<?php /** * This class collects all output that needs to be returned after an Form-Request to the client. It automatically determines * if it needs to send back javascript after an Ajax-Request or just redirect to another page (on a normal request). * * FormResponse is also responsible for keeping the client- and serverside in sync after an HTTP-Request * by collecting javascript-commands (which mostly trigger subsequent update-calls by Ajax.) * Use the output as a return-value for Ajax-based saving methods. Be sure to check if the call is acutally "ajaxy" * by checking Director::is_ajax(). It is the developers responsibility to include this into his custom form-methods. * Use the Request-Parameter 'htmlonly' to enforce a pure HTML-response from the client-side. * * Example: A {@TableField} is in an incorrect state after being saved, as it still has rows marked as "new" * which are already saved (and have an ID) in the database. By using AjaxSynchroniser we make sure that every instance * is refreshed by Ajax and reflects the correct state. * * Caution: * - FormResponse assumes that prototype.js is included on the client-side. (We can't put it into Requirements because it has to * be included BEFORE an AjaxSynchroniser is called). * - Please DON'T escape literal parameters which are passed to FormResponse, they are escaped automatically. * - Some functions assume a {LeftAndMain}-based environment (e.g. load_form()) * * @todo Force a specific execution order ($forceTop, $forceBottom)Ω * @todo Extension to return different formats, e.g. JSON or XML * * WARNING: This should only be used within the CMS context. Please use markup or JSON to transfer state to the client, * and react with javascript callbacks instead in other situations. * * @package forms * @subpackage core */ class FormResponse { /** * @var $rules array */ static protected $rules = array(); /** * @var $behaviour_apply_rules array Separated from $rules because * we need to apply all behaviour at the very end of the evaluated script * to make sure we include all possible Behaviour.register()-calls. */ static protected $behaviour_apply_rules = array(); /** * @var $non_ajax_content string */ static protected $non_ajax_content; /** * Status-messages are accumulated, and the "worst" is chosen * * @var $status_messages array */ static protected $status_messages = array(); /** * @var $redirect_url string */ static protected $redirect_url; /** * @var $redirect_url string */ static protected $status_include_order = array('bad', 'good', 'unknown'); /** * Get all content as a javascript-compatible string (only if there is an Ajax-Request present). * Falls back to {non_ajax_content}, {redirect_url} or Director::redirectBack() (in this order). * * @return string */ static function respond() { // we don't want non-ajax calls to receive javascript if(isset($_REQUEST['forcehtml'])) { return self::$non_ajax_content; } else if(isset($_REQUEST['forceajax']) || Director::is_ajax()) { $response = Controller::curr()->getResponse(); $response->addHeader('Content-Type', 'text/javascript'); return self::get_javascript(); } elseif(!empty(self::$non_ajax_content)) { return self::$non_ajax_content; } elseif(!empty(self::$redirect_url)) { Director::redirect(self::$redirect_url); return null; } elseif(!Director::redirected_to()) { Director::redirectBack(); return null; } else { return null; } } /** * Caution: Works only for forms which inherit methods from LeftAndMain.js */ static function load_form($content, $id = 'Form_EditForm') { // make sure form-tags are stripped // loadNewPage() uses innerHTML to replace the form, which makes IE cry when replacing an element with itself $content = preg_replace(array('/<form[^>]*>/','/<\/form>/'), '', $content); $JS_content = Convert::raw2js($content); self::$rules[] = "\$('{$id}').loadNewPage('{$JS_content}');"; self::$rules[] = "\$('{$id}').initialize();"; } /** * Add custom scripts. * Caution: Not escaped for backwards-compatibility. * * @param $scriptContent string * * @todo Should this content be escaped? */ static function add($scriptContent, $uniquenessID = null) { if(isset($uniquenessID)) { self::$rules[$uniquenessID] = $scriptContent; } else { self::$rules[] = $scriptContent; } } static function clear() { self::$rules = array(); } /** * @param $id int */ static function get_page($id, $form = 'Form_EditForm', $uniquenessID = null) { $JS_id = (int)$id; if($JS_id){ if(isset($uniquenessID)) { self::$rules[$uniquenessID] = "\$('$form').getPageFromServer($JS_id);"; } else { self::$rules[] = "\$('$form').getPageFromServer($JS_id);"; } } } /** * Sets the status-message (overlay-notification in the CMS). * You can call this method multiple times, it will default to the "worst" statusmessage. * * @param $message string * @param $status string */ static function status_message($message = "", $status = null) { $JS_message = Convert::raw2js($message); $JS_status = Convert::raw2js($status); if(isset($JS_status)) { self::$status_messages[$JS_status] = "statusMessage('{$JS_message}', '{$JS_status}');"; } else { self::$status_messages['unknown'] = "statusMessage('{$JS_message}');"; } } /** * Alias for status_message($messsage, 'bad') * * @param $message string */ static function error($message = "") { $JS_message = Convert::raw2js($message); self::$status_messages['bad'] = $JS_message; } /** * Update the status (upper right corner) of the given Form * * @param $status string * @param $form string */ static function update_status($status, $form = "Form_EditForm") { $JS_form = Convert::raw2js($form); $JS_status = Convert::raw2js($status); self::$rules[] = "\$('$JS_form').updateStatus('$JS_status');"; } /** * Set the title of a single page in the pagetree * * @param $id int * @param $title string */ static function set_node_title($id, $title = "") { $JS_id = Convert::raw2js($id); $JS_title = Convert::raw2js($title); self::$rules[] = "$('sitetree').setNodeTitle('$JS_id', '$JS_title');"; } /** * Fallback-method to supply normal HTML-response when not being called by ajax. * * @param $content string HTML-content */ static function set_non_ajax_content($content) { self::$non_ajax_content = $content; } /** * @param $url string */ static function set_redirect_url($url) { self::$redirect_url = $url; } /** * @return string */ static function get_redirect_url() { return self::$redirect_url; } /** * Replace a given DOM-element with the given content. * It automatically prefills {$non_ajax_content} with the passed content (as a fallback). * * @param $domID string The DOM-ID of an HTML-element that should be replaced * @param $domContent string The new HTML-content * @param $reapplyBehaviour boolean Applies behaviour to the given domID after refreshing it * @param $replaceMethod string Method for replacing - either 'replace' (=outerHTML) or 'update' (=innerHTML) * (Caution: "outerHTML" might cause problems on the client-side, e.g. on table-tags) * * @todo More fancy replacing with loading-wheel etc. */ static function update_dom_id($domID, $domContent, $reapplyBehaviour = true, $replaceMethod = 'replace', $uniquenessID = null) { //self::$non_ajax_content = $domContent; $JS_domID = Convert::raw2js($domID); $JS_domContent = Convert::raw2js($domContent); $JS_replaceMethod = Convert::raw2js($replaceMethod); if(isset($uniquenessID)) { self::$rules[$uniquenessID] = "Element.$JS_replaceMethod('{$JS_domID}','{$JS_domContent}');"; } else { self::$rules[] = "Element.$JS_replaceMethod('{$JS_domID}','{$JS_domContent}');"; } if($reapplyBehaviour) { if(isset($uniquenessID)) { self::$behaviour_apply_rules[$uniquenessID] .= "Behaviour.apply('{$JS_domID}', true);"; } else { self::$behaviour_apply_rules[] = "Behaviour.apply('{$JS_domID}', true);"; } } } /** * @return string Compiled string of javascript-function-calls (needs to be evaluated on the client-side!) */ protected static function get_javascript() { $js = ""; // select only one status message (with priority on "bad" messages) $msg = ""; foreach(self::$status_include_order as $status) { if(isset(self::$status_messages[$status])) { $msg = self::$status_messages[$status]; break; } } if(!empty($msg)) self::$rules[] = $msg; $js .= implode("\n", self::$rules); $js .= Requirements::get_custom_scripts(); // make sure behaviour is applied AFTER all registers are collected $js .= implode("\n", self::$behaviour_apply_rules); return $js; } } ?>