rules = $rules; $this->declineUrl = Director::baseURL(); } /** * The URL of the confirmation form ("Security/confirm/middleware" by default) * * @param HTTPRequest $request Active request * @param string $confirmationStorageId ID of the confirmation storage to be used * * @return string URL of the confirmation form */ protected function getConfirmationUrl(HTTPRequest $request, $confirmationStorageId) { $url = $this->confirmationFormUrl; if (substr($url, 0, 1) === '/') { // add BASE_URL explicitly if not absolute $url = Controller::join_links(Director::baseURL(), $url); } return Controller::join_links( $url, urlencode($confirmationStorageId) ); } /** * Returns the URL where the user to be redirected * when declining the action (on the confirmation form) * * @param HTTPRequest $request Active request * * @return string URL */ protected function generateDeclineUrlForRequest(HTTPRequest $request) { return $this->declineUrl; } /** * Override the default decline url * * @param string $url * * @return $this */ public function setDeclineUrl($url) { $this->declineUrl = $url; return $this; } /** * Check whether the rules can be bypassed * without user confirmation * * @param HTTPRequest $request * * @return bool */ public function canBypass(HTTPRequest $request) { foreach ($this->bypasses as $bypass) { if ($bypass->checkRequestForBypass($request)) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Extract the confirmation items from the request and return * * @param HTTPRequest $request * * @return Confirmation\Item[] list of confirmation items */ public function getConfirmationItems(HTTPRequest $request) { $confirmationItems = []; foreach ($this->rules as $rule) { if ($item = $rule->getRequestConfirmationItem($request)) { $confirmationItems[] = $item; } } return $confirmationItems; } /** * Initialize the confirmation session storage * with the confirmation items and return an HTTPResponse * redirecting to the according confirmation form. * * @param HTTPRequest $request * @param Confirmation\Storage $storage * @param Confirmation\Item[] $confirmationItems * * @return HTTPResponse */ protected function buildConfirmationRedirect(HTTPRequest $request, Confirmation\Storage $storage, array $confirmationItems) { $storage->cleanup(); foreach ($confirmationItems as $item) { $storage->putItem($item); } $storage->setSuccessRequest($request); $storage->setFailureUrl($this->generateDeclineUrlForRequest($request)); $result = new HTTPResponse(); $result->redirect($this->getConfirmationUrl($request, $this->confirmationId)); return $result; } /** * Process the confirmation items and either perform the confirmedEffect * and pass the request to the next middleware, or return a redirect to * the confirmation form * * @param HTTPRequest $request * @param callable $delegate * @param Confirmation\Item[] $items * * @return HTTPResponse */ protected function processItems(HTTPRequest $request, callable $delegate, $items) { $storage = Injector::inst()->createWithArgs(Confirmation\Storage::class, [$request->getSession(), $this->confirmationId, false]); if (!count($storage->getItems())) { return $this->buildConfirmationRedirect($request, $storage, $items); } $confirmed = false; if ($storage->getHttpMethod() === 'POST') { $postVars = $request->postVars(); $csrfToken = $storage->getCsrfToken(); $confirmed = $storage->confirm($postVars) && isset($postVars[$csrfToken]); } else { $confirmed = $storage->check($items); } if (!$confirmed) { return $this->buildConfirmationRedirect($request, $storage, $items); } if ($response = $this->confirmedEffect($request)) { return $response; } $storage->cleanup(); return $delegate($request); } /** * The middleware own effects that should be performed on confirmation * * This method is getting called before the confirmation storage cleanup * so that any responses returned here don't trigger a new confirmtation * for the same request traits * * @param HTTPRequest $request * * @return null|HTTPResponse */ protected function confirmedEffect(HTTPRequest $request) { return null; } public function process(HTTPRequest $request, callable $delegate) { if ($this->canBypass($request)) { if ($response = $this->confirmedEffect($request)) { return $response; } else { return $delegate($request); } } if (!$items = $this->getConfirmationItems($request)) { return $delegate($request); } return $this->processItems($request, $delegate, $items); } /** * Override the confirmation storage ID * * @param string $id * * @return $this */ public function setConfirmationStorageId($id) { $this->confirmationId = $id; return $this; } /** * Override the confirmation form url * * @param string $url * * @return $this */ public function setConfirmationFormUrl($url) { $this->confirmationFormUrl = $url; return $this; } /** * Set the list of bypasses for the confirmation * * @param ConfirmationMiddleware\Bypass[] $bypasses * * @return $this */ public function setBypasses($bypasses) { $this->bypasses = $bypasses; return $this; } }