" notation * between the fixtures, they act independent of each other. * * @var string|array */ static $fixture_file = null; /** * @var Boolean If set to TRUE, this will force a test database to be generated * in {@link setUp()}. Note that this flag is overruled by the presence of a * {@link $fixture_file}, which always forces a database build. */ protected $usesDatabase = null; protected $originalMailer; protected $originalMemberPasswordValidator; protected $originalRequirements; protected $originalIsRunningTest; protected $mailer; protected static $is_running_test = false; /** * A list of extensions that can't be applied during the execution of this run. If they are * applied, they will be temporarily removed and a database migration called. * * The keys of the are the classes that the extensions can't be applied the extensions to, and * the values are an array of illegal extensions on that class. */ protected $illegalExtensions = array( ); /** * A list of extensions that must be applied during the execution of this run. If they are * not applied, they will be temporarily added and a database migration called. * * The keys of the are the classes to apply the extensions to, and the values are an array * of illegal required extensions on that class. */ protected $requiredExtensions = array( ); /** * By default, the test database won't contain any DataObjects that have the interface TestOnly. * This variable lets you define additional TestOnly DataObjects to set up for this test. * Set it to an array of DataObject subclass names. */ protected $extraDataObjects = array(); /** * We need to disabling backing up of globals to avoid overriding * the few globals SilverStripe relies on, like $lang for the i18n subsystem. * * @see http://sebastian-bergmann.de/archives/797-Global-Variables-and-PHPUnit.html */ protected $backupGlobals = FALSE; /** * Helper arrays for illegalExtensions/requiredExtensions code */ private $extensionsToReapply = array(), $extensionsToRemove = array(); public static function is_running_test() { return self::$is_running_test; } /** * @var array $fixtures Array of {@link YamlFixture} instances */ protected $fixtures; function setUp() { // Mark test as being run $this->originalIsRunningTest = self::$is_running_test; self::$is_running_test = true; // Remove password validation $this->originalMemberPasswordValidator = Member::password_validator(); $this->originalRequirements = Requirements::backend(); Member::set_password_validator(null); Cookie::set_report_errors(false); RootURLController::reset(); Translatable::reset(); Versioned::reset(); DataObject::reset(); SiteTree::reset(); Hierarchy::reset(); Controller::curr()->setSession(new Session(array())); $className = get_class($this); $fixtureFile = eval("return {$className}::\$fixture_file;"); // Set up fixture if($fixtureFile || $this->usesDatabase) { if(substr(DB::getConn()->currentDatabase(),0,5) != 'tmpdb') { //echo "Re-creating temp database... "; self::create_temp_db(); //echo "done.\n"; } singleton('DataObject')->flushCache(); self::empty_temp_db(); $fixtureFiles = (is_array($fixtureFile)) ? $fixtureFile : array($fixtureFile); $i = 0; foreach($fixtureFiles as $fixtureFilePath) { $fixture = new YamlFixture($fixtureFilePath); $fixture->saveIntoDatabase(); $this->fixtures[] = $fixture; // backwards compatibility: Load first fixture into $this->fixture if($i == 0) $this->fixture = $fixture; $i++; } $this->logInWithPermssion("ADMIN"); } // Set up email $this->originalMailer = Email::mailer(); $this->mailer = new TestMailer(); Email::set_mailer($this->mailer); Email::send_all_emails_to(null); } /** * Called once per test case ({@link SapphireTest} subclass). * This is different to {@link setUp()}, which gets called once * per method. Useful to initialize expensive operations which * don't change state for any called method inside the test, * e.g. dynamically adding an extension. See {@link tearDownOnce()} * for tearing down the state again. */ function setUpOnce() { // Remove any illegal extensions that are present foreach($this->illegalExtensions as $class => $extensions) { foreach($extensions as $extension) { if (Object::has_extension($class, $extension)) { if(!isset($this->extensionsToReapply[$class])) $this->extensionsToReapply[$class] = array(); $this->extensionsToReapply[$class][] = $extension; Object::remove_extension($class, $extension); $isAltered = true; } } } // Add any required extensions that aren't present foreach($this->requiredExtensions as $class => $extensions) { $this->extensionsToRemove[$class] = array(); foreach($extensions as $extension) { if(!Object::has_extension($class, $extension)) { if(!isset($this->extensionsToRemove[$class])) $this->extensionsToReapply[$class] = array(); $this->extensionsToRemove[$class][] = $extension; Object::add_extension($class, $extension); $isAltered = true; } } } // If we have made changes to the extensions present, then migrate the database schema. if($this->extensionsToReapply || $this->extensionsToRemove || $this->extraDataObjects) { if(!self::using_temp_db()) self::create_temp_db(); $this->resetDBSchema(true); } // clear singletons, they're caching old extension info // which is used in DatabaseAdmin->doBuild() global $_SINGLETONS; $_SINGLETONS = array(); } /** * tearDown method that's called once per test class rather once per test method. */ function tearDownOnce() { // If we have made changes to the extensions present, then migrate the database schema. if($this->extensionsToReapply || $this->extensionsToRemove) { // Remove extensions added for testing foreach($this->extensionsToRemove as $class => $extensions) { foreach($extensions as $extension) { Object::remove_extension($class, $extension); } } // Reapply ones removed foreach($this->extensionsToReapply as $class => $extensions) { foreach($extensions as $extension) { Object::add_extension($class, $extension); } } } if($this->extensionsToReapply || $this->extensionsToRemove || $this->extraDataObjects) { $this->resetDBSchema(); } } /** * Array */ protected $fixtureDictionary; /** * Get the ID of an object from the fixture. * @param $className The data class, as specified in your fixture file. Parent classes won't work * @param $identifier The identifier string, as provided in your fixture file * @return int */ protected function idFromFixture($className, $identifier) { if(!$this->fixtures) { user_error("You've called idFromFixture() but you haven't specified static \$fixture_file.\n", E_USER_WARNING); return; } foreach($this->fixtures as $fixture) { $match = $fixture->idFromFixture($className, $identifier); if($match) return $match; } $fixtureFiles = Object::get_static(get_class($this), 'fixture_file'); user_error(sprintf( "Couldn't find object '%s' (class: %s) in files %s", $identifier, $className, (is_array($fixtureFiles)) ? implode(',', $fixtureFiles) : $fixtureFiles ), E_USER_ERROR); return false; } /** * Return all of the IDs in the fixture of a particular class name. * Will collate all IDs form all fixtures if multiple fixtures are provided. * * @param string $className * @return A map of fixture-identifier => object-id */ protected function allFixtureIDs($className) { if(!$this->fixtures) { user_error("You've called allFixtureIDs() but you haven't specified static \$fixture_file.\n", E_USER_WARNING); return; } $ids = array(); foreach($this->fixtures as $fixture) { $ids += $fixture->allFixtureIDs($className); } return $ids; } /** * Get an object from the fixture. * @param $className The data class, as specified in your fixture file. Parent classes won't work * @param $identifier The identifier string, as provided in your fixture file */ protected function objFromFixture($className, $identifier) { if(!$this->fixtures) { user_error("You've called objFromFixture() but you haven't specified static \$fixture_file.\n", E_USER_WARNING); return; } foreach($this->fixtures as $fixture) { $match = $fixture->objFromFixture($className, $identifier); if($match) return $match; } $fixtureFiles = Object::get_static(get_class($this), 'fixture_file'); user_error(sprintf( "Couldn't find object '%s' (class: %s) in files %s", $identifier, $className, (is_array($fixtureFiles)) ? implode(',', $fixtureFiles) : $fixtureFiles ), E_USER_ERROR); return false; } /** * Load a YAML fixture file into the database. * Once loaded, you can use idFromFixture() and objFromFixture() to get items from the fixture. * Doesn't clear existing fixtures. * * @param $fixtureFile The location of the .yml fixture file, relative to the site base dir */ function loadFixture($fixtureFile) { $parser = new Spyc(); $fixtureContent = $parser->load(Director::baseFolder().'/'.$fixtureFile); $fixture = new YamlFixture($fixtureFile); $fixture->saveIntoDatabase(); $this->fixtures[] = $fixture; } /** * Clear all fixtures which were previously loaded through * {@link loadFixture()}. */ function clearFixtures() { $this->fixtures = array(); } function tearDown() { // Restore email configuration Email::set_mailer($this->originalMailer); $this->originalMailer = null; $this->mailer = null; // Restore password validation Member::set_password_validator($this->originalMemberPasswordValidator); // Restore requirements Requirements::set_backend($this->originalRequirements); // Mark test as no longer being run - we use originalIsRunningTest to allow for nested SapphireTest calls self::$is_running_test = $this->originalIsRunningTest; $this->originalIsRunningTest = null; // Reset mocked datetime SS_Datetime::clear_mock_now(); } /** * Clear the log of emails sent */ function clearEmails() { return $this->mailer->clearEmails(); } /** * Search for an email that was sent. * All of the parameters can either be a string, or, if they start with "/", a PREG-compatible regular expression. * @param $to * @param $from * @param $subject * @param $content * @return An array containing the keys: 'type','to','from','subject','content', 'plainContent','attachedFiles','customHeaders','htmlContent',inlineImages' */ function findEmail($to, $from = null, $subject = null, $content = null) { return $this->mailer->findEmail($to, $from, $subject, $content); } /** * Assert that the matching email was sent since the last call to clearEmails() * All of the parameters can either be a string, or, if they start with "/", a PREG-compatible regular expression. * @param $to * @param $from * @param $subject * @param $content * @return An array containing the keys: 'type','to','from','subject','content', 'plainContent','attachedFiles','customHeaders','htmlContent',inlineImages' */ function assertEmailSent($to, $from = null, $subject = null, $content = null) { // To do - this needs to be turned into a "real" PHPUnit ass if(!$this->findEmail($to, $from, $subject, $content)) { $infoParts = ""; $withParts = array(); if($to) $infoParts .= " to '$to'"; if($from) $infoParts .= " from '$from'"; if($subject) $withParts[] = "subject '$subject'"; if($content) $withParts[] = "content '$content'"; if($withParts) $infoParts .= " with " . implode(" and ", $withParts); throw new PHPUnit_Framework_AssertionFailedError( "Failed asserting that an email was sent$infoParts." ); } } /** * Assert that the given {@link DataObjectSet} includes DataObjects matching the given key-value * pairs. Each match must correspond to 1 distinct record. * * @param $matches The patterns to match. Each pattern is a map of key-value pairs. You can * either pass a single pattern or an array of patterns. * @param $dataObjectSet The {@link DataObjectSet} to test. * * Examples * -------- * Check that $members includes an entry with Email = sam@example.com: * $this->assertDOSContains(array('Email' => '...@example.com'), $members); * * Check that $members includes entries with Email = sam@example.com and with * Email = ingo@example.com: * $this->assertDOSContains(array( * array('Email' => '...@example.com'), * array('Email' => 'i...@example.com'), * ), $members); */ function assertDOSContains($matches, $dataObjectSet) { $extracted = array(); foreach($dataObjectSet as $item) $extracted[] = $item->toMap(); foreach($matches as $match) { $matched = false; foreach($extracted as $i => $item) { if($this->dataObjectArrayMatch($item, $match)) { // Remove it from $extracted so that we don't get duplicate mapping. unset($extracted[$i]); $matched = true; break; } } // We couldn't find a match - assertion failed if(!$matched) { throw new PHPUnit_Framework_AssertionFailedError( "Failed asserting that the DataObjectSet contains an item matching " . var_export($match, true) . "\n\nIn the following DataObjectSet:\n" . $this->DOSSummaryForMatch($dataObjectSet, $match) ); } } } /** * Assert that the given {@link DataObjectSet} includes only DataObjects matching the given * key-value pairs. Each match must correspond to 1 distinct record. * * @param $matches The patterns to match. Each pattern is a map of key-value pairs. You can * either pass a single pattern or an array of patterns. * @param $dataObjectSet The {@link DataObjectSet} to test. * * Example * -------- * Check that *only* the entries Sam Minnee and Ingo Schommer exist in $members. Order doesn't * matter: * $this->assertDOSEquals(array( * array('FirstName' =>'Sam', 'Surname' => 'Minnee'), * array('FirstName' => 'Ingo', 'Surname' => 'Schommer'), * ), $members); */ function assertDOSEquals($matches, $dataObjectSet) { if(!$dataObjectSet) return false; $extracted = array(); foreach($dataObjectSet as $item) $extracted[] = $item->toMap(); foreach($matches as $match) { $matched = false; foreach($extracted as $i => $item) { if($this->dataObjectArrayMatch($item, $match)) { // Remove it from $extracted so that we don't get duplicate mapping. unset($extracted[$i]); $matched = true; break; } } // We couldn't find a match - assertion failed if(!$matched) { throw new PHPUnit_Framework_AssertionFailedError( "Failed asserting that the DataObjectSet contains an item matching " . var_export($match, true) . "\n\nIn the following DataObjectSet:\n" . $this->DOSSummaryForMatch($dataObjectSet, $match) ); } } // If we have leftovers than the DOS has extra data that shouldn't be there if($extracted) { // If we didn't break by this point then we couldn't find a match throw new PHPUnit_Framework_AssertionFailedError( "Failed asserting that the DataObjectSet contained only the given items, the " . "following items were left over:\n" . var_export($extracted, true) ); } } /** * Assert that the every record in the given {@link DataObjectSet} matches the given key-value * pairs. * * @param $match The pattern to match. The pattern is a map of key-value pairs. * @param $dataObjectSet The {@link DataObjectSet} to test. * * Example * -------- * Check that every entry in $members has a Status of 'Active': * $this->assertDOSAllMatch(array('Status' => 'Active'), $members); */ function assertDOSAllMatch($match, $dataObjectSet) { $extracted = array(); foreach($dataObjectSet as $item) $extracted[] = $item->toMap(); foreach($extracted as $i => $item) { if(!$this->dataObjectArrayMatch($item, $match)) { throw new PHPUnit_Framework_AssertionFailedError( "Failed asserting that the the following item matched " . var_export($match, true) . ": " . var_export($item, true) ); } } } /** * Helper function for the DOS matchers */ private function dataObjectArrayMatch($item, $match) { foreach($match as $k => $v) { if(!isset($item[$k]) || $item[$k] != $v) return false; } return true; } /** * Helper function for the DOS matchers */ private function DOSSummaryForMatch($dataObjectSet, $match) { $extracted = array(); foreach($dataObjectSet as $item) $extracted[] = array_intersect_key($item->toMap(), $match); return var_export($extracted, true); } /** * Returns true if we are currently using a temporary database */ static function using_temp_db() { $dbConn = DB::getConn(); return $dbConn && (substr($dbConn->currentDatabase(),0,5) == 'tmpdb'); } /** * @todo Make this db agnostic */ static function kill_temp_db() { // Delete our temporary database if(self::using_temp_db()) { $dbConn = DB::getConn(); $dbName = $dbConn->currentDatabase(); if($dbName && DB::getConn()->databaseExists($dbName)) { // Todo: it would be good to remove this inappropriate coupling, somehow. // The versioned class keeps a static cache of information about temporary tables. Versioned::on_db_reset(); // echo "Deleted temp database " . $dbConn->currentDatabase() . "\n"; $dbConn->dropDatabase(); } } } /** * Remove all content from the temporary database. */ static function empty_temp_db() { if(self::using_temp_db()) { $dbadmin = new DatabaseAdmin(); $dbadmin->clearAllData(); // Todo: it would be good to remove this inappropriate coupling, somehow. // The versioned class keeps a static cache of information about temporary tables. Versioned::on_db_reset(); } } /** * @todo Make this db agnostic */ static function create_temp_db() { // Create a temporary database $dbConn = DB::getConn(); $dbname = 'tmpdb' . rand(1000000,9999999); while(!$dbname || $dbConn->databaseExists($dbname)) { $dbname = 'tmpdb' . rand(1000000,9999999); } $dbConn->selectDatabase($dbname); $dbConn->createDatabase(); $st = new SapphireTest(); $st->resetDBSchema(); return $dbname; } static function delete_all_temp_dbs() { foreach(DB::getConn()->allDatabaseNames() as $dbName) { if(preg_match('/^tmpdb[0-9]+$/', $dbName)) { DB::getConn()->dropDatabaseByName($dbName); echo "