--- title: ModelAdmin summary: Create admin UI's for managing your data records. --- # ModelAdmin [ModelAdmin](api:SilverStripe\Admin\ModelAdmin) provides a simple way to utilize the Silverstripe CMS UI with your own data models. It can create searchables list and edit views of [DataObject](api:SilverStripe\ORM\DataObject) subclasses, and even provides import and export of your data. It uses the framework's knowledge about the model to provide sensible defaults, allowing you to get started in a couple of lines of code, while still providing a solid base for customization. [info] The interface is mainly powered by the [GridField](api:SilverStripe\Forms\GridField\GridField) class ([documentation](../forms/field_types/gridfield)), which can also be used in other areas of your application. [/info] Let's assume we want to manage a simple product listing as a sample data model: A product can have a name, price, and a category. **app/code/Product.php** ```php use SilverStripe\ORM\DataObject; class Product extends DataObject { private static $db = [ 'Name' => 'Varchar', 'ProductCode' => 'Varchar', 'Price' => 'Currency' ]; private static $has_one = [ 'Category' => Category::class ]; } ``` **app/code/Category.php** ```php use SilverStripe\ORM\DataObject; class Category extends DataObject { private static $db = [ 'Title' => 'Text' ]; private static $has_many = [ 'Products' => Product::class ]; } ``` To create your own `ModelAdmin`, simply extend the base class, and edit the `$managed_models` property with the list of DataObject's you want to scaffold an interface for. The class can manage multiple models in parallel, if required. We'll name it `MyAdmin`, but the class name can be anything you want. **app/code/MyAdmin.php** ```php use SilverStripe\Admin\ModelAdmin; class MyAdmin extends ModelAdmin { private static $managed_models = [ Product::class, Category::class ]; private static $url_segment = 'products'; private static $menu_title = 'My Product Admin'; } ``` This will automatically add a new menu entry to the Silverstripe CMS UI entitled `My Product Admin` and logged in users will be able to upload and manage `Product` and `Category` instances through http://yoursite.com/admin/products. [alert] After defining these classes, make sure you have rebuilt your Silverstripe CMS database and flushed your cache. [/alert] ## Defining the ModelAdmin models The `$managed_models` configuration supports additional formats allowing you to customise the URL and tab label used to access a specific model. This can also be used to display the same model more than once with different filtering or display options. ```php use SilverStripe\Admin\ModelAdmin; class MyAdmin extends ModelAdmin { private static $managed_models = [ // This is the most basic format. URL for this Model will use the fully // qualified namespace of `Product`. The label for this tab will be determined // by the `i18n_plural_name` on the `Product` class. Product::class, // This format can be used to customise the tab title. Category::class => [ 'title' => 'All categories' ], // This format can be used to customise the URL segment for this Model. This can // be useful if you do not want the fully qualified class name of the Model to // appear in the URL. It can also be used to have the same Model appear more than // once, allowing you to create custom views. (Only available in SS4.7+) 'product-category' => [ 'dataClass' => Category::class, 'title' => 'Product categories' ] ]; private static $url_segment = 'products'; private static $menu_title = 'My Product Admin'; public function getList() { $list = parent::getList(); // Only show Categories specific to Products When viewing the product-category tab if ($this->modelTab === 'product-category') { $list = $list->filter('IsProductCategory', true); } return $list; } } ``` ## Permissions Each new `ModelAdmin` subclass creates its' own [permission code](../security), for the example above this would be `CMS_ACCESS_MyAdmin`. Users with access to the Admin UI will need to have this permission assigned through `admin/security/` or have the `ADMIN` permission code in order to gain access to the controller. [notice] For more information on the security and permission system see the [Security Documentation](../security) [/notice] The [DataObject](api:SilverStripe\ORM\DataObject) API has more granular permission control, which is enforced in [ModelAdmin](api:SilverStripe\Admin\ModelAdmin) by default. Available checks are `canEdit()`, `canCreate()`, `canView()` and `canDelete()`. Models check for administrator permissions by default. For most cases, less restrictive checks make sense, e.g. checking for general CMS access rights. **app/code/Category.php** ```php use SilverStripe\Security\Permission; use SilverStripe\ORM\DataObject; class Category extends DataObject { public function canView($member = null) { return Permission::check('CMS_ACCESS_Company\Website\MyAdmin', 'any', $member); } public function canEdit($member = null) { return Permission::check('CMS_ACCESS_Company\Website\MyAdmin', 'any', $member); } public function canDelete($member = null) { return Permission::check('CMS_ACCESS_Company\Website\MyAdmin', 'any', $member); } public function canCreate($member = null) { return Permission::check('CMS_ACCESS_Company\Website\MyAdmin', 'any', $member); } } ``` ## Custom ModelAdmin CSS menu icons using built in icon font An extended ModelAdmin class supports adding a custom menu icon to the CMS. ``` class NewsAdmin extends ModelAdmin { ... private static $menu_icon_class = 'font-icon-news'; } ``` A complete list of supported font icons is available to view in the [Silverstripe CMS Design System Manager](https://projects.invisionapp.com/dsm/silver-stripe/silver-stripe/section/icons/5a8b972d656c91001150f8b6) ## Searching Records [ModelAdmin](api:SilverStripe\Admin\ModelAdmin) uses the [SearchContext](../search/searchcontext) class to provide a search form, as well as get the searched results. Every [DataObject](api:SilverStripe\ORM\DataObject) can have its own context, based on the fields which should be searchable. The class makes a guess at how those fields should be searched, e.g. showing a checkbox for any boolean fields in your `$db` definition. To remove, add or modify searchable fields, define a new [DataObject::$searchable_fields](api:SilverStripe\ORM\DataObject::$searchable_fields) static on your model class (see [SearchContext](../search/searchcontext) docs for details). **app/code/Product.php** ```php use SilverStripe\ORM\DataObject; class Product extends DataObject { private static $searchable_fields = [ 'Name', 'ProductCode' ]; } ``` [hint] [SearchContext](../search/searchcontext) documentation has more information on providing the search functionality. [/hint] ## Displaying Results The results are shown in a tabular listing, powered by the [GridField](../forms/field_types/gridfield), more specifically the [GridFieldDataColumns](api:SilverStripe\Forms\GridField\GridFieldDataColumns) component. This component looks for a [DataObject::$summary_fields](api:SilverStripe\ORM\DataObject::$summary_fields) static on your model class, where you can add or remove columns. To change the title, use [DataObject::$field_labels](api:SilverStripe\ORM\DataObject::$field_labels). **app/code/Product.php** ```php use SilverStripe\ORM\DataObject; class Product extends DataObject { private static $field_labels = [ 'Price' => 'Cost' // renames the column to "Cost" ]; private static $summary_fields = [ 'Name', 'Price' ]; } ``` The results list are retrieved from [SearchContext::getResults()](api:SilverStripe\ORM\Search\SearchContext::getResults()), based on the parameters passed through the search form. If no search parameters are given, the results will show every record. Results are a [DataList](api:SilverStripe\ORM\DataList) instance, so can be customized by additional SQL filters, joins. For example, we might want to exclude all products without prices in our sample `MyAdmin` implementation. **app/code/MyAdmin.php** ```php modelClass == 'Product') { $list = $list->exclude('Price', '0'); } return $list; } } ``` You can also customize the search behavior directly on your `ModelAdmin` instance. For example, we might want to have a checkbox which limits search results to expensive products (over $100). **app/code/MyAdmin.php** ```php modelClass == 'Product') { $context->getFields()->push(new CheckboxField('q[ExpensiveOnly]', 'Only expensive stuff')); } return $context; } public function getList() { $list = parent::getList(); $params = $this->getRequest()->requestVar('q'); // use this to access search parameters if($this->modelClass == 'Product' && isset($params['ExpensiveOnly']) && $params['ExpensiveOnly']) { $list = $list->exclude('Price:LessThan', '100'); } return $list; } } ``` ## Altering the ModelAdmin GridField or Form If you wish to provided a tailored esperience for CMS users, you can directly interact with the ModelAdmin form or gridfield. Override the following method: * `getEditForm()` to alter the Form object * `getGridField()` to alter the GridField field * `getGridFieldConfig()` to alter the GridField configuration. Extensions applied to a ModelAdmin can also use the `updateGridField` and `updateGridFieldConfig` hooks. [hint] `getGridField()`, `getGridFieldConfig()`, `updateGridField` and `updateGridFieldConfig` are only available on Silverstripe CMS 4.6 and above. [/hint] To alter how the results are displayed (via [GridField](api:SilverStripe\Forms\GridField\GridField)), you can also overload the `getEditForm()` method. For example, to add a new component. ### Overriding the methods on ModelAdmin **app/code/MyAdmin.php** ```php addComponent(new GridFieldFilterHeader()); return $config; } } ``` The above example will add the component to all `GridField`s (of all managed models). Alternatively we can also add it to only one specific `GridField`: **app/code/MyAdmin.php** ```php modelClass === Product::class) { $config->addComponent(new GridFieldFilterHeader()); } return $config; } } ``` ### Using an extension to customise a ModelAdmin You can use an Extension to achieve the same results. Extensions have the advantage of being reusable in many contexts. **app/code/ModelAdminExtension.php** ```php addComponent(new GridFieldFilterHeader()); } } ``` **app/_config/mysite.yml** ```yaml MyAdmin: extensions: - ModelAdminExtension ``` ### Altering a ModelAdmin using only `getEditForm()` If you're developing against a version of Silverstripe CMS prior to 4.6, your only option is to override `getEditForm()`. This requires a bit more work to access the GridField and GridFieldConfig instances. **app/code/MyAdmin.php** ```php sanitiseClassName($this->modelClass); $gridField = $form->Fields()->fieldByName($gridFieldName); // modify the list view. $gridField->getConfig()->addComponent(new GridFieldFilterHeader()); return $form; } } ``` ## Data Import The `ModelAdmin` class provides import of CSV files through the [CsvBulkLoader](api:SilverStripe\Dev\CsvBulkLoader) API. which has support for column mapping, updating existing records, and identifying relationships - so its a powerful tool to get your data into a Silverstripe CMS database. By default, each model management interface allows uploading a CSV file with all columns auto detected. To override with a more specific importer implementation, use the [ModelAdmin::$model_importers](api:SilverStripe\Admin\ModelAdmin::$model_importers) static. ## Data Export Export is available as a CSV format through a button at the end of a results list. You can also export search results. This is handled through the [GridFieldExportButton](api:SilverStripe\Forms\GridField\GridFieldExportButton) component. To customize the exported columns, create a new method called `getExportFields` in your `ModelAdmin`: ```php use SilverStripe\Admin\ModelAdmin; class MyAdmin extends ModelAdmin { // ... public function getExportFields() { return [ 'Name' => 'Name', 'ProductCode' => 'Product Code', 'Category.Title' => 'Category' ]; } } ``` ## Related Lessons * [Intoduction to ModelAdmin](https://www.silverstripe.org/learn/lessons/v4/introduction-to-modeladmin-1) ## Related Documentation * [GridField](../forms/field_types/gridfield) * [Permissions](../security/permissions) * [SearchContext](../search/searchcontext) ## API Documentation * [ModelAdmin](api:SilverStripe\Admin\ModelAdmin) * [LeftAndMain](api:SilverStripe\Admin\LeftAndMain) * [GridField](api:SilverStripe\Forms\GridField\GridField) * [DataList](api:SilverStripe\ORM\DataList) * [CsvBulkLoader](api:SilverStripe\Dev\CsvBulkLoader)