { private static $db = ['Price' => 'Int']; } ``` We might query this with: ```graphql query { readProducts { nodes { price } } } ``` But if we create a subclass for product and expose it to graphql: ```php class DigitalProduct extends Product { private static $db = ['DownloadURL' => 'Varchar']; } ``` Now our query breaks: ``` query { readProducts { nodes { price # Error: Field "price" not found on ProductInheritanceUnion } } } ``` We need to revise it: ``` query { readProducts { nodes { ... on ProductInterface { price } ... on DigitalProduct { downloadUrl } } } } ``` Had we used interfaces, this wouldn't have broken, because the `price` field would have been on `ProductInterface` and directly queryable (without the inline fragment). ### Further reading [CHILDREN]