interface i18nEntityProvider {
* Example usage:
* class MyTestClass implements i18nEntityProvider {
* function provideI18nEntities() {
* $entities = array();
* foreach($this->stat('my_static_array) as $key => $value) {
* $entities["MyTestClass.my_static_array_{$key}"] = array(
* $value,
* 'My context description'
* );
* }
* return $entities;
* }
* public static function my_static_array() {
* $t_my_static_array = array();
* foreach(self::$my_static_array as $k => $v) {
* $t_my_static_array[$k] = _t("MyTestClass.my_static_array_{$key}", $v);
* }
* return $t_my_static_array;
* }
* }
* Example usage in {@link DataObject->provideI18nEntities()}.
* You can ask textcollector to add the provided entity to a different module
* than the class is contained in by adding a 4th argument to the array:
* class MyTestClass implements i18nEntityProvider {
* function provideI18nEntities() {
* $entities = array();
* $entities["MyOtherModuleClass.MYENTITY"] = array(
* $value,
* 'My context description',
* 'myothermodule'
* );
* }
* return $entities;
* }
* @return array All entites in an associative array, with
* entity name as the key, and a numerical array of pseudo-arguments
* for _t() as a value.
public function provideI18nEntities();