objFromFixture('ErrorPage', '404'); $response = $this->get($page->URLSegment); /* A standard error is shown */ $this->assertEquals($response->getBody(), 'The requested page couldn\'t be found.', 'A standard error is shown'); /* When the page is published, an error page with the theme is shown instead */ $page->publish('Stage', 'Live', false); $response = $this->get($page->URLSegment); /* There is body text from the error page */ $this->assertNotNull($response->getBody(), 'We have body text from the error page'); /* Status code of the HTTPResponse for error page is "404" */ $this->assertEquals($response->getStatusCode(), '404', 'Status cod eof the HTTPResponse for error page is "404"'); /* Status message of the HTTPResponse for error page is "Not Found" */ $this->assertEquals($response->getStatusDescription(), 'Not Found', 'Status message of the HTTResponse for error page is "Not found"'); } function testBehaviourOfShowInMenuAndShowInSearchFlags() { $page = $this->objFromFixture('ErrorPage', '404'); /* Don't show the error page in the menus */ $this->assertEquals($page->ShowInMenus, 0, 'Don\'t show the error page in the menus'); /* Don't show the error page in the search */ $this->assertEquals($page->ShowInSearch, 0, 'Don\'t show the error page in search'); } } ?>