helpers do ## # Return dotted assertion graph for _assertions_. def assertion_graph_for assertions return if assertions.empty? do |assertion| assertion['passed'] ? green('.') : red('.') end.join end ## # Override Sinatra's #send_file to prevent caching. def send_file path, opts = {} stat = File.stat(path) response['Cache-Control'] = 'no-cache' content_type media_type(opts[:type]) || media_type(File.extname(path)) || response['Content-Type'] || 'application/octet-stream' response['Content-Length'] ||= (opts[:length] || stat.size).to_s if opts[:disposition] == 'attachment' || opts[:filename] attachment opts[:filename] || path elsif opts[:disposition] == 'inline' response['Content-Disposition'] = 'inline' end halt, 'rb') rescue Errno::ENOENT not_found end ## # Find the browser name for the current user agent. def browser_name Browser.subclasses.find do |browser| browser.matches_agent? env['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] rescue 'Unknown' end ## # Wrap _string_ with ansi escape sequence using _code_. def color string, code "\e[#{code}m#{string}\e[0m" end ## # Bold _string_. def bold string color string, 1 end ## # Color _string_ red. def red string color string, 31 end ## # Color _string_ green. def green string color string, 32 end ## # Color _string_ blue. def blue string color string, 34 end end