'$Action', ); private static $casting = array( 'Value' => 'DBFile', 'UploadFieldThumbnailURL' => 'Varchar' ); /** * Template to use for the file button widget * * @var string */ protected $templateFileButtons = null; /** * Parent data record. Will be infered from parent form or controller if blank. The destination * DBFile should be a property of the name $name on this object. * * @var DataObject */ protected $record; /** * Config for this field used in the front-end javascript * (will be merged into the config of the javascript file upload plugin). * * @var array */ protected $ufConfig = array(); /** * Front end config defaults * * @config * @var array */ private static $defaultConfig = array( /** * Automatically upload the file once selected * * @var boolean */ 'autoUpload' => true, /** * Can the user upload new files. * String values are interpreted as permission codes. * * @var boolean|string */ 'canUpload' => true, /** * Shows the target folder for new uploads in the field UI. * Disable to keep the internal filesystem structure hidden from users. * * @var boolean|string */ 'canPreviewFolder' => true, /** * Indicate a change event to the containing form if an upload * or file edit/delete was performed. * * @var boolean */ 'changeDetection' => true, /** * Maximum width of the preview thumbnail * * @var integer */ 'previewMaxWidth' => 80, /** * Maximum height of the preview thumbnail * * @var integer */ 'previewMaxHeight' => 60, /** * javascript template used to display uploading files * * @see javascript/UploadField_uploadtemplate.js * @var string */ 'uploadTemplateName' => 'ss-uploadfield-uploadtemplate', /** * javascript template used to display already uploaded files * * @see javascript/UploadField_downloadtemplate.js * @var string */ 'downloadTemplateName' => 'ss-uploadfield-downloadtemplate' ); /** * Folder to display in "Select files" list. * Defaults to listing all files regardless of folder. * The folder path should be relative to the webroot. * See {@link FileField->folderName} to set the upload target instead. * * @var string * @example admin/folder/subfolder */ protected $displayFolderName; /** * Construct a new UploadField instance * * @param string $name The internal field name, passed to forms. * @param string $title The field label. */ public function __construct($name, $title = null) { $this->addExtraClass('ss-upload'); // class, used by js $this->addExtraClass('ss-uploadfield'); // class, used by css for uploadfield only $this->ufConfig = array_merge($this->ufConfig, self::config()->defaultConfig); parent::__construct($name, $title); // AssetField always uses rename replacement method $this->getUpload()->setReplaceFile(false); // filter out '' since this would be a regex problem on JS end $this->getValidator()->setAllowedExtensions( array_filter(File::config()->allowed_extensions) ); // get the lower max size $maxUpload = File::ini2bytes(ini_get('upload_max_filesize')); $maxPost = File::ini2bytes(ini_get('post_max_size')); $this->getValidator()->setAllowedMaxFileSize(min($maxUpload, $maxPost)); } /** * Set name of template used for Buttons on each file (replace, edit, remove, delete) (without path or extension) * * @param string * @return $this */ public function setTemplateFileButtons($template) { $this->templateFileButtons = $template; return $this; } /** * @return string */ public function getTemplateFileButtons() { return $this->_templates($this->templateFileButtons, '_FileButtons'); } /** * Determine if the target folder for new uploads in is visible the field UI. * * @return boolean */ public function canPreviewFolder() { if(!$this->isActive()) { return false; } $can = $this->getConfig('canPreviewFolder'); if(is_bool($can)) { return $can; } return Permission::check($can); } /** * Determine if the target folder for new uploads in is visible the field UI. * Disable to keep the internal filesystem structure hidden from users. * * @param boolean|string $canPreviewFolder Either a boolean flag, or a * required permission code * @return $this Self reference */ public function setCanPreviewFolder($canPreviewFolder) { return $this->setConfig('canPreviewFolder', $canPreviewFolder); } /** * @param string * @return $this */ public function setDisplayFolderName($name) { $this->displayFolderName = $name; return $this; } /** * @return string */ public function getDisplayFolderName() { return $this->displayFolderName; } /** * Force a record to be used as "Parent" for uploaded Files (eg a Page with a has_one to File) * * @param DataObject $record * @return $this */ public function setRecord($record) { $this->record = $record; return $this; } /** * Get the record to use as "Parent" for uploaded Files (eg a Page with a has_one to File) If none is set, it will * use Form->getRecord(). * * @return DataObject */ public function getRecord() { if (!$this->record && $this->form && ($record = $this->form->getRecord()) && $record instanceof DataObject ) { $this->record = $record; } return $this->record; } public function setValue($value, $record = null) { // Extract value from underlying record if(empty($value) && $this->getName() && $record instanceof DataObject) { $name = $this->getName(); $value = $record->$name; } // Convert asset container to tuple value if($value instanceof AssetContainer) { if($value->exists()) { $value = array( 'Filename' => $value->getFilename(), 'Hash' => $value->getHash(), 'Variant' => $value->getVariant() ); } else { $value = null; } } // If javascript is disabled, direct file upload (non-html5 style) can // trigger a single or multiple file submission. Note that this may be // included in addition to re-submitted File IDs as above, so these // should be added to the list instead of operated on independently. if($uploadedFile = $this->extractUploadedFileData($value)) { $value = $this->saveTemporaryFile($uploadedFile, $error); if(!$value) { throw new ValidationException($error); } } // Set value using parent return parent::setValue($value, $record); } public function Value() { // Re-override FileField Value to use data value return $this->dataValue(); } public function saveInto(DataObjectInterface $record) { // Check required relation details are available $name = $this->getName(); if(!$name) { return $this; } $value = $this->Value(); foreach(array('Filename', 'Hash', 'Variant') as $part) { $partValue = isset($value[$part]) ? $value[$part] : null; $record->setField("{$name}{$part}", $partValue); } return $this; } /** * Assign a front-end config variable for the upload field * * @see https://github.com/blueimp/jQuery-File-Upload/wiki/Options for the list of front end options available * * @param string $key * @param mixed $val * @return $this self reference */ public function setConfig($key, $val) { $this->ufConfig[$key] = $val; return $this; } /** * Gets a front-end config variable for the upload field * * @see https://github.com/blueimp/jQuery-File-Upload/wiki/Options for the list of front end options available * * @param string $key * @return mixed */ public function getConfig($key) { if(isset($this->ufConfig[$key])) { return $this->ufConfig[$key]; } } /** * Determine if the field should automatically upload the file. * * @return boolean */ public function getAutoUpload() { return $this->getConfig('autoUpload'); } /** * Determine if the field should automatically upload the file * * @param boolean $autoUpload * @return $this Self reference */ public function setAutoUpload($autoUpload) { return $this->setConfig('autoUpload', $autoUpload); } /** * Determine if the user has permission to upload. * * @return boolean */ public function canUpload() { if(!$this->isActive()) { return false; } $can = $this->getConfig('canUpload'); if(is_bool($can)) { return $can; } return Permission::check($can); } /** * Specify whether the user can upload files. * String values will be treated as required permission codes * * @param bool|string $canUpload Either a boolean flag, or a required * permission code * @return $this Self reference */ public function setCanUpload($canUpload) { return $this->setConfig('canUpload', $canUpload); } /** * Returns true if the field is neither readonly nor disabled * * @return bool */ public function isActive() { return !$this->isDisabled() && !$this->isReadonly(); } /** * Gets thumbnail width. Defaults to 80 * * @return int */ public function getPreviewMaxWidth() { return $this->getConfig('previewMaxWidth'); } /** * Set thumbnail width. * * @param int $previewMaxWidth * @return $this Self reference */ public function setPreviewMaxWidth($previewMaxWidth) { return $this->setConfig('previewMaxWidth', $previewMaxWidth); } /** * Gets thumbnail height. Defaults to 60 * * @return int */ public function getPreviewMaxHeight() { return $this->getConfig('previewMaxHeight'); } /** * Set thumbnail height. * * @param int $previewMaxHeight * @return $this Self reference */ public function setPreviewMaxHeight($previewMaxHeight) { return $this->setConfig('previewMaxHeight', $previewMaxHeight); } /** * javascript template used to display uploading files * Defaults to 'ss-uploadfield-uploadtemplate' * * @see javascript/UploadField_uploadtemplate.js * @return string */ public function getUploadTemplateName() { return $this->getConfig('uploadTemplateName'); } /** * Set javascript template used to display uploading files * * @param string $uploadTemplateName * @return $this Self reference */ public function setUploadTemplateName($uploadTemplateName) { return $this->setConfig('uploadTemplateName', $uploadTemplateName); } /** * javascript template used to display already uploaded files * Defaults to 'ss-downloadfield-downloadtemplate' * * @see javascript/DownloadField_downloadtemplate.js * @return string */ public function getDownloadTemplateName() { return $this->getConfig('downloadTemplateName'); } /** * Set javascript template used to display already uploaded files * * @param string $downloadTemplateName * @return $this Self reference */ public function setDownloadTemplateName($downloadTemplateName) { return $this->setConfig('downloadTemplateName', $downloadTemplateName); } public function extraClass() { if($this->isDisabled()) { $this->addExtraClass('disabled'); } if($this->isReadonly()) { $this->addExtraClass('readonly'); } return parent::extraClass(); } public function Field($properties = array()) { Requirements::javascript(THIRDPARTY_DIR . '/jquery/jquery.js'); Requirements::javascript(THIRDPARTY_DIR . '/jquery-ui/jquery-ui.js'); Requirements::javascript(THIRDPARTY_DIR . '/jquery-entwine/dist/jquery.entwine-dist.js'); Requirements::javascript(FRAMEWORK_ADMIN_DIR . '/client/dist/js/ssui.core.js'); Requirements::add_i18n_javascript(FRAMEWORK_DIR . '/client/lang'); Requirements::combine_files('uploadfield.js', array( // @todo jquery templates is a project no longer maintained and should be retired at some point. THIRDPARTY_DIR . '/javascript-templates/tmpl.js', THIRDPARTY_DIR . '/javascript-loadimage/load-image.js', THIRDPARTY_DIR . '/jquery-fileupload/jquery.iframe-transport.js', THIRDPARTY_DIR . '/jquery-fileupload/cors/jquery.xdr-transport.js', THIRDPARTY_DIR . '/jquery-fileupload/jquery.fileupload.js', THIRDPARTY_DIR . '/jquery-fileupload/jquery.fileupload-ui.js', FRAMEWORK_DIR . '/client/dist/js/UploadField_uploadtemplate.js', FRAMEWORK_DIR . '/client/dist/js/UploadField_downloadtemplate.js', FRAMEWORK_DIR . '/client/dist/js/UploadField.js', )); Requirements::css(THIRDPARTY_DIR . '/jquery-ui-themes/smoothness/jquery-ui.css'); // TODO hmmm, remove it? Requirements::css(FRAMEWORK_DIR . '/client/dist/styles/UploadField.css'); // Calculated config as per jquery.fileupload-ui.js $config = array( 'allowedMaxFileNumber' => 1, // Only one file allowed for AssetField 'url' => $this->Link('upload'), 'urlSelectDialog' => $this->Link('select'), 'urlAttach' => $this->Link('attach'), 'urlFileExists' => $this->link('fileexists'), 'acceptFileTypes' => '.+$', // Fileupload treats maxNumberOfFiles as the max number of _additional_ items allowed 'maxNumberOfFiles' => $this->Value() ? 0 : 1, 'replaceFile' => false, // Should always be false for AssetField ); // Validation: File extensions if ($allowedExtensions = $this->getAllowedExtensions()) { $config['acceptFileTypes'] = '(\.|\/)(' . implode('|', $allowedExtensions) . ')$'; $config['errorMessages']['acceptFileTypes'] = _t( 'File.INVALIDEXTENSIONSHORT', 'Extension is not allowed' ); } // Validation: File size if ($allowedMaxFileSize = $this->getValidator()->getAllowedMaxFileSize()) { $config['maxFileSize'] = $allowedMaxFileSize; $config['errorMessages']['maxFileSize'] = _t( 'File.TOOLARGESHORT', 'Filesize exceeds {size}', array('size' => File::format_size($config['maxFileSize'])) ); } $mergedConfig = array_merge($config, $this->ufConfig); return $this->customise(array( 'ConfigString' => Convert::raw2json($mergedConfig), 'UploadFieldFileButtons' => $this->renderWith($this->getTemplateFileButtons()) ))->renderWith($this->getTemplates()); } /** * Validation method for this field, called when the entire form is validated * * @param Validator $validator * @return boolean */ public function validate($validator) { $name = $this->getName(); $value = $this->Value(); // If there is no file then quit if(!$value) { return true; } // Revalidate each file against nested validator $this->getUpload()->clearErrors(); // Generate $_FILES style file attribute array for upload validator $store = $this->getAssetStore(); $mime = $store->getMimeType($value['Filename'], $value['Hash'], $value['Variant']); $metadata = $store->getMetadata($value['Filename'], $value['Hash'], $value['Variant']); $tmpFile = array( 'name' => $value['Filename'], 'type' => $mime, 'size' => isset($metadata['size']) ? $metadata['size'] : 0, 'tmp_name' => null, // Should bypass is_uploaded_file check 'error' => UPLOAD_ERR_OK, ); $this->getUpload()->validate($tmpFile); // Check all errors if($errors = $this->getUpload()->getErrors()) { foreach($errors as $error) { $validator->validationError($name, $error, "validation"); } return false; } return true; } /** * Given an array of post variables, extract all temporary file data into an array * * @param array $postVars Array of posted form data * @return array data for uploaded file */ protected function extractUploadedFileData($postVars) { // Note: Format of posted file parameters in php is a feature of using // for multiple file uploads // Skip empty file if(empty($postVars['tmp_name'])) { return null; } // Return single level array for posted file /** @skipUpgrade */ if(empty($postVars['tmp_name']['Upload'])) { return $postVars; } // Extract posted feedback value $tmpFile = array(); foreach(array('name', 'type', 'tmp_name', 'error', 'size') as $field) { /** @skipUpgrade */ $tmpFile[$field] = $postVars[$field]['Upload']; } return $tmpFile; } /** * Loads the temporary file data into the asset store, and return the tuple details * for the result. * * @param array $tmpFile Temporary file data * @param string $error Error message * @return array Result of saved file, or null if error */ protected function saveTemporaryFile($tmpFile, &$error = null) { $error = null; if (empty($tmpFile)) { $error = _t('UploadField.FIELDNOTSET', 'File information not found'); return null; } if($tmpFile['error']) { $error = $tmpFile['error']; return null; } // Get the uploaded file into a new file object. try { $result = $this ->getUpload() ->load($tmpFile, $this->getFolderName()); } catch (Exception $e) { // we shouldn't get an error here, but just in case $error = $e->getMessage(); return null; } // Check if upload field has an error if ($this->getUpload()->isError()) { $error = implode(' ' . PHP_EOL, $this->getUpload()->getErrors()); return null; } // return tuple array of Filename, Hash and Variant return $result; } /** * Safely encodes the File object with all standard fields required * by the front end * * @param string $filename * @param string $hash * @param string $variant * @return array Encoded list of file attributes */ protected function encodeAssetAttributes($filename, $hash, $variant) { // Force regeneration of file thumbnail for this tuple (without saving into db) $object = DBFile::create(); $object->setValue(array('Filename' => $filename, 'Hash' => $hash, 'Variant' => $variant)); return array( 'filename' => $filename, 'hash' => $hash, 'variant' => $variant, 'name' => $object->getBasename(), 'url' => $object->getURL(), 'thumbnail_url' => $object->ThumbnailURL( $this->getPreviewMaxWidth(), $this->getPreviewMaxHeight() ), 'size' => $object->getAbsoluteSize(), 'type' => File::get_file_type($object->getFilename()), 'buttons' => (string)$this->renderWith($this->getTemplateFileButtons()), 'fieldname' => $this->getName() ); } /** * Action to handle upload of a single file * * @param SS_HTTPRequest $request * @return SS_HTTPResponse */ public function upload(SS_HTTPRequest $request) { if($this->isDisabled() || $this->isReadonly() || !$this->canUpload()) { return $this->httpError(403); } // Protect against CSRF on destructive action $token = $this ->getForm() ->getSecurityToken(); if(!$token->checkRequest($request)) { return $this->httpError(400); } // Get form details $name = $this->getName(); $postVars = $request->postVar($name); // Extract uploaded files from Form data $uploadedFile = $this->extractUploadedFileData($postVars); if(!$uploadedFile) { return $this->httpError(400); } // Save the temporary files into a File objects // and save data/error on a per file basis $result = $this->saveTemporaryFile($uploadedFile, $error); if(empty($result)) { $return = array('error' => $error); } else { $return = $this->encodeAssetAttributes($result['Filename'], $result['Hash'], $result['Variant']); } $this ->getUpload() ->clearErrors(); // Format response with json $response = new SS_HTTPResponse(Convert::raw2json(array($return))); $response->addHeader('Content-Type', 'text/plain'); return $response; } public function performReadonlyTransformation() { $clone = clone $this; $clone->addExtraClass('readonly'); $clone->setReadonly(true); return $clone; } /** * Gets the foreign class that needs to be created, or 'File' as default if there * is no relationship, or it cannot be determined. * * @param string $default Default value to return if no value could be calculated * @return string Foreign class name. */ public function getRelationAutosetClass($default = 'SilverStripe\\Assets\\File') { // Don't autodetermine relation if no relationship between parent record if(!$this->relationAutoSetting) return $default; // Check record and name $name = $this->getName(); $record = $this->getRecord(); if(empty($name) || empty($record)) { return $default; } else { $class = $record->getRelationClass($name); return empty($class) ? $default : $class; } } /** * @return AssetStore */ protected function getAssetStore() { return Injector::inst()->get('AssetStore'); } }