objFromFixture(Folder::class, 'folder1-subfolder1'); $schema = $field->getSchemaStateDefaults(); $this->assertFalse(isset($schema['data']['valueObject'])); $field->setValue($folder->ID); $schema = $field->getSchemaStateDefaults(); $this->assertEquals($folder->ID, $schema['data']['valueObject']['id']); $this->assertTrue(isset($schema['data']['valueObject'])); $this->assertFalse($schema['data']['showSelectedPath']); $this->assertEquals('', $schema['data']['valueObject']['titlePath']); $field->setShowSelectedPath(true); $schema = $field->getSchemaStateDefaults(); $this->assertTrue($schema['data']['showSelectedPath']); $this->assertEquals( 'FileTest-folder1/FileTest-folder1-subfolder1/', $schema['data']['valueObject']['titlePath'] ); } public function testTreeSearchJson() { $field = new TreeDropdownField('TestTree', 'Test tree', Folder::class); // case insensitive search against keyword 'sub' for folders $request = new HTTPRequest('GET', 'url', ['search'=>'sub', 'format' => 'json']); $request->setSession(new Session([])); $response = $field->tree($request); $tree = json_decode($response->getBody(), true); $folder1 = $this->objFromFixture(Folder::class, 'folder1'); $folder1Subfolder1 = $this->objFromFixture(Folder::class, 'folder1-subfolder1'); $this->assertContains( $folder1->Name, array_column($tree['children'], 'title'), $folder1->Name . ' is found in the json' ); $filtered = array_filter($tree['children'], function ($entry) use ($folder1) { return $folder1->Name === $entry['title']; }); $folder1Tree = array_pop($filtered); $this->assertContains( $folder1Subfolder1->Name, array_column($folder1Tree['children'], 'title'), $folder1Subfolder1->Name . ' is found in the folder1 entry in the json' ); } public function testTreeSearchJsonFlatlist() { $field = new TreeDropdownField('TestTree', 'Test tree', Folder::class); // case insensitive search against keyword 'sub' for folders $request = new HTTPRequest('GET', 'url', ['search'=>'sub', 'format' => 'json', 'flatList' => '1']); $request->setSession(new Session([])); $response = $field->tree($request); $tree = json_decode($response->getBody(), true); $folder1 = $this->objFromFixture(Folder::class, 'folder1'); $folder1Subfolder1 = $this->objFromFixture(Folder::class, 'folder1-subfolder1'); $this->assertNotContains( $folder1->Name, array_column($tree['children'], 'title'), $folder1->Name . ' is not found in the json' ); $this->assertContains( $folder1Subfolder1->Name, array_column($tree['children'], 'title'), $folder1Subfolder1->Name . ' is found in the json' ); } public function testTreeSearchJsonFlatlistWithLowNodeThreshold() { // Initialise our TreeDropDownField $field = new TreeDropdownField('TestTree', 'Test tree', TestObject::class); $field->config()->set('node_threshold_total', 2); // Search for all Test object matching our criteria $request = new HTTPRequest( 'GET', 'url', ['search' => 'MatchSearchCriteria', 'format' => 'json', 'flatList' => '1'] ); $request->setSession(new Session([])); $response = $field->tree($request); $tree = json_decode($response->getBody(), true); $actualNodeIDs = array_column($tree['children'], 'id'); // Get the list of expected node IDs from the YML Fixture $expectedNodeIDs = array_map( function ($key) { return $this->objFromFixture(TestObject::class, $key)->ID; }, ['zero', 'oneA', 'twoAi', 'three'] // Those are the identifiers of the object we expect our search to find ); sort($actualNodeIDs); sort($expectedNodeIDs); $this->assertEquals($expectedNodeIDs, $actualNodeIDs); } public function testTreeSearch() { $field = new TreeDropdownField('TestTree', 'Test tree', Folder::class); // case insensitive search against keyword 'sub' for folders $request = new HTTPRequest('GET', 'url', ['search'=>'sub']); $request->setSession(new Session([])); $response = $field->tree($request); $tree = $response->getBody(); $folder1 = $this->objFromFixture(Folder::class, 'folder1'); $folder1Subfolder1 = $this->objFromFixture(Folder::class, 'folder1-subfolder1'); $parser = new CSSContentParser($tree); $cssPath = 'ul.tree li#selector-TestTree-' . $folder1->ID . ' li#selector-TestTree-' . $folder1Subfolder1->ID . ' a span.item'; $firstResult = $parser->getBySelector($cssPath); $this->assertEquals( $folder1Subfolder1->Name, (string)$firstResult[0], $folder1Subfolder1->Name . ' is found, nested under ' . $folder1->Name ); $subfolder = $this->objFromFixture(Folder::class, 'subfolder'); $cssPath = 'ul.tree li#selector-TestTree-' . $subfolder->ID . ' a span.item'; $secondResult = $parser->getBySelector($cssPath); $this->assertEquals( $subfolder->Name, (string)$secondResult[0], $subfolder->Name . ' is found at root level' ); // other folders which don't contain the keyword 'sub' are not returned in search results $folder2 = $this->objFromFixture(Folder::class, 'folder2'); $cssPath = 'ul.tree li#selector-TestTree-' . $folder2->ID . ' a span.item'; $noResult = $parser->getBySelector($cssPath); $this->assertEmpty( $noResult, $folder2 . ' is not found' ); $field = new TreeDropdownField('TestTree', 'Test tree', File::class); // case insensitive search against keyword 'sub' for files $request = new HTTPRequest('GET', 'url', ['search'=>'sub']); $request->setSession(new Session([])); $response = $field->tree($request); $tree = $response->getBody(); $parser = new CSSContentParser($tree); // Even if we used File as the source object, folders are still returned because Folder is a File $cssPath = 'ul.tree li#selector-TestTree-' . $folder1->ID . ' li#selector-TestTree-' . $folder1Subfolder1->ID . ' a span.item'; $firstResult = $parser->getBySelector($cssPath); $this->assertEquals( $folder1Subfolder1->Name, (string)$firstResult[0], $folder1Subfolder1->Name . ' is found, nested under ' . $folder1->Name ); // Looking for two files with 'sub' in their name, both under the same folder $file1 = $this->objFromFixture(File::class, 'subfolderfile1'); $file2 = $this->objFromFixture(File::class, 'subfolderfile2'); $cssPath = 'ul.tree li#selector-TestTree-' . $subfolder->ID . ' li#selector-TestTree-' . $file1->ID . ' a'; $firstResult = $parser->getBySelector($cssPath); $this->assertNotEmpty( $firstResult, $file1->Name . ' with ID ' . $file1->ID . ' is in search results' ); $this->assertEquals( $file1->Name, (string)$firstResult[0], $file1->Name . ' is found nested under ' . $subfolder->Name ); $cssPath = 'ul.tree li#selector-TestTree-' . $subfolder->ID . ' li#selector-TestTree-' . $file2->ID . ' a'; $secondResult = $parser->getBySelector($cssPath); $this->assertNotEmpty( $secondResult, $file2->Name . ' with ID ' . $file2->ID . ' is in search results' ); $this->assertEquals( $file2->Name, (string)$secondResult[0], $file2->Name . ' is found nested under ' . $subfolder->Name ); // other files which don't include 'sub' are not returned in search results $file3 = $this->objFromFixture(File::class, 'asdf'); $cssPath = 'ul.tree li#selector-TestTree-' . $file3->ID; $noResult = $parser->getBySelector($cssPath); $this->assertEmpty( $noResult, $file3->Name . ' is not found' ); } public function testReadonly() { $field = new TreeDropdownField('TestTree', 'Test tree', File::class); $fileMock = $this->objFromFixture(File::class, 'asdf'); $field->setValue($fileMock->ID); $readonlyField = $field->performReadonlyTransformation(); $result = (string) $readonlyField->Field(); $this->assertContains( '<Special & characters>', $result ); $this->assertContains( '', $result ); } /** * This is to test setting $key to an Object in the protected function objectForKey() * This is to fix an issue where postgres will not fail gracefully when you do this */ public function testObjectForKeyObjectValue() { $form = Form::create(); $fieldList = FieldList::create(); $field = TreeDropdownField::create('TestTree', 'Test tree', File::class); $fieldList->add($field); $form->setFields($fieldList); $field->setValue(DataObject::create()); // The following previously errored in postgres $field->getSchemaStateDefaults(); $this->assertTrue(true); } public function testTreeBaseID() { $treeBaseID = $this->idFromFixture(Folder::class, 'folder1'); $field = new TreeDropdownField('TestTree', 'Test tree', Folder::class); // getSchemaDataDefaults needs the field to be attach to a form new Form( null, 'mock', new FieldList($field) ); $this->assertEmpty($field->getTreeBaseID(), 'TreeBaseId does not have an initial value'); $field->setTreeBaseID($treeBaseID); $this->assertEquals( $treeBaseID, $field->getTreeBaseID(), 'Value passed to setTreeBaseID is returned by getTreeBaseID' ); $schema = $field->getSchemaDataDefaults(); $this->assertEquals( $treeBaseID, $schema['data']['treeBaseId'], 'TreeBaseId is included in the default schema data' ); } }