describe 'Utility' describe 'fail()' it 'should fail the current spec' spec = mock_it(function() { fail('I failed!') }) spec.should.have_failure_message('I failed!') end end describe 'pass()' it 'should pass the current spec' pass('yay') pass('wahoo') end end describe 'stubbing' before_each Object.prototype.stubby = function() { return 'Not stubbed' } object = { toString : function() { return '' }} stub(object, 'stubby').and_return('Im stubbed') stub(object, 'toString').and_return('') end after_each delete Object.prototype.stubby end describe 'stub()' it 'should stub :)' object.stubby().should.eql 'Im stubbed' object.toString().should.eql '' end it 'should allow being called as a core prototype method' foo = { bar : function(){ return 'baz' }} foo.stub('bar').and_return('something else') 'something else' foo.destub() 'baz' end it 'should stub methods starting with an underscore' object._foo = function(){ return 'bar' } object.stub('_foo').and_return('something else') object._foo().should.eql 'something else' object.destub() object._foo().should.eql 'bar' end it 'should stub methods with whitespace' object['foo bar'] = function(){ return 'rawr' } object.stub('foo bar').and_return('baz') object['foo bar']().should.eql 'baz' object.destub() object['foo bar']().should.eql 'rawr' end it 'should stub with arbitrary method when no return value is set' object.stub(' super cool ') object[' super cool '].should.be_a Function destub(object) object[' super cool '].should.be_null end it 'should stub sub properties using the JSpec grammar' object = { foo : { bar : {}}}'kitten').and_return('meow') 'meow''kitten') end it 'should allow functions to be passed as a method' stub(object, 'post').and_return(function(url, callback){ if (url == '') callback('is awesome') })'', function(text){ text.should_eql 'is awesome' }) end end describe 'destub()' it 'should restore old methods' destub(object, 'toString') destub(object, 'stubby') object.toString().should.eql '' object.stubby().should.eql 'Not stubbed' end it 'should restore prototypal methods' Object.prototype.stubby = function() { return 'Oh no im new' } destub(object, 'stubby') object.stubby().should.eql 'Oh no im new' end it 'should destub all methods stubbed related to the object passed when no method is given' destub(object) object.toString().should.eql '' object.stubby().should.eql 'Not stubbed' end describe 'should restore after each spec' before a = { toString : function(){ return 'Wahoo' }} b = { toString : function(){ return 'Wahhhhhooo' }} end it 'should stub' stub(a, 'toString').and_return('Oh no') stub(b, 'toString').and_return('Oh noooo') a.toString().should.eql 'Oh no' b.toString().should.eql 'Oh noooo' end it 'should restore' a.toString().should.eql 'Wahoo' b.toString().should.eql 'Wahhhhhooo' end end end end describe 'query()' it 'should return a pairs value' query('suite', '?suite=Positive%20specs').should.equal 'Positive specs' end it 'should return null when key is not present' query('foo', '?suite=Positive%20specs').should.be_null end end describe 'strip()' it 'should strip whitespace by default' strip(" foo \n\n").should.equal 'foo' end it 'should strip the characters passed' strip('[foo]', '\\[\\]').should.equal 'foo' end end describe 'each()' it 'should iterate an array' result = [] each([1,2,3], function(value){ result.push(value) }) result.should.eql [1,2,3] end it 'should iterate words in a string' result = [] each('some foo bar', function(value){ result.push(value) }) result.should.eql ['some', 'foo', 'bar'] end end describe 'map()' it 'should return an array of mapped values' result = map([1,2,3], function(value){ return value * 2 }) result.should.eql [2,4,6] end it 'should inherit the ability to iterate words in a string' result = map('some foo bar', function(i, value){ return i + '-' + value }) result.should.eql ['0-some', '1-foo', '2-bar'] end end describe 'inject()' it 'should provide a memo object while iterating, not expecting returning of memo for composits' result = inject([1,2,3], [], function(memo, value){ memo.push(value) }) result.should.eql [1,2,3] end it 'should require returning of memo for scalar variables' result = inject([1,2,3], false, function(memo, value){ return memo ? memo : value == 2 }) result.should.be_true end end describe 'any()' it 'should return null when no matches are found' result = any('some foo bar', function(value){ return value.length > 5 }) result.should.be_null end it 'should return the value of the first matching expression' result = any('foo some bar', function(value){ return value.length > 3 }) result.should.eql 'some' end describe 'haveStopped' it 'should check if "stop" has been returned by a callback hook' any([true, 'stop'], haveStopped).should.eql 'stop' any([true, true], haveStopped).should.be_null any([true, null], haveStopped).should.be_null end end end describe 'select()' it 'should return an array of values when the callback evaluates to true' result = select('some foo bar baz stuff', function(value){ return value.length > 3 }) result.should.eql ['some', 'stuff'] end end describe 'last()' it 'should return the last element in an array' last(['foo', 'bar']).should.eql 'bar' end end describe 'argumentsToArray()' it 'should return an array of arguments' func = function(){ return argumentsToArray(arguments) } func('foo', 'bar').should.eql ['foo', 'bar'] end it 'should return the offset of an arguments array' func = function(){ return argumentsToArray(arguments, 2) } func('foo', 'bar', 'baz').should.eql ['baz'] end end describe 'does()' it 'should assert without reporting' does('foo', 'eql', 'foo') JSpec.currentSpec.assertions.should.have_length 0 end end describe 'contentsOf()' it 'should return a function body' JSpec.contentsOf(-{ return 'foo' }).should.include 'return', 'foo' end end end