'one')), $two = new DataObject(array('Title' => 'two')), $three = new DataObject(array('Title' => 'three')) )); $this->assertEquals(count($set), 3); $this->assertTrue(isset($set[0]), 'First item in the set is set'); $this->assertEquals($one, $set[0], 'First item in the set is accessible by array notation'); } function testArrayAccessUnset() { $set = new DataObjectSet(array( $one = new DataObject(array('Title' => 'one')), $two = new DataObject(array('Title' => 'two')), $three = new DataObject(array('Title' => 'three')) )); unset($set[0]); $this->assertEquals(count($set), 2); } function testArrayAccessSet() { $set = new DataObjectSet(); $this->assertEquals(0, count($set)); $set['testing!'] = $test = new DataObject(array('Title' => 'I\'m testing!')); $this->assertEquals($test, $set['testing!'], 'Set item is accessible by the key we set it as'); } function testIterator() { $set = new DataObjectSet(array( $one = new DataObject(array('Title'=>'one')), $two = new DataObject(array('Title'=>'two')), $three = new DataObject(array('Title'=>'three')), $four = new DataObject(array('Title'=>'four')) )); // test Pos() with foreach() $i = 0; foreach($set as $item) { $i++; $this->assertEquals($i, $item->Pos(), "Iterator position is set correctly on ViewableData when iterated with foreach()"); } // test Pos() manually $this->assertEquals(1, $one->Pos()); $this->assertEquals(2, $two->Pos()); $this->assertEquals(3, $three->Pos()); $this->assertEquals(4, $four->Pos()); // test DataObjectSet->Count() $this->assertEquals(4, $set->Count()); // test DataObjectSet->First() $this->assertSame($one, $set->First()); // test DataObjectSet->Last() $this->assertSame($four, $set->Last()); // test ViewableData->First() $this->assertTrue($one->First()); $this->assertFalse($two->First()); $this->assertFalse($three->First()); $this->assertFalse($four->First()); // test ViewableData->Last() $this->assertFalse($one->Last()); $this->assertFalse($two->Last()); $this->assertFalse($three->Last()); $this->assertTrue($four->Last()); // test ViewableData->Middle() $this->assertFalse($one->Middle()); $this->assertTrue($two->Middle()); $this->assertTrue($three->Middle()); $this->assertFalse($four->Middle()); // test ViewableData->Even() $this->assertFalse($one->Even()); $this->assertTrue($two->Even()); $this->assertFalse($three->Even()); $this->assertTrue($four->Even()); // test ViewableData->Odd() $this->assertTrue($one->Odd()); $this->assertFalse($two->Odd()); $this->assertTrue($three->Odd()); $this->assertFalse($four->Odd()); } public function testMultipleOf() { $comments = DataObject::get('PageComment', '', "\"ID\" ASC"); $commArr = $comments->toArray(); $multiplesOf3 = 0; foreach($comments as $comment) { if($comment->MultipleOf(3)) { $comment->IsMultipleOf3 = true; $multiplesOf3++; } else { $comment->IsMultipleOf3 = false; } } $this->assertEquals(3, $multiplesOf3); $this->assertTrue($commArr[0]->IsMultipleOf3); $this->assertFalse($commArr[1]->IsMultipleOf3); $this->assertFalse($commArr[2]->IsMultipleOf3); $this->assertTrue($commArr[3]->IsMultipleOf3); $this->assertFalse($commArr[4]->IsMultipleOf3); $this->assertFalse($commArr[5]->IsMultipleOf3); $this->assertTrue($commArr[6]->IsMultipleOf3); } /** * Test {@link DataObjectSet->Count()} */ function testCount() { $comments = DataObject::get('PageComment', '', "\"ID\" ASC"); /* There are a total of 8 items in the set */ $this->assertEquals($comments->Count(), 8, 'There are a total of 8 items in the set'); } /** * Test {@link DataObjectSet->First()} */ function testFirst() { $comments = DataObject::get('PageComment', '', "\"ID\" ASC"); /* The first object is Joe's comment */ $this->assertEquals($comments->First()->Name, 'Joe', 'The first object has a Name field value of "Joe"'); } /** * Test {@link DataObjectSet->Last()} */ function testLast() { $comments = DataObject::get('PageComment', '', "\"ID\" ASC"); /* The last object is Dean's comment */ $this->assertEquals($comments->Last()->Name, 'Dean', 'The last object has a Name field value of "Dean"'); } /** * Test {@link DataObjectSet->map()} */ function testMap() { $comments = DataObject::get('PageComment', '', "\"ID\" ASC"); /* Now we get a map of all the PageComment records */ $map = $comments->map('ID', 'Title', '(Select one)'); $expectedMap = array( '' => '(Select one)', 1 => 'Joe', 2 => 'Jane', 3 => 'Bob', 4 => 'Bob', 5 => 'Ernie', 6 => 'Jimmy', 7 => 'Dean', 8 => 'Dean' ); /* There are 9 items in the map. 8 are records. 1 is the empty value */ $this->assertEquals(count($map), 9, 'There are 9 items in the map. 8 are records. 1 is the empty value'); /* We have the same map as our expected map, asserted above */ /* toDropDownMap() is an alias of map() - let's make a map from that */ $map2 = $comments->toDropDownMap('ID', 'Title', '(Select one)'); /* There are 9 items in the map. 8 are records. 1 is the empty value */ $this->assertEquals(count($map), 9, 'There are 9 items in the map. 8 are records. 1 is the empty value.'); } function testRemoveDuplicates() { $pageComments = DataObject::get('PageComment'); $teamComments = DataObject::get('DataObjectSetTest_TeamComment'); /* Test default functionality (remove by ID). We'd expect to loose all our * team comments as they have the same IDs as the first three page comments */ $allComments = new DataObjectSet(); $allComments->merge($pageComments); $allComments->merge($teamComments); $allComments->removeDuplicates(); $this->assertEquals($allComments->Count(), 8, 'Standard functionality is to remove duplicate IDs'); /* Now test removing duplicates based on a common field. In this case we shall * use 'Name', so we can get all the unique commentators */ $allComments = new DataObjectSet(); $allComments->merge($pageComments); $allComments->merge($teamComments); $allComments->removeDuplicates('Name'); $this->assertEquals($allComments->Count(), 7, 'There are 7 uniquely named commentators'); } } /** * @package sapphire * @subpackage tests */ class DataObjectSetTest_TeamComment extends DataObject implements TestOnly { static $db = array( 'Name' => 'Varchar', 'Comment' => 'Text', ); static $has_one = array( 'Team' => 'DataObjectTest_Team', ); } ?>