* array("jpg","GIF") * */ public $allowedExtensions = array(); /** * Return all errors that occurred while validating * the temporary file. * * @return array */ public function getErrors() { return $this->errors; } /** * Clear out all errors */ public function clearErrors() { $this->errors = array(); } /** * Set information about temporary file produced by PHP. * @param array $tmpFile */ public function setTmpFile($tmpFile) { $this->tmpFile = $tmpFile; } /** * Get maximum file size for all or specified file extension. * * @param string $ext * @return int Filesize in bytes */ public function getAllowedMaxFileSize($ext = null) { // Check if there is any defined instance max file sizes if (empty($this->allowedMaxFileSize)) { // Set default max file sizes if there isn't $fileSize = Config::inst()->get('SilverStripe\\Assets\\Upload_Validator', 'default_max_file_size'); if ($fileSize) { $this->setAllowedMaxFileSize($fileSize); } else { // When no default is present, use maximum set by PHP $maxUpload = File::ini2bytes(ini_get('upload_max_filesize')); $maxPost = File::ini2bytes(ini_get('post_max_size')); $this->setAllowedMaxFileSize(min($maxUpload, $maxPost)); } } $ext = strtolower($ext); if ($ext) { if (isset($this->allowedMaxFileSize[$ext])) { return $this->allowedMaxFileSize[$ext]; } $category = File::get_app_category($ext); if ($category && isset($this->allowedMaxFileSize['[' . $category . ']'])) { return $this->allowedMaxFileSize['[' . $category . ']']; } } return (isset($this->allowedMaxFileSize['*'])) ? $this->allowedMaxFileSize['*'] : false; } /** * Set filesize maximums (in bytes or INI format). * Automatically converts extensions to lowercase * for easier matching. * * Example: * * array('*' => 200, 'jpg' => 1000, '[doc]' => '5m') * * * @param array|int $rules */ public function setAllowedMaxFileSize($rules) { if (is_array($rules) && count($rules)) { // make sure all extensions are lowercase $rules = array_change_key_case($rules, CASE_LOWER); $finalRules = array(); foreach ($rules as $rule => $value) { if (is_numeric($value)) { $tmpSize = $value; } else { $tmpSize = File::ini2bytes($value); } $finalRules[$rule] = (int)$tmpSize; } $this->allowedMaxFileSize = $finalRules; } elseif (is_string($rules)) { $this->allowedMaxFileSize['*'] = File::ini2bytes($rules); } elseif ((int)$rules > 0) { $this->allowedMaxFileSize['*'] = (int)$rules; } } /** * @return array */ public function getAllowedExtensions() { return $this->allowedExtensions; } /** * Limit allowed file extensions. Empty by default, allowing all extensions. * To allow files without an extension, use an empty string. * See {@link File::$allowed_extensions} to get a good standard set of * extensions that are typically not harmful in a webserver context. * See {@link setAllowedMaxFileSize()} to limit file size by extension. * * @param array $rules List of extensions */ public function setAllowedExtensions($rules) { if (!is_array($rules)) { return; } // make sure all rules are lowercase foreach ($rules as &$rule) { $rule = strtolower($rule); } $this->allowedExtensions = $rules; } /** * Determines if the bytesize of an uploaded * file is valid - can be defined on an * extension-by-extension basis in {@link $allowedMaxFileSize} * * @return boolean */ public function isValidSize() { // If file was blocked via PHP for being excessive size, shortcut here switch ($this->tmpFile['error']) { case UPLOAD_ERR_INI_SIZE: case UPLOAD_ERR_FORM_SIZE: return false; } $pathInfo = pathinfo($this->tmpFile['name']); $extension = isset($pathInfo['extension']) ? strtolower($pathInfo['extension']) : null; $maxSize = $this->getAllowedMaxFileSize($extension); return (!$this->tmpFile['size'] || !$maxSize || (int)$this->tmpFile['size'] < $maxSize); } /** * Determine if this file is valid but empty * * @return bool */ public function isFileEmpty() { // Don't check file size for errors if ($this->tmpFile['error'] !== UPLOAD_ERR_OK) { return false; } return empty($this->tmpFile['size']); } /** * Determines if the temporary file has a valid extension * An empty string in the validation map indicates files without an extension. * @return boolean */ public function isValidExtension() { $pathInfo = pathinfo($this->tmpFile['name']); // Special case for filenames without an extension if (!isset($pathInfo['extension'])) { return in_array('', $this->allowedExtensions, true); } else { return (!count($this->allowedExtensions) || in_array(strtolower($pathInfo['extension']), $this->allowedExtensions)); } } /** * Run through the rules for this validator checking against * the temporary file set by {@link setTmpFile()} to see if * the file is deemed valid or not. * * @return boolean */ public function validate() { // we don't validate for empty upload fields yet if (empty($this->tmpFile['name'])) { return true; } // Check file upload if (!$this->isValidUpload()) { $this->errors[] = _t('File.NOVALIDUPLOAD', 'File is not a valid upload'); return false; } // Check file isn't empty if ($this->isFileEmpty()) { $this->errors[] = _t('File.NOFILESIZE', 'Filesize is zero bytes.'); return false; } // filesize validation if (!$this->isValidSize()) { $pathInfo = pathinfo($this->tmpFile['name']); $ext = (isset($pathInfo['extension'])) ? $pathInfo['extension'] : ''; $arg = File::format_size($this->getAllowedMaxFileSize($ext)); $this->errors[] = _t( 'File.TOOLARGE', 'Filesize is too large, maximum {size} allowed', 'Argument 1: Filesize (e.g. 1MB)', array('size' => $arg) ); return false; } // extension validation if (!$this->isValidExtension()) { $this->errors[] = _t( 'File.INVALIDEXTENSION_SHORT', 'Extension is not allowed' ); return false; } return true; } /** * Check that a valid file was given for upload (ignores file size) * * @return bool */ public function isValidUpload() { // Check file upload if ($this->tmpFile['error'] === UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE) { return false; } // Check if file is valid uploaded (with exception for unit testing) // Note that some "max file size" errors leave "temp_name" empty, so don't fail on this. $isRunningTests = (class_exists('SilverStripe\\Dev\\SapphireTest', false) && SapphireTest::is_running_test()); if (!empty($this->tmpFile['tmp_name']) && !is_uploaded_file($this->tmpFile['tmp_name']) && !$isRunningTests) { return false; } return true; } }