* static $extensions = array( * "Translatable('MyTranslatableVarchar', 'OtherTranslatableText')" * ); * * * Caution: Does not apply any character-set conversion, it is assumed that all content * is stored and represented in UTF-8 (Unicode). Please make sure your database and * HTML-templates adjust to this. * * Caution: Further decorations of DataObject might conflict with this implementation, * e.g. when overriding the get_one()-calls (which are already extended by {Translatable}). * * @author Bernat Foj Capell * @package sapphire * @subpackage misc */ class Translatable extends DataObjectDecorator { /** * Indicates if the multilingual feature is enabled * * @var boolean */ protected static $enabled = false; /** * The 'default' language. * @var string */ protected static $default_lang = 'en'; /** * The language in which we are reading dataobjects. * Usually stored in session, specific to the "site mode": * either 'site' or 'cms'. * @see Director::get_site_mode() * @var string */ protected static $reading_lang = null; /** * Indicates if the start language has been determined using choose_site_lang * @var boolean */ protected static $language_decided = false; /** * Indicates whether the 'Lang' transformation when modifying queries should be bypassed * If it's true * * @var boolean */ protected static $bypass = false; /** * A cached list of existing tables * * @var mixed */ protected static $tableList = null; /** * Dataobject's original ID when we're creating a new language version of an object * * @var unknown_type */ protected static $creatingFromID; /** * An array of fields that can be translated. * @var array */ protected $translatableFields; /** * A map of the field values of the original (untranslated) DataObject record * @var array */ protected $original_values = null; /** * Checks if a table given table exists in the db * * @param mixed $table Table name * @return boolean Returns true if $table exists. */ static function table_exists($table) { if (!self::$tableList) self::$tableList = DB::tableList(); return isset(self::$tableList[strtolower($table)]); } /** * Choose the language the site is currently on. * If $_GET['lang'] or $_COOKIE['lang'] is set, then it will use that language, and store it in the session. * Otherwise it checks the session for a possible stored language, either from namespace to the site_mode * ('site' or 'cms'), or for a 'global' language setting. * The final option is the member preference. * * @uses Director::get_site_mode() * * @param $langsAvailable array A numerical array of languages which are valid choices (optional) * @return string Selected language (also saved in $reading_lang). */ static function choose_site_lang($langsAvailable = null) { $siteMode = Director::get_site_mode(); // either 'cms' or 'site' if(isset($_GET['lang']) && (!isset($langsAvailable) || in_array($_GET['lang'], $langsAvailable))) { // get from GET parameter self::set_reading_lang($_GET['lang']); } elseif(isset($_COOKIE['lang.' . $siteMode]) && $siteMode && (!isset($langsAvailable) || in_array($_COOKIE['lang.' . $siteMode], $langsAvailable))) { // get from namespaced cookie self::set_reading_lang($_COOKIE[$siteMode . '.lang']); } elseif(isset($_COOKIE['lang']) && (!isset($langsAvailable) || in_array($_COOKIE['lang'], $langsAvailable))) { // get from generic cookie self::set_reading_lang($_COOKIE['lang']); } else if(Session::get('lang.' . $siteMode) && (!isset($langsAvailable) || in_array(Session::get('lang.' . $siteMode), $langsAvailable))) { // get from namespaced session ('cms' or 'site') self::set_reading_lang(Session::get('lang.' . $siteMode)); } else if(Session::get('lang.global') && (!isset($langsAvailable) || in_array(Session::get('lang.global'), $langsAvailable))) { // get from global session self::set_reading_lang(Session::get('lang.global')); } else { // get default lang stored in class self::set_reading_lang(self::default_lang()); } return self::$reading_lang; } /** * Get the current reading language. * @return string */ static function default_lang() { return self::$default_lang; } /** * Set default language. * * @param $lang String */ static function set_default_lang($lang) { self::$default_lang = $lang; } /** * Check whether the default and current reading language are the same. * @return boolean Return true if both default and reading language are the same. */ static function is_default_lang() { return (!self::current_lang() || self::$default_lang == self::current_lang()); } /** * Get the current reading language. * @return string */ static function current_lang() { if (!self::$language_decided) self::choose_site_lang(); return self::$reading_lang; } /** * Set the reading language, either namespaced to 'site' (website content) * or 'cms' (management backend). * * @param string $lang New reading language. */ static function set_reading_lang($lang) { $key = (Director::get_site_mode()) ? 'lang.' . Director::get_site_mode() : 'lang.global'; Session::set($key, $lang); self::$reading_lang = $lang; } /** * Get a singleton instance of a class in the given language. * @param string $class The name of the class. * @param string $lang The name of the language. * @param string $filter A filter to be inserted into the WHERE clause. * @param boolean $cache Use caching (default: false) * @param string $orderby A sort expression to be inserted into the ORDER BY clause. * @return DataObject */ static function get_one_by_lang($class, $lang, $filter = '', $cache = false, $orderby = "") { $oldLang = self::current_lang(); self::set_reading_lang($lang); $result = DataObject::get_one($class, $filter, $cache, $orderby); self::set_reading_lang($oldLang); return $result; } /** * Get a singleton instance of a class in the most convenient language (@see choose_site_lang()) * * @param string $callerClass The name of the class * @param string $filter A filter to be inserted into the WHERE clause. * @param boolean $cache Use caching (default: false) * @param string $orderby A sort expression to be inserted into the ORDER BY clause. * @return DataObject */ static function get_one($callerClass, $filter = "", $cache = false, $orderby = "") { self::$language_decided = true; self::$reading_lang = self::default_lang(); $record = DataObject::get_one($callerClass, $filter); if (!$record) { self::$bypass = true; $record = DataObject::get_one($callerClass, $filter, $cache, $orderby); self::$bypass = false; if ($record) self::set_reading_lang($record->Lang); } else { $langsAvailable = (array)self::get_langs_by_id($callerClass, $record->ID); $langsAvailable[] = self::default_lang(); $lang = self::choose_site_lang($langsAvailable); if (isset($lang)) { $transrecord = self::get_one_by_lang($callerClass, $lang, "\"$callerClass\".\"ID\" = $record->ID"); if ($transrecord) { self::set_reading_lang($lang); $record = $transrecord; } } } return $record; } /** * Get all the instances of the given class translated to the given language * * @param string $class The name of the class * @param string $lang The name of the language * @param string $filter A filter to be inserted into the WHERE clause. * @param string $sort A sort expression to be inserted into the ORDER BY clause. * @param string $join A single join clause. This can be used for filtering, only 1 instance of each DataObject will be returned. * @param string $limit A limit expression to be inserted into the LIMIT clause. * @param string $containerClass The container class to return the results in. * @param string $having A filter to be inserted into the HAVING clause. * @return mixed The objects matching the conditions. */ static function get_by_lang($class, $lang, $filter = '', $sort = '', $join = "", $limit = "", $containerClass = "DataObjectSet", $having = "") { $oldLang = self::current_lang(); self::set_reading_lang($lang); $result = DataObject::get($class, $filter, $sort, $join, $limit, $containerClass, $having); self::set_reading_lang($oldLang); return $result; } /** * Get a record in his original language version. * @param string $class The name of the class. * @param string $originalLangID The original record id. * @return DataObject */ static function get_original($class, $originalLangID) { $baseClass = $class; while( ($p = get_parent_class($baseClass)) != "DataObject") $baseClass = $p; return self::get_one_by_lang($class,self::default_lang(),"\"$baseClass\".ID = $originalLangID"); } /** * Get a list of languages in which a given element has been translated * * @param string $class Name of the class of the element * @param int $id ID of the element * @return array List of languages */ static function get_langs_by_id($class, $id) { $query = new SQLQuery('Lang',"{$class}_lang","(\"{$class}_lang\".OriginalLangID =$id)"); $langs = $query->execute()->column(); return ($langs) ? array_values($langs) : false; } /** * Writes an object in a certain language. Use this instead of $object->write() if you want to write * an instance in a determinated language independently of the currently set working language * * @param DataObject $object Object to be written * @param string $lang The name of the language */ static function write(DataObject $object, $lang) { $oldLang = self::current_lang(); self::set_reading_lang($lang); $result = $object->write(); self::set_reading_lang($oldLang); } /** * Enables the multilingual feature * */ static function enable() { self::$enabled = true; } /** * Disable the multilingual feature * */ static function disable() { self::$enabled = false; } /** * Check whether multilingual support has been enabled * * @return boolean True if enabled */ static function is_enabled() { return self::$enabled; } /** * When creating, set the original ID value * * @param int $id */ static function creating_from($id) { self::$creatingFromID = $id; } //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// /** * Construct a new Translatable object. * @var array $translatableFields The different fields of the object that can be translated. */ function __construct($translatableFields) { parent::__construct(); if(!is_array($translatableFields)) { $translatableFields = func_get_args(); } $this->translatableFields = $translatableFields; } function augmentSQL(SQLQuery &$query) { if (! $this->stat('enabled')) return false; if((($lang = self::current_lang()) && !self::is_default_lang()) || self::$bypass) { foreach($query->from as $table => $dummy) { if(!isset($baseTable)) { $baseTable = $table; } if (self::table_exists("{$table}_lang")) { $query->renameTable($table, $table . '_lang'); if (stripos($query->sql(),'.ID')) { // Every reference to ID is now OriginalLangID $query->replaceText(".ID",".OriginalLangID"); $query->where = str_replace("\"ID\"", "\"OriginalLangID\"",$query->where); $query->select[] = "\"{$baseTable}_lang\".OriginalLangID AS ID"; } if ($query->where) foreach ($query->where as $i => $wherecl) { if (substr($wherecl,0,4) == 'ID =') // Another reference to ID to be changed $query->where[$i] = str_replace('ID =','OriginalLangID =',$wherecl); else { $parts = explode(' AND ',$wherecl); foreach ($parts as $j => $part) { // Divide this clause between the left ($innerparts[1]) and right($innerparts[2]) part of the condition ereg('(\"?[[:alnum:]_-]*\"?\.?\"?[[:alnum:]_-]*\"?)(.*)', $part, $innerparts); if (strpos($innerparts[1],'.') === false) //it may be ambiguous, so sometimes we will need to add the table $parts[$j] = ($this->isInAugmentedTable($innerparts[1], $table) ? "\"{$table}_lang\"." : "")."$part"; else { /* if the table has been specified we have to determine if the original (without _lang) name has to be used * because we don't have the queried field in the augmented table (which usually means * that is not a translatable field) */ $clauseparts = explode('.',$innerparts[1]); $originalTable = str_replace('\"','',str_replace('_lang','',$clauseparts[0])); $parts[$j] = ($this->isInAugmentedTable($clauseparts[1], $originalTable) ? "\"{$originalTable}_lang\"" : "\"$originalTable\"") . ".{$clauseparts[1]}{$innerparts[2]}"; } } $query->where[$i] = implode(' AND ',$parts); } } if($table != $baseTable) { $query->from["{$table}_lang"] = $query->from[$table]; } else { // _lang is now the base table (the first one) $query->from = array("{$table}_lang" => $query->from[$table]) + $query->from; } // unless we are bypassing this query, add the language filter if (!self::$bypass) $query->where[] = "\"{$table}_lang\".Lang = '$lang'"; // unless this is a deletion, the query is applied to the joined table if (!$query->delete) { $query->from[$table] = "INNER JOIN \"$table\"". " ON \"{$table}_lang\".OriginalLangID = \"$table\".ID"; /* if we are selecting fields (not doing counts for example) we need to select everything from * the original table (was renamed to _lang) since some fields that we require may be there */ if ($query->select[0][0] == '\"') $query->select = array_merge(array("\"$table\".*"),$query->select); } else unset($query->from[$table]); } else { $query->from[$table] = str_replace("\"{$table}\".OriginalLangID","\"{$table}\".ID",$query->from[$table]); } } } } /** * Check whether a WHERE clause should be applied to the augmented table * * @param string $clause Where clause that need to know if can be applied to the augmented (suffixed) table * @param string $table Name of the non-augmented table * @return boolean True if the clause can be applied to the augmented table */ function isInAugmentedTable($clause, $table) { $clause = str_replace('\"','',$clause); $table = str_replace('_lang','',$table); if (strpos($table,'_') !== false) return false; $field = ereg_replace('[[:blank:]]*([[:alnum:]]*).*','\\1',$clause); $field = trim($field); $allFields = $this->allFieldsInTable($table); return (array_search($field,$allFields) !== false); } /** * Determine if the DataObject has any own translatable field (not inherited). * @return boolean */ function hasOwnTranslatableFields() { $ownFields = $this->owner->stat('db'); if ($ownFields == singleton($this->owner->parentClass())->stat('db'))return false; foreach ((array)$this->translatableFields as $translatableField) { if (isset($ownFields[$translatableField])) return true; } return false; } /** * Determine if a table needs Versioned support * This is called at db/build time * * @param string $table Table name * @return boolean */ function isVersionedTable($table) { // Every _lang table wants Versioned support return ($this->owner->databaseFields() && $this->hasOwnTranslatableFields()); } function augmentDatabase() { if (! $this->stat('enabled')) return false; self::set_reading_lang(self::default_lang()); $table = $this->owner->class; if(($fields = $this->owner->databaseFields()) && $this->hasOwnTranslatableFields()) { //Calculate the required fields foreach ($fields as $field => $type) { if (array_search($field,$this->translatableFields) === false) unset($fields[$field]); } $metaFields = array_diff((array)$this->owner->databaseFields(), (array)$this->owner->customDatabaseFields()); $indexes = $this->owner->databaseIndexes(); $langFields = array_merge( array( "Lang" => "Varchar(12)", "OriginalLangID" => "Int" ), $fields, $metaFields ); foreach ($indexes as $index => $type) { if (true === $type && array_search($index,$langFields) === false) unset($indexes[$index]); } $langIndexes = array_merge( array( 'OriginalLangID_Lang' => '(OriginalLangID, Lang)', 'OriginalLangID' => true, 'Lang' => true, ), (array)$indexes ); // Create table for translated instances DB::requireTable("{$table}_lang", $langFields, $langIndexes); } else { DB::dontRequireTable("{$table}_lang"); } } /** * Augment a write-record request. * @param SQLQuery $manipulation Query to augment. */ function augmentWrite(&$manipulation) { if (! $this->stat('enabled')) return false; if(($lang = self::current_lang()) && !self::is_default_lang()) { $tables = array_keys($manipulation); foreach($tables as $table) { if (self::table_exists("{$table}_lang")) { $manipulation["{$table}_lang"] = $manipulation[$table]; if ($manipulation[$table]['command'] == 'insert') { $fakeID = $this->owner->ID; // In an insert we've to populate our fields and generate a new id (since the passed one it's relative to $table) $SessionOrigID = Session::get($this->owner->ID.'_originalLangID'); $manipulation["{$table}_lang"]['fields']['OriginalLangID'] = $this->owner->ID = ( $SessionOrigID ? $SessionOrigID : self::$creatingFromID); $manipulation["{$table}_lang"]['RecordID'] = $manipulation["{$table}_lang"]['fields']['OriginalLangID']; // populate lang field $manipulation["{$table}_lang"]['fields']['Lang'] = "'$lang'" ; // get a valid id, pre-inserting DB::query("INSERT INTO \"{$table}_lang\" (\"Created\", \"Lang\") VALUES (NOW(), '$lang')"); $manipulation["{$table}_lang"]['id'] = $manipulation["{$table}_lang"]['fields']['ID'] = DB::getGeneratedID("{$table}_lang"); $manipulation["{$table}_lang"]['command'] = 'update'; // we don't have to insert anything in $table if we are inserting in $table_lang unset($manipulation[$table]); // now dataobjects may create a record before the real write in the base table, so we have to delete it - 20/08/2007 if (is_numeric($fakeID)) DB::query("DELETE FROM \"$table\" WHERE \"ID\"=$fakeID"); } else { if (!isset($manipulation[$table]['fields']['OriginalLangID'])) { // for those updates that may become inserts populate these fields $manipulation["{$table}_lang"]['fields']['OriginalLangID'] = $this->owner->ID; $manipulation["{$table}_lang"]['fields']['Lang'] = "'$lang'"; } $id = $manipulation["{$table}_lang"]['id']; if(!$id) user_error("Couldn't find ID in manipulation", E_USER_ERROR); if (isset($manipulation["{$table}_lang"]['where'])) { $manipulation["{$table}_lang"]['where'] .= "AND (Lang = '$lang') AND (OriginalLangID = $id)"; } else { $manipulation["{$table}_lang"]['where'] = "(Lang = '$lang') AND (OriginalLangID = $id)"; } $realID = DB::query("SELECT \"ID\" FROM \"{$table}_lang\" WHERE (\"OriginalLangID\" = $id) AND (\"Lang\" = '$lang') LIMIT 1")->value(); $manipulation["{$table}_lang"]['id'] = $realID; $manipulation["{$table}_lang"]['RecordID'] = $manipulation["{$table}_lang"]['fields']['OriginalLangID']; // we could be updating non-translatable fields at the same time, so these will remain foreach ($manipulation[$table]['fields'] as $field => $dummy) { if ($this->isInAugmentedTable($field, $table) ) unset($manipulation[$table]['fields'][$field]); } if (count($manipulation[$table]['fields']) == 0) unset($manipulation[$table]); } foreach ($manipulation["{$table}_lang"]['fields'] as $field => $dummy) { if (! $this->isInAugmentedTable($field, $table) ) unset($manipulation["{$table}_lang"]['fields'][$field]); } } } } } //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// /** * Change the member dialog in the CMS * * This method updates the forms in the cms to allow the translations for * the defined translatable fields. */ function updateCMSFields(FieldSet &$fields) { if (! $this->stat('enabled')) return false; $creating = false; $baseClass = $this->owner->class; while( ($p = get_parent_class($baseClass)) != "DataObject") $baseClass = $p; $allFields = $this->owner->getAllFields(); if(!self::is_default_lang()) { // Get the original version record, to show the original values if (!is_numeric($allFields['ID'])) { $originalLangID = Session::get($this->owner->ID . '_originalLangID'); $creating = true; } else { $originalLangID = $allFields['ID']; } $originalRecord = self::get_one_by_lang( $this->owner->class, self::$default_lang, "\"$baseClass\".ID = ".$originalLangID ); $this->original_values = $originalRecord->getAllFields(); $alltasks = array( 'dup' => array()); foreach($fields as $field) { if ($field->isComposite()) { $innertasks = $this->duplicateOrReplaceFields($field->FieldSet()); // more efficient and safe than array_merge_recursive $alltasks['dup'] = array_merge($alltasks['dup'],$innertasks['dup']); } } foreach ($alltasks['dup'] as $fieldname => $newfield) { // Duplicate the field $fields->replaceField($fieldname,$newfield); } } else { $alreadyTranslatedLangs = null; if (is_numeric($allFields['ID'])) { $alreadyTranslatedLangs = self::get_langs_by_id($baseClass,$allFields['ID']); } if (!$alreadyTranslatedLangs) $alreadyTranslatedLangs = array(); foreach ($alreadyTranslatedLangs as $i => $langCode) { $alreadyTranslatedLangs[$i] = i18n::get_language_name($langCode); } $fields->addFieldsToTab( 'Root', new Tab(_t('Translatable.TRANSLATIONS', 'Translations'), new HeaderField('CreateTransHeader',_t('Translatable.CREATE', 'Create new translation'), 2), $langDropdown = new LanguageDropdownField("NewTransLang", _t('Translatable.NEWLANGUAGE', 'New language'), $alreadyTranslatedLangs), $createButton = new InlineFormAction('createtranslation',_t('Translatable.CREATEBUTTON', 'Create')) ) ); if (count($alreadyTranslatedLangs)) { $fields->addFieldsToTab( 'Root.Translations', new FieldSet( new HeaderField('ExistingTransHeader',_t('Translatable.EXISTING', 'Existing translations:'), 3), new LiteralField('existingtrans',implode(', ',$alreadyTranslatedLangs)) ) ); } $langDropdown->addExtraClass('languageDropdown'); $createButton->addExtraClass('createTranslationButton'); $createButton->includeDefaultJS(false); } } protected function duplicateOrReplaceFields(&$fields) { $tasks = array( 'dup' => array(), ); foreach($fields as $field) { if ($field->isComposite()) { $innertasks = $this->duplicateOrReplaceFields($field->FieldSet()); $tasks['dup'] = array_merge($tasks['dup'],$innertasks['dup']); } else if(($fieldname = $field->Name()) && array_key_exists($fieldname,$this->original_values)) { // Get a copy of the original field to show the untranslated value if($field instanceof TextareaField) { $nonEditableField = new ToggleField($fieldname,$field->Title(),'','+','-'); $nonEditableField->labelMore = '+'; $nonEditableField->labelLess = '-'; } else { $nonEditableField = $field->performDisabledTransformation(); } $nonEditableField_holder = new CompositeField($nonEditableField); $nonEditableField_holder->setName($fieldname.'_holder'); $nonEditableField_holder->addExtraClass('originallang_holder'); $nonEditableField->setValue($this->original_values[$fieldname]); $nonEditableField->setName($fieldname.'_original'); $nonEditableField->addExtraClass('originallang'); if (array_search($fieldname,$this->translatableFields) !== false) { // Duplicate the field if ($field->Title()) $nonEditableField->setTitle('Original'); $nonEditableField_holder->insertBefore($field, $fieldname.'_original'); $tasks['dup'][$fieldname] = $nonEditableField_holder; } } } return $tasks; } /** * Get a list of fields from the tables created by this extension * * @param string $table Name of the table * @return array Map where the keys are db, indexes and the values are the table fields */ function fieldsInExtraTables($table){ if(($fields = $this->owner->databaseFields()) && $this->hasOwnTranslatableFields()) { //Calculate the required fields foreach ($fields as $field => $type) { if (array_search($field,$this->translatableFields) === false) unset($fields[$field]); } $metaFields = array_diff((array)$this->owner->databaseFields(), (array)$this->owner->customDatabaseFields()); $indexes = $this->owner->databaseIndexes(); $langFields = array_merge( array( "Lang" => "Varchar(12)", "OriginalLangID" => "Int" ), $fields, $metaFields ); foreach ($indexes as $index => $type) { if (true === $type && array_search($index,$langFields) === false) unset($indexes[$index]); } return array('db' => $langFields, 'indexes' => $indexes); } } /** * Get a list of fields in the {$table}_lang table * * @param string $table Table name * @return array */ function allFieldsInTable($table){ $fields = singleton($table)->databaseFields(); //Calculate the required fields foreach ($fields as $field => $type) { if (array_search($field,$this->translatableFields) === false) unset($fields[$field]); } $metaFields = array_diff((array)singleton('DataObject')->databaseFields(), (array)$this->owner->customDatabaseFields()); $langFields = array_merge( array( "ID", "LastEdited", "Created", "ClassName", "Version", "WasPublished", "Lang", "OriginalLangID" ), $this->translatableFields, array_keys($fields), array_keys($metaFields) ); return $langFields; } /** * Return the base table - the class that directly extends DataObject. * @return string */ function baseTable($stage = null) { $tableClasses = ClassInfo::dataClassesFor($this->owner->class); $baseClass = array_shift($tableClasses); return (!$stage || $stage == $this->defaultStage) ? $baseClass : $baseClass . "_$stage"; } /** * Extends $table with a suffix if required * * @param string $table Name of the table * @return string Extended table name */ function extendWithSuffix($table) { if((($lang = self::current_lang()) && !self::is_default_lang())) { if (self::table_exists("{$table}_lang")) return $table.'_lang'; } return $table; } } ?>