performLogin($data)) { return $this->logInUserAndRedirect($data); } /** @skipUpgrade */ if (array_key_exists('Email', $data)) { Session::set('SessionForms.MemberLoginForm.Email', $data['Email']); Session::set('SessionForms.MemberLoginForm.Remember', isset($data['Remember'])); } // Fail to login redirects back to form return $this->redirectBackToForm(); } /** * Redirect to password recovery form * * @return HTTPResponse */ public function redirectToLostPassword() { $lostPasswordLink = Security::singleton()->Link('lostpassword'); return $this->redirect($this->addBackURLParam($lostPasswordLink)); } public function getReturnReferer() { // Home of login form is always this url return Security::singleton()->Link('login'); } /** * Login in the user and figure out where to redirect the browser. * * The $data has this format * array( * 'AuthenticationMethod' => 'MemberAuthenticator', * 'Email' => '', * 'Password' => '1nitialPassword', * 'BackURL' => 'test/link', * [Optional: 'Remember' => 1 ] * ) * * @param array $data * @return HTTPResponse */ protected function logInUserAndRedirect($data) { Session::clear('SessionForms.MemberLoginForm.Email'); Session::clear('SessionForms.MemberLoginForm.Remember'); $member = Member::currentUser(); if ($member->isPasswordExpired()) { return $this->redirectToChangePassword(); } // Absolute redirection URLs may cause spoofing $backURL = $this->getBackURL(); if ($backURL) { return $this->redirect($backURL); } // If a default login dest has been set, redirect to that. $defaultLoginDest = Security::config()->get('default_login_dest'); if ($defaultLoginDest) { return $this->redirect($defaultLoginDest); } // Redirect the user to the page where they came from if ($member) { if (!empty($data['Remember'])) { Session::set('SessionForms.MemberLoginForm.Remember', '1'); $member->logIn(true); } else { $member->logIn(); } // Welcome message $message = _t( 'SilverStripe\\Security\\Member.WELCOMEBACK', "Welcome Back, {firstname}", ['firstname' => $member->FirstName] ); Security::setLoginMessage($message, ValidationResult::TYPE_GOOD); } // Redirect back return $this->redirectBack(); } /** * Log out form handler method * * This method is called when the user clicks on "logout" on the form * created when the parameter $checkCurrentUser of the * {@link __construct constructor} was set to TRUE and the user was * currently logged in. * * @return HTTPResponse */ public function logout() { return Security::singleton()->logout(); } /** * Try to authenticate the user * * @param array $data Submitted data * @return Member Returns the member object on successful authentication * or NULL on failure. */ public function performLogin($data) { $member = call_user_func_array( [$this->authenticator_class, 'authenticate'], [$data, $this->form] ); if ($member) { $member->LogIn(isset($data['Remember'])); return $member; } // No member, can't login $this->extend('authenticationFailed', $data); return null; } /** * Forgot password form handler method. * Called when the user clicks on "I've lost my password". * Extensions can use the 'forgotPassword' method to veto executing * the logic, by returning FALSE. In this case, the user will be redirected back * to the form without further action. It is recommended to set a message * in the form detailing why the action was denied. * * @skipUpgrade * @param array $data Submitted data * @return HTTPResponse */ public function forgotPassword($data) { // Ensure password is given if (empty($data['Email'])) { $this->form->sessionMessage( _t('Member.ENTEREMAIL', 'Please enter an email address to get a password reset link.'), 'bad' ); return $this->redirectToLostPassword(); } // Find existing member /** @var Member $member */ $member = Member::get()->filter("Email", $data['Email'])->first(); // Allow vetoing forgot password requests $results = $this->extend('forgotPassword', $member); if ($results && is_array($results) && in_array(false, $results, true)) { return $this->redirectToLostPassword(); } if ($member) { $token = $member->generateAutologinTokenAndStoreHash(); Email::create() ->setHTMLTemplate('SilverStripe\\Control\\Email\\ForgotPasswordEmail') ->setData($member) ->setSubject(_t('Member.SUBJECTPASSWORDRESET', "Your password reset link", 'Email subject')) ->addData('PasswordResetLink', Security::getPasswordResetLink($member, $token)) ->setTo($member->Email) ->send(); } // Avoid information disclosure by displaying the same status, // regardless wether the email address actually exists $link = Controller::join_links( Security::singleton()->Link('passwordsent'), rawurlencode($data['Email']), '/' ); return $this->redirect($this->addBackURLParam($link)); } /** * Invoked if password is expired and must be changed * * @skipUpgrade * @return HTTPResponse */ protected function redirectToChangePassword() { $cp = ChangePasswordForm::create($this->form->getController(), 'ChangePasswordForm'); $cp->sessionMessage( _t('Member.PASSWORDEXPIRED', 'Your password has expired. Please choose a new one.'), 'good' ); $changedPasswordLink = Security::singleton()->Link('changepassword'); return $this->redirect($this->addBackURLParam($changedPasswordLink)); } }