interface i18nEntityProvider
* Returns the list of provided translations for this object.
* Note: Pluralised forms are always returned in array format.
* Example usage:
* class MyTestClass implements i18nEntityProvider
* {
* public function provideI18nEntities()
* {
* $entities = [];
* foreach($this->stat('my_static_array) as $key => $value) {
* $entities["MyTestClass.my_static_array_{$key}"] = $value;
* }
* $entities["MyTestClass.PLURALS"] = [
* 'one' => 'A test class',
* 'other' => '{count} test classes',
* ]
* return $entities;
* }
* }
* Example usage in {@link DataObject->provideI18nEntities()}.
* You can ask textcollector to add the provided entity to a different module.
* Simply wrap the returned value for any item in an array with the format:
* [ 'default' => $defaultValue, 'module' => $module ]
* class MyTestClass implements i18nEntityProvider
* {
* public function provideI18nEntities()
* {
* $entities = [
* 'MyOtherModuleClass.MYENTITY' => [
* 'default' => $value,
* 'module' => 'myothermodule',
* ]
* ];
* }
* return $entities;
* }
* @return array Map of keys to default values, which are strings in the default case,
* and array-form for pluralisations.
public function provideI18nEntities();