'browse', '$Class' => 'viewClass' ); static $allowed_actions = array( 'index', 'browse', 'viewClass' ); /** * Define a simple finite state machine. * Top keys are the state names. 'start' is the first state, and 'die' is the error state. * Inner keys are token names/codes. The values are either a string, new state, or an array(new state, handler method). * The handler method will be passed the PHP token as an argument, and is expected to populate a property of the object. */ static $fsm = array( 'start' => array( T_CLASS => array('className','createClass'), T_DOC_COMMENT => array('', 'saveClassComment'), ), 'className' => array( T_STRING => array('classSpec', 'setClassName'), ), 'classSpec' => array( '{' => 'classBody', ), 'classBody' => array( T_FUNCTION => array('methodName','createMethod'), '}' => array('start', 'completeClass'), T_DOC_COMMENT => array('', 'saveMethodComment'), ), 'methodName' => array( T_STRING => array('methodSpec', 'setMethodName'), ), 'methodSpec' => array( '{' => 'methodBody', ), 'methodBody' => array( '{' => array('!push','appendMethodContent'), '}' => array( 'hasstack' => array('!pop', 'appendMethodContent'), 'nostack' => array('classBody', 'completeMethod'), ), T_VARIABLE => array('variable', 'potentialMethodCall'), T_COMMENT => array('', 'appendMethodComment'), T_DOC_COMMENT => array('', 'appendMethodComment'), '*' => array('', 'appendMethodContent'), ), 'variable' => array( T_OBJECT_OPERATOR => array('variableArrow', 'potentialMethodCall'), '*' => array('methodBody', 'appendMethodContent'), ), 'variableArrow' => array( T_STRING => array('methodOrProperty', 'potentialMethodCall'), T_WHITESPACE => array('', 'potentialMethodCall'), '*' => array('methodBody', 'appendMethodContent'), ), 'methodOrProperty' => array( '(' => array('methodCall', 'potentialMethodCall'), T_WHITESPACE => array('', 'potentialMethodCall'), '*' => array('methodBody', 'appendMethodContent'), ), 'methodCall' => array( '(' => array('!push/nestedInMethodCall', 'potentialMethodCall'), ')' => array('methodBody', 'completeMethodCall'), '*' => array('', 'potentialMethodCall'), ), 'nestedInMethodCall' => array( '(' => array('!push', 'potentialMethodCall'), ')' => array('!pop', 'potentialMethodCall'), '*' => array('', 'potentialMethodCall'), ), ); function init() { parent::init(); if(!Permission::check('ADMIN')) return Security::permissionFailure(); ManifestBuilder::load_test_manifest(); } public function browse() { $classes = ClassInfo::subclassesFor('SapphireTest'); array_shift($classes); ksort($classes); $result ='

View any of the following test classes

'; $result .=''; $result .='

View any of the following other classes

'; $classes = array_keys(ClassInfo::allClasses()); sort($classes); $result .=''; return $this->customise(array ( 'Content' => $result ))->renderWith('CodeViewer'); } public function viewClass(SS_HTTPRequest $request) { $class = $request->param('Class'); if(!class_exists($class)) { throw new Exception('CodeViewer->viewClass(): not passed a valid class to view (does the class exist?)'); } return $this->customise(array ( 'Content' => $this->testAnalysis(getClassFile($class)) ))->renderWith('CodeViewer'); } public function Link($action = null) { return Controller::join_links(Director::absoluteBaseURL(), 'dev/viewcode/', $action); } protected $classComment, $methodComment; function saveClassComment($token) { $this->classComment = $this->parseComment($token); } function saveMethodComment($token) { $this->methodComment = $this->parseComment($token); } function createClass($token) { $this->currentClass = array( "description" => $this->classComment['pretty'], "heading" => isset($this->classComment['heading']) ? $this->classComment['heading'] : null, ); $ths->classComment = null; } function setClassName($token) { $this->currentClass['name'] = $token[1]; if(!$this->currentClass['heading']) $this->currentClass['heading'] = $token[1]; } function completeClass($token) { $this->classes[] = $this->currentClass; } function createMethod($token) { $this->currentMethod = array(); $this->currentMethod['content'] = "
		$this->currentMethod['description'] = $this->methodComment['pretty'];
		$this->currentMethod['heading'] = isset($this->methodComment['heading']) ? $this->methodComment['heading'] : null;
		$this->methodComment = null;

	function setMethodName($token) {
		$this->currentMethod['name'] = $token[1];
		if(!$this->currentMethod['heading']) $this->currentMethod['heading'] = $token[1];
	function appendMethodComment($token) {
		if(substr($token[1],0,2) == '/*') {
			$this->currentMethod['content'] .= $this->prettyComment($token) . "
		} else {
			$this->currentMethod['content'] .= $this->renderToken($token);

	function prettyComment($token) {
		$comment = preg_replace('/^\/\*/','',$token[1]);
		$comment = preg_replace('/\*\/$/','',$comment);
		$comment = preg_replace('/(^|\n)[\t ]*\* */m',"\n",$comment);
		$comment = htmlentities($comment);
		$comment = str_replace("\n\n", "

", $comment); return "


"; } function parseComment($token) { $parsed = array(); $comment = preg_replace('/^\/\*/','',$token[1]); $comment = preg_replace('/\*\/$/','',$comment); $comment = preg_replace('/(^|\n)[\t ]*\* */m',"\n",$comment); foreach(array('heading','nav') as $var) { if(preg_match('/@' . $var . '\s+([^\n]+)\n/', $comment, $matches)) { $parsed[$var] = $matches[1]; $comment = preg_replace('/@' . $var . '\s+([^\n]+)\n/','', $comment); } } $parsed['pretty'] = "

" . str_replace("\n\n", "

", htmlentities($comment)). "

"; return $parsed; } protected $isNewLine = true; function appendMethodContent($token) { if($this->potentialMethodCall) { $this->currentMethod['content'] .= $this->potentialMethodCall; $this->potentialMethodCall = ""; } //if($this->isNewLine && isset($token[2])) $this->currentMethod['content'] .= $token[2] . ": "; $this->isNewLine = false; $this->currentMethod['content'] .= $this->renderToken($token); } function completeMethod($token) { $this->closeOffMethodContentPre(); $this->currentMethod['content'] = str_replace("\n\t\t","\n",$this->currentMethod['content']); $this->currentClass['methods'][] = $this->currentMethod; } protected $potentialMethodCall = ""; function potentialMethodCall($token) { $this->potentialMethodCall .= $this->renderToken($token); } function completeMethodCall($token) { $this->potentialMethodCall .= $this->renderToken($token); if(strpos($this->potentialMethodCall, '->assert') !== false) { $this->currentMethod['content'] .= "" . $this->potentialMethodCall . ""; } else { $this->currentMethod['content'] .= $this->potentialMethodCall; } $this->potentialMethodCall = ""; } /** * Finish the "pre" block in method content. * Will remove whitespace and empty "pre" blocks */ function closeOffMethodContentPre() { $this->currentMethod['content'] = trim($this->currentMethod['content']); if(substr($this->currentMethod['content'],-5) == '
') $this->currentMethod['content'] = substr($this->currentMethod['content'], 0,-5);
		else $this->currentMethod['content'] .= '
'; } /** * Render the given token as HTML */ function renderToken($token) { $tokenContent = htmlentities(is_array($token) ? $token[1] : $token); $tokenName = is_array($token) ? token_name($token[0]) : 'T_PUNCTUATION'; switch($tokenName) { case "T_WHITESPACE": if(strpos($tokenContent, "\n") !== false) $this->isNewLine = true; return $tokenContent; default: return "$tokenContent"; } } protected $classes = array(); protected $currentMethod, $currentClass; function testAnalysis($file) { $content = file_get_contents($file); $tokens = token_get_all($content); // Execute a finite-state-machine with a built-in state stack // This FSM+stack gives us enough expressive power for simple PHP parsing $state = "start"; $stateStack = array(); //echo "
  • state $state"; foreach($tokens as $token) { // Get token name - some tokens are arrays, some arent' if(is_array($token)) $tokenName = $token[0]; else $tokenName = $token; //echo "
  • token '$tokenName'"; // Find the rule for that token in the current state if(isset(self::$fsm[$state][$tokenName])) $rule = self::$fsm[$state][$tokenName]; else if(isset(self::$fsm[$state]['*'])) $rule = self::$fsm[$state]['*']; else $rule = null; // Check to see if we have specified multiple rules depending on whether the stack is populated if(is_array($rule) && array_keys($rule) == array('hasstack', 'nostack')) { if($stateStack) $rule = $rule['hasstack']; else $rule = $rule = $rule['nostack']; } if(is_array($rule)) { list($destState, $methodName) = $rule; $this->$methodName($token); } else if($rule) { $destState = $rule; } else { $destState = null; } //echo "
  • ->state $destState"; if(preg_match('/!(push|pop)(\/[a-zA-Z0-9]+)?/', $destState, $parts)) { $action = $parts[1]; $argument = isset($parts[2]) ? substr($parts[2],1) : null; $destState = null; switch($action) { case "push": $stateStack[] = $state; if($argument) $destState = $argument; break; case "pop": if($stateStack) $destState = array_pop($stateStack); else if($argument) $destState = $argument; else user_error("State transition '!pop' was attempted with an empty state-stack and no default option specified.", E_USER_ERROR); } } if($destState) $state = $destState; if(!isset(self::$fsm[$state])) user_error("Transition to unrecognised state '$state'", E_USER_ERROR); } $subclasses = ClassInfo::subclassesFor('SapphireTest'); foreach($this->classes as $classDef) { if(true ||in_array($classDef['name'], $subclasses)) { echo "


    "; echo "
    "; if(isset($classDef['methods'])) foreach($classDef['methods'] as $method) { if(true || substr($method['name'],0,4) == 'test') { //$title = ucfirst(strtolower(preg_replace('/([a-z])([A-Z])/', '$1 $2', substr($method['name'], 4)))); $title = $method['heading']; echo "


    "; echo "
    "; echo $method['content']; } } } } } }