basePath = $basePath; // Initialise the dependency injector as soon as possible, as it is // subsequently used by some of the following code $injectorLoader = InjectorLoader::inst(); $injector = new Injector(array('locator' => SilverStripeServiceConfigurationLocator::class)); $injectorLoader->pushManifest($injector); $this->setInjectorLoader($injectorLoader); // Manifest cache factory $manifestCacheFactory = $this->buildManifestCacheFactory(); // Class loader $classLoader = ClassLoader::inst(); $classLoader->pushManifest(new ClassManifest($basePath, $manifestCacheFactory)); $this->setClassLoader($classLoader); // Module loader $moduleLoader = ModuleLoader::inst(); $moduleManifest = new ModuleManifest($basePath, $manifestCacheFactory); $moduleLoader->pushManifest($moduleManifest); $this->setModuleLoader($moduleLoader); // Config loader // @todo refactor CoreConfigFactory $configFactory = new CoreConfigFactory($manifestCacheFactory); $configManifest = $configFactory->createRoot(); $configLoader = ConfigLoader::inst(); $configLoader->pushManifest($configManifest); $this->setConfigLoader($configLoader); // Load template manifest $themeResourceLoader = ThemeResourceLoader::inst(); $themeResourceLoader->addSet('$default', new ThemeManifest( $basePath, null, // project is defined in config, and this argument is deprecated $manifestCacheFactory )); $this->setThemeResourceLoader($themeResourceLoader); } public function getEnvironment() { // Check set if ($this->enviroment) { return $this->enviroment; } // Check saved session $env = $this->sessionEnvironment(); if ($env) { return $env; } // Check getenv if ($env = Environment::getEnv('SS_ENVIRONMENT_TYPE')) { return $env; } return self::LIVE; } /** * Check or update any temporary environment specified in the session. * * @return null|string */ protected function sessionEnvironment() { // Check isDev in querystring if (isset($_GET['isDev'])) { if (isset($_SESSION)) { unset($_SESSION['isTest']); // In case we are changing from test mode $_SESSION['isDev'] = $_GET['isDev']; } return self::DEV; } // Check isTest in querystring if (isset($_GET['isTest'])) { if (isset($_SESSION)) { unset($_SESSION['isDev']); // In case we are changing from dev mode $_SESSION['isTest'] = $_GET['isTest']; } return self::TEST; } // Check session if (!empty($_SESSION['isDev'])) { return self::DEV; } if (!empty($_SESSION['isTest'])) { return self::TEST; } // no session environment return null; } public function boot($flush = false) { $this->bootPHP(); $this->bootManifests($flush); $this->bootErrorHandling(); $this->bootDatabaseEnvVars(); $this->bootConfigs(); $this->bootDatabaseGlobals(); $this->validateDatabase(); } /** * Include all _config.php files */ protected function bootConfigs() { global $project; $projectBefore = $project; $config = ModuleManifest::config(); // After loading all other app manifests, include _config.php files $this->getModuleLoader()->getManifest()->activateConfig(); if ($project && $project !== $projectBefore) { Deprecation::notice('5.0', '$project global is deprecated'); $config->set('project', $project); } } /** * Load default database configuration from the $database and $databaseConfig globals */ protected function bootDatabaseGlobals() { // Now that configs have been loaded, we can check global for database config global $databaseConfig; global $database; // Case 1: $databaseConfig global exists. Merge $database in as needed if (!empty($databaseConfig)) { if (!empty($database)) { $databaseConfig['database'] = $this->getDatabasePrefix() . $database; } // Only set it if its valid, otherwise ignore $databaseConfig entirely if (!empty($databaseConfig['database'])) { DB::setConfig($databaseConfig); return; } } // Case 2: $database merged into existing config if (!empty($database)) { $existing = DB::getConfig(); $existing['database'] = $this->getDatabasePrefix() . $database; DB::setConfig($existing); } } /** * Load default database configuration from environment variable */ protected function bootDatabaseEnvVars() { // Set default database config $databaseConfig = $this->getDatabaseConfig(); $databaseConfig['database'] = $this->getDatabaseName(); DB::setConfig($databaseConfig); } /** * Check that the database configuration is valid, throwing an HTTPResponse_Exception if it's not * * @throws HTTPResponse_Exception */ protected function validateDatabase() { $databaseConfig = DB::getConfig(); // Gracefully fail if no DB is configured if (empty($databaseConfig['database'])) { $this->detectLegacyEnvironment(); $this->redirectToInstaller(); } } /** * Check if there's a legacy _ss_environment.php file * * @throws HTTPResponse_Exception */ protected function detectLegacyEnvironment() { // Is there an _ss_environment.php file? if (!file_exists($this->basePath . '/_ss_environment.php') && !file_exists(dirname($this->basePath) . '/_ss_environment.php') ) { return; } // Build error response $dv = new DebugView(); $body = $dv->renderHeader() . $dv->renderInfo( "Configuraton Error", Director::absoluteBaseURL() ) . $dv->renderParagraph( 'You need to replace your _ss_environment.php file with a .env file, or with environment variables.

' . 'See the ' . 'Environment Management docs for more information.' ) . $dv->renderFooter(); // Raise error $response = new HTTPResponse($body, 500); throw new HTTPResponse_Exception($response); } /** * If missing configuration, redirect to install.php */ protected function redirectToInstaller() { // Error if installer not available if (!file_exists($this->basePath . '/install.php')) { throw new HTTPResponse_Exception( 'SilverStripe Framework requires a $databaseConfig defined.', 500 ); } // Redirect to installer $response = new HTTPResponse(); $response->redirect(Director::absoluteURL('install.php')); throw new HTTPResponse_Exception($response); } /** * Load database config from environment * * @return array */ protected function getDatabaseConfig() { /** @skipUpgrade */ $databaseConfig = [ "type" => Environment::getEnv('SS_DATABASE_CLASS') ?: 'MySQLDatabase', "server" => Environment::getEnv('SS_DATABASE_SERVER') ?: 'localhost', "username" => Environment::getEnv('SS_DATABASE_USERNAME') ?: null, "password" => Environment::getEnv('SS_DATABASE_PASSWORD') ?: null, ]; // Set the port if called for $dbPort = Environment::getEnv('SS_DATABASE_PORT'); if ($dbPort) { $databaseConfig['port'] = $dbPort; } // Set the timezone if called for $dbTZ = Environment::getEnv('SS_DATABASE_TIMEZONE'); if ($dbTZ) { $databaseConfig['timezone'] = $dbTZ; } // For schema enabled drivers: $dbSchema = Environment::getEnv('SS_DATABASE_SCHEMA'); if ($dbSchema) { $databaseConfig["schema"] = $dbSchema; } // For SQlite3 memory databases (mainly for testing purposes) $dbMemory = Environment::getEnv('SS_DATABASE_MEMORY'); if ($dbMemory) { $databaseConfig["memory"] = $dbMemory; } // Allow database adapters to handle their own configuration DatabaseAdapterRegistry::autoconfigure(); return $databaseConfig; } /** * @return string */ protected function getDatabasePrefix() { return Environment::getEnv('SS_DATABASE_PREFIX') ?: ''; } /** * Get name of database * * @return string */ protected function getDatabaseName() { // Check globals global $database; if (!empty($database)) { return $this->getDatabasePrefix() . $database; } global $databaseConfig; if (!empty($databaseConfig['database'])) { return $databaseConfig['database']; // Note: Already includes prefix } // Check environment $database = Environment::getEnv('SS_DATABASE_NAME'); if ($database) { return $this->getDatabasePrefix() . $database; } // Auto-detect name $chooseName = Environment::getEnv('SS_DATABASE_CHOOSE_NAME'); if ($chooseName) { // Find directory to build name from $loopCount = (int)$chooseName; $databaseDir = $this->basePath; for ($i = 0; $i < $loopCount-1; $i++) { $databaseDir = dirname($databaseDir); } // Build name $database = str_replace('.', '', basename($databaseDir)); $prefix = $this->getDatabasePrefix(); if ($prefix) { $prefix = 'SS_'; } else { // If no prefix, hard-code prefix into database global $prefix = ''; $database = 'SS_' . $database; } return $prefix . $database; } // no DB name (may be optional for some connectors) return null; } /** * Initialise PHP with default variables */ protected function bootPHP() { if ($this->getEnvironment() === self::LIVE) { // limited to fatal errors and warnings in live mode error_reporting(E_ALL & ~(E_DEPRECATED | E_STRICT | E_NOTICE)); } else { // Report all errors in dev / test mode error_reporting(E_ALL | E_STRICT); } /** * Ensure we have enough memory */ Environment::increaseMemoryLimitTo('64M'); // Ensure we don't run into xdebug's fairly conservative infinite recursion protection limit if (function_exists('xdebug_enable')) { $current = ini_get('xdebug.max_nesting_level'); if ((int)$current < 200) { ini_set('xdebug.max_nesting_level', 200); } } /** * Set default encoding */ mb_http_output('UTF-8'); mb_internal_encoding('UTF-8'); mb_regex_encoding('UTF-8'); /** * Enable better garbage collection */ gc_enable(); } /** * @return ManifestCacheFactory */ protected function buildManifestCacheFactory() { return new ManifestCacheFactory([ 'namespace' => 'manifestcache', 'directory' => TempFolder::getTempFolder($this->basePath), ]); } /** * @return bool */ protected function getIncludeTests() { return false; } /** * Boot all manifests * * @param bool $flush */ protected function bootManifests($flush) { // Setup autoloader $this->getClassLoader()->init($this->getIncludeTests(), $flush); // Find modules $this->getModuleLoader()->init($this->getIncludeTests(), $flush); // Flush config if ($flush) { $config = $this->getConfigLoader()->getManifest(); if ($config instanceof CachedConfigCollection) { $config->setFlush(true); } } // tell modules to sort, now that config is available $this->getModuleLoader()->getManifest()->sort(); // Find default templates $defaultSet = $this->getThemeResourceLoader()->getSet('$default'); if ($defaultSet instanceof ThemeManifest) { $defaultSet->setProject( ModuleManifest::config()->get('project') ); $defaultSet->init($this->getIncludeTests(), $flush); } } /** * Turn on error handling */ protected function bootErrorHandling() { // Register error handler $errorHandler = Injector::inst()->get(ErrorHandler::class); $errorHandler->start(); // Register error log file $errorLog = Environment::getEnv('SS_ERROR_LOG'); if ($errorLog) { $logger = Injector::inst()->get(LoggerInterface::class); if ($logger instanceof Logger) { $logger->pushHandler(new StreamHandler($this->basePath . '/' . $errorLog, Logger::WARNING)); } else { user_error("SS_ERROR_LOG setting only works with Monolog, you are using another logger", E_USER_WARNING); } } } public function shutdown() { } public function nest() { // Clone this kernel, nesting config / injector manifest containers $kernel = clone $this; $kernel->setConfigLoader($this->configLoader->nest()); $kernel->setInjectorLoader($this->injectorLoader->nest()); $kernel->nestedFrom = $this; return $kernel; } public function activate() { $this->configLoader->activate(); $this->injectorLoader->activate(); // Self register $this->getInjectorLoader() ->getManifest() ->registerService($this, Kernel::class); return $this; } public function getNestedFrom() { return $this->nestedFrom; } public function getContainer() { return $this->getInjectorLoader()->getManifest(); } public function setInjectorLoader(InjectorLoader $injectorLoader) { $this->injectorLoader = $injectorLoader; $injectorLoader ->getManifest() ->registerService($this, Kernel::class); return $this; } public function getInjectorLoader() { return $this->injectorLoader; } public function getClassLoader() { return $this->classLoader; } public function setClassLoader(ClassLoader $classLoader) { $this->classLoader = $classLoader; return $this; } public function getModuleLoader() { return $this->moduleLoader; } public function setModuleLoader(ModuleLoader $moduleLoader) { $this->moduleLoader = $moduleLoader; return $this; } public function setEnvironment($environment) { if (!in_array($environment, [self::DEV, self::TEST, self::LIVE, null])) { throw new InvalidArgumentException( "Director::set_environment_type passed '$environment'. It should be passed dev, test, or live" ); } $this->enviroment = $environment; return $this; } public function getConfigLoader() { return $this->configLoader; } public function setConfigLoader($configLoader) { $this->configLoader = $configLoader; return $this; } public function getThemeResourceLoader() { return $this->themeResourceLoader; } public function setThemeResourceLoader($themeResourceLoader) { $this->themeResourceLoader = $themeResourceLoader; return $this; } }