<?php namespace SilverStripe\ORM\Connect; use PDO; use Config; use PDOStatement; /** * PDO driver database connector * @package framework * @subpackage orm */ class PDOConnector extends DBConnector { /** * Should ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES flag be used to emulate prepared statements? * * @config * @var boolean */ private static $emulate_prepare = false; /** * The PDO connection instance * * @var PDO */ protected $pdoConnection = null; /** * Name of the currently selected database * * @var string */ protected $databaseName = null; /** * If available, the row count of the last executed statement * * @var int|null */ protected $rowCount = null; /** * Error generated by the errorInfo() method of the last PDOStatement * * @var array|null */ protected $lastStatementError = null; /** * List of prepared statements, cached by SQL string * * @var array */ protected $cachedStatements = array(); /** * Flush all prepared statements */ public function flushStatements() { $this->cachedStatements = array(); } /** * Retrieve a prepared statement for a given SQL string, or return an already prepared version if * one exists for the given query * * @param string $sql * @return PDOStatement */ public function getOrPrepareStatement($sql) { // Return cached statements if(isset($this->cachedStatements[$sql])) { return $this->cachedStatements[$sql]; } // Generate new statement $statement = $this->pdoConnection->prepare( $sql, array(PDO::ATTR_CURSOR => PDO::CURSOR_FWDONLY) ); // Only cache select statements if(preg_match('/^(\s*)select\b/i', $sql)) { $this->cachedStatements[$sql] = $statement; } return $statement; } /** * Is PDO running in emulated mode * * @return boolean */ public static function is_emulate_prepare() { return Config::inst()->get('SilverStripe\ORM\Connect\PDOConnector', 'emulate_prepare'); } public function connect($parameters, $selectDB = false) { $this->flushStatements(); // Build DSN string // Note that we don't select the database here until explicitly // requested via selectDatabase $driver = $parameters['driver'] . ":"; $dsn = array(); // Typically this is false, but some drivers will request this if($selectDB) { // Specify complete file path immediately following driver (SQLLite3) if(!empty($parameters['filepath'])) { $dsn[] = $parameters['filepath']; } elseif(!empty($parameters['database'])) { // Some databases require a selected database at connection (SQLite3, Azure) if($parameters['driver'] === 'sqlsrv') { $dsn[] = "Database={$parameters['database']}"; } else { $dsn[] = "dbname={$parameters['database']}"; } } } // Syntax for sql server is slightly different if($parameters['driver'] === 'sqlsrv') { $server = $parameters['server']; if (!empty($parameters['port'])) { $server .= ",{$parameters['port']}"; } $dsn[] = "Server=$server"; } else { if (!empty($parameters['server'])) { // Use Server instead of host for sqlsrv $dsn[] = "host={$parameters['server']}"; } if (!empty($parameters['port'])) { $dsn[] = "port={$parameters['port']}"; } } // Connection charset and collation $connCharset = Config::inst()->get('SilverStripe\ORM\Connect\MySQLDatabase', 'connection_charset'); $connCollation = Config::inst()->get('SilverStripe\ORM\Connect\MySQLDatabase', 'connection_collation'); // Set charset if given and not null. Can explicitly set to empty string to omit if($parameters['driver'] !== 'sqlsrv') { $charset = isset($parameters['charset']) ? $parameters['charset'] : $connCharset; if (!empty($charset)) $dsn[] = "charset=$charset"; } // Connection commands to be run on every re-connection if(!isset($charset)) { $charset = $connCharset; } $options = array( PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_INIT_COMMAND => 'SET NAMES ' . $charset . ' COLLATE ' . $connCollation ); if(self::is_emulate_prepare()) { $options[PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES] = true; } // May throw a PDOException if fails $this->pdoConnection = new PDO( $driver.implode(';', $dsn), empty($parameters['username']) ? '' : $parameters['username'], empty($parameters['password']) ? '' : $parameters['password'], $options ); // Show selected DB if requested if($this->pdoConnection && $selectDB && !empty($parameters['database'])) { $this->databaseName = $parameters['database']; } } public function getVersion() { return $this->pdoConnection->getAttribute(PDO::ATTR_SERVER_VERSION); } public function escapeString($value) { $value = $this->quoteString($value); // Since the PDO library quotes the value, we should remove this to maintain // consistency with MySQLDatabase::escapeString if (preg_match('/^\'(?<value>.*)\'$/', $value, $matches)) { $value = $matches['value']; } return $value; } public function quoteString($value) { return $this->pdoConnection->quote($value); } /** * Invoked before any query is executed * * @param string $sql */ protected function beforeQuery($sql) { // Reset state $this->rowCount = 0; $this->lastStatementError = null; // Flush if necessary if($this->isQueryDDL($sql)) { $this->flushStatements(); } } /** * Executes a query that doesn't return a resultset * * @param string $sql The SQL query to execute * @param integer $errorLevel For errors to this query, raise PHP errors * using this error level. * @return int */ public function exec($sql, $errorLevel = E_USER_ERROR) { $this->beforeQuery($sql); // Directly exec this query $result = $this->pdoConnection->exec($sql); // Check for errors if ($result !== false) { return $this->rowCount = $result; } $this->databaseError($this->getLastError(), $errorLevel, $sql); return null; } public function query($sql, $errorLevel = E_USER_ERROR) { $this->beforeQuery($sql); // Directly query against connection $statement = $this->pdoConnection->query($sql); // Generate results return $this->prepareResults($statement, $errorLevel, $sql); } /** * Determines the PDO::PARAM_* type for a given PHP type string * @param string $phpType Type of object in PHP * @return integer PDO Parameter constant value */ public function getPDOParamType($phpType) { switch($phpType) { case 'boolean': return PDO::PARAM_BOOL; case 'NULL': return PDO::PARAM_NULL; case 'integer': return PDO::PARAM_INT; case 'object': // Allowed if the object or resource has a __toString method case 'resource': case 'float': // Not actually returnable from get_type case 'double': case 'string': return PDO::PARAM_STR; case 'blob': return PDO::PARAM_LOB; case 'array': case 'unknown type': default: user_error("Cannot bind parameter as it is an unsupported type ($phpType)", E_USER_ERROR); } } /** * Bind all parameters to a PDOStatement * * @param PDOStatement $statement * @param array $parameters */ public function bindParameters(PDOStatement $statement, $parameters) { // Bind all parameters for($index = 0; $index < count($parameters); $index++) { $value = $parameters[$index]; $phpType = gettype($value); // Allow overriding of parameter type using an associative array if($phpType === 'array') { $phpType = $value['type']; $value = $value['value']; } // Check type of parameter $type = $this->getPDOParamType($phpType); if($type === PDO::PARAM_STR) $value = strval($value); // Bind this value $statement->bindValue($index+1, $value, $type); } } public function preparedQuery($sql, $parameters, $errorLevel = E_USER_ERROR) { $this->beforeQuery($sql); // Prepare statement $statement = $this->getOrPrepareStatement($sql); // Bind and invoke statement safely if($statement) { $this->bindParameters($statement, $parameters); $statement->execute($parameters); } // Generate results return $this->prepareResults($statement, $errorLevel, $sql); } /** * Given a PDOStatement that has just been executed, generate results * and report any errors * * @param PDOStatement $statement * @param int $errorLevel * @param string $sql * @param array $parameters * @return \PDOQuery */ protected function prepareResults($statement, $errorLevel, $sql, $parameters = array()) { // Record row-count and errors of last statement if($this->hasError($statement)) { $this->lastStatementError = $statement->errorInfo(); } elseif($statement) { // Count and return results $this->rowCount = $statement->rowCount(); return new PDOQuery($statement); } // Ensure statement is closed if($statement) { $statement->closeCursor(); unset($statement); } // Report any errors if($parameters) { $parameters = $this->parameterValues($parameters); } $this->databaseError($this->getLastError(), $errorLevel, $sql, $parameters); return null; } /** * Determine if a resource has an attached error * * @param PDOStatement|PDO $resource the resource to check * @return boolean Flag indicating true if the resource has an error */ protected function hasError($resource) { // No error if no resource if(empty($resource)) { return false; } // If the error code is empty the statement / connection has not been run yet $code = $resource->errorCode(); if(empty($code)) { return false; } // Skip 'ok' and undefined 'warning' types. // @see http://docstore.mik.ua/orelly/java-ent/jenut/ch08_06.htm return $code !== '00000' && $code !== '01000'; } public function getLastError() { $error = null; if ($this->lastStatementError) { $error = $this->lastStatementError; } elseif($this->hasError($this->pdoConnection)) { $error = $this->pdoConnection->errorInfo(); } if ($error) { return sprintf("%s-%s: %s", $error[0], $error[1], $error[2]); } } public function getGeneratedID($table) { return $this->pdoConnection->lastInsertId(); } public function affectedRows() { return $this->rowCount; } public function selectDatabase($name) { $this->exec("USE \"{$name}\""); $this->databaseName = $name; return true; } public function getSelectedDatabase() { return $this->databaseName; } public function unloadDatabase() { $this->databaseName = null; } public function isActive() { return $this->databaseName && $this->pdoConnection; } }