describe 'jQuery' describe 'sandbox()' before dom = sandbox() end it 'should provide an empty DOM sandbox' dom.prepend('test') dom.should.have_text 'test' end end describe 'element() / elements()' it 'should alias jQuery' jQuery jQuery end end describe 'async' it 'should load mah cookies (textfile)' $.get('async', function(text){ text.should_eql 'cookies!' }) end it 'should load mah cookies twice (ensure multiple async requests work)' $.get('async', function(text){ text.should.eql 'cookies!' }) $.get('async', function(text){ text.should.not.eql 'rawr' }) end end describe 'matchers' before_each html = '

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' elem = $(html) end it 'should fail with pretty print of element' spec = mock_it(function() { elem.should.not.have_tag 'label' }) spec.should.have_failure_message(/