@silverstripe.com) */ class CsvBulkLoader extends BulkLoader { /** * Delimiter character (Default: comma). * * @var string */ public $delimiter = ','; /** * Enclosure character (Default: doublequote) * * @var string */ public $enclosure = '"'; /** * Identifies if the loaded file has a header row. * If a {@link self::$columnMap} is passed, we assume * the file has no headerrow, unless explicitly noted. * * @var boolean */ public $hasHeaderRow = false; protected function processAll($filepath, $preview = false) { $file = fopen($filepath, 'r'); if(!$file) return false; $return = new DataObjectSet(); if($this->hasHeaderRow && $this->columnMap) { $columnRow = fgetcsv($file, 0, $this->delimiter, $this->enclosure); $columnMap = array(); foreach($columnRow as $k => $origColumnName) { $origColumnName = trim($origColumnName); if(isset($this->columnMap[$origColumnName])) { $columnMap[$origColumnName] = $this->columnMap[$origColumnName]; } else { $columnMap[$origColumnName] = null; } } } elseif($this->columnMap) { $columnMap = $this->columnMap; } else { // assuming that first row is column naming if no columnmap is passed $columnRow = fgetcsv($file, 0, $this->delimiter, $this->enclosure); $columnMap = array_combine($columnRow, $columnRow); } $rowIndex = 0; while (($row = fgetcsv($file, 0, $this->delimiter, $this->enclosure)) !== FALSE) { $rowIndex++; /* // the columnMap should have the same amount of columns as each record row if(count(array_keys($columnMap)) == count(array_values($row))) { user_error("CsvBulkLoader::processAll(): Columns in row {$rowIndex} don't match the \$columnMap", E_USER_WARNING); } */ $indexedRow = array(); foreach($columnMap as $origColumnName => $fieldName) { // in case the row has less fields than the columnmap, // ignore the "leftover" mappings if(!isset($row[count($indexedRow)])) { user_error("CsvBulkLoader::processAll(): Columns in row {$rowIndex} don't match the \$columnMap", E_USER_NOTICE); continue; } $indexedRow[$origColumnName] = $row[count($indexedRow)]; } $return->push($this->processRecord($indexedRow, $columnMap)); } fclose($file); return $return; } protected function processRecord($record, $columnMap, $preview = false) { $class = $this->objectClass; // find existing object, or create new one $existingObj = $this->findExistingObject($record, $columnMap); $obj = ($existingObj) ? $existingObj : new $class(); // first run: find/create any relations and store them on the object // we can't combine runs, as other columns might rely on the relation being present $relations = array(); foreach($record as $origColumnName => $val) { $fieldName = $columnMap[$origColumnName]; // don't bother querying of value is not set if($this->isNullValue($val)) continue; // checking for existing relations if(isset($this->relationCallbacks[$fieldName])) { // trigger custom search method for finding a relation based on the given value // and write it back to the relation (or create a new object) $relationName = $this->relationCallbacks[$fieldName]['relationname']; $relationObj = $obj->{$this->relationCallbacks[$fieldName]['callback']}($val, $record); if(!$relationObj || !$relationObj->exists()) { $relationClass = $obj->has_one($relationName); $relationObj = new $relationClass(); $relationObj->write(); } $obj->setComponent($relationName, $relationObj); $obj->{"{$relationName}ID"} = $relationObj->ID; $obj->write(); } elseif(strpos($fieldName, '.') !== false) { // we have a relation column with dot notation list($relationName,$columnName) = split('\.', $fieldName); $relationObj = $obj->getComponent($relationName); // always gives us an component (either empty or existing) $obj->setComponent($relationName, $relationObj); $relationObj->write(); $obj->{"{$relationName}ID"} = $relationObj->ID; $obj->write(); } $obj->flushCache(); // avoid relation caching confusion } $id = ($preview) ? 0 : $obj->write(); // second run: save data foreach($record as $origColumnName => $val) { $fieldName = $columnMap[$origColumnName]; if($this->isNullValue($val, $fieldName)) continue; if($obj->hasMethod("import{$fieldName}")) { $obj->{"import{$fieldName}"}($val, $record); } elseif(strpos($fieldName, '.') !== false) { // we have a relation column list($relationName,$columnName) = split('\.', $fieldName); $relationObj = $obj->getComponent($relationName); $relationObj->{$columnName} = $val; $relationObj->write(); $obj->flushCache(); // avoid relation caching confusion //} elseif($obj->hasField($fieldName) || $obj->hasMethod($fieldName)) { } else { // plain old value setter $obj->{$fieldName} = $val; } } $id = ($preview) ? 0 : $obj->write(); $action = 'create'; $message = ''; // memory usage unset($existingObj); unset($obj); return new ArrayData(array( 'id' => $id, 'action' => $action, 'message' => $message )); } /** * Find an existing objects based on one or more uniqueness * columns specified via {@link self::$duplicateChecks} * * @param array $record CSV data column * @param array $columnMap * @return unknown */ public function findExistingObject($record, $columnMap) { // checking for existing records (only if not already found) foreach($this->duplicateChecks as $fieldName => $duplicateCheck) { if(is_string($duplicateCheck)) { $SQL_fieldName = Convert::raw2sql($duplicateCheck); if(!isset($record[$fieldName])) { user_error("CsvBulkLoader:processRecord: Couldn't find duplicate identifier '{$fieldName}' in columns", E_USER_ERROR); } $SQL_fieldValue = $record[$fieldName]; $existingRecord = DataObject::get_one($this->objectClass, "`$SQL_fieldName` = '{$SQL_fieldValue}'"); if($existingRecord) return $existingRecord; } elseif(is_array($duplicateCheck) && isset($duplicateCheck['callback'])) { $existingRecord = singleton($this->objectClass)->{$duplicateCheck['callback']}($record[$fieldName], $record); if($existingRecord) return $existingRecord; } else { user_error('CsvBulkLoader:processRecord: Wrong format for $duplicateChecks', E_USER_ERROR); } } return false; } /** * Determine wether any loaded files should be parsed * with a header-row (otherwise we rely on {@link self::$columnMap}. * * @return boolean */ public function hasHeaderRow() { return ($this->hasHeaderRow || isset($this->columnMap)); } } ?>