dbConn = new MySQLi($parameters['server'], $parameters['username'], $parameters['password']); if($this->dbConn->connect_error) { $this->databaseError("Couldn't connect to MySQL database | " . $this->dbConn->connect_error); } $this->query("SET sql_mode = 'ANSI'"); if(self::$connection_charset) { $this->dbConn->set_charset(self::$connection_charset); } $this->active = $this->dbConn->select_db($parameters['database']); $this->database = $parameters['database']; if(isset($parameters['timezone'])) $this->query(sprintf("SET SESSION time_zone = '%s'", $parameters['timezone'])); } /** * Not implemented, needed for PDO */ public function getConnect($parameters) { return null; } /** * Returns true if this database supports collations * @return boolean */ public function supportsCollations() { return true; } public function supportsTimezoneOverride() { return true; } /** * Get the version of MySQL. * @return string */ public function getVersion() { return $this->dbConn->server_info; } /** * Get the database server, namely mysql. * @return string */ public function getDatabaseServer() { return "mysql"; } public function query($sql, $errorLevel = E_USER_ERROR) { if(isset($_REQUEST['previewwrite']) && in_array(strtolower(substr($sql,0,strpos($sql,' '))), array('insert','update','delete','replace'))) { Debug::message("Will execute: $sql"); return; } if(isset($_REQUEST['showqueries']) && Director::isDev(true)) { $starttime = microtime(true); } $handle = $this->dbConn->query($sql); if(isset($_REQUEST['showqueries']) && Director::isDev(true)) { $endtime = round(microtime(true) - $starttime,4); Debug::message("\n$sql\n{$endtime}ms\n", false); } if(!$handle && $errorLevel) $this->databaseError("Couldn't run query: $sql | " . $this->dbConn->error, $errorLevel); return new MySQLQuery($this, $handle); } public function getGeneratedID($table) { return $this->dbConn->insert_id; } public function isActive() { return $this->active ? true : false; } public function createDatabase() { $this->query("CREATE DATABASE \"$this->database\""); $this->query("USE \"$this->database\""); $this->tableList = $this->fieldList = $this->indexList = null; $this->active = $this->dbConn->select_db($this->database); return $this->active; } /** * Drop the database that this object is currently connected to. * Use with caution. */ public function dropDatabase() { $this->dropDatabaseByName($this->database); } /** * Drop the database that this object is currently connected to. * Use with caution. */ public function dropDatabaseByName($dbName) { $this->query("DROP DATABASE \"$dbName\""); } /** * Returns the name of the currently selected database */ public function currentDatabase() { return $this->database; } /** * Switches to the given database. * If the database doesn't exist, you should call createDatabase() after calling selectDatabase() */ public function selectDatabase($dbname) { $this->database = $dbname; $this->tableList = $this->fieldList = $this->indexList = null; $this->active = false; if($this->databaseExists($this->database)) { $this->active = $this->dbConn->select_db($this->database); } return $this->active; } /** * Returns true if the named database exists. */ public function databaseExists($name) { $SQL_name = Convert::raw2sql($name); return $this->query("SHOW DATABASES LIKE '$SQL_name'")->value() ? true : false; } /** * Returns a column */ public function allDatabaseNames() { return $this->query("SHOW DATABASES")->column(); } /** * Create a new table. * @param $tableName The name of the table * @param $fields A map of field names to field types * @param $indexes A map of indexes * @param $options An map of additional options. The available keys are as follows: * - 'MSSQLDatabase'/'MySQLDatabase'/'PostgreSQLDatabase' - database-specific options such as "engine" for MySQL. * - 'temporary' - If true, then a temporary table will be created * @return The table name generated. This may be different from the table name, for example with temporary tables. */ public function createTable($table, $fields = null, $indexes = null, $options = null, $advancedOptions = null) { $fieldSchemas = $indexSchemas = ""; if(!empty($options[get_class($this)])) { $addOptions = $options[get_class($this)]; } elseif(!empty($options[get_parent_class($this)])) { $addOptions = $options[get_parent_class($this)]; } else { $addOptions = "ENGINE=InnoDB"; } if(!isset($fields['ID'])) $fields['ID'] = "int(11) not null auto_increment"; if($fields) foreach($fields as $k => $v) $fieldSchemas .= "\"$k\" $v,\n"; if($indexes) foreach($indexes as $k => $v) $indexSchemas .= $this->getIndexSqlDefinition($k, $v) . ",\n"; // Switch to "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE" for temporary tables $temporary = empty($options['temporary']) ? "" : "TEMPORARY"; $this->query("CREATE $temporary TABLE \"$table\" ( $fieldSchemas $indexSchemas primary key (ID) ) {$addOptions}"); return $table; } /** * Alter a table's schema. * @param $table The name of the table to alter * @param $newFields New fields, a map of field name => field schema * @param $newIndexes New indexes, a map of index name => index type * @param $alteredFields Updated fields, a map of field name => field schema * @param $alteredIndexes Updated indexes, a map of index name => index type * @param $alteredOptions */ public function alterTable($tableName, $newFields = null, $newIndexes = null, $alteredFields = null, $alteredIndexes = null, $alteredOptions = null, $advancedOptions = null) { if($this->isView($tableName)) { DB::alteration_message( sprintf("Table %s not changed as it is a view", $tableName), "changed" ); return; } $fieldSchemas = $indexSchemas = ""; $alterList = array(); if($newFields) foreach($newFields as $k => $v) $alterList[] .= "ADD \"$k\" $v"; if($newIndexes) foreach($newIndexes as $k => $v) $alterList[] .= "ADD " . $this->getIndexSqlDefinition($k, $v); if($alteredFields) foreach($alteredFields as $k => $v) $alterList[] .= "CHANGE \"$k\" \"$k\" $v"; if($alteredIndexes) foreach($alteredIndexes as $k => $v) { $alterList[] .= "DROP INDEX \"$k\""; $alterList[] .= "ADD ". $this->getIndexSqlDefinition($k, $v); } if($alteredOptions && isset($alteredOptions[get_class($this)])) { if(!isset($this->indexList[$tableName])) { $this->indexList[$tableName] = $this->indexList($tableName); } $skip = false; foreach($this->indexList[$tableName] as $index) { if(strpos($index, 'fulltext ') === 0) { $skip = true; break; } } if($skip) { DB::alteration_message( sprintf("Table %s options not changed to %s due to fulltextsearch index", $tableName, $alteredOptions[get_class($this)]), "changed" ); } else { $this->query(sprintf("ALTER TABLE \"%s\" %s", $tableName, $alteredOptions[get_class($this)])); DB::alteration_message( sprintf("Table %s options changed: %s", $tableName, $alteredOptions[get_class($this)]), "changed" ); } } $alterations = implode(",\n", $alterList); $this->query("ALTER TABLE \"$tableName\" $alterations"); } public function isView($tableName) { $info = $this->query("SHOW /*!50002 FULL*/ TABLES LIKE '$tableName'")->record(); return $info && strtoupper($info['Table_type']) == 'VIEW'; } public function renameTable($oldTableName, $newTableName) { $this->query("ALTER TABLE \"$oldTableName\" RENAME \"$newTableName\""); } /** * Checks a table's integrity and repairs it if necessary. * @var string $tableName The name of the table. * @return boolean Return true if the table has integrity after the method is complete. */ public function checkAndRepairTable($tableName) { if(!$this->runTableCheckCommand("CHECK TABLE \"$tableName\"")) { if($this->runTableCheckCommand("CHECK TABLE \"".strtolower($tableName)."\"")){ DB::alteration_message("Table $tableName: renamed from lowercase","repaired"); return $this->renameTable(strtolower($tableName),$tableName); } DB::alteration_message("Table $tableName: repaired","repaired"); return $this->runTableCheckCommand("REPAIR TABLE \"$tableName\" USE_FRM"); } else { return true; } } /** * Helper function used by checkAndRepairTable. * @param string $sql Query to run. * @return boolean Returns if the query returns a successful result. */ protected function runTableCheckCommand($sql) { $testResults = $this->query($sql); foreach($testResults as $testRecord) { if(strtolower($testRecord['Msg_text']) != 'ok') { return false; } } return true; } public function createField($tableName, $fieldName, $fieldSpec) { $this->query("ALTER TABLE \"$tableName\" ADD \"$fieldName\" $fieldSpec"); } /** * Change the database type of the given field. * @param string $tableName The name of the tbale the field is in. * @param string $fieldName The name of the field to change. * @param string $fieldSpec The new field specification */ public function alterField($tableName, $fieldName, $fieldSpec) { $this->query("ALTER TABLE \"$tableName\" CHANGE \"$fieldName\" \"$fieldName\" $fieldSpec"); } /** * Change the database column name of the given field. * * @param string $tableName The name of the tbale the field is in. * @param string $oldName The name of the field to change. * @param string $newName The new name of the field */ public function renameField($tableName, $oldName, $newName) { $fieldList = $this->fieldList($tableName); if(array_key_exists($oldName, $fieldList)) { $this->query("ALTER TABLE \"$tableName\" CHANGE \"$oldName\" \"$newName\" " . $fieldList[$oldName]); } } private static $_cache_collation_info = array(); public function fieldList($table) { $fields = DB::query("SHOW FULL FIELDS IN \"$table\""); foreach($fields as $field) { // ensure that '' is converted to \' in field specification (mostly for the benefit of ENUM values) $fieldSpec = str_replace('\'\'', '\\\'', $field['Type']); if(!$field['Null'] || $field['Null'] == 'NO') { $fieldSpec .= ' not null'; } if($field['Collation'] && $field['Collation'] != 'NULL') { // Cache collation info to cut down on database traffic if(!isset(self::$_cache_collation_info[$field['Collation']])) { self::$_cache_collation_info[$field['Collation']] = DB::query("SHOW COLLATION LIKE '$field[Collation]'")->record(); } $collInfo = self::$_cache_collation_info[$field['Collation']]; $fieldSpec .= " character set $collInfo[Charset] collate $field[Collation]"; } if($field['Default'] || $field['Default'] === "0") { if(is_numeric($field['Default'])) $fieldSpec .= " default " . Convert::raw2sql($field['Default']); else $fieldSpec .= " default '" . Convert::raw2sql($field['Default']) . "'"; } if($field['Extra']) $fieldSpec .= " $field[Extra]"; $fieldList[$field['Field']] = $fieldSpec; } return $fieldList; } /** * Create an index on a table. * * @param string $tableName The name of the table. * @param string $indexName The name of the index. * @param string $indexSpec The specification of the index, see {@link SS_Database::requireIndex()} for more details. */ public function createIndex($tableName, $indexName, $indexSpec) { $this->query("ALTER TABLE \"$tableName\" ADD " . $this->getIndexSqlDefinition($indexName, $indexSpec)); } /** * This takes the index spec which has been provided by a class (ie static $indexes = blah blah) * and turns it into a proper string. * Some indexes may be arrays, such as fulltext and unique indexes, and this allows database-specific * arrays to be created. See {@link requireTable()} for details on the index format. * * @see http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/create-index.html * * @param string|array $indexSpec * @return string MySQL compatible ALTER TABLE syntax */ public function convertIndexSpec($indexSpec){ if(is_array($indexSpec)){ //Here we create a db-specific version of whatever index we need to create. switch($indexSpec['type']){ case 'fulltext': $indexSpec='fulltext (' . str_replace(' ', '', $indexSpec['value']) . ')'; break; case 'unique': $indexSpec='unique (' . $indexSpec['value'] . ')'; break; case 'btree': case 'index': $indexSpec='using btree (' . $indexSpec['value'] . ')'; break; case 'hash': $indexSpec='using hash (' . $indexSpec['value'] . ')'; break; } } return $indexSpec; } /** * @param string $indexName * @param string|array $indexSpec See {@link requireTable()} for details * @return string MySQL compatible ALTER TABLE syntax */ protected function getIndexSqlDefinition($indexName, $indexSpec=null) { $indexSpec=$this->convertIndexSpec($indexSpec); $indexSpec = trim($indexSpec); if($indexSpec[0] != '(') list($indexType, $indexFields) = explode(' ',$indexSpec,2); else $indexFields = $indexSpec; if(!isset($indexType)) $indexType = "index"; if($indexType=='using') return "index \"$indexName\" using $indexFields"; else { return "$indexType \"$indexName\" $indexFields"; } } /** * MySQL does not need any transformations done on the index that's created, so we can just return it as-is */ public function getDbSqlDefinition($tableName, $indexName, $indexSpec){ return $indexName; } /** * Alter an index on a table. * @param string $tableName The name of the table. * @param string $indexName The name of the index. * @param string $indexSpec The specification of the index, see {@link SS_Database::requireIndex()} for more details. */ public function alterIndex($tableName, $indexName, $indexSpec) { $indexSpec=$this->convertIndexSpec($indexSpec); $indexSpec = trim($indexSpec); if($indexSpec[0] != '(') { list($indexType, $indexFields) = explode(' ',$indexSpec,2); } else { $indexFields = $indexSpec; } if(!$indexType) { $indexType = "index"; } $this->query("ALTER TABLE \"$tableName\" DROP INDEX \"$indexName\""); $this->query("ALTER TABLE \"$tableName\" ADD $indexType \"$indexName\" $indexFields"); } /** * Return the list of indexes in a table. * @param string $table The table name. * @return array */ public function indexList($table) { $indexes = DB::query("SHOW INDEXES IN \"$table\""); $groupedIndexes = array(); $indexList = array(); foreach($indexes as $index) { $groupedIndexes[$index['Key_name']]['fields'][$index['Seq_in_index']] = $index['Column_name']; if($index['Index_type'] == 'FULLTEXT') { $groupedIndexes[$index['Key_name']]['type'] = 'fulltext '; } else if(!$index['Non_unique']) { $groupedIndexes[$index['Key_name']]['type'] = 'unique '; } else if($index['Index_type'] =='HASH') { $groupedIndexes[$index['Key_name']]['type'] = 'hash '; } else if($index['Index_type'] =='RTREE') { $groupedIndexes[$index['Key_name']]['type'] = 'rtree '; } else { $groupedIndexes[$index['Key_name']]['type'] = ''; } } if($groupedIndexes) { foreach($groupedIndexes as $index => $details) { ksort($details['fields']); $indexList[$index] = $details['type'] . '("' . implode('","',$details['fields']) . '")'; } } return $indexList; } /** * Returns a list of all the tables in the database. * @return array */ public function tableList() { $tables = array(); foreach($this->query("SHOW TABLES") as $record) { $table = reset($record); $tables[strtolower($table)] = $table; } return $tables; } /** * Return the number of rows affected by the previous operation. * @return int */ public function affectedRows() { return $this->dbConn->affected_rows; } public function databaseError($msg, $errorLevel = E_USER_ERROR) { // try to extract and format query if(preg_match('/Couldn\'t run query: ([^\|]*)\|\s*(.*)/', $msg, $matches)) { $formatter = new SQLFormatter(); $msg = "Couldn't run query: \n" . $formatter->formatPlain($matches[1]) . "\n\n" . $matches[2]; } user_error($msg, $errorLevel); } /** * Return a boolean type-formatted string * * @param array $values Contains a tokenised list of info about this data type * @return string */ public function boolean($values){ //For reference, this is what typically gets passed to this function: //$parts=Array('datatype'=>'tinyint', 'precision'=>1, 'sign'=>'unsigned', 'null'=>'not null', 'default'=>$this->default); //DB::requireField($this->tableName, $this->name, "tinyint(1) unsigned not null default '{$this->defaultVal}'"); return 'tinyint(1) unsigned not null default ' . (int)$values['default']; } /** * Return a date type-formatted string * For MySQL, we simply return the word 'date', no other parameters are necessary * * @param array $values Contains a tokenised list of info about this data type * @return string */ public function date($values){ //For reference, this is what typically gets passed to this function: //$parts=Array('datatype'=>'date'); //DB::requireField($this->tableName, $this->name, "date"); return 'date'; } /** * Return a decimal type-formatted string * * @param array $values Contains a tokenised list of info about this data type * @return string */ public function decimal($values){ //For reference, this is what typically gets passed to this function: //$parts=Array('datatype'=>'decimal', 'precision'=>"$this->wholeSize,$this->decimalSize"); //DB::requireField($this->tableName, $this->name, "decimal($this->wholeSize,$this->decimalSize)"); // Avoid empty strings being put in the db if($values['precision'] == '') { $precision = 1; } else { $precision = $values['precision']; } $defaultValue = ''; if(isset($values['default']) && is_numeric($values['default'])) { $decs = strpos($precision, ',') !== false ? (int)substr($precision, strpos($precision, ',')+1) : 0; $defaultValue = ' default ' . number_format($values['default'], $decs, '.', ''); } return 'decimal(' . $precision . ') not null' . $defaultValue; } /** * Return a enum type-formatted string * * @param array $values Contains a tokenised list of info about this data type * @return string */ public function enum($values){ //For reference, this is what typically gets passed to this function: //$parts=Array('datatype'=>'enum', 'enums'=>$this->enum, 'character set'=>'utf8', 'collate'=> 'utf8_general_ci', 'default'=>$this->default); //DB::requireField($this->tableName, $this->name, "enum('" . implode("','", $this->enum) . "') character set utf8 collate utf8_general_ci default '{$this->default}'"); return 'enum(\'' . implode('\',\'', $values['enums']) . '\') character set utf8 collate utf8_general_ci default \'' . $values['default'] . '\''; } /** * Return a set type-formatted string * * @param array $values Contains a tokenised list of info about this data type * @return string */ public function set($values){ //For reference, this is what typically gets passed to this function: //$parts=Array('datatype'=>'enum', 'enums'=>$this->enum, 'character set'=>'utf8', 'collate'=> 'utf8_general_ci', 'default'=>$this->default); //DB::requireField($this->tableName, $this->name, "enum('" . implode("','", $this->enum) . "') character set utf8 collate utf8_general_ci default '{$this->default}'"); $default = empty($values['default']) ? '' : " default '$values[default]'"; return 'set(\'' . implode('\',\'', $values['enums']) . '\') character set utf8 collate utf8_general_ci' . $default; } /** * Return a float type-formatted string * For MySQL, we simply return the word 'date', no other parameters are necessary * * @param array $values Contains a tokenised list of info about this data type * @return string */ public function float($values){ //For reference, this is what typically gets passed to this function: //$parts=Array('datatype'=>'float'); //DB::requireField($this->tableName, $this->name, "float"); return 'float not null default ' . $values['default']; } /** * Return a int type-formatted string * * @param array $values Contains a tokenised list of info about this data type * @return string */ public function int($values){ //For reference, this is what typically gets passed to this function: //$parts=Array('datatype'=>'int', 'precision'=>11, 'null'=>'not null', 'default'=>(int)$this->default); //DB::requireField($this->tableName, $this->name, "int(11) not null default '{$this->defaultVal}'"); return 'int(11) not null default ' . (int)$values['default']; } /** * Return a datetime type-formatted string * For MySQL, we simply return the word 'datetime', no other parameters are necessary * * @param array $values Contains a tokenised list of info about this data type * @return string */ public function ss_datetime($values){ //For reference, this is what typically gets passed to this function: //$parts=Array('datatype'=>'datetime'); //DB::requireField($this->tableName, $this->name, $values); return 'datetime'; } /** * Return a text type-formatted string * * @param array $values Contains a tokenised list of info about this data type * @return string */ public function text($values){ //For reference, this is what typically gets passed to this function: //$parts=Array('datatype'=>'mediumtext', 'character set'=>'utf8', 'collate'=>'utf8_general_ci'); //DB::requireField($this->tableName, $this->name, "mediumtext character set utf8 collate utf8_general_ci"); return 'mediumtext character set utf8 collate utf8_general_ci'; } /** * Return a time type-formatted string * For MySQL, we simply return the word 'time', no other parameters are necessary * * @param array $values Contains a tokenised list of info about this data type * @return string */ public function time($values){ //For reference, this is what typically gets passed to this function: //$parts=Array('datatype'=>'time'); //DB::requireField($this->tableName, $this->name, "time"); return 'time'; } /** * Return a varchar type-formatted string * * @param array $values Contains a tokenised list of info about this data type * @return string */ public function varchar($values){ //For reference, this is what typically gets passed to this function: //$parts=Array('datatype'=>'varchar', 'precision'=>$this->size, 'character set'=>'utf8', 'collate'=>'utf8_general_ci'); //DB::requireField($this->tableName, $this->name, "varchar($this->size) character set utf8 collate utf8_general_ci"); return 'varchar(' . $values['precision'] . ') character set utf8 collate utf8_general_ci'; } /* * Return the MySQL-proprietary 'Year' datatype */ public function year($values){ return 'year(4)'; } /** * This returns the column which is the primary key for each table * In Postgres, it is a SERIAL8, which is the equivalent of an auto_increment * * @return string */ public function IdColumn(){ return 'int(11) not null auto_increment'; } /** * Returns the SQL command to get all the tables in this database */ public function allTablesSQL(){ return "SHOW TABLES;"; } /** * Returns true if the given table is exists in the current database * NOTE: Experimental; introduced for db-abstraction and may changed before 2.4 is released. */ public function hasTable($table) { $SQL_table = Convert::raw2sql($table); return (bool)($this->query("SHOW TABLES LIKE '$SQL_table'")->value()); } /** * Returns the values of the given enum field * NOTE: Experimental; introduced for db-abstraction and may changed before 2.4 is released. */ public function enumValuesForField($tableName, $fieldName) { // Get the enum of all page types from the SiteTree table $classnameinfo = DB::query("DESCRIBE \"$tableName\" \"$fieldName\"")->first(); preg_match_all("/'[^,]+'/", $classnameinfo["Type"], $matches); $classes = array(); foreach($matches[0] as $value) { $classes[] = stripslashes(trim($value, "'")); } return $classes; } /** * The core search engine, used by this class and its subclasses to do fun stuff. * Searches both SiteTree and File. * * @param string $keywords Keywords as a string. */ public function searchEngine($classesToSearch, $keywords, $start, $pageLength, $sortBy = "Relevance DESC", $extraFilter = "", $booleanSearch = false, $alternativeFileFilter = "", $invertedMatch = false) { if(!class_exists('SiteTree')) throw new Exception('MySQLDatabase->searchEngine() requires "SiteTree" class'); if(!class_exists('File')) throw new Exception('MySQLDatabase->searchEngine() requires "File" class'); $fileFilter = ''; $keywords = Convert::raw2sql($keywords); $htmlEntityKeywords = htmlentities($keywords, ENT_NOQUOTES, 'UTF-8'); $extraFilters = array('SiteTree' => '', 'File' => ''); if($booleanSearch) $boolean = "IN BOOLEAN MODE"; if($extraFilter) { $extraFilters['SiteTree'] = " AND $extraFilter"; if($alternativeFileFilter) $extraFilters['File'] = " AND $alternativeFileFilter"; else $extraFilters['File'] = $extraFilters['SiteTree']; } // Always ensure that only pages with ShowInSearch = 1 can be searched $extraFilters['SiteTree'] .= " AND ShowInSearch <> 0"; // File.ShowInSearch was added later, keep the database driver backwards compatible // by checking for its existence first $fields = $this->fieldList('File'); if(array_key_exists('ShowInSearch', $fields)) $extraFilters['File'] .= " AND ShowInSearch <> 0"; $limit = $start . ", " . (int) $pageLength; $notMatch = $invertedMatch ? "NOT " : ""; if($keywords) { $match['SiteTree'] = " MATCH (Title, MenuTitle, Content, MetaDescription) AGAINST ('$keywords' $boolean) + MATCH (Title, MenuTitle, Content, MetaDescription) AGAINST ('$htmlEntityKeywords' $boolean) "; $match['File'] = "MATCH (Filename, Title, Content) AGAINST ('$keywords' $boolean) AND ClassName = 'File'"; // We make the relevance search by converting a boolean mode search into a normal one $relevanceKeywords = str_replace(array('*','+','-'),'',$keywords); $htmlEntityRelevanceKeywords = str_replace(array('*','+','-'),'',$htmlEntityKeywords); $relevance['SiteTree'] = "MATCH (Title, MenuTitle, Content, MetaDescription) AGAINST ('$relevanceKeywords') + MATCH (Title, MenuTitle, Content, MetaDescription) AGAINST ('$htmlEntityRelevanceKeywords')"; $relevance['File'] = "MATCH (Filename, Title, Content) AGAINST ('$relevanceKeywords')"; } else { $relevance['SiteTree'] = $relevance['File'] = 1; $match['SiteTree'] = $match['File'] = "1 = 1"; } // Generate initial DataLists and base table names $lists = array(); $baseClasses = array('SiteTree' => '', 'File' => ''); foreach($classesToSearch as $class) { $lists[$class] = DataList::create($class)->where($notMatch . $match[$class] . $extraFilters[$class], ""); $baseClasses[$class] = '"'.$class.'"'; } // Make column selection lists $select = array( 'SiteTree' => array("ClassName","$baseClasses[SiteTree].\"ID\"","ParentID","Title","MenuTitle","URLSegment","Content","LastEdited","Created","Filename" => "_utf8''", "Name" => "_utf8''", "Relevance" => $relevance['SiteTree'], "CanViewType"), 'File' => array("ClassName","$baseClasses[File].\"ID\"","ParentID" => "_utf8''","Title","MenuTitle" => "_utf8''","URLSegment" => "_utf8''","Content","LastEdited","Created","Filename","Name", "Relevance" => $relevance['File'], "CanViewType" => "NULL"), ); // Process and combine queries $querySQLs = array(); $totalCount = 0; foreach($lists as $class => $list) { $query = $list->dataQuery()->query(); // There's no need to do all that joining $query->setFrom(array(str_replace(array('"','`'), '', $baseClasses[$class]) => $baseClasses[$class])); $query->setSelect($select[$class]); $query->setOrderBy(array()); $querySQLs[] = $query->sql(); $totalCount += $query->unlimitedRowCount(); } $fullQuery = implode(" UNION ", $querySQLs) . " ORDER BY $sortBy LIMIT $limit"; // Get records $records = DB::query($fullQuery); $objects = array(); foreach($records as $record) { $objects[] = new $record['ClassName']($record); } $list = new PaginatedList(new ArrayList($objects)); $list->setPageStart($start); $list->setPageLEngth($pageLength); $list->setTotalItems($totalCount); // The list has already been limited by the query above $list->setLimitItems(false); return $list; } /** * MySQL uses NOW() to return the current date/time. */ public function now(){ return 'NOW()'; } /* * Returns the database-specific version of the random() function */ public function random(){ return 'RAND()'; } /* * This is a lookup table for data types. * For instance, Postgres uses 'INT', while MySQL uses 'UNSIGNED' * So this is a DB-specific list of equivilents. */ public function dbDataType($type){ $values=Array( 'unsigned integer'=>'UNSIGNED' ); if(isset($values[$type])) return $values[$type]; else return ''; } /* * This will return text which has been escaped in a database-friendly manner. */ public function addslashes($value){ return $this->dbConn->real_escape_string($value); } /* * This changes the index name depending on database requirements. * MySQL doesn't need any changes. */ public function modifyIndex($index){ return $index; } /** * Returns a SQL fragment for querying a fulltext search index * @param $fields array The list of field names to search on * @param $keywords string The search query * @param $booleanSearch A MySQL-specific flag to switch to boolean search */ public function fullTextSearchSQL($fields, $keywords, $booleanSearch = false) { $boolean = $booleanSearch ? "IN BOOLEAN MODE" : ""; $fieldNames = '"' . implode('", "', $fields) . '"'; $SQL_keywords = Convert::raw2sql($keywords); $SQL_htmlEntityKeywords = Convert::raw2sql(htmlentities($keywords, ENT_NOQUOTES, 'UTF-8')); return "(MATCH ($fieldNames) AGAINST ('$SQL_keywords' $boolean) + MATCH ($fieldNames) AGAINST ('$SQL_htmlEntityKeywords' $boolean))"; } /* * Does this database support transactions? */ public function supportsTransactions(){ return $this->supportsTransactions; } /* * This is a quick lookup to discover if the database supports particular extensions * Currently, MySQL supports no extensions */ public function supportsExtensions($extensions=Array('partitions', 'tablespaces', 'clustering')){ if(isset($extensions['partitions'])) return false; elseif(isset($extensions['tablespaces'])) return false; elseif(isset($extensions['clustering'])) return false; else return false; } /* * Start a prepared transaction * See http://developer.postgresql.org/pgdocs/postgres/sql-set-transaction.html for details on transaction isolation options */ public function transactionStart($transaction_mode=false, $session_characteristics=false){ // This sets the isolation level for the NEXT transaction, not the current one. if($transaction_mode) { $this->query('SET TRANSACTION ' . $transaction_mode . ';'); } $this->query('START TRANSACTION;'); if($session_characteristics) { $this->query('SET SESSION TRANSACTION ' . $session_characteristics . ';'); } } /* * Create a savepoint that you can jump back to if you encounter problems */ public function transactionSavepoint($savepoint){ $this->query("SAVEPOINT $savepoint;"); } /* * Rollback or revert to a savepoint if your queries encounter problems * If you encounter a problem at any point during a transaction, you may * need to rollback that particular query, or return to a savepoint */ public function transactionRollback($savepoint = false){ if($savepoint) { $this->query('ROLLBACK TO ' . $savepoint . ';'); } else { $this->query('ROLLBACK'); } } /* * Commit everything inside this transaction so far */ public function transactionEnd($chain = false){ $this->query('COMMIT AND ' . ($chain ? '' : 'NO ') . 'CHAIN;'); } /** * function to return an SQL datetime expression that can be used with MySQL * used for querying a datetime in a certain format * @param string $date to be formated, can be either 'now', literal datetime like '1973-10-14 10:30:00' or field name, e.g. '"SiteTree"."Created"' * @param string $format to be used, supported specifiers: * %Y = Year (four digits) * %m = Month (01..12) * %d = Day (01..31) * %H = Hour (00..23) * %i = Minutes (00..59) * %s = Seconds (00..59) * %U = unix timestamp, can only be used on it's own * @return string SQL datetime expression to query for a formatted datetime */ public function formattedDatetimeClause($date, $format) { preg_match_all('/%(.)/', $format, $matches); foreach($matches[1] as $match) if(array_search($match, array('Y','m','d','H','i','s','U')) === false) user_error('formattedDatetimeClause(): unsupported format character %' . $match, E_USER_WARNING); if(preg_match('/^now$/i', $date)) { $date = "NOW()"; } else if(preg_match('/^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}$/i', $date)) { $date = "'$date'"; } if($format == '%U') return "UNIX_TIMESTAMP($date)"; return "DATE_FORMAT($date, '$format')"; } /** * function to return an SQL datetime expression that can be used with MySQL * used for querying a datetime addition * @param string $date, can be either 'now', literal datetime like '1973-10-14 10:30:00' or field name, e.g. '"SiteTree"."Created"' * @param string $interval to be added, use the format [sign][integer] [qualifier], e.g. -1 Day, +15 minutes, +1 YEAR * supported qualifiers: * - years * - months * - days * - hours * - minutes * - seconds * This includes the singular forms as well * @return string SQL datetime expression to query for a datetime (YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss) which is the result of the addition */ public function datetimeIntervalClause($date, $interval) { $interval = preg_replace('/(year|month|day|hour|minute|second)s/i', '$1', $interval); if(preg_match('/^now$/i', $date)) { $date = "NOW()"; } else if(preg_match('/^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}$/i', $date)) { $date = "'$date'"; } return "$date + INTERVAL $interval"; } /** * function to return an SQL datetime expression that can be used with MySQL * used for querying a datetime substraction * @param string $date1, can be either 'now', literal datetime like '1973-10-14 10:30:00' or field name, e.g. '"SiteTree"."Created"' * @param string $date2 to be substracted of $date1, can be either 'now', literal datetime like '1973-10-14 10:30:00' or field name, e.g. '"SiteTree"."Created"' * @return string SQL datetime expression to query for the interval between $date1 and $date2 in seconds which is the result of the substraction */ public function datetimeDifferenceClause($date1, $date2) { if(preg_match('/^now$/i', $date1)) { $date1 = "NOW()"; } else if(preg_match('/^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}$/i', $date1)) { $date1 = "'$date1'"; } if(preg_match('/^now$/i', $date2)) { $date2 = "NOW()"; } else if(preg_match('/^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}$/i', $date2)) { $date2 = "'$date2'"; } return "UNIX_TIMESTAMP($date1) - UNIX_TIMESTAMP($date2)"; } public function supportsLocks() { return true; } public function canLock($name) { $id = $this->getLockIdentifier($name); return (bool)DB::query(sprintf("SELECT IS_FREE_LOCK('%s')", $id))->value(); } public function getLock($name, $timeout = 5) { $id = $this->getLockIdentifier($name); // MySQL auto-releases existing locks on subsequent GET_LOCK() calls, // in contrast to PostgreSQL and SQL Server who stack the locks. return (bool)DB::query(sprintf("SELECT GET_LOCK('%s', %d)", $id, $timeout))->value(); } public function releaseLock($name) { $id = $this->getLockIdentifier($name); return (bool)DB::query(sprintf("SELECT RELEASE_LOCK('%s')", $id))->value(); } protected function getLockIdentifier($name) { // Prefix with database name return Convert::raw2sql($this->database . '_' . Convert::raw2sql($name)); } } /** * A result-set from a MySQL database. * @package framework * @subpackage model */ class MySQLQuery extends SS_Query { /** * The MySQLDatabase object that created this result set. * @var MySQLDatabase */ private $database; /** * The internal MySQL handle that points to the result set. * @var resource */ private $handle; /** * Hook the result-set given into a Query class, suitable for use by SilverStripe. * @param database The database object that created this query. * @param handle the internal mysql handle that is points to the resultset. */ public function __construct(MySQLDatabase $database, $handle) { $this->database = $database; $this->handle = $handle; } public function __destruct() { if(is_object($this->handle)) $this->handle->free(); } public function seek($row) { if(is_object($this->handle)) return $this->handle->data_seek($row); } public function numRecords() { if(is_object($this->handle)) return $this->handle->num_rows; } public function nextRecord() { if(is_object($this->handle) && ($data = $this->handle->fetch_assoc())) { return $data; } else { return false; } } }