 * Class to handle parsing of CSV files, where the column headers are in the first row.
 * The idea is that you pass it another object to handle the actual procesing of the data in the CSV file.
 * Usage:
 * <code>
 * $parser = new CSVParser('myfile.csv');
 * $parser->mapColumns(
 *    'first name' => 'FirstName'
 *    'lastname' => 'Surname',
 *    'last name' => 'Surname'
 * ));
 * foreach($parser as $row) {
 * 	 // $row is a map of column name => column value
 *   $obj = new MyDataObject();
 *   $obj->update($row);
 *   $obj->write();
 * }
 * </code>
 * @package framework
 * @subpackage bulkloading
class CSVParser extends Object implements Iterator {
	protected $filename;
	protected $fileHandle;
	 * Map of source columns to output columns
	 * Once they get into this variable, all of the source columns are in lowercase
	protected $columnMap = array();
	 * The header row used to map data in the CSV file
	 * To begin with, this is null.  Once it has been set, data will get returned from the CSV file
	protected $headerRow = null;
	 * A custom header row provided by the caller
	protected $providedHeaderRow = null;
	 * The data of the current row
	protected $currentRow = null;
	 * The current row number
	 * 1 is the first data row in the CSV file; the header row, if it exists, is ignored
	protected $rowNum = 0;
	 * The character for separating columns
	protected $delimiter = ",";
	 * The character for quoting colums
	protected $enclosure = '"';
	 * Open a CSV file for parsing.
	 * You can use the object returned in a foreach loop to extract the data
	 * @param $filename The name of the file.  If relative, it will be relative to the site's base dir
	 * @param $delimiter The character for seperating columns
	 * @param $enclosure The character for quoting or enclosing columns
	function __construct($filename, $delimiter = ",", $enclosure = '"') {
		$filename = Director::getAbsFile($filename);
		$this->filename = $filename;
		$this->delimiter = $delimiter;
		$this->enclosure = $enclosure;
	 * Re-map columns in the CSV file.
	 * This can be useful for identifying synonyms in the file
	 * For example:
	 * <code>
	 * $csv->mapColumns(array(
	 *   'firstname' => 'FirstName',
	 *   'last name' => 'Surname',
	 * ));
	 * </code>
	function mapColumns($columnMap) {
		if($columnMap) {
			$lowerColumnMap = array();
			foreach($columnMap as $k => $v) {
				$lowerColumnMap[strtolower($k)] = $v;
			$this->columnMap = array_merge($this->columnMap, $lowerColumnMap);
	 * If your CSV file doesn't have a header row, then you can call this function to provide one.
	 * If you call this function, then the first row of the CSV will be included in the data returned.
	function provideHeaderRow($headerRow) {
		$this->providedHeaderRow = $headerRow;

	 * Open the CSV file for reading
	protected function openFile() {
		$this->fileHandle = fopen($this->filename,'r');

		if($this->providedHeaderRow) {
			$this->headerRow = $this->remapHeader($this->providedHeaderRow);

	 * Close the CSV file and re-set all of the internal variables
	protected function closeFile() {
		if($this->fileHandle) fclose($this->fileHandle);
		$this->fileHandle = null;

		$this->rowNum = 0;
		$this->currentRow = null;
		$this->headerRow = null;

	 * Get a header row from the CSV file
	protected function fetchCSVHeader() {
		$srcRow = fgetcsv($this->fileHandle, 0, $this->delimiter, $this->enclosure);
		$this->headerRow = $this->remapHeader($srcRow);
	 * Map the contents of a header array using $this->mappedColumns
	protected function remapHeader($header) {
		$mappedHeader = array();
		foreach($header as $item) {
			if(isset($this->columnMap[strtolower($item)])) $item = $this->columnMap[strtolower($item)];
			$mappedHeader[] = $item;
		return $mappedHeader;
	 * Get a row from the CSV file and update $this->currentRow;
	protected function fetchCSVRow() {
		if(!$this->fileHandle) $this->openFile();
		if(!$this->headerRow) $this->fetchCSVHeader();

		$srcRow = fgetcsv($this->fileHandle, 0, $this->delimiter, $this->enclosure);
		if($srcRow) {
			$row = array();
			foreach($srcRow as $i => $value) {
				// Allow escaping of quotes and commas in the data
				$value = str_replace(
				if(array_key_exists($i, $this->headerRow)) {
					if($this->headerRow[$i]) $row[$this->headerRow[$i]] = $value;
				} else {
					user_error("No heading for column $i on row $this->rowNum", E_USER_WARNING);
			$this->currentRow = $row;
		} else {
		return $this->currentRow;		
	 * @ignore
	function __destruct() {


	 * @ignore 
	function rewind() {
	 * @ignore 
	function current() {
		return $this->currentRow;
	 * @ignore 
	function key() {
		return $this->rowNum;
	 * @ignore 
	function next() {
		return $this->currentRow;
	 * @ignore 
	function valid() {
		return $this->currentRow ? true : false;
