* $pwdVal = new PasswordValidator(); * $pwdValidator->setMinLength(7); * $pwdValidator->checkHistoricalPasswords(6); * $pwdValidator->setMinTestScore(3); * $pwdValidator->setTestNames(array("lowercase", "uppercase", "digits", "punctuation")); * * Member::set_password_validator($pwdValidator); * */ class PasswordValidator { use Injectable; use Configurable; use Extensible; /** * @config * @var array */ private static $character_strength_tests = [ 'lowercase' => '/[a-z]/', 'uppercase' => '/[A-Z]/', 'digits' => '/[0-9]/', 'punctuation' => '/[^A-Za-z0-9]/', ]; /** * @config * @var int */ private static $min_length = null; /** * @config * @var int */ private static $min_test_score = null; /** * @config * @var int */ private static $historic_count = null; /** * @var int */ protected $minLength = null; /** * @var int */ protected $minScore = null; /** * @var string[] */ protected $testNames = null; /** * @var int */ protected $historicalPasswordCount = null; /** * @return int */ public function getMinLength() { if ($this->minLength !== null) { return $this->minLength; } return $this->config()->get('min_length'); } /** * @param int $minLength * @return $this */ public function setMinLength($minLength) { $this->minLength = $minLength; return $this; } /** * @return integer */ public function getMinTestScore() { if ($this->minScore !== null) { return $this->minScore; } return $this->config()->get('min_test_score'); } /** * @param int $minScore * @return $this */ public function setMinTestScore($minScore) { $this->minScore = $minScore; return $this; } /** * Gets the list of tests to use for this validator * * @return string[] */ public function getTestNames() { if ($this->testNames !== null) { return $this->testNames; } return array_keys(array_filter($this->getTests() ?? [])); } /** * Set list of tests to use for this validator * * @param string[] $testNames * @return $this */ public function setTestNames($testNames) { $this->testNames = $testNames; return $this; } /** * @return int */ public function getHistoricCount() { if ($this->historicalPasswordCount !== null) { return $this->historicalPasswordCount; } return $this->config()->get('historic_count'); } /** * @param int $count * @return $this */ public function setHistoricCount($count) { $this->historicalPasswordCount = $count; return $this; } /** * Gets all possible tests * * @return array */ public function getTests() { return $this->config()->get('character_strength_tests'); } /** * @param string $password * @param Member $member * @return ValidationResult */ public function validate($password, $member) { $valid = ValidationResult::create(); $minLength = $this->getMinLength(); if ($minLength && strlen($password ?? '') < $minLength) { $error = _t( __CLASS__ . '.TOOSHORT', 'Password is too short, it must be {minimum} or more characters long', ['minimum' => $minLength] ); $valid->addError($error, 'bad', 'TOO_SHORT'); } $minTestScore = $this->getMinTestScore(); if ($minTestScore) { $missedTests = []; $testNames = $this->getTestNames(); $tests = $this->getTests(); foreach ($testNames as $name) { if (preg_match($tests[$name] ?? '', $password ?? '')) { continue; } $missedTests[] = _t( __CLASS__ . '.STRENGTHTEST' . strtoupper($name ?? ''), $name, 'The user needs to add this to their password for more complexity' ); } $score = count($testNames ?? []) - count($missedTests ?? []); if ($missedTests && $score < $minTestScore) { $error = _t( __CLASS__ . '.LOWCHARSTRENGTH', 'Please increase password strength by adding some of the following characters: {chars}', ['chars' => implode(', ', $missedTests)] ); $valid->addError($error, 'bad', 'LOW_CHARACTER_STRENGTH'); } } $historicCount = $this->getHistoricCount(); if ($historicCount) { $previousPasswords = MemberPassword::get() ->where(['"MemberPassword"."MemberID"' => $member->ID]) ->sort('"Created" DESC, "ID" DESC') ->limit($historicCount); foreach ($previousPasswords as $previousPassword) { if ($previousPassword->checkPassword($password)) { $error = _t( __CLASS__ . '.PREVPASSWORD', 'You\'ve already used that password in the past, please choose a new password' ); $valid->addError($error, 'bad', 'PREVIOUS_PASSWORD'); break; } } } $this->extend('updateValidatePassword', $password, $member, $valid, $this); return $valid; } }